@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

That is true, although earlier generations didn’t have access to as many different variations of a product, most of the ones available to them were the high-end versions. The trade-off is that they costed much more due to being a more premium product and being new on the market.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

I liked the MOGAI acronym since by nature it includes all of them but Queer also works as well.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

I never heard that one before, cool.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Games today (also games in the mid 90s) tend to focus on graphics and not as much gameplay, problem with this is that they tend to age poorly, which is why Atari, Famicom, and C64 games are well remembered and still being played to this day but Amiga games aren’t as much, they were primarily designed for graphics and thus look dated today.

It’s also why many Indie games embrace the retro style and game mechanics instead of going for graphical wows. These games are just relevant and enjoyed for longer.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not your fault, these people attacked and we don’t have the proper moderation tools to defend ourselves yet. Hopefully in the future this will change though. As it stands you did the best that you could.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

We already have that, it’s called prison. Can’t go on the internet from Prison (at least I’d assume so, wouldn’t make much sense if people could). That’s not 100% since people need to be caught for it to work but once they are it certainly is.

Though other Global ban solutions don’t really work well because they require a certain level of compliance that criminals aren’t going to follow though with (i.e. Not commiting identity theft). They can also be abused by malicious actors to falsely ban people (especially with the whole identity theft thing).

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Usually they do, eventually (even on the darkweb).

Though it does take time to pin them down sometimes because many criminals take steps to hide their identities and make it very difficult.

Lots of people though are caught easily and quickly, hopefully these guys will be like that and will get caught quickly and put away for good.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

I agree, everything on Lemmy is public for all to see, that’s the nature of the Fediverse. Nothing here is really private, even vote counts since Admins of any self hosted server can see them, or Kbin which reveals them publicly for all.

Even DMs don’t have it, which is why it nags you to use Matrix for secure DMs.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Did you just unironically refer to us pejoratively as “boring liberals” while also claiming Mastodon is an “Echo chamber”, Cringe.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

You got to follow a bunch of people before it starts to feel worthwhile, see if anybody you know from outside of Mastodon has a profile there, or open up different instances and check out people there.

If you want you can even follow people and Communities (though on Mastodon they’re called groups) from Lemmy and reply to them from Mastodon (it is a little bit clunky).

Though for best results you should try and follow people on Mastodon or similar federated microblogging platforms, since people who they follow also have a chance of showing up in your feed.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

When people say algorithms on social media they usually never refer to the simple everyday algorithms that are easy to understand, they always use that word to refer to the proprietary ones designed to feed you content based on machine learning and data fed to them by the company.

Though yes sorting by new, or activity, or even by vote count is still in algorithm, just a much simpler one that almost never employs machine learning.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

It’s kind of frustrating because people who don’t understand programming or how the internet works are using algorithm to refer exclusively to the ones used by big tech, with machine learning based on user choices and whatever data they feed it to trick users into staying engaged longer.

Though algorithms are any program or sorting routine, however most people don’t understand this and they just think (even if they’re not willing to tell you) that algorithm just means magic or something like that because they’re imagining the machine learning ones they don’t understand that the simple algorithms like sorting by new or most popular are still algorithms.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Very much agree, I want to find all their posts but without the boosts, it almost makes me not want to boost things because I worry that people aren’t going to be able to find my post if they want to reply to me.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Interesting idea I had, maybe there might be some merit in allowing experienced users to build their own engagement algorithms for their personal profiles. They could also share their code with others who might want to use it. In that situation nobody’s creating any manipulative algorithms, they’re just doing it for themselves or for each other. They can also tweak it individually to their preferences. Of course since it would definitely require experience it’s more a nice optional thing to have, not a necessity.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

On some devices you can hold the back key to kill the foreground app.

spoilerYou might also try Typing :q

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

This graph is actually wrong, lemmy.ml doesn’t have open sign ups, it just appears to because the Lemmy software doesn’t accurately distinguish between open and closed registrations, it only distinguishes between open registrations and application-based registrations. If registrations are closed it’ll look just like they are open, but we’ll just give an error message when you try to sign up which is incredibly deceiving.

I filed an issue to fix this discrepancy on their GitHub.

Another issue with this graph is that it shows lemmy.world as American but it’s actually hosted in Finland.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

I really wish they would increase the image size to at least 200 or 300kb to fit larger images. You can get around it by using external image hosting but you can’t do that for banners and profiles.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think this is correct, the images from one instance are hosted on that instance, they don’t get copied over. What’s federated and copied over is text and references to those images (like this ![](https://image.url/image.filename)). The only images that are hosted on your own Lemmy instance are the ones that you and your users upload, which sure if you have open sign ups and a bunch of people using your instance uploading images then it will become a problem very quickly, but for personal use it shouldn’t unless you’re uploading a lot of images or even videos.

Just use external image hosts for posts and comments, and only use image uploads for your own profile and banner and everything should be fine (if you want extra assurance you can disable uploads in case you forget).

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Weird because I’ve checked it before and it doesn’t seem to, one notable example is that on the lemmy.zip communities I can’t see any of the images at all because something on my network or with my ISP blocks zip domains. The posts, comments and all their text gets copied over to lemmy.world but the images don’t seem to and thus they don’t display for me due to their domains being blocked.

(Alternate DNS doesn’t seem to bypass whatever they’re doing to block it, I can only connect to .zip domains through Tor or VPN).

It’s not a bad decision to cache pics, because it does make the experience really smooth, and I’m not complaining about it. Mastodon does this as well

I agree it’s definitely a good idea to create a more smooth user experience, would also eliminate the problems that I pointed out with the images not loading due to their domain being blocked.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

I know some people are going to complain about me saying this but I think that it’s good to have two separate ones for redundancy in case an instance is down, because when the instance goes down even though the copies are available posts made to them don’t get federated to others, they’re essentially only seen by people on the server that posts them.

So it’s good to have multiple versions in case a server is down so that at least one of them will still be federating correctly.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Theoretically, yes the intention of the design is to only need to create one account on one server though there are reasons why you’ll end up needing to create more than one, such as defederation, Community banning, and also, what I found is much more common than the two, problems with federating (some servers have slow sync or fail to sync posts and comments properly).

So yes federation comes with the intention of not needing to create more than one account, but it doesn’t really work out like that in practice.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

I think it’s a cool idea but it really needs a forum style frontend for it. Just not a fan of microblogging platforms. Though the fact that Lemmy was able to adapt ActivityPub for use with a Forum experience I’m pretty sure similar could be done with Nostr.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Wow they’re worse than I thought, why would anyone praise North Korea I mean that just sounds insane.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve had federation issues with certain instances like sh.itjust.works and pawb.social where comments and posts appear on one of them but wont on lemmy.world, never really figured out how to fix it either, I’m not sure how common it is across other Instances though, but as far as I can tell there’s not really much that can be done about them.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Most people in my country get cremated, so I don’t really think that’s going to pan out.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Yep, pretty much.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Some ancient peoples had wildly different conceptions of gender than us, which often don’t align with biological sex.

I guess you could say they were more advanced in some ways then, than we are now lol.

That’s a great video, though I personally wish it was a full video and not a Tiktok.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

What does the idea of punishing people even solve in the first place? It doesn’t help them, in fact it actually hurts them. It doesn’t teach them how to be better people, so they’re likely to do the same thing again. Oh yeah and it wastes resources on punishing these people, resources that could be going to regular people but are instead essentially being wasted to torture someone instead of trying to help them.

I bet somebody’s going to come out of the woodwork and try and argue that prison helps people somehow, by punishing them and making them scared, though I’ve found that making people scared is the wrong way of going about making them into a better person, because scared people just like animals will react, and it’s not pretty when they do.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

It is certainly odd, though I bet that’s going to change. For some strange reason people love talking about that stuff and even though it hasn’t appeared in this thread yet it probably will soon.

Edit: it already happened, someone decided to say that they wondered how chewed he’s going to be. You all just can’t help yourself with the rape jokes, can you?

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Absolutely, there needs to be an effort to help people become better citizens, and not just beating them down. People who you beat down fight back to protect themselves, which is literally the opposite of what you want here (unless the goal is to have more people rescinding).

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think kbin (excluding artemis.camp) supports API use yet so that’ll be a no. Also kbin is different than lemmy (still federated over activitypub but different platform) so it needs to specifically be supported, won’t work with a lemmy client.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

installs as a snap instead

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t either. I hate Snap. Flatpak is kind of Okay but I still prefer native install when available.

I was mainly making a comment on how on Ubuntu they sometimes force you to install the snap version with apt, yes it is really slimy and wrong and it’s why I don’t use Ubuntu anymore and instead just use Pop.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

I’d still recommend Debian bases for people like Mint or Pop, since they have the best software compatibility over all (so many devs just package their apps as Deb and rarely RPM so it’s a pain to install them on other Distros). Best of all those ones come without Snap at all.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Also has trouble reading from External Drives and which can be problematic for apps like puddletag and VLC.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Yup and to top it all off most online gaming communities are really toxic when it comes to any discussion of Anti-Cheat in this regard (it’s considered the same as cheating to put down anti-cheat), and will usually defend it and the company behind it. I’ve even heard some of these chuds try and say linux is evil or used by criminals (you can tell these people are either kids or very immature) and that they should outright ban Linux users altogether.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Anti-cheat isn’t compatible by nature with Open-source. Client side anti-cheat is based on the premise of security through obscurity, it’s not a canidate for open source and the ideologies behind most of them aren’t really compatible with freedom either.

Also DRM isn’t really compatible with that idea either because it is by nature anti-freedom.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Someone should totally recreate this language pack for a modern Linux Distro, or maybe even an interface language for lemmy?

Can we please unpin the proprietary off-site/off-network promotion of discord

This is completely counter productive to growing Lemmy. I absolutely despise discord. Look at the network traffic it generates and tell me wtf they are doing. They won’t tell you. Their business model will leave you completely dumbfounded as to how they exist. Everything shared on the platform is lost in a black hole...

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t we already have a Matrix Channel for that? Even if they wanted a lemmy.world specific Space it’s still Far better than proprietary Discord. I mean isn’t it already encouraged to link Matrix for secure messaging, why not just use a Space on Matrix for lemmy.world support and communication.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Uh He never said it has to be self-hosted though, so this already sounds like a strawman argument. Only one who has mentioned self hosting in this thread is you.

People want something that is secure and respects privacy, they could simply use the Matrix channel, or create their own Matrix space specific to lemmy.world , both of these would be better options for the users than to try and get them to use Discord which is a proprietary corporate service that is not only prone to security problems but also has some serious privacy concerns due to being corporate owned.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

I wish you guys would use a Matrix Space for annoucements as a complementary space, that way we wouldn’t have to use a proprietary platform to hear about what’s going on if lemmy.world is down.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Haven’t had this issue on Gnome, might be a KDE specific issue. I really don’t use KDE much except on my Steam Deck so I haven’t encountered it very often.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not like that’s ever stopped any of them before.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Well back when I didn’t know any better and would go through linux installations because I would break things but also because many of the “recommended linux distros” had problems (f*** you Canonical forcing buggy snaps onto us) I might’ve thought it was an awesome idea. But now that I know better (both how to not break stuff + fix things if they’re broken, and know when people are recommending glitchy trash) it just feels more restrictive. Kind of like a game console, android phone, or S mode. It’s not necessarily as restrictive as those things because you can turn it off and do what you want but the updates to the OS will almost never respect the changes you make, as I know from SteamOS.

Because I want to Install portmaster or create services to launch my own scripts on Boot without them being purged blindly by an update (just like How on Game consoles System updates will remove installed homebrew) I’m not into the idea of using immutable systems that lock you out of changes you might want to do that aren’t official.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Well running Portmaster or Gnome in a container kind of defeats the purpose of those things since they need to run on the System to be effective.

What would be really neat is if there was a Way to get the SteamOS features like the menu and On screen Keyboard in Regular Arch Linux.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Interesting choice of DE for casual users on a touch screen device, I kind of get that they’re not going to be using Desktop mode so much but honestly they should’ve used something like Gnome that isn’t going to be clunky and frustrating on a touch screen without a Mouse and Keyboard.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Fair enough, though Gnome does resemble mobile interfaces like the ones in Android (at least I think so, I’m going to get grilled for this aren’t I?), which would make more sense in what essentially is a mobile device that should have mobile touch based navigation due to lack of physical keyboard and a proper mouse.

KDE may look like windows but it also functions way worse than Windows on a touch screen device, at least most windows devices have a keyboard and mouse but the SteamDeck requires you to use an external one, which may or may not be available.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

This is actually a very good point, most people here don’t create communities they just go “oh well that community from Reddit doesn’t exist” so it makes sense to create a community and hand it off to others since people who might otherwise want one aren’t.

Honestly I think it’s a good thing that someone is willing to take the first step and make these communities exist and hand them off to people who has the time and passion to moderate efficiently, because Lemmy does need content if it’s going to succeed. Not just the popular “haha” communities but niche ones as well.

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