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@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Coherence came out in 2013, and the movie is phenomenal. Such an awesome take on the whole time theory.

+1 was another very good one, and more fun than mine bending, but does a great job tackling it.

I’m currently watching Dark, but enjoying it for sure.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Common in New Jersey too. Were essentially Europe of America.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, I thought it was obviously a joke, and you’re there with me. Right? I took the use of land bridges, nature bridges, animal bridges, whatever term is used, and used it to compare the State of New Jersey to a continent, neither of which are homogenous enough to be able to even make a comparison.

I’m just curious why you really hope it’s a joke though. I suppose I have the ire of some Europeans in drawing such a conclusion, and I’m genuinely curious why that’s the case.

I guess the best place to start would be what’s European?

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

NJ offers free community college, they’re working on universal preschool but it varies district to district (my district is about to move it to thee years old), NJ Transit trains are built in Germany, so that’s something right? We are working on offshore wind farms but the Dutch company backed out (and to be fair the economy is a shit show and I get it and I won’t point fingers). NJ is pretty much as progressive as it gets in the US, which is why I referred to it, tongue in cheek, as the Europe of America.

Some of the US is trying, and the amount of unjustified shit reddit, and now Lemmy, throw indiscriminately at the US is foolish. To suggest Mississippi and Vermont are the same is just not true, but that’s the vibe I get when I scroll through “America Bad” after “America Bad” post.

There’s no reason for people to be up on their high horse when we’re all a decade away from collapse. Let’s be friends and joke with one another. Sometimes all you got is jokes.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Hey, we’re trying, just as hard as my “essentially” is.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

You mean the New Jersey of the West Coast?

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, my credit card is just a buffer for my actual cash. I buy. Something happens, maybe a defective product, and merchant is being a piece of shit, I just disoure that shit. With cash, that’s it, you are done.

That being said, here I am, new cars in the mail because somehow it was compromised and someone wanted to buy some junk in Ohio I guess. So there’s definitely the inconvenience associated with that. But when young Dozzi92 was an idiot and lost his wallet, carda get replaced, but missing cash is missing cash.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Same. Will be 10 years ago next February that we met. Married for 7. Kids. Etc. Success! Definitely lucky.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, was Indian style as a kid in the early '90s. Little kids need some mnemonic device to literally just not fly off the face of the earth, and so that was the replacement they came up with. Cross-legged just doesn’t grab a kid’s attention like mashed apples.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

They will release one episode a month to milk your $99 per month introductory rate. The runtime will be 21 minutes with 39 minutes of ads interspersed.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I’m halfway there, except my wife wants me to procure nonsense shows, and so I’m stuck between supporting Netflix or supporting my wife’s love for trash TV.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Gotta just make an icon on the desktop that dies a full shutdown, full especially because Microsoft basically made that harder to do. Now I just double click an icon and call it a day.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

This is hilarious. God I miss how passive aggressive you could get with pictures with embedded links.

Did American History X foreshadow the resurgence of white nationalism in the US? (www.bbc.com)

A brilliant film emerged from these skirmishes – but its core insight still takes work to unpack. For generations, a persistent myth that black families were irreparably broken by sloth and hedonism had been perpetuated by US culture. Congress’s landmark 1965 Moynihan Report, for example, blamed persistent racial inequality...

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, someone’s forgetting the movie. Derek Vineyard’s dad was your classic closer white racist who had no problem dropping n-bombs at the table, and Derek was an impressionable teen at the time. And in the midst of this, his hero firefighter father is murdered, and Derek takes what can be construed as a realistic, however irrational, tack, by following his father’s words in an effort to determine why his father was murdered.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

What do you want? Do you want a shot in utero where the switches for white supremacy are flipped? I’m not sure you’ll ever find what you’re looking for. I think the whole inherent racism thing is a switch that is or is not flipped during one’s development and the movie tried to tackle the issue within the 100 or so minutes it was given. At the very least it identified a facet of white supremacism.

I suppose perhaps I’m ignorant, but you seem to say that the interactions we experience in the film are secondary to something more systemic, and while I suppose I can say yeah, I agree, to just shurg off these things and say no, that want it, Derek was born hading black dudes, I think is a little shortsighted. Frankly, if you don’t put stock in the interactions the movie depicts, then what hope do you have?

I was born in the 80s and grew up with racism at my dinner table in a similar fashion, and when I was 15 I didn’t quite understand this movie in the same way I do at 36. I make efforts to not flip the switch for my kids at every opportunity. To hear you say it’s institutionalized makes me feel like it’s hopeless, and my babies, in spite of their colorblind nature now, will ultimately latch on to some rationale to hate people who don’t like like them, because it’s just in our nature.

Here's what a random person on the internet thought of The Outer Worlds (lemmy.world)

I played the Steam version of the base game, with no DLC. I did not play the Spacer’s Choice “remaster” as it has a reputation for being broken and poorly put together. I played the game to completion on normal difficulty, completing most of the side quests, spending time with all my companions, and trying to get the most...

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

You hit the nail on the head for me. I tried to like this game, but it felt lackluster time and again. And I enjoyed Fallout NV and to a lesser degree 4. Outer Worlds just did not do it for me.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, these threads should exclude The Wire and Breaking Bad, do we can get some more shows. And this thread is actually pretty good, but IMO those two are the undisputed champs.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Snowfall season 1 was great. It started to go off the rails after that, IMO, but S1 had me glued.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Same. Original seasons I’ve seen many, many times. So densely packed with nonsense humor.

Season 4 (and probably 5, didn’t watch) felt contrived. The show had a great flow and the later seasons felt so forced.

But those first three were amazing.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Hey thanks for eating it. You sign up and you’re like this will be tough, but you don’t realize how tough it’ll be sometimes right? I’ve always appreciated being able to commiserate with people who did it. I dunno if there’s name for that, but talking to people who walked the walk somehow makes it easier.

I hope you’re part of a system that appreciates the sacrifice. Where I’m from, I see nurses striking, looking for better conditions, and so I hope there are better days ahead, and it shouldn’t take a worldwide crisis to shine light on it.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

That’s it. Had a buddy do it. Would order Burger, no bun. Obviously, we made a joke out of it. And that’s it. Nobody cares.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

This hits way too close to home. Bruce Willis (just your typical black haired cat) is an indoor/outdoor. Before anyone bites my head off, my wife found him on the streets of Asbury Park. He was probably three when she brought him home. He is beyond where we can be like no dude, you must remain indoors. There would be a breaking point that would end in someone dying, him or me, and probably me. He just needs to wander outside.

Anyway, at one point Bruce just stops eating, drinking, the whole nine, to the point it’s concerning. I know that when it’s my cat’s time, I’ll commit. I’m pro euthanasia in humans, and if my cat is suffering, I will end his suffering. But I will also exhaust some possibilities beforehand. Which I did. To the tune of like $4,000 worth of diagnostic testing and everything. Vets were stumped but tossed him on an antibiotic, which obviously he reacted well too, and so Bruce Willis lives. I’m confident this was a case of his feelings being hurt, because they found nothing wrong with him and the antibiotic was kind of a, well, can’t hurt. He’s soft, but he thinks he’s hard.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Jeez, I remember sitting at my Apple II in computer class in 1992 or '93 and our teacher having this comic cut out and taped to the side of his computer. I’m pretty sure it’s older than that too, but it’s a testament to the quality comic Farside was, simple but memorable.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I shower before and after I get my haircut. I’ll shower sfter my haircut and somehow still end up finding stray cut hairs.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Nothing more motivating than embarrassment, that’ll be a tough one to shake, might as well just accept your tic.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Pretty soon, the kids won’t have to worry about eating Brussels sprouts, because the Brussels sprouts will be eating them!

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Fuck you kitty!

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I remember just driving around in the backseat of mom’s minivan, and it could’ve been 92.3 KROCJ, or 100.3 Z100, or 97.5 PST, Peaches by Presidents of the United States of America was just a popular alt rock tune, sandwiched in between Third Eye Blind and the Gin Blossoms.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

They are in the process of doing this in NJ and it’s infuriating. The approach to the Holland Tunnel, which is busy (understatement), they’re adding another lane, as though that will somehow be the solution. And I can say with some authority that anyone who drives the Turnpike Extension through Jersey City, majority of those people are going to continue on if their destination is Manhattan. It is an absolutely boneheaded move, with plenty of public opposition, but they are chugging along. Smells like corruption to me.

At the very least there are funds allocated and ground has broken building new train tunnels into NYC, but it’s bittersweet knowing billions are being wasted widening a road that doesn’t have a capacity problem so much as it has a 100 year old tunnel at its termination.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Ambient sound levels from bugs can exceed 55dBa. We banning bugs?

35 is literally unobtainable, I don’t understand. Wearing high heels will get you a fine. Laughter. Rain.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

You can’t just bust out a sound meter and take a reading. There are so many factors that it makes it unenforceable, because at the end of the day the burden of proof would still be placed on the enforcement arm that it was that vehicle. How do you control for ambient noise? Distance? Temperature? It is just unenforceable to make a dB level a mark.

If your car goes pop pop pop, though, I think you need to have your car taken away, and maybe your freedom, because you’re just an asshole.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, immission isn’t a word I’ve ever heard before so excuse my ignorance. Seems to correlate with how things are measured around here, where basically you take a historic ambient sound level and then the adjusted sound level after a source is introduced. For development, obviously doable. For people traversing the local roadway? Literally impossible. In fact, where I am from, the vehicle traffic associated with a use is typically exempt from their land use application because it’s just not feasible to get an accurate representation. It’s also not feasible to have a business put a “No popcorn tunes” sign up, and then actually enforce it.

Do you have any info on how this 35dB rule is enforced? Genuinely curious. My familiarity with the technology is through the testimony of experts in a quasi-judicial setting, and so I am far from an expert, but what I’ve heard with enough frequency is that it’s difficult if not impossible to pull out vehicle noise from ambient noise.

In that vein, there are restrictions based on the duration of noises and their level. Basically, a car door slamming is instantaneous. The backup alarm on a truck is constant. But yeah, unrelated. I just don’t know that you can use decibels to limit the motoring public.

And I say all of this being so staunchly against aftermarket tunes making your exhaust sound like you’re running rich. Shit is stupid. I say this having, at a point in my life, drove a car (factory stock) that had a loud exhaust. And so I think if you’re concerned, the best place to make a change is in regulations associated with vehicle exhausts. Neuter pickups and cars if they can’t cc comply. You need noise to get horsepower and torque? Too bad, muffle and restrict your pipes, and if you can’t make your vehicle strong enough, maybe make it smaller.

Elon Musk gives X employees one year to replace your bank - ‘You won’t need a bank account... it would blow my mind if we don’t have that rolled out by the end of next year.’ (www.theverge.com)

“If it involves money. It’ll be on our platform. Money or securities or whatever. So, it’s not just like send $20 to my friend. I’m talking about, like, you won’t need a bank account.”...

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds like the kind of person who says “you wouldn’t understand,” when they fail to explain.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, and if you stop drinking, you just die!

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

They should just make it better, you know?

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Camscanner hurt. I used it constantly. Then boom, absolute 180. I guess that’s the goal. Make a legit app that people love. Then sell it to someone who will exploit your loyalty customers. Cool!

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Mine is staggeringly low.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Double booking. What is this, an airline?

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Short for Fredrick, and Rik in Norwegian means rich. So peace, but only if you’re rich.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve thought about this my entire life. Just generally, is what and how I see the same as you? It’s obviously a matter of how an individual’s brain interprets something, so we won’t know until we can plant our consciousness in someone else a la Black Mirror.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

A terrorist with integrity. Can’t be too mad at them.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Pine nuts? Didn’t realize we were talking such expensive items.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I started writing “Because Apple is keeping an underground slave workforce” as a joke, but had to circle back.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Wasn’t that an early Tesla thing too, opening up tech so others could use it? I remember being like this is how the future will be.

They got me good.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Staten Island ≠ NYC. Place is a cesspool. And I don’t have a horse in the race, just viewing it from over the border in NJ. Nobody likes Staten Island, it’s filled with aggressive bigots.

Samsung joins Google in RCS shaming Apple (www.theverge.com)

Samsung has released a new video in support of Google’s #GetTheMessage campaign which calls for Apple to adopt RCS or “Rich Communication Services,” the cross-platform protocol pitched as a successor to SMS that adopts many of the features found in modern messaging apps… like Apple’s own iMessage.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Need to befriend more drug dealers.

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