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@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Remember that, to be a member of the EU, the state must comply with the Copenhagen criteria.

It’s a long process, that can take years.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

I agree that things need to change in the EU. It’s completely unacceptable that a couple states that went wrong can blackmail the whole union. If necessary, the EU needs to be able to suspend membership in extreme cases. And be done with unanimous agreements, and change to a majority one. The current rules are too idealistic, and didn’t account for a state going awry.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

There are many ways to reach a majority. You can have a weighted majority, and agree that you need 3/4 of the votes to reach an agreement. So, those countries with more people have more voting power than many small countries. There are formulas, if you look for them.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

What I mean with “idealistic” is that there are no safeguards to deal with these situations, and in my opinion, it’s because in the past it was thought that once a state was inside the Union, there would be no need to become anti-union, or sabotage it’s working (or there would be safeguards in place already). It’s clear now that a member state can go awry, and become no compliant with the EU, ignoring EU institutions and principles. The EU needs safeguard measures for those cases.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Steve Jobs in 2007:

The full Safari engine is inside of iPhone. And so, you can write amazing Web 2.0 and Ajax apps that look exactly and behave exactly like apps on the iPhone. And these apps can integrate perfectly with iPhone services. They can make a call, they can send an email, they can look up a location on Google Maps.

And guess what? There’s no SDK that you need! You’ve got everything you need if you know how to write apps using the most modern web standards to write amazing apps for the iPhone today. So developers, we think we’ve got a very sweet story for you. You can begin building your iPhone apps today.

Admit it, the man was a visionary… XDDDDD

Just in case: /s

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

By the year, I think this was before there was even an App Store (first generation iPhone was launched at the end of June, 2007). Jobs really believed in web apps, but the original iPhone had no power to handle them correctly, and a lot of the APIs that we have now were unthinkable at the time. I was just trying to be funny, really. :P

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar


Dmian, (edited )
@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Talking about supercomputers in your pocket… am I the only one who finds extremely funny when people ask for directions with their smartphone in their hand? Or ask for anything that can be easily solved by just using the device they’re already holding? In the past I used to send “Let Me Google That For You” links, but I think I need a “Just use your smartphone!” T-shit or something. :P

Edit: while I find the situation funny, I want to clarify that I never mock people, or be rude to them. I try to go out of my way to help them, since you never know why they don’t do the obvious thing.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

That’s absolutely true. One person asked me for directions once with Google Maps open and pointing where they had to go. Clearly this person was unable to understand the app.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

I totally understand that. As I said, I never know the reason, so I don’t judge. It’s just that the situation is funny, in the “we have the tools, but still can’t solve the problem” kind of way. :D

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Oh! When you’re in a place you don’t know, it’s a whole different game. Yes, even with Maps or a GPS it can be confusing. :P

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Hahahaha! Well played. ;)

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

I’m the same. I would love to see a stream of this guy painting, to see his process. But I guess it would be a very long stream… :D

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar


@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Why not? I do a lot of preventative medicine. In the long run, it’s cheaper for the system. If I detect something out of the ordinary and recurrent, I go to the doctor and we check it. If some day it turns out it’s something serious, we’ll catch it early.

If you only go to the doctor when you have a lot of pain, or major symptoms, it may be too late, or it could mean a big surgery, or a lengthy and expensive treatment.

Doing regular checkups is always the best policy. Same is true for dental health. Go often, avoid big problems.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

I do that. This post makes me feel depressed.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Such a relief! :P

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

We have a beautiful small Mediterranean Pine forest near my home. Filled to the brim with small black plastic bags filled with dog poop. I think I even took pictures of it once. Enjoy nature!

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar
@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

It is! I think it was planted in the 1950s

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Anything on banning lobbyists from the EU Parliament? Because that’s urgently needed…

Dmian, (edited )
@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve no idea. But in practice, corporations with big pockets have more possibilities to influence than regular people, or even NGOs. But lobbying is a part of politics that, in my opinion, is truly detrimental. If politicians want to be in contact with their base, they should reach for local associations (and be more proactive in being in contact with their constituents). By design the EU Parliament isolates representatives from their voters. It’s in this microcosm that lobbyists flourish.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

The thing is, some people and corporations have so much money that they can do both. Why not? Just use your media corporations to convince people that the law you convinced the politicians to pass is good, and things will go smoothly for you.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

I was probably not clear with what I was thinking. I remember watching a video of the main hall of the European Parliament, filled to the brim with corporations stands with lobbyists trying to push their corporate agenda to passing parliamentarians.

I was not talking about MEPs receiving this or that organization or corporation in their offices. Frankly, it looked like a freaking market. That is what I want to see banned. Not MEPs talking to people in their offices.

How Commute Culture Made American Cities Lifeless -- Yet There's Hope (www.youtube.com)

This video outlines some of the relationships between US commuting culture and the perspectives that it’s engendered about the role of the city. The, when compared and contrasted to other nations’ approach to city design and perspectives shows that it’s possible to have a city core that’s more than just a workplace....

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

For all I’ve read, the lack of public transportation in US cities (or the badly managed ones) is by design, influenced on politicians by the car industry lobby.

I guess it’s the same for zoning laws? I’ve no idea, and I’m probably not exactly true, as I’m stating a huge generalization. The US is so big and diverse that there may be places with good public infrastructure.

But in a broader sense, it seems that the car lobby played a big role in how cities were designed and run.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

“I swear, it’s just one more road. One more and that’s it. Promise!” XDDDD

Dmian, (edited )
@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

If you want to upload videos (you want to be a PeerTuber, he, he), just subscribe to one (any one is ok).

If you want to watch, vote and comment on videos, there’s no need to make an account. Give the channel a follow from a Mastodon account, and simply interact with the post on your feed.

Any upvote will be reflected in the PeerTube channel. And the same is true for the comments: comment in the Mastodon post for the video and you’ll see the comment in the video’s PeerTube page.

So, you can follow channels from different PeerTube instances without a problem from a single place (your Mastodon account).

I’ve never tried it, but I guess the same is true for a Lemmy account: subscribe, vote and comment will be reflected on the PeerTube channel.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Just point to the headphones, mutter an “I’m sorry!” and speed your pace. That’s what I used to do, at least. :P

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

VERY generally speaking, 20s are warm, 30s are hot. Humidity changes this a lot. And yes, personal sensitivity to heat plays a role. I live in a dry climate, and I feel rather comfortable until we’re close to 30 ºC. I remember reading something like the ideal room temperature for humans was around 20-22 ºC.

For those using F, this is, more or less, the scale of C:

Below 0: freezing (0 ºC being the freezing point of water, duh!)
0 to 10: cold (don’t go out without a coat)
10s: cool (a sweatshirt or light coat may do)
20s: warm
30s: hot
40s: uncomfortably hot (stay in the shade and hydrate)
50s: you’re dead (or you wish you were. Unsafe for humans)

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Well… I said VERY generally speaking. And as I’m defining a gradient of temperatures (clearly it’s not the same 30 °C than 38 °C), I’m also defining a gradient of “hot” sensations, from feeling a bit of heat in your body, to feeling like an oven. That’s the thing with generalizations. I’m not trying to be precise here, just give a general idea to those that are not used to Celsius (I’ve seen the same being done with Farenheit and found it useful). Cheers.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

If it’s just text (paperback novels), digital. If it has some illustrations, or is a comic or an art book, physical. Same for technical books with diagrams: physical. I don’t have an iPad or a large ebook to appreciate graphic content in the same way as in a physical book. I have no problems reading novels off my phone, on the other hand.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Sure officer… that way…

Now seriously, it’s possible a lot of protests are not organized openly to minimize risks. Just get involved in groups that interest you.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Those are FPC/FFC connectors (Flexible Printed Circuit/Flexible Flat Cable). You normally have .5mm or 1mm pitch (distance between pins), but can go as low as .2mm, and as high as 2mm. There are several style of connectors, the ones in the picture are sometimes called “clamshell”.

Dmian, (edited )
@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

The dialogue goes more or less like this:

  • Hey, Israel! Don’t do that to the Palestinians! You’re violating international law!

  • So? What are you going to do about it?

  • Good

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

For those using Safari, a simple custom browser stylesheet with a few styles is all you need, and is undetectable, as anti-adblock works with javascript, so no pesky “Why you blocking the ads? Mimimimimi…”

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

I think this should work with any browser that allows you to apply a custom user stylesheet. This used to be normal in the past, but Chrome took it away, and I don’t know if Firefox still allows it. Copied from a reply I put in another post:

Ok, do this: download this stylesheet: damianvila.com/external/fuckyoutube/hider.cssSave it somewhere where you can find it easily. Open Safari and go to Safari > Settings > Advanced. In the “Style sheet” dropdown, select “Other” and navigate to the style sheet. For maximum effect, do this while you have YouTube open… :D

The stylesheet is organized in a way that you can comment/uncomment blocks to customize what you want/don’t want to see on YouTube. Right now it has my preferences, but if you want to keep something, or hide something I had viewable, just comment/uncomment as you wish. The ads part is clearly marked, and the rest is menu things and navigation elements (I don’t need most of those). I also hate Shorts with a passion, so I hide those too. Keep in mind that this can only be used in the desktop version. It doesn’t work for mobile or any of the apps. Sadly, you’ll have to suffer with the shitty ads there. But at least, you can have a decent experience while watching on your Mac. And since it’s a user stylesheet, and has no Javascript whatsoever, YT has no way ob detecting or blocking it, so they can do nothing (other than changing the names of the titles, but that is easily fixed).

Have fun.

P.S: you’ll notice that sometimes, where there should be an ad, you’ll see like a blink in the video. Don’t worry, it’s normal. The video will continue without problems, and you won’t see the ad.

P.S.2: This stylesheet sometimes blocks shitty Google (or other sites) pages (because people are assholes and put things there that shouldn’t be there). If you happen to find yourself in this situation (a page that is suspiciously blank, or don’t allow to scroll, or behaves oddly) you can temporarily change the sylesheet to “None Selected”, and see if the problem is fixed. When you’re finished, remember to switch back to the stylesheet, or you’ll have a shock when you go to YouTube… XDDDDD

Did you find Tear of the Kingdom difficult?

I played BotW a lot, and really loved it. I feel like the beginning of the game was relatively easy compared to TotK, I died a few times trying out things, discovering the game and possibilities ; in TotK I died a lot and still do even with good gear and armour (1*-2* armors, 30-40+ damage weapons). You could say it’s skill...

Dmian, (edited )
@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

The initial sky island is as easy as the beginning of BotW. The initial constructs are easy to defeat (a few hits with a branch, and they’re gone).

I think by the time you jump to the surface, you’re expected to know how to fuse weapons. This will give you an advantage, and makes enemies easier to defeat. But if you don’t fuse weapons and play the game like in BotW, it becomes really hard, since enemies are designed to be attacked with stronger, fused weapons.

The depths adds another layer, as there you find resources that will make defeating enemies extremely easy: bomb flowers, muddle buds and puffshrooms are extremely useful when used strategically. As long as you avoid large enemies and bosses, the depths difficulty level is not hard. But again, you need to use fused weapons.

The main point, in my opinion, is understanding the new mechanics you can use, and play the game using them, and not like you played in BotW. It’s really a different game in a lot of aspects, specially combat.

Edit: Oh, I almost forgot: in TotK, you have the help of the sages avatars. Contrary to BotW, this game is designed to play with them, and not completely alone. A lot of people just dismiss the avatars and go alone against enemies, but this game is designed to have them around you almost always. If you’re not using them, try summoning them and having them by your side always. They help a lot.

Dmian, (edited )
@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Israel has all the right to defend themselves from a Hamas attack, nobody should question that.

What they don’t have the right to, is to punish the whole population of Gaza by cutting the water an energy supply. How is that allowed? Why nobody is condemning that? Netanyahu is just starting a second Nakba. That shouldn’t be allowed.

And if Europe really recognizes the right of the Palestinian population to freedom and justice, they should start by denouncing the illegal settlements of the West Bank. How is being stripped of your land or home justice? How is being forced to pay a fee to leave the Gaza strip freedom?

Of course, Hamas needs to stop with the terrorist attacks, and recognize the right of Israel to exist. The PLO did this, and it was a step for peace.

But you can’t achieve piece by only putting the burden on one side. As long as Israel’s illegal annexation of territories is not denounced and stopped, only asking Palestine to respect Israel is being unfair, to say the least.

Both sides are doing terrible things to the other, but only one side is condemned, and only one side is being supported. This will not bring anything close to peace.

Just in case it’s not sufficiently clear: terrorist attacks are unacceptable, and should never be a tool to achieve anything. I’m not justifying Hamas in any capacity.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly, I have no idea. They’re cornered in Gaza, without resources and any way to reach a viable future. And they’re losing territories by the day in the West Bank.

War may result, most probably, in a Israeli win. Terrorism is always denounced by the international community. And trying a peaceful solution will only serve for settlers to keep occupying their territories, and obliterating their population.

They’re in a dire situation, and without a powerful ally they’re going to get exterminated by right wing Israeli forces…

This attack looks like a desperate attempt at gaining some attention and a possible point of negotiation. But they’re in a very vulnerable position.

It’s incredibly sad.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

What challenges? They’re doing FINE! /s

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Trains tend to be largely privatised

That’s mostly the UK. Germany has Deutsche Bahn, France SNCF, Italy SF/Trenitalia, and Spain has Renfe. All state owned. And I guess there are many other European countries with State owned Rail companies. Trains tend to be mostly state owned in Europe.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

The signs are there for all to see…

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

I guess if the Earth was a sentient being, it would hate the guts out of humans… :P

Now that we're finally out of reddit, can we finally get different tag for NSFW and NSFL?

For the uninitiated, generally NSFW is for sexual contents and NSFL is for gory contents. People may want to see one but not see the other at any time for any reason. I have seen this feature requested over the years in Reddit but it never happens. Maybe now some instance can finally implement it?

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Because people have the right to know what type of content they can masturbate to.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Where did you get that from? I’m thanking immigration for helping our population growth. Can you please elaborate where you get that idea from?

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

But I’m not proposing in any way immigration as a path to solve the problem of aging population. That interpretation is solely on you.

I’m only saying that immigration it’s just a phenomenon that happened (and it’s not happening at the same rate as in the past anymore), and that I’m glad it happened, because if not, we would be in real trouble really soon. I’m just thankful for the immigrants to this country, because it’s them saving our asses (in contrast to people thinking they’re a problem).

The causes of our aging population are other, and the real solution requires actions that I wish politicians tried to solve. Immigration was just a temporary fix, that we should be thankful for, but it’s not the solution to the problem at all, nor am I proposing it as the solution.

I think you read too much in my post.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

You started your comment with “That seems to suggest…” Well, no, I’m not suggesting anything more than what I said. Just that. And I don’t feel the need to explain anything further. Cheers.

@Dmian@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, I imagine that is the case for other countries, but I just talked about Spain because that’s where I live, and I know the reality here. Immigration is a completely positive event. We should be really thankful for those immigration waves we had in the past.

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