

@[email protected]

“Let Chaos storm, let cloud shapes swarm; I wait for form”

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Is Ubuntu deserving the hate? (lemmy.ml)

Long story short, I have a desktop with Fedora, lovely, fast, sleek and surprisingly reliable for a near rolling distro (it failed me only once back around Fedora 34 or something where it nuked Grub). Tried to install on a 2012 i7 MacBook Air… what a slog!!! Surprisingly Ubuntu runs very smooth on it. I have been bothering all...


It’s not actually unstable, more accurately it’s tested and verified as much as Debian stable, meaning it’s fine for desktop use but I wouldn’t use it for a server or critical system I plan on running 24/7 without interruption, both since it may have bugs that develop after long term use and gets more frequent updates which will be missed and render it out of date quickly if it’s running constantly.


I agree, much better than cigarettes.

Draconic_NEO, (edited )

Maybe for you they do, but we don’t know what he’s been though. Personally I’ve been through some really awful shit and when I was in the worst parts of my life I know that a skirt wouldn’t have made me feel better. I’m not going to say what they are because I don’t really want to think about it too much, but I’ll say it was tragic and traumatizing.

I’m not a smoker, I’ve never smoked but I have fantasized about… let’s just say ‘leaving this world’ more than most people, who don’t have PTSD.

I should say I’m not in that place anymore thankfully and my life has gotten much better.


What is this even have to do with the post?


What does the skirt have to do with masturbation anyway? It doesn’t seem relevant, reinforced by the fact the comment was removed by moderation.


The first one might suck but can be solved by either working under the table or with underhanded tactics, not super easy but doable.

For the second one, it’s much easier, !shoplifting can help you.


Anyone seeing this might want to consider combat training and counter custody training while it’s easy, just in case this is the future we’re headed for. (Also Remember they’re not real people, they’re bureaucrats they’re the same as robots, don’t hold back.)

Alright, I'm gonna "take one for the team" -- what is with the "downvote-happy" users lately?

Title. “lmao internet points” and all, but what is the point of participating in a community that sees assumptions and other commonly non-harmful commentaries/posts as “bad” this easily? Do folks in here are really that needy of self-validation, even if it means seeking such from something completely insignificant like...


You should report them as well, downvoting doesn’t do anything to accelerate them being moderated, but reporting definitely does.


That’s probably the reason why instances like lemmy.blahaj.zone, pricefield.org, and reddthat.com chose to disable them. They aren’t constructive and more importantly they lead to people using them instead of reporting, which is really bad when it comes to enforcing rule violations.


There’s quite a few instances like that that aren’t self-isolated prestigious hellholes. Here’s a list:

  • lemmy.blahaj.zone - LGBTQ themed instance
  • pricefield.org - LGBTQ themed instance based on “Life is Strange” franchise
  • Reddthat.com - A general purpose instance
  • Lemmy.one - A small general purpose instance ⚠️ Warning, They aren’t maintained well and have gone down for months ⚠️

From what I can see the biggest things these instances have in common with Beehaw is that they support LGBTQ and they have downvotes disabled. So they’re not really that similar, closest one is blahaj.


Blocking doesn’t do anything to stop the spread like on Mastodon or Reddit, best to report and reach out to admins (reports can be dismissed by moderators sometimes). Lemmy’s blocking as it is, is only useful for Communities (soon instances) you want to keep out of your feed and for snowflakes who ‘don’t wike what person say’. Seriously the ability to restrict malicous users is a very important feature for both user and community safety.


You can defeat both crimson and corruption before they even begin by using a custom world generator that generates the world without it at all.

If you’re a masochist you can also create a world with both, or even one that is entirely crimson or corrupted.


You run the chips too hot or too high a voltage and you’ll let out the magic smoke. It should say only good as a smoke machine once, because they usually don’t work anymore after you let the magic out of them.


You can post photos, lemmy allows external links as images if you do it like this



I used imgur but you can use any site that lets you upload images and just grab the direct link to the image itself.


It actually does, external images just can’t be added from lemmy-ui, in user settings they are stored as a URL so they definitely support them. You have to use the edit and resend option on DevTools or another form of API access to add a profile picture hosted elsewhere which is what I did on my lemm.ee account.

Though for that I’d recommend hosting the images somewhere you have full control over them like Github or Codeberg, that way you can swap them out later without having to repeat the DevTools process in the future if you want to change your picture.


It really does depend on the Lore and/or species of dragon within the lore.

Some are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both pairs of sex organs.

Some are asexual, and thus don’t really have gender, they might be seen as female since they would bear similarity to females of sexually reproducing species but it isn’t the same and they likely would not have the roles and behaviors associated with gender.

Some do have gender and are sexually monomorphic, meaning they look the same and develop the same regardless of their sex/gender, only difference is their reproductive organs.

Then there are ones that are sexually dimorphic and have great differences between the sexes and how the develop, differences such as size and strength, or colored markings, or both.

Out of these only the last one would benefit from hormones, and even then it would depend on species.

All of this assumes that Magic or shapeshifting isn’t on the table, if it is this all goes out the window because they’re no longer restricted to how their bodies are formed and basically have full control of the gender, sex, and species they choose to present as. Most of the stories I’ve seen the dragons have either full or limited shapeshifting abilities.


Where would a dragon who naturally has shapeshifting abilities fall on this?


Indeed they would, though they wouldn’t need any help from an outside party.


I’ve seen where they are asexual which is pretty close to not being gendered, but many times they’ll still be referred to with gendered pronouns, despite not really having gender due to being asexual.


I meant they reproduce asexually, not as sexuality. Asexually reproducing organisms tend to not really have a concept of biological sex because they don’t sexually reproduce, there aren’t males and females in a species like that, they just all lay eggs that develop as a clone of the parent.

I guess it wouldn’t really stop them from having a gender identity but there aren’t exactly gender roles for them to fit into so it’s hard to say how it would work, probably similar to how NonBinary gender works with humans.


Yeah it’s what I meant, should’ve been more clear.


Wouldn’t he ultimately only need one of those things? I mean a Lobotomy basically makes it so you won’t care about anything including but not limited to the parts you have down below, therefore the sex change probably wouldn’t be needed after it, they likely wouldn’t care anymore. That’s not to say they should do it, a lobotomy is a nasty and barbaric procedure which damages the brain and cognitive abilities unnecessarily, it’s literally the opposite of helping.


Actual anarchy isn’t simply No rules (that’s just chaos and isn’t even remotely sustainable), it’s when there is no centralized legal system and enforcement, there still very much are rules that are expected to be followed, which are enforced by the group as a whole. Obviously is a very simplified analogy to how it works.


Is a case of when you make the rules you can break the rules.


Hell yeah, Agender gang!

Draconic_NEO, (edited )

This may sound weird but I would like to get a house outside of the city so I can have a garden, and also for some peace and quiet. Maybe it’s not that weird but many people have told me it’s weird. That’ll probably also help with my sleep issues which is another goal of mine.

Another goal of mine is to improve my programming skills since most of my code is spaghetti-code.

Also I’d want to improve my micro-soldering skills so I can better do console modding.

Feel like these are some pretty good goals, some are a bit ambitious but hopefully I can achieve at least a few of them.


I’d advise waiting for the next incremental release, OLED seems like a tempting upgrade but the next one will likely be more powerful and and also have even better battery life.

Of course If you do want to I’d recommend putting the original SSD back in it before selling so you can put your 1TB SSD in the new OLED and then you can just get the lowest OLED capacity.

Also the Matte finish screen is a waste, best to get a normal one and put a screen protector on it (you’ll come to regret not using one if you don’t since it can scratch or crack easier without one) normal ones work better with a screen protector because their glass is smooth.


Yeah best to be yourself rather than to hide your true self.


*Results my vary in accuracy due to the nature of dynamic, Shared, or incorrectly assigned IP Addresses.


*Results only included from Public trackers, private trackers do not show up.


Public perception isn’t aware of the dynamic and changing nature of most IP addresses.

Once you are though it’s easy to see why the site might not work or even show incorrect results.


Well… That’s not good…

Can anyone help explain what went wrong here? I’m not super familiar with Graphics programming.


I mean in the end they make asses out of themselves and destroy their credibility. Though I’m pretty sure the left can out-shout them if they/we really wanted to. Thing is though, that would make us no better than them.


Or use an unofficial client to play the game without an account. Java MC will always have superior Modding support due to bigger community and the fact that Java is so easy to decompile and work with. Plus it’s CPU agnostic only needing Java runtime on that platform, rather than to be fully recompiled.


You will if you want to run it on different CPU architectures, but Java apps can run on any platform with a Java runtime.

I also meant modding support in terms of people making mods for the game.


It’s a nightmare for harassment though, treating all blocking as a sissy snowflake shield renders it essentially useless for circumstances where the other user is really malicious.

In that case having a system like Mastodon’s that locks them out of Replying is better than simply covering them up. We can’t really rely on Instance admins to block all malicious users or defederate from all malicious platforms so there needs to be a certain level of protection from the user’s side.

I do think that Blocking and Restricting (preventing a user from interacting) should be different functions, you block communities and users because you don’t want to see them, but you restrict users because they are hostile, malicious, or make bad-faith arguments.


We need better modlog searching so we can better know when comments are removed.


The way it was worded might be seen as improvements to torrenting on Tor instead of improvements to i2p.


Pretty sure there are still Methods to get free access to satellite TV channels (the paid encrypted ones, I’m aware that there are Free channels) the methods just changed from how it was done in the old days, nowadays you need internet to download the keys, which kind of defeats the purpose since you could just use a Free IPTV service on that same connection.

Also Satellite has fallen out of favor these days.


Just make sure to Pirate it, Paid emulator Devs on Android are greedy pieces of shit, many violate GPL Licenses just to make a quick buck, don’t give in, don’t give them money.

In general emulators that aren’t open source are also shady and should be avoided wherever possible because they:

  1. Can be Malicous
  2. Might use SDK material (not something we care about but it can be used against them).
  3. May violate GPL or contain stolen code from others’ work, which is extremely scummy.

Many mobile emulator Devs are like that unfortunately, no desire to improve things for the emulation community, AetherSX2’s dev was like that as well, though he went a step further and sold to a Chinese dev team who put ads and malware in it.

There is no valid excuse for locking down an Emulator, it’s either to hide the fact that they used SDK material or because they want to sell it later, either as a product to you or sell it to another Dev team (can’t easily do that with open source as it’ll be forked and the buying dev will be labelled shady or bad by the community). Saying “to prevent plagarism” is a Bullshit excuse because as well, Android did and still does have a thriving open source community, they don’t do it to prevent plagarism, they do it for money or to hide their own plagiarism (SDK or copying GPL code).


Yeah I can’t say for certain whether it was done malicously out of greed or not. I do know that in the Mobile space there’s a lot of precedent for that, with other emulator Devs who build closed source projects, then swiftly abandon, sell them off, or turn them into adware.

When it comes to emulation I feel like devs should contribute to the scene via open sourcing their projects, this ensures that their work can benefit others and that it can be continued in their absence. If they still want to charge for it they can do what Fedilab did and just sell it on Google play but have it be Free on Fdroid and the Git Repo.


The patching is meant to convey that message of never paying, by removing the option and prompts + nags to pay, as well as create the experience of an app that is entirely free without such nags. Such patches exist for WinRAR as well to enhance user experience.


Not to mention a majority of those channels are content/ad farms that probably deserve to die anyway. AKA you should block their ads or better yet avoid watching them entirely because they are leeching off the platform and hurting legitimate creators because those channels are run by companies who pump out highly produced videos faster than any legitimate creator could to rake in money from ads and sponsorships, their videos are also often filled with disinformation.

I’m talking about channels like TroomTroom, 5 minute crafts, etc. but there are also others out there centered around subjects outside of DIY.


If adblocking becomes illegal people will still do it (and you should too), some really stupid article tried to claim circumventing Anti-Adblock was illegal under DMCA a while back (interestingly they took it down when people continued to block their ads) and the filter providers did it anyway. Piracy still happens in countries where it’s criminalized, ad blocking will continue, though the Quorans (used them as an example because they’re the biggest snobs about the law and ethics) and people like them will likely use it less, though it’s not like they don’t already think it’s wrong (some also think it’s already illegal).


It might be that your uBO version is already blocking them, I’m not sure how you test that though, which is probably why they use the whole “not out in your region” comeback when it’s already discussed how uBO already defeats them (just like it does on your average bottom of the barrel porn-ad ridden sites that employ this exact same tactic).

The secure aspect of Anti-adblockers was defeated long ago, the security theater part is still holding on though, maybe this YouTube thing will finally kill that part as well.


I don’t think Adnauseam ever registered clicks on YouTube (correct me if I’m wrong) just blocks the ads.

Where to get Minecraft for Arch Linux from?

Arrrr my fellow pirates. Since I’m very unexperienced with the seas I ask for you guys, where can I get Minecraft from for Arch Linux. It’s not because I’m not willing to pay 20€ but because Microsoft is a giant bitch and I’m not willing to put money in their mouth(especially after they changed their privacy policy).


This is one of the best solutions in my opinion. Being able to use Multiple instances with separate .minecraft folders is super handy, especially for mods or playing on older versions.


I’ve also seen Mint, though it is much less common.

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