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The overlap of people willing to let themselves be beat down and exploited at work, and the people that would actually fight and die for democracy is slim to none.


To be fair, John himself was also a colossal piece of shit to Julian.

Paul McCartney wrote Hey Jude originally as a song to Julian to comfort him from John’s abuse and affair with Yoko. Paul was more of a dad to Julian than John was.

Julian only had to buy these things at auction because John intentionally left him out of his will.

Earthwormjim91, (edited )

Gotta love modern journalism.

Such an attack is possible for a number of products like Android, but the report focuses on iPhone

You can use a flipper on any device that uses WiFi, Bluetooth, or NFC. But throwing iPhone or Apple into a headline will get clicks.

You can use a flipper for a LOT more than that too. You can steal and clone NFC chips like key fobs with them.


Sure that’s fair. Just don’t bury it halfway down the article and hand wave it away.

A more honest and still clickbaity headline would be “many devices, including iPhones, susceptible to attack by this $170 device”


Sure, but this fast pairing “ddos” is far from the only thing a flipper can do. They’re powerful little devices. They’re not limited to this little novelty attack.


Could they be any less original?

Their competitor to Steam is just… another word for Steam.


Wolves have lips though….?


Why would they? The new gen just came out. They have at least another year or two before they make any changes.

I expect that they’ll release new AirPods that come with a USB-C case, and also have the case itself for sale for those with Lightning cases that want to switch when they get an iPhone 15. Like how they did when they introduced wirelesss charging for the regular AirPods a while back.


Oil has nothing to do with it directly, but more the price of oil. OPEC has a huge influence on the global oil price.

The US is actually a net exporter of oil now, and Saudi Arabia makes up only 7% of the imports we do make. Canada is by far our biggest source of imports at 60%, followed by Mexico at 10%.

This wasn’t true before 2020 which is why you’ve seen Biden making more moves like this. We don’t need them as much now.

We do still maintain a diplomatic alliance with them to have access to the Persian Gulf though.


Well it’s already integrated into cloudfare and fastly. So good luck with that.

Pretty much all major sites use one of those two as a CDN.


You’re using two right now lol.

Both Kbin and Lemmy world use Cloudfare as their CDN.


It wouldn’t be an instance. It would be their CDN. And your browser.

And any instance of significant size is going to have a CDN to help deal with the DDoS attacks and bots. Hell I would bet that outside of very carefully curated instances, all fediverse instances will start using CDNs here soon just because of bots.

And chances are they will use cloudfare or Fastly.

But there’s nothing to “enforce”. It’s not a “you must be attested or you can’t access” it will be “if you’re not attested you will have a captcha shown for most things”.

Cloudfare already does this. If your browser looks suspicious, and the website you’re visiting using cloudfare as a CDN, you’ll be redirected to cloudfare to enter a captcha before they’ll let you into the site.

Attestation removes that captcha part using a token generated by your device and validated by the maker of the browser you’re using. So you’d never even see the redirect at all, it would just take a second or two longer to connect.

People using heavily modified machines or browsers wouldn’t be attested and would have to enter a captcha. That’s about it.


No it would be cloudfare. That’s their whole business.

So, for example, right now if you visit a website using cloudfare as their CDN, and your browser looks “suspicious”, cloudfare will grab you and redirect you to a verification page to put a captcha in to verify that you’re human before they will direct you back to the website you’re trying to go to. That’s why people use cloudfare in the first place instead of trying to implement some verification themselves. It’s easier and cheaper to outsource to a specialist.

Attestation would just be a “fast pass” for users. If your browser looks “suspicious” then you would be redirected to cloudfare for verification. Instead of a captcha though, it would automatically negotiate with your browser that would present a token generated on device to cloudfare. Cloudfare would reach out to the attestor for that browser with that token to validate it. For safari it would be Apple, for edge it would be Microsoft, for other chromium browsers it would be Google. The attestor would look at the token and be able to say “yes this is a valid, unmodified version of macOS/Windows/ChromeOS/etc and likely to be a normal human” and you would be directed back to the website you want to go to instead of having to put a captcha in.

The danger is when these companies start to control attestation. If you have a modified OS? Sorry we don’t know if they’re human. And you’ll have to enter a captcha. Potentially, if your phone/machine is not the latest version? Sorry don’t know, enter a captcha. Using lineage instead of a licensed version of Android (like Samsungs skin, etc), sorry not validated, enter a captcha.

If attestation becomes mainstream, then it will be the default because it’s cheaper for the CDNs and everyone to do. But it puts the power in the hands of like 3 companies for attestation. And it’s very very likely they will start limiting attestation as a “feature”. Have a galaxy phone? Well if you haven’t upgraded in a few years and are no longer in recurrent supported devices list, sorry no attestation. And they only offer like 3-4 years of official support. So if you don’t want to enter a captcha every time you change webpages, better upgrade homie.

So naturally it will push your average consumer to just upgrading a perfectly fine device instead of keeping it. And it will discourage a ton of FOSS stuff because that will all be “unvalidated modifications” or won’t implement it. If Google implements it, that will be the nail because chrome has like a 70% market share and pretty much everyone will develop for that. So they’ll all develop with Google’s attestation in mind. If you’re using Firefox which won’t implement it, you’ll be entering a captcha every time. And that will push people over to the big companies.

Attestation is a MUCH bigger thing than people think. You don’t need to worry about every website implementing it. You only need to worry about like 3. Cloudfare and Fastly are two huge ones, which have already implemented it on an as available basis. Right now it’s just Safari but they have it available if Google and Microsoft implement it.

Google themselves are the third one since the way operate their own CDN for themselves and clients. If they implement attestation there will be immediately a huge chunk of the web using it. Like 70%+. Cloudfare has 20%+ of the market and Fastly is like 18%. Google makes up another huge chunk but I couldn’t find any figures.

That would be such a huge immediate usage that it would very rapidly become the default and would lock people into only the big companies.


It is. Until you have to enter a captcha for every redirect. Then it will get real annoying.

Law enforcement seeks help to identify barns in BTK serial killer cold case investigations (

A law enforcement team in northeast Oklahoma believes the prolific serial killer known as “BTK” may be responsible for several additional unsolved missing person and homicide cases. Now they’re hoping the public can help them identify barns and silos in Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri that the self-proclaimed BTK killer...


What? It’s only been a few months.

BTK was only arrested in 2005 and the Osage County Sheriff only got the drawings in question from Kansas police in January this year when his office opened the investigation.

There have been other investigations into cold cases around the area since he was arrested but none have turned up any links. This case is just the evidence finally making its way around to this office so they can investigate.

They also found more new evidence last month which is what has led to this announcement.

Earthwormjim91, (edited )

Well, yeah. That was the goal of creating all of these.

Hell, Boston Dynamics was originally funded heavily by DARPA. BigDog, AlphaDog, LittleDog, and LS3 were all funded by DARPA and designed for military use.

This is old anyway. They were strapping guns to the ghost robotics dogs as far back as 2021.…/ghost-robotics-robot-dog-gun-lethal/


That’s how a lot of tech is. There’s been articles about the pixel 9 for almost a year even though the 8 isn’t even out.


Tweet at least had a clever background. Along with the bird mascot.

The whole thing was based on people just chirping about like birds, but it also played into the common saying of “a little birdie told me” when you want to tell someone something you know from someone else you know without telling them how you know it. Like when your gossiping with a neighbor about something another neighbor told you about them, you’d say “a little birdie told me that they saw you at the sex shop down town, you and Bob doing alright?”

Every kid in the English language also learns that birds say tweet tweet, and “the bird tweeted”. So it made sense that when you’re the little birdie, the things you say are tweets.

Slap the bird on it and it’s intuitive without explaining anything because pretty much everyone who learned English as a child has it deep in their brain already. And birds are cute. Everyone loves birds.

In contrast, a toot is a less crass thing you say when someone farts.

Also not using a relatively unknown extinct animal as your mascot for a platform you’re trying to bring to life is probably a good idea. Everyone knows what a wooly mammoth was, but not as many know what a mastodon was.


What the fuck are you talking about? Twitter was a great name. It was a word long before it was an app, and the definition was “a short burst of inconsequential information” which was exactly what Twitter was. It was also defined as the “chirps from birds”.

Discord is perfect for a chat app. The word is old and means “lack of agreement among persons”. It’s exactly what discord is. A chat app to talk shit to your friends.

Firefox was a slow name change. It was originally phoenix because they rose from the ashes of Netscape. But another company was already named phoenix and so Mozilla had to change the mane. Then it was firebird to play on the imagery of the phoenix and go along with the thunderbird mail client they had. Again another company already had a similar product called firebird so they changed the name to Firefox, a nickname for the red panda, which became the original mascot of the brand.

In contrast, the mastodon is a relatively unknown extinct animal related to the more well known woolly mammoth. And toots are farts.


Zero. Texas has enough registered Dems to turn it blue tomorrow. More registered Dems than republicans.…/party-affiliation/

Texans are just lazy fucks that don’t vote. Especially the youth. 18-29 turnout in the 2020 primary was 7% of eligible population. When you could vote literally anywhere in your county, including the damn grocery store.

Letting Texas back into the Union after the civil war was the biggest mistake of the US. Worthless state.


And how would they rank when you take away the federal funding they get for the plethora of government contracts there? Or when oil has gone the way of the dodo.

Saudi Arabia has a huge fossil fuel economy too and they’re fucking less than worthless.

Texas is a blight on the US and the rest of us would be better without them. I don’t give a single fuck about Texas.


I hate people crying about that. Be fucking proactive like voting is one of the most important things you can do. Only lazy people can be suppressed.


Yeah. They are. Because they didn’t do the bare minimum of checking their registration

Check your fucking registration before you show up. If an election is coming up, make sure you check that you are actually registered and are good.

You can register to vote easily in Texas. You can even do it online. They bank on people being lazy to purge rolls because people won’t check and won’t go register if they’ve been purged. And they haven’t been wrong.

Voting is the single most important thing you can do as a citizen of any nation. There is zero excuse to not be on top of it all the fucking time.


Nah fuck Texas. I wish they would secede and leave my country alone. They like Texas more than the US anyway. Leave the fucks in their own.

And no, Saudi Arabia is worthless. Saudis don’t make anything. They have indentured servants that can’t get citizenship make everything. Half of Saudi Arabia aren’t even citizens because the kingdom doesn’t want outsiders to have any rights.

Saudi Arabia exploits the fuck out of impoverished people to work there without them having any rights or recourse.

You can keep on defending the worst of humanity though.


A voter isn’t a victim. A voter holds the power. That’s fucking why they try to suppress and limit voting.

Voting and registering to vote has never been easier in history. There’s no excuse.

If you’re that easy to suppress, you don’t care to begin with.


Name a console that has WiFi 7 compatibility. It’s none.

PS5 has WiFi 6, not even 6E. Xbox Series X has WiFi 5.

Both have only been around for 2 years and have another 5-6 left before a new gen is released.

The phone having WiFi 7 is irrelevant if nothing else you have has it.


Why are you such a weirdo where that’s where your mind goes.

Sharing positive hits isn’t saying share the images. It’s saying share the data on who what when where how the hit showed up positive.

Who shared it.

What was it (this is obviously going to be some kind of CSAM given that’s the tool).

When did they share it (time stamps).

Where did they share it (was the same image hit on other runs and what instances did it hit on with the tool).

How did they do it (local sharing, an image hosting service, etc).


It’s probably projection. Nobody reasonable would have jumped to the same conclusion. It doesn’t even remotely read like that.


Oh come on. Being ND doesn’t mean your mind jumps to sharing child porn. That’s a fuckin cop out.


The fuck are you talking about???

They’re not talking about releasing software, they’re talking about customer support.


This isn’t the first lol. They just finally determined that the radioactivity in these boars is from weapons testing and not the Chernobyl disaster like they originally thought.


It’s what real espionage looks like. There’s so many damn classes I have to take exactly about this kind of stuff because it’s so effective.


It depends. If the ad is for ice cream then they have to use ice cream by law. But any toppings can be fake.

If they’re advertising chocolate syrup, the ice cream can be fake but the chocolate syrup has to be real.


Why would they change anything else yet?

They’ve got at least another year or two with this generation. There were a few years between the first generation and second generation pros, and a couple years between the second and third generation regular air pods.

The new generations came out less than a year ago.


Just just did that last year. The second gen air pod pros released in September. They usually do 2-3 years between headphone generations.


Probably, yeah. They did that with the AirPods case when they added wireless charging to it. They have a case available for $79 when a whole new set of AirPods was $180


Yeah Judy Garland was horribly abused. Physically, mentally, sexually, forced to take drugs to control her.

That’s even more than I thought she would have made though. That’s $11,000 a week adjusted for inflation.

Nothing compared to the $66,000 a week the others earned though.


The courts have already been involved in politics. Like, all the fuckin time.

The US Supreme Court literally decided the 2000 election that largely led us to where we are now.


Microfiber is generally a petroleum product too. It’s usually made of polyamides, like nylon, and polypropylene woven with polyester.

85% of man made debris found on shores are microfiber.

Microfiber is one of the biggest contributors to microplastics, with on average 1.7g being shed per wash.


Because people have been told a bunch about this vague idea of microplastics, but not that a bunch of shit they buy, like microfiber, are major contributors to that.

I thinks it’s less distinction and more awareness.


Nothing requires a member of Congress to own a residence in DC…

Most rent, a ton basically rent frat houses and split with other reps, and several just sleep in their offices during the week before going home on the weekends.


They are extremely talented at publicity and marketing.

Which is all a movie studio really cares about because that sells tickets.


A few of the models on the show have accused him of sexual harassment


Those have to be old. Last I saw chromeOS had overtaken MacOS a few years ago due to Google’s huge push to give chromebooks to schools during the pandemic for remote learning.

Unless chromeOS just cratered.


Things were a little bit different in the late 90s though. Windows had a 97% market share and a massive deal with pretty much every computer maker to only put Windows on their pre-built machines. They had a true monopoly in a way that doesn’t exist today.

They also made IE free and bundled with the OS when every other browser at the time you had to buy. On top of that, they made it so that windows would slow down and malfunction if you uninstalled IE, and made installing any other browser a complicated process.

Today you can freely and easily install pretty much any browser you want. Chrome has the hugely dominant share in the the desktop browser market now, despite Edge being bundled with Windows.

On top of that, Microsoft doesn’t have the massive stranglehold on OS market share that they used to. In the desktop space, MacOS is about 1 in 6 computers with Windows holding 71%, mostly in the enterprise sector.

And this doesn’t even factor in that the majority of web traffic is mobile now, where Windows doesn’t even have a presence anymore.

Earthwormjim91, (edited )

The UK already owns it. I’m pretty sure Terminator takes the name from the UK military satellite network. And SpaceX has launched Skynet satellites for them before so there is probably some agreement.

The NSA also already has a surveillance program named SKYNET, which uses machine learning. ……/SKYNET_(surveillance_program)

That one I’m pretty sure was named after the Terminator program.


I assume you mean Apple there instead of Android? I got rid of Android because I wanted less Google in my life.

Sure Apple collects some data, but comparing them to Google is like comparing a broom to an industrial vacuum. Apple doesn’t collect nearly the same amount of data and makes privacy features much more integrated with the phone. With the advanced data protection, virtually everything is end to end encrypted where they don’t even have the keys, including iCloud.

It’s not perfect at all, but of the two OSs, I’ll take iOS every day.

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