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“Almost every company”

You mean like 5-10 major companies?

There are thousands of smaller companies buying ad space and access to consumer data.

And “buying data” isn’t what it sounds like for the most part. Few companies are out there buying and selling raw data tied to individuals. For the most part it is a company buying heavily targeted ads from someone like Google that has ALL of your data. They know, with surgical precision, how to target ads at you. Company B just tells Google “ we want to target a 35 year old, white, dad of three that is lacking in his masculinity and wants to feel rugged, while not making him feel emasculated”.

The you get a Dr Squatch ad.

Earthwormjim91, (edited )

Put one of those rare shots right in Putins brain housing group please.


Because they’re getting into bed with Google going with Android Automotive to turn the infotainment system into a subscription service. They’re also dropping the free Android Auto support too.

Realistically that’s along the lines of what Apple needs to do first if they’re serious about a car. Build a full infotainment system software suite and get OEMs on board with that. Your luxury makers going to EV like lucid, rivian, Mercedes, Audi, Fisker, BMW, etc… would all fit the Apple image


His first indictment was 8 years ago which is why you probably don’t remember it, and the grand jury investigation started 10 years ago. It was in the news for years off and on until the judge dismissed everything outright.

You not hearing about it is a you issue.


These startups just wouldn’t exist at all then.

They start up with the intention of being bought out by a bigger fish.


It’s been this way forever. Long before Google even. My uncle made millions during the dot com bubble by starting up a website, getting some traffic, then selling it off a bigger company. He did that 2 or 3 times and then retired in his 30s lol.

Hell that’s what the dot com bubble was in the first place. A million startups all trying to get bought by a bigger player.


You can, but it’s not what people generally do. Not have they since the web was created. Starting a website or tech startup to get bought out has been a thing since at least the dot com bubble.


And we’re currently in one for “AI”. That’s kind of my point. All of these AI companies are in it to sell off before the bubble pops. They have one little seed of good idea but no fully fleshed out path because they’re hoping for their idea to be bought out.

It’s how it is, how it’s been, and how it will always be in the early stages of any new technology. You will always have small startups/inventors trying to get one idea bought up to get their big payday.


The Great Leap Forward.

It was a massive effort to industrialize China under Mao, and resulted in the largest famine in human history with tens of millions dead.


Oh I bet it was and they’ll just ignore the great famine as being some natural thing that just happened and wasn’t due to the policies of the CCP.

That’s how everyone I’ve met that has talked about the CCP raising people from poverty have posed it.


Why would I care what teenagers think?

Haha losers I can get into a bar. Go drink your warm keystone while hiding from your parents. Make sure you make curfew.


lol yeah we’ll see. They only offer 3 for the 7 pro and Fold.


Which applies to making parts, tools, and documentation available to independent repair shops and end consumers.

Nothing about requiring long term support.


Making a ton of money doesn’t preclude someone from being a socialist.

He was still an employee of the team owner and brought in more money for the capitalist than he was paid in return.

Even in a socialist society where the means of production are worker owned, there can be sectors that are more valuable than others. The difference would be that the workers are receiving their full value rather than being paid a wage and the excess value going to the pockets of a capitalist owner that isn’t producing value.

But no, Dale was definitely not a communist or socialist at all. He was a pretty staunch Republican.


Sometimes they do. You have two major commentators for sports.

Analysts, which do break down plays, but usually during breaks and halftime/intermissions because analysis takes longer and is HARD to do in real time.

Then you have color commentators who call the game live and are really there to fill the dead air and bring excitement to the broadcast. Their job is not to do analysis, it’s to call the game in real time and bring excitement to it.

In regards to Jomboy, his videos are great and in depth, but it takes a few days after something happens for him to get that video out. In depth analysis like that is not something you can do in real time.

If you want analysis there’s a ton of it out there. Just not in real time.


No it’s for people. Guinea pigs are raised for food in Peru.

Mobile ordering and delivery have made food service objectively worse and if you use them I think you're pathetic.

Working in food sucks in general. I would know I’ve been doing it for almost 14 years now. You drive to the store. You enter the store. You order your food. If there are any complications with your order you’re told right then and there....


Or require ID to pick it up….


They copy each other all the time. The idea that apple always copies android is just an Android fan boy idea.


Name one thing they have copied and said it had never been done before.

They always say “new to iPhone” or “for the first time in an iPhone”.


Same here but with a pro max lol. Going from a base 12 to a 15 pro max is going to be a pretty huge jump for me.

Unfortunately mine won’t be here until next week even though I preordered within 5 minutes of it opening lol.


I use the MagSafe wallet, and a two in one MagSafe stand with the phone and watch chargers. I love them.


Guaranteed? No. They’ll have them on display so you could feel them, but likely won’t have many if any to actually buy on launch day. Preorders sold out pretty quickly and started pushing into mid October and early November within a couple of hours of opening up.


I use the OtterBox 2 in 1 stand.…/78-80734.html

Though I don’t remember paying $130 for it.

I got it when the first beta for iOS 17 came out so that I could use standby mode and charge my phone and watch at the same time without having cords everywhere.


It’s not really forced obsolescence unless they intentionally made it perform worse on older phones, or stopped supporting older devices entirely.

The most reasonable explanation is that iOS 17 was designed first and foremost to take advantage of the advances in the 3nm a17 chip, while supporting older chips as a secondary benefit.

It’s not optimized for older devices at launch because it’s designed for the new devices, and will be updated and patched as time goes on. Staying in iOS 16 on an older device until a few minor versions into iOS 17 will likely see better battery life on older devices.

I’ve been on a base 12 for 3 years, battery health at 88%, and iOS 17 is perfectly usable for me. I’ve been on the beta since the first public release. Battery life is a little worse, sure but still perfectly usable with no noticeable performance hits. I’m giving it to my dad when my 15 pro max gets here and it will likely last him another 3 or more years, probably needing a battery replacement in a year or so though.


Every developer develops for the newest devices first and foremost. Across the board.

There is nothing intrinsic about a smaller manufacturing process that transfers into software, unless they’ve secretly added new instructions to the set. What it does mean is that the new chips should be more power efficient, which means in turn that the same software on new hardware should already translate into battery life gains.

Orrrrr what it means is that the software can take advantage of the more efficient hardware and push harder while maintaining similar battery life. Which is what most manufacturers typically do.

What we see instead is software “tuned” for the new version to minimize gains on one side and suggest to existing customers that they need an upgrade.

Welcome to every piece of technology ever made. If you want the latest and greatest software performance, you need to buy the latest and greatest hardware.

Being less optimized doesn’t mean you need to upgrade. You may need to charge a little more often but that’s the trade off for running new software on older hardware. You can still run the latest software and don’t need to upgrade.

Apple supports iPhones for a minimum of 6-7 years. The iPhone XR from 2018 is supported for iOS 17, 6 years and 6 major OS updates. It will keep getting iOS patches until they stop doing OS updates on iOS 17 sometime late next year. They support security updates for even longer. They just released a security update for the iPhone 5s, released in 2013, in January this year. Almost 10 years later.

Forced obsolescence is MUCH more common with Android phones. An $1800 Pixel Fold released in June this year, 2023, is only going to get Android updates until June 2026. 3 years for a nearly $2000 device. You will HAVE to buy a new phone if you want new software after that. Which is absolutely ridiculous for Google, who develop Android ffs. An iPhone 12 Pro Max from 2020 will be supported longer than that.

A Galaxy fold, another nearly $2000 device, will only be supported for 4 years before you will HAVE to buy a new phone to get a new version of Android.

Most other Android phone makers, especially the budget ones, only give 1-2 years of support, if that.

And again, OP’s case is anecdotal. I have a base iPhone 12 from the same year, and have been running the iOS 17 betas since the first public one and have seen no drops in battery life. The first beta had a little worse battery life but the following ones fixed it a bit. The last public beta from a little while back is the exact same as the release version. You don’t even get a separate update for the release version if you are still on the beta profile, and if you want to leave the beta once you are on the RC, you just turn off beta updates and you will only get the release versions from then on. If OP is suddenly seeing a huge battery life difference, it isn’t the version they are on because they have been on it longer than they have been seeing the issue. There are things they could look at, which others in the thread have given, and they could look at their battery health. That’s a 3 year old battery and it may just need a replacement depending on how hard they have driven it over the last 3 years. Batteries are consumable parts and need replaced.


The final public beta and the release version are exactly the same build.

iOS 17 Could Break Crucial Diabetic Glucose Monitor Alerts, Manufacturer Warns (

Owners of the FreeStyle Libre 3, one of Abbott Laboratories’ flagship glucose monitors, received an email this week warning them to “disable automatic system updates on your iPhone” because the new operating system’s StandBy Mode and Assistive Access Mode “may impact your ability to receive time-sensitive notifications...


Right? That’s like exactly what the betas are for.

Leave it to big pharma to not do that though because it would have cost more money, and they’ll just pass the blame.


If they even underwrite it and don’t just decline coverage anyway.

My wife got declined for being underweight by 10lbs. No way they underwrite someone with documented suicidal ideations.


I didn’t say underwrite it and decline coverage anyway.

I was speaking to your statement of it wouldn’t affect payout but would affect premiums.

It would affect the premium if they do decide to underwrite it at all and don’t just decline you.


Yeah lol.


For everything else that people do with credit scores? Uh yeah. Buying a car, having a credit card, getting any loan, renting an apartment, your credit score is used for a LOT more than just buying a house.


They write it off and sell it to a collection agency already.

Once it’s in collections the hospital doesn’t care and will no longer see it even if you pay the debt collector.


Yeah credit score is used for a lot more things than a lot of people realize


Also how many gen z have grown up with amazing technology but don’t really understand it at all. It just works.

Not like previous generations that had to learn more in depth to make shit work because it was buggy as hell or just plain wasn’t user friendly at all.


Uh yeah. Cleaning your keyboard is pretty standard.


Because if you’re not, you’re making less simply due to inflation.

You would need to make $108 Billion in profit this year to have the same relative profit as $98 Billion last year.


Accounting for inflation isn’t growth is the point.

If you’re not making more, you’re making less simply due to that.

It’s real easy to say “just be satisfied with it” when you’re talking about a private company, but for a publicly traded company you’re fucking over millions of people with retirement accounts if you’re not keeping up with inflation.


What happens if they make less profit? Their stock goes down which affects millions of 401ks that are invested in the market.


How do you think pensions were set up?

The company holding the pension just invested in the market themselves instead of you getting to choose what to invest in yourself, and you lost all of that investment if you left the company before 20 years. There were more strict requirements for what they could invest in, and they had to be much lower risk than what an individual is allowed to invest their own money into. You still had issues with if the stock market tanked, pension funds would be affected.

Talk about people being tied to an employer over health insurance being terrible, you would lose your entire retirement if you left a company.

If you want to talk about a nationwide public pension system, that’s basically what social security is. And guess what, it’s invested in the market too. It’s one of the single largest holders of US bonds. Same with every other government pension system.


It’s not as volatile, as the stock market, but bonds are still traded the same way and are still risky in certain cases.

Just as an example, Silicon Valley bank failed because they were invested heavily into bonds because they’re “safe” and when the Fed changed rates, they couldn’t liquidate their bonds quick enough to pay out their obligations because nobody wanted to buy the lower interest bonds they held when newer bonds were higher interest.

You can end up in cases where a pension fund can’t liquidate their bonds to make regular payouts during times like now when the Fed is increasing rates to combat inflation.

All investments are risky. With a pension, you’re trusting a company you work for to manage that risk for you in exchange for it being all or nothing based on if you stay there long enough.

With a 401k, you can manage your own risk level yourself. If you want to put it all into bonds, you can do that.


iPhones are already the most repairable of the flagships. And really only the fairphone is more repairable.


Take it up with iFixit lol. I’m going off of their repairability scores


Coriolis effect. Things spin opposite direction across the equator due to how the earth spins.

It’s virtually impossible for a hurricane to cross the equator.


Only one of these men has ever had to take a cognitive test.

Biden has always had a speech impediment but is still sharp as a tack.

Trump has pudding for brains, and that’s insulting pudding.


Apple does repair watches. It’s limited to the two biggest things, the glass and the battery. Anything else and they just replace it and tear down the old one for resources.

Smartwatches in general are hard to repair but Apples service is miles ahead of anyone else.



Google doesn’t have a program for that, and they’ve already said accidental damage isn’t covered by warranty.

So if you crack your screen, it’s entirely on you to just buy a full new one. You could turn it in for recycling, sure. But that wouldnt go be be refurbished. Most companies don’t do their own refurbishment, and the pixel watch does not any parts available to it outside of manufacture.


Eh, it’s not like people are raising cattle for the purpose of leather. It’s a byproduct of the meat industry for the most part.

Dropping leather isn’t going to do anything for the environment because those cows are still going to be raised and killed for meat.

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