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I genuinely don’t understand why the admins are dragging ass and not just defederating from them already. They provide nothing of value, just spam and harassment.


Well that certainly explains a lot.


Apparently so.

Dubious_Fart, (edited )

wanna-be-edgy teenager who unironically wears Che Guevara t-shirts, mostly.

Also the kind that say anything western is the devil, and anything Russian and/or Chinese is the great saviour/perfection/whatever other bullshit.


Welp, tried to delete my account and fuck off from this place due to that knowledge, but apparently account deletion doesnt work. so I’m just fuckin off.

Thanks for the info, made the decision easier.


Yeah. as an American I shit on America more than anyone. I got no idea what Op is talking abot.


No, he just let a little blue man in it and it just ended up getting longer all of a sudden.


Your first instinct.


Hmm…I wonder if I can install the original Blade Runner on Wine, since the installer doesnt work on windows anymore due to being…16bit i think.


never go into business with anyone you know, especially family, without 1) An iron clad contract explicitly stating powers, ownership, and responsibilities and 2) being able to walk away from your entire goddamn fucking family.


thats when you take a fraction of the money you would have paid him, and buy security cameras for your house. High quality security cameras, with night vision.

Then contact a lawyer for damages to undo what he did.


boy I wish I was rich enough to throw away thousands of dollars with a shrug and “To much effort to deal with it”


wasnt there a XCOM knockoff game that deleted your tire C drive if you uninstalled it?


I wish I still had options to install updates or not.

Cause sometimes I like to fuck around with silly bugs and exploits in your old solo games, or because some amazing mod only worked on X version and not Y version. which is not something you can do anymore because you are only allowed to have the most recent version or else.


Theres been a couple games that had this issue.

I know Myth 2 had it if you installed it into the wrong directory or something.

There was some not-mainstream MMO that had the issue too at one point.

but I cant remember the name of the xcom knockoff that had it.

and I cant find anything about it cause I keep finding 5000 pages of results about recovering uninstalled games.


Free speech for me, not for thee.

In other words, “I can say whatever I want, and you can’t oppress me by criticizing it!”


It was never about kids.

Anyone that knew their history knew that the whole “PROTECT THE CHILDREEENS” rhetoric was nothing more than a ploy to get a foot in the door for all this shit.


Death to Nazis, both new and old.


Tankie not realizing they are part of the new.


How quickly they try to co-opt the holocaust and other peoples oppression when they are outed for what they are.


Yeah yeah, “I just sit at the table with nazi’s, it doesnt make me a nazi!”

The famous cry of the piece of shit that doesnt want people to know they are a piece of shit.


Yeah, Tankies and the red army.

Fought nazi’s in WW2.

Became the nazi’s in 2020.

Thanks for the apt fucking comparison.


Yes, because someone that calls for death to nazi’s obviously is a holocaust denier.

Classic tankie logic right there, folks. now quickly run back to hexbear and lemmygrad and cry some more so more of your cohorts come and spew laughable stupidity.


Tankies prove that every day.


I think the waste of food is far more egregious than the clean up. and him plastic wrapping anything first doesnt make it any better. Just more wasteful.


What a great argument

“its not waste cause it might have ended up in a dumpster eventually”


its also a weirdly popular product, meaning its even less likely to end up in the dumpster.

All of which just further proves how fucking stupid a comment @I_Has_A_Hat made was.

They may have a hat, but they clearly don’t have anything that matters underneath it.

How many ingredients does it take to call it a salad?

My significant other ate cucumbers and onion with some ranch. I called it a cucumber onion salad. She says there aren’t enough ingredients to call it a salad, because “it takes multiple ingredients”. I pointed out she had three and asked what the minimum is. She refuses to answer so I ask Lemmy.


Take lettuce for example.

If you put a lot of lettuce in a bowl… What do you have? A Salad?

NO. You have a bowl of lettuce.

You put a second object in the lettuce bowl (Crouton, dressing, another veg, whatever), Now do you have a Salad?

Yes. You have a salad.

There is no maximum ingredient count for a salad, but you must have a minimum of two items for a salad.


Yes, but the argument wasnt for a non-sad salad.

It was just, how many ingredients before it becomes a salad. obviously you would want a proper salad with more delicious and good things in it, but that the same way that a slice of bread between two slices of bread is a bread sandwich, so is a bowl of lettuce and some dressing a salad.


No, thats a crown.

A cron is a type of super virus that wants to destroy the entire net. An end to all things… Total crash. Only another virus superpowered by core energy can put a stop to it.



Its sad the amount of people that cant make this logical baby step.

Elon Musk seen as working counter to U.S. interests in dealings with Russia, China (youtu.be)

Elon Musk's financial interests put him in a position of having his own personal foreign policy, but new reporting shows that whether it's manufacturing in China or the Starlink network being used in Ukraine, Musk’s decisions can run counter to stated US policy.


You think a Russian shill/Tankie is gonna give a shit about facts?

His only job here is to try to confuse the narrative by spewing lots of noise.



Your standard web browser has to many privacy protections for you and your data.

Its why they want to push you to an app, that asks for WAY to many permissions to do what it needs to do. Cause it doesnt need that access to function. It needs that access to monitize you. Cause they make more off stealing your information, than they do off you being a customer, Which is why you get so many discounts for using apps.

Building a new Gaming PC

I’m planning on building a new gaming PC in the next couple of months. I haven’t done so in about 7 years, so I’m a bit behind the times on hardware. Is there any special considerations you all would recommend when it comes to gaming on Linux? I already run Linux as my daily driver and have a home server, etc, so I’m...


I’ve not got an nvidia card in this computer, but the easiest and fastest distro setup I’ve ever had was with Nobara.

Which is a game focused linux distro created by Glorious Eggroll, the guy that does the custom proton versions.

Dubious_Fart, (edited )

I’d agree with you, its a solid 7/10, if reviewed it after only playing the game for a couple hours.

but from the 10 hour mark and beyon, to where I am now, I’d say its a 5/10.

Theres just to many small things that make the game frustrating to hell once you get out of that initial starter window.

Like, Ship parts. You get great details on engines, shields, reactors, etc. But no detail on landing gear, which would be great to have when your error message is screaming at you for more landing gears, and you dont know how much each one supports, or what the difference is, and you have no numbers to tell you how many more you need… And Hab components. Just tell me what work benches each one has, at least, and if things like the infirmary are just cosmetic or provide some boon to having it.

And surveying planets. You know why exploring was fun in skyrim/fallout4? Cause you were going from point A to point B, and were discovering things on the way, and getting distracted. on Starfield, land in the middle of a map, and have to wander around hoping you can find enough to scan to complete the survey for the planet, or at least the biome, before fast traveling back to the ship. This can take hours, even with amp… and amp’s buff time is so little that if you plan on using it you have to stockpile a lot of it, and micromanage it.

Speaking of buffs like Amp… theres no HUD display that I can find that indicates how much time you have left on your buffs. I barely use any buffs cause of this alone.

And speaking of the HUD… Why are the things we get given tucked up in a corner where we cant see, at a time when our eyes are in the bottom middle reading text? I have no idea what I’ve gotten from quest rewards, because I never see the notification.

Also, the artificial delay and slowness built into the interface. Why? Theres mods that easily remove them… but why are mods necessary? Why make the menu system artificially worse?

While individually, any one of these things (both the mentioned examples, and the unmentioned ones) could just be ignored with a sigh and moved on from, the fact that pretty much every system in the game missed its mark by an infuriatingly tiny step, that would take almost no effort to polish in to a gem, I cant help but just be utterly frustrated with the absolute potential the game had, thats left on the vine to wither, because they decided to stop right before getting things right on seemingly every. single. mechanic and interface.

And not to mention the bigger issues, like improperly handled DirectX calls that can cause bad performance and crashes, that was discoverd yesterday, or the fact that to much basic outpost shit is locked behind perks.


I’d agree with you, but like I’ve stated over here

So much of the lack of polish is just potential left on the vine to wither and die cause they refused to take the last tiny steps to make so many of the mechanics into something easy to use and enjoyable.


The “Its a Bethesda RPG” excuse doesnt cut it this time. at least with their previous games, they managed some kind of improvement over the previous games.

Starfield is a straight regression.

it is actively, mechanically worse than previous games. The perk system and the settlement building is actively worse than Fallout 4. The exploration and inventory management of Skyrim and Fallout 4 are actively worse in Starfield. The Menus are actively worse. The faces and facial animation are actively worse.

and I don’t say this to heap mindless hate on the popular thing. I say this because I want it to be better. It had so much potential to be better. But they got within like 5 feet of the finish line and just… stopped, and said good enough, for some bizarre frustrating reason.

Dubious_Fart, (edited )

Except the core isnt alright.

People need to stop treating bethesda like its some poor indie dev that did its best. its a multi billion dollar company, owned by a multi billion dollar company. They have the resources, time, and access to expertise to be better than this.

And these low, handwaved low standards of “Its just bethesda, what do you expect”, are exactly why Starfield is worse than previous games. And future cames will be worse still. Why put in effort when people like you just shrug and go and give them a free pass with comments like “what do you expect, its bethesda”.


Yes modders will fix it probably, but they shouldn’t have to and there will likely not be as much interest in doing so since the game isn’t as majestic and awe inspiring as skyrim (IMO).

I agree.

Game isnt a big expansive game like TES, or Fallout.

Its a series of tiny rooms, Most of which are just randomly generated, separated by half a dozen menus and loading loading screens. Theres no place to really stretch your legs, because more than likely you are going to be spending most of your game time running around on a randomly generated map looking for some PoI your quest requires, or the last flora/fauna/mineral your survey requires, so you can leave and never come back to this particular and specific tiny room again.

and even that wouldnt have been so bad, if there was some variety to the PoIs. But outside of the presumably handmade maps, like New Atlantis, It just feels like you are running into the same handful of PoI’s over and over again, with the exact same layout, the exact same loot (just leveled and with a fancy new descriptor infront of its name) in the exact same places, and encountering the exact same miniquests on these randomly generated maps, like “Oh no, I’m sick, I hope you have the med.icine skill to fix me without cost” and “Oh no, there are pirates in the same PoI you’ve cleared out 37 times previously, go clear them out”

I have no problem with randomly generated segments, but Whats the point in randomly generating maps if its just gonna have the same handful of PoIs in it with absolutely zero change in them? I’d rather have a handful of map types and randomly generated PoI’s, at least that would provide some compelling and playable variety… and if not completely randomly genned, at least randomly change some things in the PoI so I know not to enter, take the first right, pick the blue door just to get a freaking AA rifle, like the 37 other previous times I did this PoI.


you seem to be taking valid, level headed criticism a tad to personally there, friend.

You may want to take a step back and take a breath.


So multiple people finding flaw and criticizing it just means its not real, and its just anti-precious company propaganda?


Step back and take a breath. You are getting way to wound up on behalf of a multi billion dollar company that doesnt give 2 shits about you


An unironic “No, U!” now.

Seriously, Friend… Go calm down.


The one thing you’ve always been able to say about Bethesda, is despite the many flaws of their games, their new game generally always improves on the previous game in some way.

Not with Starfield. Pretty much every mechanic in Starfield is a regression, and worse, than the games that came before it. The Mechanics, The Perk System, Settlement Building, “Exploration”, Character models and faces/etc. All fundamentally worse than previous games.

A lot of people want to dismiss these criticisms as haters just hating on the popular thing, but the thing is that I’m not hating on it.

I’m frustrated, and disappointed. They left so much potential in the game to wither on the vine because they couldnt take the last baby steps give them the polish and critical eye they needed. Its like they got 5 feet from the finish line, shrugged their shoulders, and said good enough and walked away.

I want this game to be good. I can see how it can be good. and it shouldnt be reliant on the modders to pick up the unfinished pieces and make it good by finishing them.

Bethesda is not some small indie dev doing their best by themselves and deserving of understanding. This is a multibillion dollar company that can and should have done better, and deserves to be held accountable and criticized for the legitimate issues.

Dubious_Fart, (edited )

Okay, and?

You liking something doesnt magically make the flaws go away or the criticism invalid.

And theres nothing wrong with liking something in spite of its flaws.


The trend of every thing and service having its own app, and pushing all this shit to phones and away from computers and websites…

And the reason that everyone and their mother pushes you to use apps, is because the amount of information they can harvest and tracking they can do far exceeds what they could ever hope to collect with a stand alone browser with its pesky privacy controls and security… and everyone gleefully gives these apps every permission they ask for, even though they should never require access to 95% of it to function, because they cant let anything get in the way of getting their immediate gratification.


I dont know where this person got their numbers, but the prices are WAAAAAAYYYYY off.

I had a relative need an Ambulance ride next year. less than 1/4th a mile to the hospital. the cost was over 5000 dollars.

last time I went to the emergency room, I got nothing but a chewable asprin, a bag of saline, a basic blood test and chest xrays and it was almost 40 grand… and that was with the “filthy uninsured peasant” discount, which I know thats what the charts focused on, but its ridiculous how much more expensive it is with insurance, even if you dont see the cost to your wallet.

Dubious_Fart, (edited )

If anything, They would send their people out to blacklisted houses more readily than anywhere else.

Cause the whole reason they go door to door is to expose the young members to the “hostility” of the world outside their religion, its also why they tend to have them go out so early on weekends to do it… to try and farm maximum annoyance, so that they are less likely to leave it and turn ever inward towards their religion, instead of outward to the regular world since the outer world is so hostile and hateful towards them, as manufactured… Its all psyops and manipulation.

Finding the rare gullible fool to exploit/manipulate into joining by doing the door to door thing is just an added bonus, not the root reason for it.


You sound an awful lot like an abused spouse

“Oh sure, All those other times were bad, but she swore she wont hit me this time… and she means it this time, honest!”

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