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Source: I work at Amazon, and have worked on Alexa

They don’t spy on you without your permission. Comments like these devalue actual instances where companies genuinely steal and manipulate data. Take the tin foil hat off…


If you had any remote idea about the tech industry, you’d know what kind of reputation Amazon has. If Amazon were stealing data, you can bet your ass that one of its employees (probably one of the ~6% that gets fired every year) would happily rat them out.

Comments like these amaze me. Even cesspools like Reddit and Twitter wouldn’t be so out of touch and stupid.


That doesn’t make any sense. If I were “higher up”, do you think I would be actually doing any IC work? I’d be in management, and probably won’t even know where to look at any of the fucking source code.

Feel free not to take my word for it, but also feel free to ask anyone that has any experience with Alexa, or anyone that has monitored traffic leaving the device.

Is Lemmy just full of conspiracy nuts or something?


That’s not how it works, at all, at ANY tech company. I know, because Amazon has a shared GitFarm, with detailed documentation on how things work, and most importantly the better part of a decade where no one inside or outside of the company has found the device “listening”.

I said it elsewhere, but will repeat since you clearly have no idea about the tech industry. Amazon treats it’s corp employees like shit. If ANYONE was going to leak shit about their employer doing something shitty, it would be an Amazon employee, especially since their URA process is so widely known.

IF Amazon get caught spying, they get everything that they deserve. I’ve never worked in the Ring org, so whatever they do is on them, and if they get caught being shitty with customer data they should be punished severely. What I can say, which (again) is backed by a decade of people not calling out the really-fucking-easily-verified fact that Alexa isn’t phoning home outside of the utterances you say to it. Wakewords don’t leave the device, they’re an offline trigger to get the “actual” content.

I’ll repeat it again, this is an insane take that I haven’t experienced after a decade of posting on Reddit and Twitter. Why is the fediverse full of conspiracy theorists that don’t do basic research before making statements?


Honestly, I’ve found this place to be a lot more toxic than Reddit, especially when it comes to tech.


Given that you’ve got some great answers already, there seems to be very few guides on how to deal with this sort of shit as a parent.

Gaming today is very different to what we grew up with, particularly microtransactions, and I think a lot of people would be surprised at how many kids spend insane amounts of money on things like FUT packs, VBucks, etc. Much of this is down to peer pressure, so saying shit like “my kid will never pay money on microtransactions” is wishful thinking.


I know it invites downvotes, but I really don’t get this.

Isn’t the entire point of federation to remove closed spaces? By blocking Threads, it basically means that the sole interaction many people will have with the fediverse is that it’s a closed ecosystem that deems itself too important to converse with you.

Even if you, like most, hate Meta, what have their users done wrong other than try to interact with your communities? If your fear is that Meta will control the fediverse, then you’ve built a closed ecosystem that’s essentially no different to Reddit. If your fear is that their community won’t like the same things you like, again, it’s a closed ecosystem.

The best thing the fediverse could do is to embrace threads. Make this place the best place on the internet, and make them want to actually join in. If they break rules, by all means, ban them, but to dismiss so many people is as closed as it gets.


He’s a white belt, so still very much at the beginner phase. He’ll also almost definitely be one of those celebs that only does privates and rarely spars.

He’ll almost definitely have strength and size at his disposal, but in terms of fighting, we’ve already kinda established what would happen at UFC 1. A skilled bodyguard would (I really hope) have solid grappling knowledge, alongside striking.


(Not my story, but a coworker)

This person started working for a large retailer. On their first week, they contributed a fix to a filtering system that inadvertently disabled the “adult” filter.

The team got paged, an error review took place, and we went through the impact of the error - a ~10% increase in sales worldwide, and the best sales outside of the holiday period.

On one hand, extremely damaging for the company. On the other, on his first week he delivered impact that exceeded the whole team’s goal for the year.

That person is now in senior management at a huge tech company.


Ryan Reynolds finest role in film was Van Wilder. Deadpool is basically Van Wilder in a costume.


Of course it is. Why ruin perfection?


This is the killer for me. Most people promote ISO 8601 as a “definitive” date structure, when it actually supports a lot of different formats. What they actually want is usually RFC 3339.


Is there a nightcore song that is actually any better than the original?

The only one I’ve ever heard is Freak Like Me by Hollywood Ending, but that seems to be the only genre it remotely works for, and most other songs just sound like a mess.


I’m not against bootcamps, but there are so many caveats.

  1. Most bootcamp instructors have no business teaching. They have no qualifications for it, and rarely have the experience to teach the subject matter.
  2. Many bootcamps are owned by agencies or companies looking for cheap labour, with many making false promises on employment - because they give them a temporary contract to get cheap devs. It was painful to see so many bootcamp grads last year, entering an empty market.
  3. They are often very expensive, to the point where I’ve worked with people woefully unqualified, who put up with so much shit because they’re in debt. They were promised a career, only to be taught just enough to do basic tasks in React, and then being limited in what they can do.
  4. You end up with a horrendous amount of imposter syndrome, in an industry where people already feel like frauds.
  5. I’m in the UK, and you wouldn’t believe how many people go to bootcamps and assume we’re all making £100k salaries. Hell, where I live, I regularly get roles for senior engineers that are £40k a year. A woman I used to work with gave up her £30k a year job to be a front-end developer for £20k, with zero benefits, no union, etc.

I doubt they would, at all.

It is in their best interest to give the UK the same standing it once had, because it will make any country think twice about leaving. The UK has suffered outside of the EU, and should it return and see growth, it’ll be the closest ally to the group that you could possibly have.


It’s a shame that Starmer won’t budge on it, although a part of me wonders if it is a ploy to get votes in, so that he can switch his stance once in power and do pretty much what he wants.

Like it or not, the gammon vote is quite powerful, but once his five year term is in, he could get back into the EU within 1-2 years, and take the next 3-4 benefitting from a stronger economy.


It wouldn’t be the exact same deal, because the world isn’t exactly the same as it was, but yes, I’d fully expect the UK to retain certain voting rights, to keep the pound, etc.

Treating the UK poorly would send a message to Eurosceptics that leaving is the point of no return. It would also mean there is one fewer nation to calm any sceptical nations to the power of a combined bloc.


Then it doesn’t rejoin. It’s pretty simple, really.

It also means that the UK stays as an anti-bloc voice, and it’s successes and failures define the EU.

It’s a really simple concept, and one that is widely shared by the likes of Ian Hislop and Oli Dugmore. If the EU are inflexible, it doesn’t particularly help with euroscepticism in the UK and the EU.


I mean, I’ve watched Eurovision before.

Besides, my point is almost entirely around the UK’s viewpoint of the EU. The terms of rejoining are irrelevant unless the UK public would back it without kicking off.

Spam calls and texts are driving me fing crazy anyone have suggestions?

After repeated data breaches that no company really seems to give a s— about my phone is blowing up with literally hundreds of spam calls and texts month. I get and make MAAAAYBE 2 or 3 important calls per month, 180-200 of the rest are literally all spam. Anyone have any suggestions, apps ect that they have found refuge with?...


I love this feature so much. While I feel like the Pixel misses a lot of cool features from OnePlus and Samsung, this is IMO a killer feature.


Hank is also mostly a product of his environment, yet a caring father that accepts his family for who they are. If all boomers were like Hank Hill, we’d all be happy.


A cheap robot vacuum.

My wife was against it, so I bought it in secret, let it run around the house during the day, and she was amazed at all the cleaning I was doing. A few months later, I let her into my dark secret, and now she loves it too.

Speaking of wife, I bought her a hooded blanket with an electric warming bag a few years ago. Within 3-5 minutes it’s nice and toasty, and she’s used it practically every day since I bought it.


Funny enough, it was a conservative government pushing it too.

It’s not that crazy, considering it won’t affect older people. Old Tories can continue to smoke while the young can’t, it’s basically the Tory way.


This isn’t even remotely accurate. The average person isn’t a PC gamer.

The reason is because for the average person, Windows “works”. It works with the applications they know, it looks and acts like they remember, they can get it repaired, and there is zero incentive to change.

Furthermore, Linux isn’t as user-friendly as Windows on the desktop. The average user doesn’t give a fuck about the terminal, privacy, ads, or any of the shit other people care about.

When someone creates a distro that has 99% support for all Windows applications, zero maintenance, no need to ever touch a terminal or change a config file, and comes preinstalled on the crappy machines they buy from the supermarket, then Linux has a chance.


My wife went to school with someone from a popular TV show a few years back, where she’d be in sex scenes fairly frequently (from what I hear, I watched a few episodes and hated it). She had a long-term boyfriend at the time, and it didn’t take long for him to not be cool with it.

She also went to school with a musician that had a stab at a solo career. She had some raunchy scenes in a music vid, and that quickly led to her breaking up with her boyfriend.

Those are my only two frames of reference, but I imagine it’s quite hard to deal with emotionally, even if you know it meant nothing and is just a part of the job.


YES! I wish more people knew about RFC 3339. While I’m all for ISO 1601, it’s a bit too loose in its requirements at times, and people often end up surprised that it’s just not the format they picked…


Congrats on getting this right!


This. This is how you get me to try your programming language.


I prefer RFC 3339, less ambiguous.


No, not really. They kinda created the culture where tech workers can work on moonshot ideas while having a great income and zero personal risk. Sadly, that culture is dying out with recent layoffs, but many people in tech worked on a lot of cool stuff that worked out (and even more that didn’t).


You kinda need other commenters for that to happen…


Fucking hell, he’s been with them for close to 20 years, basically half of his working life. He’s been there through a lot of shit too, and basically kept The Escapist going through setbacks, cuts, and more.

I would have assumed he’d be largely untouchable there, so to make a decision that led him to resign immediately is absolutely wild.

To be fair, I quite liked Extra Punctuation, and I’ve always thought he would now be recognisable enough to either go alone, or actually be in front of a screen without animation. This could work out really well for him.


Honestly, I don’t think the company needs to be dissolved, but I think that accountability for the law should exist at director level and up. For a company the size of Amazon, that’s probably around 100 people that should face the consequences - and that’s only the retail org.

The best description of Amazon is that it is a management company. It’s not a retailer, or a tech company. It’s output is its management process, and it’s this that it uses to build products in different markets.

So, remove the source of those processes. Let people move up to higher roles, and let someone not breaking the law take the senior positions.


I don’t really think there is a special relationship any more.

Iraq war aside, there hasn’t really been much of a relationship. Brexit helped destroy this, because we’re now a tiny country begging for trade deals with nothing other than a weak pound and cheap labour to offer, with zero desire to engage with the US’s poor food standards and heavily privatised healthcare industry. Biden has been closer to Ireland, if anything, and probably for good reason.

What is very surprising is that the US hasn’t engaged in a trade deal to install parts of their tech infrastructure here, or to allow US students cisa options to live/stay here, given the UK has world-class universities. Pair this with a UK-specific visa akin to what Australia has with the US, and it gives benefits to both sides.

The special relationship was always a bit of a meme here in the UK anyway. Tony Blair was Bush’s lapdog, because it kept him looking powerful.


Sunk cost, I guess. A lot of people in the crypto industry are still here because they don’t want to admit that they were wrong about it.

The vanishing of the small high-end smartphone (

Manufacturers don’t make displays under 6 inches available for purchase, with special cases (such as the iPhone Mini) being made under exclusive contracts. The best lead they have so far is to try to use displays designed for the front part of a foldable phone, but they’re yet to strike an agreement....


Most of the issues people have with Android are one and the same. Compared to a decade ago, there isn’t any choice any more

Years ago, there was almost too much variety at times, and manufacturers would experiment heavily alongside Google. Some phones had physical keyboards, some had no headphone jacks, some had no physical buttons at all, and they came in either stupidly small or (at the time) freakishly large.

Now, for some reason Android feels very sanitized, even the shite that manufacturers stick on top of stock to make it feel like it’s their product and not Google’s. There aren’t even that many manufacturers any more, and unlike the past when Android embraced being a bit different, it all feels like everyone is trying to follow Apple instead of Android leading the pack…


The only right choice here, although as a filthy southerner, I haven’t seen dandelion and burdock for years!


I like Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. It’s basically playfighting for adults, and after several years of it, I don’t feel so useless whenever I spar with newer, larger people.

Alongside this, I started cooking during lockdown, and have got pretty good.


It’s mental that after years of Jassy running the show, no one knows who he is, and everyone still believes Bezos is in charge.

Jassy’s legacy at Amazon is RTO, and that’s hugely depressing, to the point where if Amazon continue to lose market share, I think they should look towards a new CEO.


I think it dragged on in places, but the ending was an absolute masterpiece. My fear was a half-assed resolution, but they had clearly planned how to end the show, and everyone’s ending was perfect and final.


As a long-time Reddit user, before the Digg users joined, there are parallels to what Lemmy is now.

Frankly, I don’t give a fuck about the Fediverse. It’s a nice idea, sure, but the average person really doesn’t care. What I like is having a sane Reddit alternative with decent apps, so I can look at memes while I take a dump.

If there’s something to dislike, it’s the lack of content. There are no alternatives to many of the subreddits I used to frequent, like Hajime No Ippo and BJJ.


Couldn’t agree more. My takeaway from three years working at a VC is that investors are fucking idiots, and lying to get investment is basically normal.


This has all the makings of a hit movie. It’s basically Death Note, but OP has to nut to seal the deal.


Eh, the UK isn’t in the best situation, in terms of big tech. If anything, most FAANG companies have got away without paying any tax here for over a decade because the alternative is they ship all of their jobs elsewhere, and the UK tech scene implodes.

I think a UK court would likely stand up for the British company, as they should, but I would expect Meta to be allowed to throw their weight around a little.


Probably not. They’ll farm the jobs off to Berlin, most likely.

With that said, I’d be shocked if the inevitable UK/US trade deal didn’t include some degree of visa. British workers are cheap as fuck, and our service industries already do a lot of cheap labour for US companies that don’t want to pay domestic workers.


As a long-time IBS sufferer, I’m always happy to see memes about getting the shits, because it makes me feel less alone.

Since everything seems to fuck my stomach up, I eat mexican food all the time. If I’m going to spend my evening on the toilet, I may as well enjoy myself!


Ender’s Game.

Hate the author, love the series. I’ve never been more angry with a movie, and a TV series with someone that’s actually read the books BUT has also largely disassociated from OSC would go a long way towards repairing things.

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