@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar


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Same great Dharma, new Fediverse packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

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@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Thothpedia, with a little chibi thoth as the mascot. Thoth is the god of writing.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Is good, no? Could also do Ganapedia. Ganapati (Ganesha) is the Hindu divine scribe. But thoth has such a cool history/myth around writing.

DharmaCurious, (edited )
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Placeholder comment because I need to go back to sleep. Someone remind me and I’ll tell y’all about rescuing my brother from a maybe kidnapping in Mexico.

Okay, so, me and my brother visited Mexico. It was a fairly small town, not a major place like Cancun. Had an amazing time. Ended up meeting these two bartenders that we became friends with. Their boss, who legit made everyone he met call him El Jefe, would come by and steal their tips and get drunk. We were there for a week. On the last night, I’m on the other side of the town (10 minute walk away) trying to seal the deal with this dude I’d met, and my brother was at the little bar hanging with our bartender friends. I get a call from him, panicked, as he whisper yells that El Jefe asked him to come with him to another bar he owns. He’s in the car, El Jefe is flying down the street, he’s doing cocaine off the dash. Please come get him at this other bar. He sends me one of those location pins that update in real time.

I tell dude that I’ll help him finish later, and take off to rescue my brother. He’s only like 5 minutes away, and has stopped moving. I go into the club, and start looking for him, but he’s not there. I’m asking folks if they’ve seen him, and trying to get closer to his pin. Finally, I find his phone, there’s some random ass dude who has it, and when I tell him I’m gonna need that phone, he tries to act like it’s his. I explain to him it’s my brother’s. He acts like he’s gonna swing at me, so I drop El Jefe’s name. That, combined with the fact that he’s 5’nothing and I’m 6’3 and near 300 pounds convinced him of the error of his ways. He gave me the phone, and I moved on in my search. I talked to the bartender, who explained that El Jefe had been there a few minutes ago, and had left some coke for me because my brother told him I was meeting them there (neither I nor my brother do coke). I asked could he tell me where they were headed. He gave me an address about a mile away. I took off.

I arrive at the house, by this point it is nearly 2 in the morning. It looks like just a house, but the lights are on so I knock on the door. I am greeted by a woman with the largest breasts I have ever seen in real life. They’re enormous. And she’s topless. Now, I don’t speak Spanish. I know enough to ask where the bathrooms are, and (I smokes at the time) where I could smoke at. Other than that, it was Google translate and gesturing for me.

However, I did not need Spanish to understand that this woman was a prostitute, and was very keen on the young American in front of her (or, at least his wallet). I tried to explain I’m trying to find my brother, but she wasn’t having it. Grabbing at my crotch, trying to pull me into one of the bedrooms off the (very nicely decorated for a brothel) living room. As my actions at this moment were less Liam Neeson and more Jerry Stiller, I decided to just come clean with her with one of the only Spanish words I knew “yo soy Mariposa!”

Now, I know that’s a slur, and I’m sorry if it upsets anyone. But at the time, it was the only thing I could think of. An hour before hand, the phrase had been… Relevant.

It was like a magic spell. Her entire attitude changed, and she was finally able to listen to my words. Once we cobbled together enough Spanglish to understand each other, I gave her the coke from the club as a thanks, and headed off to find my brother where she told me El Jefe had taken him next.

I arrive back at the night club I’d gotten the coke from, and I see El Jefe’s car this time. It’s parked in an alley behind the club, against an outdoor stair case. I go up the stairs and open the door to a private little fucking rave on the top floor of the club. They’ve got their own bar up here, and if I remember correctly, you can’t get from one floor to the other from within the club.

I see them at last! My brother looks mortified, trying to get to the entrance, and keeps getting pulled back by El jefe, and El jefe dancing with fucking scar face levels of coke on his face. It’s insane. I go up to them, and El jefe is all excited to see me, asks if I want some more coke, do I wanna party, he has a pretty boy all picked out for me if I want.

I tell him no thanks, we’ve gotta go. He gets pissy and says I’m being rude, stay and party. I tell him we’re leaving, and before I can react, he swings at me in all hiscoke fueled glory, completely missing me by a country mile. I stand up and tower over this man and explain we have a plane to catch in the morning. He finally let us go, and we head out.

Our plane the next day was delayed, so we ended up spending two more days there. In that time, El Jefe apologized for swinging at me, and gave us a tour of some of the apartments he rents.

We still keep in touch on Whatsapp, and he invites us to his enormous birthday party every year. He also says he’ll rent me an apartment there if I want to do private security for him. He talks to my brother more than me, though. He really liked him, and he calls me El Gigante. He really, really wants us both to come work for him. From what I gather, he basically runs the entire town we were in.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar


@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar


@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Haha. Thanks

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Looks fantastic! You did a really good job, and just in time for Christmas. How long did it take you? I did a similarly sized one as my first project and it took my like 3 years because I kept forgetting about it. Haha.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Kinda related, I’ve been saying for years we need more “the gravity plating is out” episodes where everything is floating around, bumping into shit, causing problems. We got one scene in enterprise and that’s it. :/

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I really need to watch the expanse.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I use subtitles for everything, because I’m hard of hearing, but thanks for the warning!

And that sucks. It’s based on a book series, yeah? If I’m super invested, hopefully I can get my fix like that.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I personally think “li’l putino” would be a cute name. Lmao

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I would go with something along the lines of: “it’s called responsibility, Friend. I have my own finances to consider, and I am not responsible for the bookkeeping of this establishment. There is no drink minimum. Let the bar’s business be theirs, mine be mine, and yours be your own.”

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Assuming you’re not just trolling, which, judging by your post history is… Unlikely… I’m going to suggest you read up a little bit about the basics of anarchism. Specifically anarchocommunism, as it is the most common tendency to run into online. There are several foundational texts that are written in English and Spanish. Some authors to consider: Peter Kropotkin, Mikhail Bakunin, Emma Goldman, Pierre Joseph Proudhon. For something more contemporary, check out David Rovics.

For real world examples of actually existing anarchist societies, read about the Spanish Civil War, a good book I can recommend on the subject “The Anarchist Collectives : Workers Self-Management in Spain, 1936-1939” by Sam Dolgoff

Another decent recommendation is The Soul of Man Under Socialism by Oscar Wilde.

For a short read with good explanations behind the principles of anti authoritarianism check out Law and Authority by Kropotkin.

For something to get the heart thumping a bit more, We Do Not Fear Anarchy, We Invoke It by Robert Graham.

The idea that political thought would be repressed in an anarchist society is… An interesting take. Anarchists generally want to function based on some kind of collective decision making process, such as consensus. There are also anarchist adjacent trends, such as council communism that are worth looking into. In a pinch, “Google Murray bookchin” and find yourself somewhere in the neighborhood (or at least the next one over).

And to answer your question outright, if a bunch of anarchists decided to form a society large enough to be viable and self sufficient, one of two things would happen: the US would turn it into a glass parking lot or … The US would turn it into a glass parking lot.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I honestly lapsed on Rojava. My bad.

But also, the likelihood of the US doing some dirty shit there increases exponentially as soon as they seem to be viable. Right now, the entire region is so fragile I doubt it’s considered worth messing with. As soon as it is, they’ll be freed from the tyranny of their own autonomy. I really, really want to be wrong here.

Also, not super concerned about scaring off OP, they’re a troll. Check the post history. But I was hoping that my comment might be read by someone else who might like the recommendations. But you’re right, I should have put the post on reverse order.

Middle-aged and some what tongue tied (medical condition) anyone else in this situation, and go through with the procedure?

I’m a middle aged guy, who, a few years ago, was off handedly told by a dental hygienist while getting my teeth cleaned, that I was tongue tied. I’ve had a flap of skin under my tongue which holds it down, it isn’t severe, but it does restrict my tongues mobility. For instance, I can’t really stick my tongue out very far...

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

My grandfather had this, and had it corrected in his 40s, iirc. Before my time by a country mile, but my mom has talked about it. He did not regret it, but that’s as much as I know.

When I was a kid that little flap of skin would get stuck between my front bottom teeth and it hurt like hell. They basically touched it with a razor just enough to draw blood and it lengthened it enough not to happen anymore. Like, the tiniest, tiniest cut. I doubt that’s helpful, but thought I’d share.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I like this version of Gandalf. It makes me think he got Bilbo to leave his house by threatening to blow a brand new Hobbit Hole in him. Lmao

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Is this like the digital equivalent of a million monkeys with a million typewriters?

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Okay, cool! I had some fun looking for words in the pages. But if I understand it correctly, what we’ll end up with individual words surrounded with gibberish on the pages. You’re never going to get a page full of real words, right?

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Wait, it’s already there? I thought they were generating them currently?

Also, it’s searchable? I didn’t notice that. Just hit random. Going to go check it again!

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Ooh, care to link to any of your favorite things? I love simulation theory.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Interesting!! Do you have a link to the historic text?

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Thanks! Dealing with a pretty horrible abscessed tooth right now (fucking glitches in the sim!), so I’ll read later. Thanks again!

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Privacy only is an overblown issue, and if we want Lemmy to be successful, we need to be using ads on all the instances. No more than every 3rd post should be an ad. We should also be working to incorporate an algorithm that will push posts from superusers to the front.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Haven’t heard of culture. Looking for a new book series to read. Is good?

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I’ll check it out! Thanks!

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Started the first book. Just finished the chapters Clear Air Turbulence. I was hooked from the prologue!

It also occured to me, I haven’t read much scifi. I watch a lot of scifi, I read a lot of fantasy. I haven’t read much sci-fi, so it’s kind of fun that it’s something new to me that I’d never really considered was missing until now. Thanks for the rec!

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I can’t remember what movie it was, but we took the ball out of an old school computer mouse, the kind that’s a solid steel ball covered in rubber. Then we all sat in a circle, and hucked it at each other’s nuts. Hurt like a mother, and we each did it at least ten times, iirc, but that may just be me remembering it more extreme than it was, because it was horrid. Lol. We played many, many times during sleep overs and such. I think my balls we bruised for most of my 13th year. Lol.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

One of us has over a dozen kids, another has two, and I’ll probably never find out because gay

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar


@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Real talk, that’s why I played. The idea of doing anything with another guy that involved that area was tantalizing. Lol.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Buzio water bottles. I specifically love the half gallon size, but that’s too big for most people, id say. But they’re freaking great. Keep ice for like 2 days.

Sleep mask with headphones

Wall mounted tablet holder for bed

Ergonomic crochet hooks

Smart plugs

Neck light for reading/crocheting in bed

Rechargable pepper grinder set of two

Butane torch for the kitchen

Wall Mount manual can opener

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Compliment her on her luxurious and erotic moostash.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

This is my favorite car talk yet.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

This state needs an enema.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

No, no, you did it correctly. Good job.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I used to do it all the time as a kid accidentally to stop nightmares, but never knew I could do it on purpose, or really control things beyond “make the scary stop.”

Then when I learned about lucid dreaming, I started practicing and managed it several times, but stopped when a dream character noticed what I was doing, and tried to murder me for it in one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I’m aware there’s nothing supernatural or anything about it, and I understand the science behind it… But I ain’t gonna lie, that woman in the bog flying towards me with her feet off the ground, screeching “you don’t belong here!” And slamming into my chest, waking me up with phantom sensations of her touch? It scared me straight, and I haven’t had the balls to try again. Lol.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

If you have a gurdwara in your area, they often do free meals, almost like a restaurant. Baptist churches tend to have dinners on Wednesdays, and the Hare Krishnas are always good for some heavily dairy vegetarian foods. I wish more people knew this.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I meant to define what that was in the comment and forgot. Sorry. A gurdwara or gurudwara is a Sikh worship house. Like a mosque/temple/church.

Why are we so concerned with oxygen production yet we never hear about nitrogen production, though we actually need 78% nitrogen vs 21% oxygen to survive?

Excess oxygen is actually harmful to humans, but all the climate warnings are about losing oxygen, not nitrogen edit: but when we look for habitable planets, our focus is ‘oxygen rich atmosphere’, not ‘nitrogen rich’, and in medical settings, we’re always concerned about low oxygen, not nitrogen....

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Now I’m imagining a planet with a helium atmosphere that’s breathable for humans. Best. Episode. Of. Star Trek. Ever. I’m envisioning TOS, super serious scenes where Scotty has fallen near dead, Kirk looks to Bones for some reassurance, and in Mickey Mouses voice Bones mournfully tells him “He’s dead, Jim”

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Originally sociology, because I wanted to go for religious studies but it wasn’t offered. I switched over to creative writing a few months ago, because I enjoy storytelling and have been told I’m good at it. My plan is to teach English as a second language, so I need a BA, any BA, to do that. I’m lucky that I’m not stuck into a particular degree path, and I get to do something I enjoy in that way.

Have you graduated? What did you go for?

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

That’s a heavy workload. Make sure you get some time in there for you, too. You deserve it.

If you’re in the US, SNHU has been really awesome. Terms run 8 weeks, they don’t do group projects, and there are tons of helpful things like the tutoring. So long as you can write a paper in APA or MLA (depending on path), and can follow instructions, you’re golden. 8 weeks feels rushed compared to 16 weeks of brick and mortar schools, but honestly, it’s about 5 hours per week per class for me. Two classes at a time is full time, but you can take 1 if you need, or 3 in your second year if your GPA is over 3.0.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I’m in Tennessee, actually. I go online. I really do like the school, though. And I know they have a brick and mortar in Manchester.

Very jealous of your move. I’ve wanted to move to Maine or Vermont since I was a kid, CT would be great, too. Let me know if you find something even moderately affordable! Lol

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I’m my mother’s primary care giver, so unless they’ll let me bring her along, it probably wouldn’t work out. Haha. But if we found an option that allowed for it, I’d jump on it in a heartbeat. Haha

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

What would you be going for? My brother just finished his master’s. He started college at 38. He was a bit burnt out by the end, but loved doing it. I wish I could get multiple BAs and not have to worry about student loans. Haha. I’d so be in school for the rest of my life. Lol. The masters scares me a bit, but it’s just nerves. I think I’d be mostly okay.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Something in my ape brain just immediately trusts anyone who uses the phrase “of this one, I am certain.” So no, you don’t sound like a prick, you sound like a scholar, and I am inclined to request that you make several of my financial decisions for me.

@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Oh fuck, you’re right. Now my heart hurts all over again :(

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