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If that were all this was, sure. In your analogy though, Google owns 95% of the grocery stores and has deals with 90% of the food vendors that if they allow you to stock their brands they lose access to sell in the Google grocery store. That practice is anticompetitive, because it functionally prevents you from opening your own store to compete.


Am I the only one who’s brain looks at that URL and just sees “anal’n dianna”?


Apparently I am then lmao


The output of journalctl might be helpful for troubleshooting.

Also a cat of /etc/fstab

Initial guesses from what I can see: Do you have some sort of drive encryption on and does that encryption rely on your tpm?

Is that disk being enumerated properly? What does lsblk say? Do you see the partition/filesystem at all?


/drive is not a standard mount in a Debian install. Presumably that’s something you did.

There’s also no unaccounted for partitions on /sda

If you comment that like out for the /drive mount, it should boot. I’d say better than 50/50 the rest of that is red herrings that have been there since you installed


Glad to hear. If there’s a lesson to be taken from here, it’s to make sure after installing a distro, make note of anything odd in dmesg, journalctl, etc. There’s about eight rabbitholes you could have gone down for weeks and overlooked the obvious here just because we didn’t know what “normal” looked like for your system.

Google Researchers’ Attack Prompts ChatGPT to Reveal Its Training Data (www.404media.co)

ChatGPT is full of sensitive private information and spits out verbatim text from CNN, Goodreads, WordPress blogs, fandom wikis, Terms of Service agreements, Stack Overflow source code, Wikipedia pages, news blogs, random internet comments, and much more....


If someone had some theoretical device that could x-ray, 3d image, and 3d print an exact replica of your car though, that would be legal. That’s a closer analogy.

It’s not illegal to reverse-engineer and reproduce for personal use. It is questionably legal though to sell the reproduction. However, if the car were open-source or otherwise not copyrighted/patented it probably would be legal to sell the reproduction.


I absolutely would


How did they manage to just take the worst of both and put them together?


What would it cost to retrieve though? You probably still have the appropriate cost-effective solution but it’s an important consideration for newcomers to have complete math.


Right but that’s the feature and you’re the product


Asking the real questions here. The sad news is a lot of hybrids and electric cars lose that battle too. It doesn’t seem very intuitive but the dirty energy and logistics cost to produce a Tesla battery will probably always outweigh its carbon savings. I want clean stuff, but I want it the real way, not the virtue-signaling way.

How come there isn't more torrent based technology

Most of the problems in the current internet landscape is caused by the cost of centralized servers. What problems are stopping us from running the fediverse on a peer to peer torrent based network? I would assume latency, but couldn’t that be solved by larger pre caching in clients? Of course interaction and authentication...


You aren’t wrong, but his question seemed genuine. There’s no reason to be hostile about it. Learning and genuine curiosity shouldn’t be a crime on the Internet.


There are things proxmox definitely can’t do, but chances are even if you know what they are, they probably still don’t apply to your workflows.

Most things are a tradeoff between extensibility and convenience. The next layer down is what I do, Debian with containerd + qemu-kvm +custom containers/vms, automated by hand in a bunch of bash functions. I found proxmox’s upgrade process to be a little on the scuffed side and I didn’t like the way that it handled domain timeouts. It seemed kind of inexcusable how long it would take to shut down sometimes, which is a real problem in a power event with a UPS. I also didn’t like that updates to proxmox core would clobber a lot of things under the hood you might configure by hand.

The main thing is just to think about what you want to do with it, and whether you value the learning that comes with working under the hood at various tiers. My setup before this was proxmox 6.0, and I arguably was doing just as much on that before as I am now. All I really have to show for going a level deeper is a better understanding of how things actually function and a skillset to apply at work. I will say though, my backups are a lot smaller now that I’m only backing up scripts, dockerfiles, and specific persistent data. Knowing exactly how everything works lets you be a lot more agile with backup and recovery confidence.


Proxmox uses scsi for disk images, which are single access only

Smb would be quite a lot of overhead, and it doesn’t natively support linux filesystem permissions. You’ll also run into issues with any older programs that rely on file locks to operate. nfs would be a much more appropriate choice. That said, apparmor in container images will usually prevent you from mounting remote nfs shares without jumping through hoops (that are in your way for a reason). You’ll be limited to doing that with virtual machines only, no openvz/containerd.

Fun fact, it was literally the problems of sharing media storage between multiple workflows that got me to stop using virtual machines in proxmox and start building custom docker containers instead.


Nobody should run k8s/k3s without understanding how they work lol, that’s a recipe for lost data.


Apparmor will complain and block the nfs mount unless you disable apparmor for the container. Then in a lot of cases the container won’t be able to stop itself properly. At least that was my experience.


We could certainly un-depricate it. It’s not like we need to reinvent the wheel here as a society on this.


Ask them for a refund, in writing, document everything, and if they refuse, take it to your state’s AG office. Obviously I can’t speak for every state, but mine has slapped around whirlpool when they refused to fix a defective fridge, dell when they refused to replace a monitor with dead pixels, etc. I’ve never had a bad experience. It’s amazing how a letter from your local AG’s office will suddenly make companies be less shitty to you.


Nobody knows your workflow better than you. The best answer anyone can give you is “experiment and figure out what works best with the hardware you have and the software you want to run”.


I loved @midnight and was sad to see it go. Hopefully it retains the same magic in modern-internet-era and it’s not just nostalgia.


We paid our first payment twice because autopay showed as off, so we did it manually. Then magically a week later autopay figured itself out and charged us anyway.


Rsync is more “copy on steroids” than “backup utility”. Many people use it as a backup tool because it allows very lightweight syncs between a source and a destination. It has no concept of snapshots or restores, it’s just copying files. You’d have to build a snapshot system around rsync. It’s not the solution you think you’re looking for, but by the time you figure out how to use it it’s the solution you probably always wanted. If that makes any sense


I’m not sure that’s entirely the bar we should be aiming for


My favorite part is when one of the three companies that does ours leaked all of our data with relatively no consequences.



Flash drives are notorious for spontaneous and ungraceful failures. At the very minimum, you want a proper Hard Drive or SSD. Generally, any reputable brand marketing a “NAS” drive is probably what you want. Nothing spectacularly fast, but designed for a lot of power on hours.

Dran_Arcana, (edited )

My strategy has always been to separate what should be persistent from what shouldn’t be.

On every system I deploy for home or work, I have a tree similar to below

/storage/[local/remote]/[where it is, enclosure, backplane,etc]/[what it is]


/storage/local/e1/raid/r6a/[this is my mount point] /storage/remote/nfs4/oldserver/[this is my mount point]

I then build all of my workflows off of the assumptions that things go there. Docker containers have a subdirectory in r6a for persistent volumes, etc

Even my containers themselves have a /storage/remote/persistent that I symlink anything to that I care about.

On the desktop side, I tend to physically just mount a second drive or a second partition as a subdirectory of /storage. That way my assumption can always be safe in that if it’s a subdirectory of a mount, my data is safe. If it’s not, it isn’t. It’s also nonstandard, so I can be relatively certain I won’t have conflicts between different distributions.

The main issue I have with submounting system directories like /home is that applications tend to put junk there, and old junk might not be compatible with a newer version of, or different distro. It can make for more effort than it’s worth


I would be very interested to see the percentage of lemmy users that were reddit users right up until the point they switched primary platforms. I have to imagine that number is near 99%.


My entire homelab env is written in “pure bash”. Bare metal deployments, creation, build, deployment, update, and backup, of docker containers (which are also just convenience wrappers around other pure bash projects of mine.). Etc…

I do it because I got sick of losing data, work, workflow or convenience to black boxes I didn’t create myself. Hell, even with my third party projects like Plex I have a lot of bash automation around extracting playlists from the internal sqlite db, etc. It really shifts your perspective on what’s possible when you build things by hand yourself.


It’s not like I don’t use open source solutions, I use docker for example rather than automating chroots/cgroups by hand in bash. I just use them as little as possible. While you’re correct, I don’t lose data in a well designed open source project, I do lose work, workflow, and convenience when those projects change or shut down. What’s really nice about the pure bash solutions is they’re entirely portable once you have them dialed in. If I wanted to switch from docker back to vms or forward to something like harvester/rancher/k3s I’d be able to port the projects very trivially. If I built everything around one of those projects in mind, all of my work would rely on it not changing. I acknowledge it’s sometimes a little more work but it’s work that I get to decide when to do, not when the project maintainers decide it for me.


Can’t forget those whom text at the theater


I feel like that’s sort of the most important bit of nuance though. Politics and news cycles tend to have a pretty short memory with that sort of thing. We should either address everything in a vacuum or everything in its entire relevant context.

Why is it political taboo to call them both monsters, and advocate for not supporting either until they can sort out the differences themselves?

People love to argue about all the suffering right now, but maybe we should be trying to solve for less suffering over ten generations, rather than one.

Samsung joins Google in RCS shaming Apple (www.theverge.com)

Samsung has released a new video in support of Google’s #GetTheMessage campaign which calls for Apple to adopt RCS or “Rich Communication Services,” the cross-platform protocol pitched as a successor to SMS that adopts many of the features found in modern messaging apps… like Apple’s own iMessage.


Internal memos explicitly stated execs were worried that if they brought iMessage to android, poor families might buy their kids cheap android phones instead of iPhones.

You can’t make this stuff up



What else could it imply? Surely if money is not an obstacle they’d just buy the iPhone they wanted for their kids.


Unironically that’s how zram works


Is that not how it works though? Lol


If you’re idling at 300mb with containerd running, you’re not getting better than that with a modern general-purpose distro. As others have said, switching to another vps’ free tier that offers more is your single best bet by a mile. About the only options you have on this one are compressed ramdisks being used as swapfile (zram) and literal disk swapfile to get you the rest. It’ll be very slow though if you have to load half your workload on shared platter swapfile.


Spelling and grammar are important. Language is only as useful as it is commonly and uniformly understood.


Bill helped his brother, jack, off a horse.

Bill helped his brother jack off a horse

It doesn’t take much sometimes for a sentence to completely change meaning,l; at best we knew what he meant but struggled through it slightly.


+1 for fancyzones. It works really well and is pretty full-featured. If for whatever reason you want deeper customization and automation, AWM (Actual Window Manager) would be your best bet, but fair warning it has a very steep learning curve and can be a bit finicky.


Or you know, if it’s impossible to strip out individual data, and it’s too expensive to retain/retrain models with data removed… Why is everyone overlooking “just don’t process private data, and only use public data in model training”?


Not op, but for posterity, that was the title of the video when it came up in my YouTube sub feed


X fire, but in my defense I was eleven


what she’s described in that thread is absolutely egregious

*If true and complete.

None of us were there, none of us know what happened, none of us knows the context of anything discussed. There’s a universe where everything she described is misinterpreted banter and she’s just an overly sensitive whiny zoomer. There’s also a universe where everything she described is an understatement to the unfathomable conditions she may have been subjected to, and Linus is a prototypical millennial edgelord piece of shit who can’t read a room, and gets off on belittling those under his domain.

It’s important, I think, to not be impulsively reactionary towards individual accusations. Doing so disincentives discourse and transparency. I’m going to let this play out for a bit before I make any decisions with my wallet. If Madison deserves the benefit of the doubt, so does LMG.


Perhaps we should all get paid in perpetuity for the things we create that others use in perpetuity.


I can’t think of a more fair model than "sum up what the user watched, divide that across what they watched, distribute according to whatever agreements they have with those rights holders. At least then Netflix gets out of the business of being the bad guy.

“Hey if you don’t think you’re getting your cut, take that up with the network that sold us your show for pennies”


Yeah I was going to say that seemed like a weird range to cherry pick. I have to imagine the 16-17 crowd in the US is like, 25-50% employed at best, and that’s 2/9. 5-6/9 in that range are school age if you count college.

I wonder what that looks like for the US


I was like you and got screwed by it. That’s the unfortunate part of the system for us. Credit rating isn’t rating of trustworthiness, it’s a rating of likely-to-take-debt/trustworthiness. Never having credit is often “worse” than bad credit. If you ever do try and take out a loan for a car or a house, you will have fewer and more expensive borrowing options.

The play for people like us is to open exactly 2 sources of credit, use one as autopay for static bills, and automatically pay it every month. Use the other for dynamic expenses, but monitor and pay it off in full whenever it reaches 30% utilization, or 25 days, whichever comes sooner.

One can get the benefits of credit without actually accruing debt. The way you use your cash/debit, you already don’t spend money you don’t have. Just continue to not spend money you don’t have, but get the benefits of the system. Be a “deadbeat” as they call us. Us deadbeats actively cost the system money by never carrying balances that accrue interest.

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