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It’s really a great ton of fun, but you have to find logistics/transportation/exploration and a little stealth fun. It’s not a “Little something for everyone” type of game. But if you like games like Snowrunner, truck simulators, or Elite Dangerous or if you just have a penchant for hiking/mountaineering, it’s the only real AAA game of its kind and you’ll like it a lot. Also while the story is somewhat nonsense, the worldbuilding and general “vibe” you get while playing it really revolted it above even it’s gameplay.


It’s actually kind of funny because that new Snowrunner spinoff game looks to have been inspired by the gameplay loop of Death Stranding too.


Yeah just tie down a poor girl and entangle your finances and entire futures just so you can get off, what can go wrong


Sounds accurate to the east coast from NYC to Florida. Is it better out west?


I was thinking Toph while reading your comment lol. And in case anyone feels like Toph is “fixing” disabilities with convenient magic, ATLA also addressed disability in non-magic people as well too with Teo, the inventors son who is in what is effectively a wheel chair, who even takes part in a naval invasion.


It doesn’t get better either. The entire main story is just so contrived and boring.


I’ve never been to a ren fair in my life but I can feel it in my bones that this is one of those eyeroll inducing things where a million of people have done it but they all think they’re the first.

Same probably goes for Doctor Who.


I mean it kinda seems like there’s exactly one way to do it. They’re not elaborate costumes by any means, and they’re uniforms so you can’t exactly get creative with it.


The complaints I’ve seen are that the brand new economic simulation is largely fake. This was proven, though the developers denied this and said that it was a “bug”. I’ve taken a step back from the game until that sorts itself out.


Well performance is passable and always fixable. A fake economy is forever.


A fake economy wouldn’t be fixable with a DLC. It’s a fundamental and inseparable part of the simulation. If the economy is fake, then it’s fake for good I’m afraid. The thing about cities skylines DLC as well is that they’re all just bolted on. None of the CS1 DLC made any changes to the way the game worked, which made it so that DLCs didn’t even integrate with eachother. Thats why the fishing industries from the Sunset Harbor expansion didn’t function with the industries DLC. We are stuck with whatever the simulation is in CS2, for better or worse.


Because the economy is the basis for the rest of the simulation. It’s not something you can just refactor in a DLC, you’d have to practically rebuild the game from the ground up around it. Which isn’t technically impossible, but the likelihood of it happening are slim to none. The proof of this is CO’s last game Cities Skylines, and in fact the very existence of CS2. They added snow and snow related services in a DLC, but they couldn’t/wouldn’t implement it into the base game, or even implement it into existing maps. Then they released the industries DLC which overhauled industry mechanics, but when they released DLCs later that added new industries, they couldn’t / wouldn’t integrate them with the same system used in the industries DLC. And those were incremental new features, not total rewrites of how the city’s economy works. Half the reason Cities Skylines 2 exists is so they could actually roll all the changes made over the years by DLC into the actual base game. CS2 is little more than a refactor at this stage.

And the economy isn’t fake in the same way all economies are fake. It’s fake in that it seemingly doesn’t exist. There are numbers and graphs and features in the game’s UI that don’t actually correlate to existing parts of the simulation. At least, that’s the way it appears, given extensive testing by the community. The developers have insisted these mechanics do exist, they’re just broken. We’ll have to wait and see, which is what I’m doing.


You’re not wrong that it is technically possible. However historically speaking colossal order has not been willing or capable of doing that so I wouldn’t bet money on it. Half the reason CS2 exists in the first place is actually implement things that were added by DLC to CS1 into a bad game.


Cities Skylines simulation didn’t have an economy to run on, correct. But CS2 allegedly does run on its economy, that’s the entire point, whether or not it does so. Thats is CS2’s big differentiator between itself and CS1. It’s their highlight feature and centerpiece of their marketing prior to release.

Either CS2’s simulation is powered by its economy, or it isn’t. If it is, then it will work fine once they will fix whatever is allegedly broken. If it isn’t, then the development team lied and the odds that they will at some point in time refactor the entire simulation to fundamentally change how it works are slim to none, and we know that because over CS1’s entire lifespan they never bothered to do this for even simple mechanics like snowfall, much less the entire economy simulation.

What you believe is technologically possible is irrelevant, when we have almost a decade of Colossal Order history to inform us on what will happen lol. I think you’re vastly overestimating the value of what you consider your game dev experience when talking about this company.


If Jesus really turned water into wine then what would you call that if not alchemy?


The good news is the second game and to be much more than that. Definitely not there yet though.


I think it’s every chick-fil-a


Because it’s worse inside. Trust me on this lmao.


Idk before our Chick-Fil-A added the second line and started with the iPads, the line extended out onto the four lane road leading into the parking lot and back a block or two.


It’s not that good compared to any food that isn’t fast food, but compared to other fast food joints it’s hard to beat on quality alone.


Chick-fil-a chicken is fried. You really shouldn’t be off doing something else in your home while you’re frying anything.


I personally can’t think of any other fast food chicken sandwich that’s as good or better. Maybe Popeyes chicken sandwich if you want something crispier.


I have an air fryer but it doesn’t really fry things. Not in the way an actual fryer does. All an air fryer is, is a convection oven.


Yeah like I’m not at all a chick fil a Stan. They don’t have much of a food selection and for chicken I actually prefer Popeyes by like a country mile but it isn’t because Popeyes chicken is higher quality, that’s for certain lmao.


Popeyes is always a low quality experience. It’s a part of the company brand at this point.


Well I’m glad you like it. But for everyone else who wants actually fried food I think they’re stick with fryers lol


I didn’t get any popup, many others haven’t either.


What are you talking about? ProtonMail is still a regular fully functional email provider. Nobody else has to use ProtonMail for you to receive the same emails you would on gmail.

Why is everything in consumer / American life so fucking shitty now - and companies literally just say 'oh bc profit margins' and we're now expected to swallow that and sympathize?

like I went to taco bell and they didn’t even have napkins out. they had the other stuff just no napkins, I assume because some fucking ghoul noticed people liked taking them for their cars so now we just don’t get napkins! so they can save $100 per quarter rather than provide the barest minimum quality of life features.


Take a trip to PA, all the grocery and convenience stores have added seating areas so that they can legally sell beer and wine lmao.


The same publishing company (but different development studio) recently released a simplified, licensed Star Trek game built on the Stellaris Engine.

It’s a little rough around the edges right now but it’s an official Star Trek title and it’s much easier to get into than Stellaris, and it’s currently on sale for $20


I see this stat a lot and it has to be a majority of web servers. I just don’t believe that most servers aren’t running windows. I’ve worked with so many companies large and small as a consultant and the amount of Linux servers in production that aren’t just web servers or load balancers is just miniscule. If you were to search on a job board for a sysadmin job managing Linux servers you have to look for a completely different job title “Linux sysadmin” because nine times out of ten “Sysadmin” means your environment is at least 80% Windows Server.


The difference is that Lemmy is an answer to Reddit, not Discord. If a Reddit user wants to see if there’s a community for woodworking, he can search for “woodworking” and find it.

If a Lemmy user searches “woodworking” and the biggest woodworking community isn’t on your instance, you have to leave Lemmy and use an external service to search more instances and even then you might not find what you’re looking for.


Also like… do we know it will even be easily moddable? When I think of games the most transformed by mods over the years I think of games that are 10+ years old, or extremely modular indie games seemingly designed with mods in mind (like Rimworld).


Satisfactory is the game that just keeps on giving.


Lmao you think Microsoft would want to get it “back on track”? The same Microsoft that makes the Windows operating system and has been bungling consoles for a decade now?


For me it’s the way Captain Marvel was shoehorned into the MCU without any real development, and existed as what was basically a walking plot hole. Marvel movies have never been perfect but their whole thing was building characters into it over years. By Infinity War we’d been watching these characters for years and we wanted to watch the end of their stories. Then they just plopped Captain Marvel down into the series at the last second, had the existing legacy characters tell us the audience how to feel about her because the writers knew we wouldn’t care organically, made her disappear in Infinity war and most of endgame because they didn’t actually have anything for her to do except be a deus ex machine at the end of Endgame.

It also doesn’t help that Brie Larson just phones it in any time she’s on screen.


There are all the anti-women wackos out there but more than hate, I think there are a lot of us that just aren’t interested. And it’s not because we don’t want to watch a movie with female leads, it’s because the characters are just half baked. I have regularly heard from people that they only saw it for Ms Marvel, and then you had to have watched the show. Lots of people don’t want to engage with all the shows.


The validity of your comment really depends on which movie franchise you’re referencing


Which one of the three do you have?


Buddy I think it’s time to talk to your wife.


A slice of life story about a young protagonist that leaves home and finds themselves in an unknown town off the beaten path, resorting to a menial labor job to get by day-to-day while simultaneously working towards a larger goal that was beset upon them after the loss of a family member, occasionally dipping their toes in adventure between the 9-5 grind, all the while making friends and gaining the trust of the colorful and distinct locals and interacting with mysterious yet cutesy, unknowable spirit-like creatures?

Pop quiz, did I just describe Stardew valley, or Studio Guibli’s Spirited Away? I think there’s a little crossover lol


Oh man nobody tell this guy who created the first internet.


That’s just far more thought than anybody should be putting into monitor usage.


That’s true, but at the same time LED TVs have a huge problem with bloom issues that are essentially a lottery because most manufacturers don’t consider it an actual defect and won’t replace it.


Look man I get that you’re not very tech literate and as a hobbyist that’s perfectly ok but just because you don’t know much about technology doesn’t mean the technology doesn’t make sense. You wanted to know what’s different and I told you, you wanted to know how and I told you. If you still don’t understand something then you need to articulate that and ask an actual question. It took me years to earn a degree in network engineering I can’t just distill all of that knowledge into a single comment for you to cover every possible dependent piece of knowledge that you’re lacking because all you can communicate is “I don’t get it”. You have to be specific on what it is specifically that you’re not getting.

I will indulge you again here under what might be a false assumption that you genuinely want to know the answer.

Cloudflare MITMs your traffic because that’s how it was designed. Your traffic is encrypted to their servers, de encrypted, then reencrypted between Cloudflare and your server. They can see and modify any data you send through them. All your passwords, tokens, and personal information are readable by Cloudflare. Therefore there’s an incredible amount of trust you need to put in Cloudflare, and the security of their systems.

Tailscale on the other hand has a service called funnel, which is a direct replacement to Cloudflare tunnels, however they differ in that Tailscale is a company with privacy and security as a priority and they accomplish the same goal as CF tunnels but their solution is designed to keep your data encrypted end to tend, from your client to your server. You therefore don’t need to place all that trust with Tailscale because they can’t see or modify your data even if they wanted to.

Both services accomplish the task of proxying public traffic to your backend server, however CF opens up all your data, and Tailscale doesn’t. Think of them both like a postal service, except Cloudflare opens up all your mail and puts it into new envelopes before giving it to the carrier for delivery to your mailbox. A lot of us prefer the postal service that just leaves your mail sealed from origin to destination.


I would just like to add that if your endpoints communicate via an encrypted transport (HTTPS, SSH, etc) then doesn’t matter if cloudflare tries to inspect your packets. There would be 2 layers of encryption while traversing the public web, then 1 layer when traversing CF’s network.

Thats not how Cloudflare tunnels work. Your data is encrypted to Cloudflare’s network then decrypted. Then they encrypt a second connection between their server and yours via a connector service running in your server. It does matter if CF tries to inspect your packets because there is one layer of encryption over the internet, then briefly zero layers of encryption, then one layer of encryption while traversing CF network. I’m not aware of any product that Cloudflare provides that allows for them to tunnel your HTTPS traffic without them being able to decrypt your data to plain text.

EncryptKeeper, (edited )

You’re explaining yourself fine, you’re just mistaken about the way Cloudflare tunnels work. You’re confusing concepts between a L4 proxy and a L7 proxy.

What I’m saying is, if the client and endpoint (server) talk in an encrypted protocol, then cloudflare cannot MiTM the data, only the IP headers.

This is not the case. You are under the mistaken impression that CF tunnels work like a L4 tunnel, proxying a TCP stream from client to server, allowing you to maintain an encrypted TLS session from client to server. That would be closer to what Tailscale Funnel does (Which I’d advocate for). CF tunnels do not work this way. Cf tunnels work more like a L7 proxy. Your client and your server never talk, so there is no encrypted protocol between them. There is only encryption between you and Cloudflare, and then Cloudflare and your backend server. Cloudflare can and does MitM the data AND the IP headers.

This is similar if you were to connect to any ol’ website over an ISP’s network. If your session is not HTTPS, then your application data can be read.

You cannot establish an HTTPS connection with your application from your client. You establish an HTTPS connection with Cloudflare, which gives them plaintext access to all the data you send through them.

You can have encrypted sessions inside of CF tunnel-network-tunnel.

To be clear, no you can’t. This is your misunderstanding. At least, you can’t with Cloudflare tunnels. Cloudflare may offer a TCP proxy service, which is what you’re confusing CF tunnels with, if you sign up for an enterprise plan, but you don’t get that functionality in their free plan which OP, and self hosters in general would be using.

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