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First of all who knows the number and who knows how many are kids vs terrorists, but Hamas wants the kids to die, they tell them not to leave.


Yeah, Israel was attacked and came close to losing. Israel avoids genocide by killing the terrorists, not capitulating to them


The simple reality is that islam is a fascist religion and are willing to live in peace with a Jewish state of any borders, look up the 1948 UN partition, whereas Israel has made numerous offers and concessions to peace over the year.

I promise you any thing you say for why pals are justified in their actions because of their oppression is a distortion of history, that pals have started every single conflict.

Unless your position is that the quaran was revealed to Mohamed by God and Hamas has interpreted correctly to say that there can only be Muslim nations in the world then you are supporting fascist idiotic terrorists.

Jews are the natives of the land, you can see there is a mosque built on the Jewish temple, Islam is the colonizer, islam is intolerant, and it’s not just in Israel, it’s in many countries


You can look up the hamas charter, they advocate genocide.

You are ignorant of history, pals have been offered statehood numerous times throughout the years and their position has always been there can be no Jewish presence in Israel.


Are you old enough to remember the Olso accords and the peace process? Pals have been offered states numerous times, they don’t want it , they want to fight, every resource they use for terror. Israel is just supposed to make concessions until the pals come around to peace ? They will not.

You don’t understand the mindset, if you lived in any Muslim country particularly in the Midwest you would find things very difficult, particularly if you are a women, or gay, or a non Muslim. They will kill a woman who doesn’t wear her scarf, forget about talking to men… these people are fascist in a way that you do not understand


Maybe better than Europeans but not ‘well’ there have been discriminatory laws in many Muslim countries over the years and most Muslim countries have ethnically cleaned their countries of Jews, Jewish communities in Iraq, syria etc… Pre date islam.

And of course under ottoman rule their were laws against Jews immigrating to palestine


Hamas is the governing body there, they all celebrated and danced around dead bodies on 10/7- those people should die.

They’ve been given warning to evacuate. Why doesn’t Egypt let them in? Remember the lie that Israel bombed the crossing?


How do you know this? Is it from the say people who said their was a hospital bombing ? They lie about everything. I’m not saying I know for sure but I am skeptical. It is possible some people were bombed but there are many many people who evacuated to the South


The UN is not the arbitrator of morality.

Before 1967 the arabs refused to accept the state of Israel and launched a war to destroy it in 1967 so they lost the land. The land is not held for them in perpetuity to attack and attack… If they want peace they have to give in peace, if they attack them they should be attacked, it is simple.

No one should be kept in prison but you keep a murderer in prison because of what they’ve done.

At this point you will say, well what about what Israel did… And I promise you if you go back pals have instigated every conflict. They are unwilling to live in peace with non Muslim, they follow a fascist Islamic ideology and are explicit about it. The jews , who are the natives of the land, have repeatedly shown a willingness to live in peace with arabs, with a pal state and with arabs in the Jewish state. During the Oslo peace negotiations they talked about putting Arab areae of Israel under the PLO and the Israeli arabs absolutely refused, Arabs living in Israel have better quality of life than anywhere in the Arab world, Arab countries are corrupt theocracies, Israel is a liberal democracy , this is why the fascist Muslims hate it, this is what they are talking about when they say ‘european colonialsim’, that it’s not a fascist Muslim theocracy


No hamas has not

And regardless of what they say their actions speak louder than words and they lie about absolutely everything, how naive.couod you be? Didn’t you see hamas on cnn this week saying things like they did not target civilians on 10/7, they are decrepit.


Israel is objectively in the right. The only perspective where they are not is if you are an Islamic fascist who believes God wrote the quaran to Mohammed and hamas has interpreted it correctly to say the entire world should be compelled to be a Muslim theocracy.

Every war results in civilian deaths, WW2, the civil war etc… Hamas hides behind civilians , in the history of the world there is not a nation which has taken more steps to avoid civilian casualties of its enemies than Israel


Your premise that there is land which is reserved for arabs is false. If there is empty land Jews can live there. I don’t care for the idea that arabs live freely in Israel with equal rights while in the west bank, or Jordan, or Iraq Jews cannot live there, have equal rights and in fact would be killed.

You have had 75 yrs against Israel legitimacy and Israel has to take steps for security. Israel is tiny. Why can’t Jordan, which is a part of Palestine give land to the Palestinians or the state of Israel? Why was the entire land of Jordan given to ‘the heshimite family’ who are not even native to the land ?

It is clear to anyone clear thinking person that islamic outlook is fascist and has been at open war against Jews and non Muslims for decades and centuries. And that they have been defeated, are the losers, and now peddle this pathetic propaganda and it takes root because of weak minded people whose thoughts are based on childish slogans that are recited in unison, have you read 1984?

This is why the media is so highly censored in these places, that they scream over any debate, they are violent fascists, relying on censorship and propaganda, using any means to advance their idiotic religious agenda.


This is a report relying pal reporting, after the hospital thing I will definitely not take it at face value, and none the less they started a war.


They don’t have to tell them to evacuate, hamas attacked and started a war, there’s a war, they’re not tied to a post.

There is no conceivable way that there wouldn’t be a war after what Hamas did.

And you can use the typical pal trope of what about what Israel did before… And the fact of the matter is if you want to trace this conflict to it’s genesis its that pals follow a fascist Islamic ideology which is opposed to any Jewish state.of any form and no Jewish presence anywhere in the land. They are fascist. They have launched war and terrorists attacks , have been defeated and restrained and their only recourse is to hide behind children and play the victim, yell slogans to affect weak minded people.

The Jews have always been willing to live in peace, live with a Palestinian state, live with arabs in the state of Israel. The Muslims have openly opposed any peace with Jews. Jews are the natives of the land and the Muslims have said even if an area is completely abandoned, a swamp or a desert, that Jews cannot be there, they are ok with Muslims from any other part of the world being there, they are ok with no one there, but not Jews who are the natives of the land. They are fascist. Imagine caring about the ‘character of the land’ and seeking to exclude Jews… It is a mosque built on top of the Jewish temple, Islam is the occupier. You see the fascist Muslims fight like this against the Jews as well as many other people in many countries, you are reflexive and weak minded if you are sympathetic to them when they complain about losing the wars they start, hiding behind children for propagana

Are you a woman lady autumn? Do you have any idea what it’s like to be a woman in a fascist islamic regime? That in Iran and Gaza they kill women who don’t wear their head scarfs, will kill them if they talk to a man, what do you think their marriages are like? They are misogynistic and it’s no wonder they have such an easy time recruiting terrorists


Israel agreed to the UN partition and the arabs went to war against them to destroy them. In 1967 they went to war again to destroy Israel. There is no such thing as land which is inherently Muslim, Muslims have countries from Morocco to Pakistan and their fascist ideology says that there can only be Muslim nations. They have rejected Israel and freedom for Jews 100%, Israel has the right to defend itself from fascists. The Nazis had the same ideology and the arabs fought with the Nazis in WW2.

What hamas did is war crimes, targeting civilians. What Israel does, targeting terrorists and having collateral damage because they are hiding behind civilians is not war crimes. In Russia Ukraine war civilians die but their are not war crimes, they do not target civilians. In WW2 many civilians died but it is collateral damage. It is different from the terrorist war crimes of Hamas there is no equivocation. This propaganda is part of how the terrorists fight, they lie they are relentless, so you expect people who do these things to not lie?


Yes there is an objectively right side, 1 side may not be perfect but there is 1 side that is evil- the Islamic fascists.

Like 9/11, yes america has made foreign policy errors however to hijack planes and crash them into buildings is evil. Yes they celebrated in Palestine and throughout the Arab world and civilians died hunting down al qaeda but it was appropriate to do.

If you are American you are living on colonized land, you are considered evil by the Islamic fascists, do you think someone is justified to break onto house and stab you, to target you as infidel explicitly. That is not the same as responding to that attack and the evil terrorist is hiding behind civilians (who support him) and them being killed despite taking numerous steps to avoid them.

The Islamic fascists are objectively wrong, they believe that a medieval warlords poetry comes from God and kill anyone that disagree, ISIS did this things in Kurdistan, just killing everyone and taking sex slaves. They are objectively evil and wrong and it is an intellectual and moral weakness if you can’t distinguish this


Anyone can look up the 1948 partition which Israel accepted and the arabs rejected. Anyone can lookup ‘plan dalet’ and see that it’s developed in the midst of a war.

For hundreds of years there were laws against Jews in Palestine as well as every Muslim country.

Jews have been explicit that they are willing to live in peace with Muslims, and Muslims have been explicit that they are racist who will not tolerate any non Muslim presence.

Hamas is the one who came in and murdered random people because they don’t submit to Islamic fascism as they do in my parts of the world. Israel is targeting Hamas who are hiding behind civilians. These are clear facts which anyone can see. The reason pals fight is rooted in their Islamic fascism that they don’t get 100% of what they want which is an Islamic caliphate throughout the world. This is the message that is explicit in the quaran and how they are innoculated from childhood


Yeah some people did cheer 9/11 but these are morally weak people.

If Israel killed 2 million gazans tomorrow they could say look at what they did and I don’t think the people who said the 9/11 terrorists had their reason would endorse killing 2 million Muslims.

This is what moral reasoning is, just because 1 side isn’t perfect doesn’t mean that the other side is evil or wrong.

You can see that the Islamic fascists rely obscuring issues, propaganda, yelling slogans in unison.

To parse facts is difficult but it is not difficult to see that islam is a fascist ideaology unwilling to be peaceful and Israel has made numerous steps and concessions to peace.

You could say that ISIS is justified to genocide the kurds for some reason, you can say the Nazis were justified, that Germany was decimated… It doesn’t occur in a vacuum, but then to turn around and be sympathetic to the Nazis who were bombed? Yeah many people are, they see the Nazis as justified and lament their oppression, but they are idiots.


Hamas targets children, Hamas hides behind children, Hamas is explicitly fascist, if they could kill you for your lifestyle they would.


Wow you should be embarrassed , ‘the people living in Palestine aren’t muslim’ 😂😂😂, you don’t think Hamas is Muslim, holy crap.

A religion follows it’s interpretation but the quaran is the poetry of a medevil warlord who advocated Islamic fascism and genocide, you can see many Muslim groups throughout the middle east (Iran, ISIS, Hamas) who take it seriously. It is very serious for the women executed in Iran for not wearing their scarves, for the gays executed in Palestine.

In Israel the Muslims live freely, Israel wants a peaceful and prosperous Palestinian state. Palestinians elect hamas, Hamas cancelled elections, Hamas does not want.peace and prosperity, they want to genocide Jews, they are who Israel is fighting, Israel are trying to avoid Palestinian civilians to get Hamas who is hiding behind civilians. Many of the civilians are horrible people who support Hamas but none the less Israel is not targeting them.

Yes pals.civilians are treated unfairly, every Islamic country is a brutal dictatorship, there is no self determination anywhere in the Arab world, if the pals succeeded in genocising Jews they would still live under a tyrannical regime


You just repeat slogans, you don’t actually make sense.


Should not stop bombing until Hamas is destroyed


Murder is deliberately targeting, it is a war crime, it is what Hamas did, it is what Nazis did.

When terrorists hide behind civilians and civilians are killed inadvertently in the midst of a war it is called collateral damage, they are not intentionally targeted and it is not Anwar crime. Again hamas is the war criminal hiding behind them.

In every war civilians die because of collateral damage, in WW2, the civil war, every war. The difference is hamas targets children and hides behind them, Israel takes steps to avoid civilian casualties


I don’t need your propaganda.

Fact is Muslims live freely as equal citizens in Israel and have no desire to live under Palestinian authority.

Jews cannot live freely in a Muslim country and have had laws discriminating against Jews for hundreds of years. Judaism predates islam not only in Israel but in Iran, Iraq,syria, Egypt, Morocco and in all these places there are and have always been discriminatory laws against Jews.

Jewish people are the natives of the land, the aqsa mosque is built on the Jewish temple, the premise of Islam is there can be no Jewish state or Jewish freedom anywhere and not in the land to which they are native, it is all Muslim dictatorships from Morocco to Pakistan, they are fascist


You don’t make an argument you don’t realize how wrong you are, you just have a feeling and make these vague childish comments


For started when they stop firing rockets


I don’t think you know or understand the history of the conflict at all.

As I’ve said in other comments, and these are the simple facts of the conflict- that Israel has always been willing to and wanted to live in peace with Palestinians, that they accepted then 1948 partition, that they didn’t control the WB and Gaza until the 1967 war, have offered the pals states numerous times and they arabs live freely in Israel. OTOH pals have been explicit that there can be no Jewish state on any form, no Jewish presence, and vowed to fight to the death against it. These are the facts. The Jews, who are the natives of the land have made numerous concessions and the arabs who are from other places have not made any concessions from their demands which is absolute Islamic fascism.

Every ‘campaign’ of the Israelis to restrict Palestinians has been the result of massive terror campaigns which the pals have vowed to as long as Israel exists.

Maybe not every response of Israel has been exactly measured but the genesis of the conflict is clear, that the Islamic fascist are not willing to accept a non Muslim presence in any form, and they are the occupiers, Jews are the natives of the land. Everyone knows that Jerusalem, Hebron, nazereth etc… Are all cities built by Jews.

West bank and Gaza are given a ton of aid and if they accepted a state would be living in wealth, living well is not their objective or at least not the objective of the government. They say explicitly they desire death, they they love death more than Jews love life.

You are intellectually weak and have no moral spine


No I’m not, the IDF targets hamas, maybe sometimes they miss. Hamas has been launching hundreds of rockets a day indiscriminately into Israel for years.

The gazans should go into Egypt, Hamas is the government and controls where aid goes


In the 18 and 1900s Palestine was largely empty , the Jews a state on some land and the 1948 partition gave the Jews mainly vacant land. The pal position has been there can be no Jewish state in any form

All throughout the 18 and 1900s the arabs warred against the Jews and kicked them out of their homes in Hebron , in Jerusalem, these court cases talking about who owns which house are obscure. And it is possible that some pals are unjustly kicked out of homes, I don’t know. But the broader conflict is that the pals are Islamic fascist who do not think Jews should be able to live anywhere or have a state anywhere and fight in any despicable way they can against it. So maybe sometimes a pal gets treated unfairly but for every 1 of these cases there are a hundred cases where Jews have had land stolen, like the history of Hebron and what happened in the 30s. And there are many cases where Arab claims are upheld by Israel, they are all over Jerusalem.


ISIS and hamas are not enlightened islam, a religion follows it’s interpretation and what ISIS and Hamas do is blasphemy. Islam is not from God, it may have worked in the middle ages but now people who are reading it are insane fundamentalist. There are peaceful Muslims but not the mullahs in Iran, or ISIS or Hamas. Yes the bible says to kill people who violate the sabbath but functionally speaking no one is killed for violating the sabbath and it was not even interpreted that way in biblical times. The war musings of the quaran are interpreted this way by Muslims around the world.


Obviously you are a slogan yeller and it’s broken your brain.

The IDF targets militants, if they were targeting civilians they could kill millions. Everyone can see hamas specifically hides behind civilians


You throw around genocide as to make it completely meaningless.

Usually when a country goes to war they do not give any warning whatsoever


There are way more fundamentalist Muslims and further more fundamentalist Christians are not dangerous, the religion of the New testament is love and evangelism. The Spanish inquisition was not based on anything from the bible.

In islam it is not a far fetched interpretation to say that the world should be violently conquered in the name of islam, they follows from a simple reading and the leaders of many Arab governments such as Iran follow it. Half of Iran hates this fundamentalist interpretation but the other half doesn’t and they are dangerous. And throughout the Muslim world - the 911 hijackers, ISIS, Hamas there are these extremists. Yes it is possible to have a peaceful islam they coexists but it’s also possible that islamic fascism will be predominate and it is dangerous and it should be fought


The reasons the causalities are higher for the pals is that they are not able to kill as many people as they would like and they hide behind civilians. IDF targets terrorists, Hamas hides behind civilians, Hamas targets civilians.

And the reason gaza is under blockade is because they have previously used all their resources for terrorism.

And if you go back you can see that the genesis of this explicit - that these are Islamic fascist who against any non Muslim state of any dimensions and will fight it to the death. Jews are the natives of the land , for hundreds of years there were laws against Jews in Israel as well as every other Muslim country. When Jews immigrated in the 20th century they did not displace anyone and infact their development caused many migrants to move to the land. The intolerant Muslims were against any Jews in the land and they went to war over there existence and that when they were displaced. Imagine being so bigoted that you go to war against the natives of the land, who do you think built Jerusalem or Hebron or Nazareth ?


If there is a military target in a civilian household then it is ok to destroy it, they give warning and it is a war crime for Hamas to place the target their anyway. Terrorists and criminals would take over the world in a day if they could simply hide behind civilians. Do you know how many civilians were killed in WW2, in every war? Hamas is the one trying to maximize civilian casualties in gaza, Israel is trying to avoid them but it is ridiculous to think Israel would not respond to this. Why is it you people have nothing to say about pals when they deliberately target civilians and say oh their land is occupied but that Israel should not retaliate even when doing everything they can to target militants? It is disingenuous tactic to cry when civilians are killed as collateral damage but say nothing when they are deliberately targeted. Or maybe you are a victim of propaganda.

You are ignorant of the facts, it’s not that there ‘might be’ a military target, it’s that they are known military targets in civilian areas, it is not disrupted that this is how Hamas operates. You keep employing this trope ‘aimed at children’ … It is the pals who endorse and specifically attack civilians, the IDF tries to avoid civilians.


Because they have sworn to kill them , they’ve launched numerous attacks… Do you actually think the Israelis should just trust them😂


No, that’s a ridiculous thing to say. Even the Muslim arabs massacred the Christian arabs in Lebanon, they was supposed to be a Muslim/christian state. Do you know about that ?


First of all Israel is a western democracy and is not government based on Judaism any more than Britain is government based on Christianity.

Second of all there is a reason that Jewish based relations spread around the world, and that is because there is a true element which is consistent with Aristotle and Hinduism , that the nature of world is that there exists a creator being who is detached from all else. Many important things have come from this true conception of the universe, but one of them is not that the entire world should be government by the poetry of a medevil warlord


Yes hamas has to be removed because they are terrorist, they will lead to the deaths of civilians on both sides and have caused many deaths. Civilians are given the opportunity to flea, they should leave, why would they stay ? To be propaganda martyrs?

You are a crisis actor, you act like you have this moral principle that we have to protect the Innocents at all costs but when the pals routinely target civilians you say nothing


That is not true. For good or bad these are the most ancient myths of humanity,stories used to transmit ideas before writing was invented and written down at the neolithic revolution.

Men and women are of different natures … In truth Adam , eve, and the snake are all one being and exists inside every person. In the story God only speaks to Adam , Adam speaks to eve and eve to the snake as this is how they are connected in the brain/soul

The snake is not specifically evil, but relates to physical needs eg food, sex.

There’s a lot to it.


I do view people as individuals and some people are individuals and some people just function as hordes. In some places that is greater proportion of people who are individuals as opposed to hordes than in other places.


Hamas has vowed for eternal war, they are fascists who say they will not accept Israel existence in any capacity. They start wars make all these threats and then when they die they go ‘oh look at the children’. A person with morals and strong intellect.can see they of course.these evil people will lie and flail in every disingenuous way. Truly disgusting people, threaten genocide all die and cry about any steps taken against them. The other Arab countries are much more severe with dissidents, they understand the mentality better


So what you are gay or trans? Show me the worst thing a Christian fascist has done. In gaza you would be killed, it would be endorsed by the government, it is routine they they kill gays, you know that right ?

In Christianity there are a wide range of interpretations but the text of the bible does not say to violently impose Christianity on the world, that is one reason why there are much fewer christian fundamentalist. The text of the quaran does say to violently impose islam, that is why it’s much more dangerous as that is what crazy fundamentalist read.


Hmmm, every single Muslim country has conflicts with their neighbors that has to be violently suppressed, with the Jews, with the Christians, with the Hindus… They fight amongst themselves with shia and sunni, every Muslim country is a violent totalitarian dictatorship which is completely corrupt with most people living in poverty, so where do you think the problem is? The religion based on poetry of a medieval warlord that people interpret as being from God ?


Yes more should be done to remedy gaza, and there are many terrible situations around the world where the give do terrible things. They let aid into Gaza but this is a war and there are hard choices in any war, you definitely want to avoid war.

And it is the pals who have perpetuated this endless war, if they accepted a Jewish state in any form they’d be living in peace and prosperity with no displacement. Jews are the natives people of the land and were refugees with nowhere to go during WW2. The Arabs sided with the Nazis in WW2.

Look up the 1948 partition, the size of the Jewish state which would not result in any pal displacement , most arbas living in aan Arab state and a small amount in a Jewish state.

They rejected that, they went to war against the premise of any Jewish sovereignty in the land to which they are unobjectively native. They have fought Israel in the most barbaric way only targeting civilians for decades while Israel makes measured responses. The pals priority is to fight Israel any way it can, use pals as human shields for propaganda, because they follow a fanatical , fascist , hateful religion which believes the entire world should submit to the rule of God transmitted through the quaran. That is what islam means, submission. They will fight to the death in every way. They are evil.


Hamas targets children , the pals support it, they are the bad guys. Israel does not target civilians hamas hides behind them, they are the unobjectively the bad guys


They’re not trapped, theyre given warning. Egypt traps them on gaza


There are druze , circassions, Muslim immigrants who came hundreds of years ago,.some came when the Jews came, there are many different groups but everyone knows that Jews are native to the land

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