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Pals have had millions of chances at peace, they have said they will fight to the death against the existence of Israel. They are getting what they wanted


Pals despite there constant war live as good or better than most other Muslim countries in the region


No, they’ve had days to leave and many of them did. Not sure why Egypt doesn’t open the rafah crossing


Hamas fires thousands of rockets at Israeli, if it didn’t have iron dome they’d have to prevent Gaza from firing the missiles, which means bombing Hamas and the civilians they hide behind


They’re already terrorists


There grief is that Israel exists. They are Islamic fascist who believe every country should be Muslim. They’d kill you if given the opportunity


Gaza openly calls for the extermination of Jews.

It is wrong to kill people but we have the death penalty for killers.

It is wrong to imprison people but we have prisons for criminals

Any thinking person can see from the start that Muslims are not willing to live on peace with Jews or anywhere whereas Israel has always been willing to live in peace


You sound like you’re 12 and have no knowledge of the history of the conflict, just yelling slogans with the mob


So you don’t think there should be any Jewish state when they’re are dozens of Muslim states and are against Israelis defending themselves. You are a fascist


Yeah but pals have been offered peace and a state from the beginning. They are at war because they have declared war against the existence of Jews. They deserve to die at this point


It’s not disputed that this is what they do


Hamas openly calls for genocide


This site is teenage slogan yellers, too ignorant to know they’re ignorant


It’s fascinating. Every war has collateral damage and Hamas deliberately hides behind civilians- a war crime- and Israel gives them opportunity to leave

And hamas deliberately targets civilians and you say nothing


These are dumb teenagers who are yelling slogans


Why doesn’t Egypt let in the gazans ?


He’s right, it’s not like they are living in tents


Don’t you realize this is where they put the tunnels ? And this ‘refugee camp’ is a city


You should learn history .

You can look up the 1948 partition plan for starters, which Israel accepted and arabs went to war over. Israel ‘violently seized’ the land by defending themselves.

Under the British mandate, the Ottoman empire there were caps and restrictions on how many Jews could live in Palestine while there were none on Muslims. In every Muslim country there were discriminatory laws against Jews.

The Jewish was position was that there is some state to which Jews are free to immigrate, ie the Jews fleeing Europe. There have always been Jews in Palestine, Jews are the natives, but not a state for 2000 years.

In the Jewish state arabs live freely and it was always the position of Jews that arabs can live freely in Israel and that there can be a Palestinian state (in addition to Jordan which was a part of Palestine)

The Arab position- based on islam- is there can be no Jewish state at all. They are fascist, they think the whole world should be Islamic. They launch terror attacks all over the world against non muslims- in India, armenia, Europe, the USA, Africa…

You are just repeating slogans.

Dontcare, (edited )

The partition was voted on in 1948.

No pals were displaced before the war. The area in the south of israel- the negev- is a desert where very few people lived and no one lived at the time.

There have always been Jews in Palestine, your assumption is that vacant, uninhabited, never developed land is somehow reserved for arabs when Jews are the native people of the land.

The Jewish position is that there be some land for Jews in israel- the land to which they are native- and the Muslim position is that there be none, not 1 inch, that it is all a Muslim state like all the other Muslim states which have had discriminatory laws against Jews for centuries.

All the further partitions are in the context of Arab wars against Israel, until 1967 Jordan controlled the west bank, Egypt Gaza, yet they did not make a Palestinian state… They launched wars against Israel in 1956, 67, 73…

Yes inside israel arabs live freely and don’t want to leave are be a part of Palestine, pals have been offered states on the WB etc… Numerous times and have always rejected.


Yeah right,.

Simple question, do you think Jewish people should be free to live in the land to which they are native?


They were expelled because they started a war, Israel accepted the partition whereas pals did not. Israel was explicit they did not want to displace anyone. Many arabs live in Israel to this day. If there was no war there would have been no expulsion.

Pals have been offered states numerous times and even offered right of return for some refugees with compensation to the rest.

And even though you did not answer my question I will answer yours- no I do not think the arabs who were forced out in a war and who have been fighting a war since then should be allowed back en masse when they openly say they wish to destroy Israel. And if you want to re visit past injustices to say there are some arabs who should return, have land given back, then you also need to consider the Jews which were kicked out of the west bank like from Hebron and the Jews which were kicked out of Arab countries and of course the Jews which were kicked out of Europe. If you launch a war, lose , you can’t ask for a do ever where you get everything back and keep everything you took, it is ridiculous. At the outset the Jews were willing to accept a tiny state, that they were fleeing from the Holocaust, that Jews were living in refugee camps until 1948 when Israel was established. That Jews are the natives of the land, were making it prosperous, are integral to the history, and the arabs sided with the Nazis in WW2. They are truly disgusting, is it really so horrible to live around Jews , in their native land. You think the fact the pals had to move 50 miles down the road is some horrible injustice ?

From the start of the conflict and throughout the modern era Israel has always been willing to live in peace with the pals despite their belligerence making numerous offers. Jews never asked for welfare like the Muslim immigrants coming to Europe, they developed the land and caused many arabs to come. It is the pals who have belligerent, following fundamentalist islam saying there can be no Jewish state, everywhere has to be a Muslim state.



First of all Egypt has fought many wars against Israel… It is after Israel defeated them that they were willing to accept peace deals.

And what you fail to grasp is it is the arabs who started a war, tried to destroy Israel and kill Jews, and since they are dangerous were forced to leave and since they openly say they wish to destroy Israel are not allowed to return. Should Israel let them return to destroy Israel ?

You don’t seem able to accept the fact that from the outset Jews were willing to live in peace with arbas and the Muslims were not. No matter how far back you go- you can go back to 1948, you can go back the ottoman and Egyptian caliphates which had discriminatory laws against Jews. You can go back to ancient history and look at the fundamental aspects of the religion. Islam is a fascist religion, it says to conquer the entire world in the name of islam. That just like in Iran and Gaza that they kill gays, they kill a woman who doesn’t cover her head, that a small group fundamentalists control the entire economy and use every resource for terrorism, so to should it be in the rest of the world. The modem state of Israel is not government by religious Judaism and if it was, Judaism does not say the entire world needs to be Jewish.

Islam is fascist, that’s why there is this conflict along with all the other conflicts they have with many nations, with the west, with India etc… With themselves with shia and sunni…


Hey I appreciate you took the time to respond and at least make arguments, you have more intellect than 99% of the site which isn’t saying much

But you have far to go, if you want to increase your intellect you have to accept facts and truth even if it challenges what you have as an established belief. That is why you have a hard time to debate me, because I have heard the arguments and adjusted my views many times.

You should ask yourself why you are such an expert on the israeli-pal conflict and probably don’t know as much as the complex histories of Lebanon, syria, Iraq… All the sectarian violence, expulsions, terrorism, oppression etc… what happened in Lebanon when they tried a joint Muslim christian nation. Or the entire continent of Africa, you’ll find that the pals are really not the greatest tragedy of humanity and yet it is all the UN seems to be concerned about, all the slogan yelling mob cares about.


Well I’m glad that you oppose Hamas, but you would not do well in any Arab country. However bad you believe Christians are in America if you were in any Muslim country they would literally kill you.

Gender transition has been legal in america for decades, the debates from Christians are if you can do it as a child, if you can do it for free… No one is trying to kill you at an organized level, there may be lone wolf terrorists like the Muslim who shot up the gay night club in Orlando but it’s not like after that happened people were celebrating in the streets applauding what he did, how would you feel if after that gay night club shooting that people came out in the thousands to support him? No he was arrested and no one, not any christian endorsed it.

There are not Christians who say explicitly things like 'all people have to be Christians ’ or ‘we.should kill all gays’, that is literally what they say in Muslim countries, that.all gays should be killed, that.all Jews should be killed, that all places.shouldnl follow Muslim law. There fighting is not the result of a brutal occupation, it is their ideaology and they are occupied and oppressed because of it, because of they weren’t suppressed they’d be murderous.


Jews are the natives of the land. So if you could imagine the British not allowing celts in England. Or white people not allowing native Americans in the US.


Yeah he won because before him you had leftist prime ministers who offered everything to the pals, have them more autonomy and it only resulted in more terrorism. The pals will fight to the death no matter what, they say so explicitly, they don’t want freedom or prosperity they are Islamic fascist and want to destroy Israel , that’s it. If they wanted peace and prosperity they’ve already had every opportunity


They definitely made mistakes. For years hamas has been firing hundreds of rockets every day. You know that rocket that hit the hospital parking lot they blamed on Israel and killed so many people, they fire dozens of those at Israel everyday and the expectation is Israel shoots them down with iron dome. In what other country in the world do you have daily indiscriminate rocket attacks ? What would Americas response to daily rocket attacks be ?

Most Islamic countries are facist- they are dictatorships with non elections and no allowed opposition. Religious morality is enforced, women are killed for not wearing their scarfs and of course homosexuals are killed.

Unfortunately it’s not a good situation no matter what


Because pals always lie, because all these Arab countries are propaganda regimes. They had hamas spokespeople on CNN and BBC saying things like civilians are were not targeted on 10/7. They tell the most ridiculous lies. Do you you also think North Korea are not liars, do you Believe the North Korean dictator for 18 holes in one at golf?


Christians are way better than Muslims, no matter what you show me the fact is in gaza you would be killed and children would dance around your dead body and the government would pay the people who killed you.


Arabs are native to Saudi arabia, Islam is an Arab religion but not all Muslims are arabs. It’s like the difference between being Italian and Catholic. Judaism is an ethno religion, they don’t convert and they don’t force people to convert as Muslims do.

Some pals may be defended from Jews but many groups traveled through the region over the years and there was never a cohesive Palestinian identity. Under Muslim rule there were laws against non Muslims immigrating. Under British rule Jews were allowed but so were Muslims and many Muslims immigrated at this time as Jews developed the land.

The arabs sided with the Nazis in the war and sought to restrict Jewish immigration. The British mandate of Palestine was all of current day Israel and Jordan. The Balfour declaration divided Palestine into Jordan and Israel, with Jews only allowed in Israel and Muslims allowed every where. Jordan was given to the 'heshemite ’ family who is not native, the entire country was given as a kingdom to a single family not from the region… in 1948 Palestine was further partitioned into areas where Jews were allowed and where they were not with a small Jewish state of mostly desert and swamp in Palestine, the Jews accepted and the arabs went to war. Before that point there was no Arab displacement or intention to but after the war many arabs were pushed out. Look up the 1948 partition. So at that point the Jews who were refugees from Europe were able to immigrate to Israel.

The arabs launched wars against the existence of Israel in 1955, 1968, 1973 , while Jordan controlled the west bank they never thought of making it a Palestinian state… When Israel controlled it they offered the pals states numerous times but from the beginning the pals refused because they will not recognize a Jewish state of any form as they have from the beginning, as it’s part of their fascist religion

I don’t see why there can’t be a Jewish state, and furthermore why Jews can’t live freely in the west bank, in Jordan, and even in Iraq , of Muslims can live freely in Israel why it the reverse ? Even under the occupation pals in the west bank have a better quality of life than most Arab countries and Gaza was way better off before Hamas. Israel has made rons of concessions to peace and that was their mistake, because they were naive leftists who believed that if they make steps towards peace the pals will reciprocate. What happened was they gave pals an inch , the pals used everything for terrorism, Israel clamped down and now the Islamic fascist regime uses thata as a pretext for terrorism.


They can’t go into Israel because they are murderous terrorists. There is no reason they can’t go into Egypt. If they broke into Egypt the egyptians would kill all of them and no one would complain.


Jews faces discrimination in every Arab country. When the ottomans controlled Palestine there were laws against Jewish immigration, and of course not Muslim immigration. Yes Islam has been fascist for many centuries. Jews were restricted from immigrating and then when they were able to they attacked and responded to various degrees. It’s ridiculous to think that it’s not Muslims who instigated the attacks… Do you think small numbers of Jews immigrated and immediately attacked Muslims ?


Your either slow or being obtuse.

The pals would like to go to Egypt, Egypt won’t let them in, if pals tried to force their way in Egypt would kill them because they don’t want them. How hard is that to understand ?

Do you have another explanation for why pals aren’t going to Egypt? I remember a couple of weeks ago there was a lie that Israel bombed the rafah crossing but it was made up like everything else. So what’s your answer ?


Ambulances cant operate without the internet ? Ok. It’s a war, there will be suffering. Hamas could release the hostages and stop firing rockets…

Pals don’t have freedom because they are at constant war. They had every opportunity for a state and they chose war. Pal territory was controlled by Jordan and Egypt until 1966 and there was war

Pals are given the opportunity to flea a war zone, it is nothing like the Holocaust. This isn’t even like black September, the Syrian civil war or any other Arab conflict where the Muslims are much more severe let alone the Holocaust. Even if Israel killed literally millions of Palestinians it would not be like the Holocaust , the pals are devoted to fighting the jews, the Jews were not a threat to Germany in any way.


Ambulances cant operate without the internet ? Ok. It’s a war, there will be suffering. Hamas could release the hostages and stop firing rockets…

Pals don’t have freedom because they are at constant war. They had every opportunity for a state and they chose war. Pal territory was controlled by Jordan and Egypt until 1966 and there was war

Pals are given the opportunity to flea a war zone, it is nothing like the Holocaust. This isn’t even like black September, the Syrian civil war or any other Arab conflict where the Muslims are much more severe let alone the Holocaust. Even if Israel killed literally millions of Palestinians it would not be like the Holocaust , the pals are devoted to fighting the jews, the Jews were not a threat to Germany in any way.


Yeah they are. First of all pals aren’t a race, they are arabs and there are hundreds of millions of arbas.

Secondly the causality in this conflict are in no way ‘genocidal’ even if you were to consider pals a race. They’ve been given warning to flee the fighting, it’s simply a term being used as propaganda, 'the genocide of children '…


Read up the kahanites? A fringe group which was outlawed… Read up on hamas, the government of gaza. You sound like a lunatic, the Nazis didn’t prioritize coming for the Jews ? You must be 12


We killed many Germans civilians in WW2, that is what happens in a war.


They’re not being killed because of who they are, they are being killed because they launched a war. They are ‘genocidal’ against Jews, it says openly in their charter.

You can look back at history and see Israel has been willing to live in peace with pals, offered numerous states, arabs live freely in Israel, pals have waged war against any Jewish presence in the land, they are genocidal.

Israel is giving notice before they attack to flea, the pals intentionally target civilians. Of course the people attacking civilians are going to lie about everything. It is the most pathetic and disgusting people


No Christians aren’t actually hanging gays from lamp posts, Muslims are.

If you were a queer Palestinian you would try to get to america Israel.

But their treatment of queers aren’t why they’re being killed, they’re being killed because they are openly at war and they are crying about retaliation , they absolutely refuse peace


So would you say the pals want to genocide Israel?


Kahane is illegal in Israel, no Ben gvir did not threaten to kill rabin 30 years ago when he was w teenager. I ignored it because it is ridiculous.

All Muslim states are dictatorships , pals support Hamas, maybe they are brainwashed but then everyone should be calling for the removal of Hamas right?

The Nazis did not allow Jews to flee, everyone knows this, the things you say are childish.


Jews originated in Israel, this is a fact. Jews have always been willing to live with arabs in Israel. It is the arbasnwho have launched war against any Jews in the land, the land to which they are native.

It would be like all the non Irish groups in Ireland saying that the Irish can’t live their etc…


Again, the Jews have always been willing to live with arabs, it is the arabs who have always explicitly said no Jews

It is explicit in the quaran to violently conquered the world for Islam and you see there barbarism in many places


Hamas is the elected gov of gaza, they have broad support, it is true that not everyone supports them and obviously they are coercive

So why doesn’t the world unite against Hamas ?


Several days of warning is more than sufficient, most people have in fact evacuated.

Israel does not control everything as you can see Hamas has thousands of rockets despite Israels efforts.

If pals indiscriminately fire rockets, the fact Israel doesn’t indiscriminately fire rockets is restraint. There are conflicts like this all of the Mideast and the reason they don’t fire rockets into Saudi arabia or syria is because they would kill them by the millions.

Hamas has broad support from pals, but if they don’t then what is your issue in the war to remove them ?

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