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You went against the cult. How dare you!


That’s socialized medicine for you.

I lived through that shit in Germany until I left, and I was almost gonna die because of it once. Now where I live, most my appointments are next day or two, including instant x ray, ultra sound, while MRI and CT takes 3-5 days at most.

I know people who waited for months to get an MRI in Europe. X ray easily takes 2 weeks if not months unless it’s an emergency.

I know gynecologist appointments for some people went for 6+ months.

I guess people made their choice. Enjoy the free medicine you always wanted. No hate. Just enjoyment. It’s just fun to watch.

Devouring, (edited )

Leftists aren’t pro choice, but pro abortion. Most people don’t want abortions up to 9 months. See the stats here under “public opinion”.


I’m pro choice. You, Mr. Killing-viable-baby-at-9-months, are just bat shit crazy.

Stop lying to people and telling them you’re pro choice when you’re pro abortion.

EDIT: I love the responses that have no arguments and are all ad-hominem. Cry more! I love watching you boil from the inside!


Oh, no… the nut job called me the C word.



I know people who now take many medications and aren’t affected. Overdoing is also wrong. It’s always better to understand the cause.


Go look at people in Syria or Venezuela who can barely find food. You’re just a bunch of annoying spoiled brats. You need to struggle to find food, clear water and electricity to learn what struggle means. You need to try to rush your grandma to the hospital and see her die in your car in your arms, because of army gates blocking the way, to know the value of the luxury you’re living at.

You’ll never realize the blessing you’re enjoying until you lose it. Grow up and learn to be thankful you have a full belly and warm water.


which is a toxic take

You’re using the word “toxic” to say that you don’t like my opinion. Booho. Cry me a river. Your username says a lot about you and explains why your brain cannot comprehend a disagreement.

You haven’t lost a leg. You haven’t lost anything. You’re amongst the richest people on the fucking planet with the most luxurious lifestyles with a smart phone that costs a month’s income for a family in most of the world if not more. You never had to sleep hungry or lived in the dark because you can’t pay for electricity, so give me a break. You’re just a brat. That’s all. Brat. Annoying, ignorant, spoiled brat who cannot appreciate the good stuff they have.

Does the argument work in reverse as in “you can’t be happy, others have it better”?

My argument works as: You’re part of the richest people on earth. Shut up and enjoy it.


Olympics? You’re the top of the top on the planet in wealth. Your smartphone feeds a family for a month in most of earth. Stop complaining!


So now you’re gonna twist my argument to prove that you’re as miserable as people in Syria and Venezuela. Nice try.

Brats. That’s all there’s to you. You should be ashamed of yourselves to even dare to respond to me. The right answer is “you’re right, we’re the top of the top in the world”, and then you shut your mouth and never bring up this topic ever again. This whole state of complaining is just annoying! Go to Venezuela and complain all day and you have my support. Unbelievable! I don’t believe there’s someone arguing still.


I’m not here to “engage” with these brats. I’m just here to tell them they’re stupid and annoying. That’s me doing my part. If enough people did that, I assure you this will stop. But everyone is a coward and wants to pet them “ooooh, you poor baby… you’re not having enough BigMacs and you’re not obese enough”.


It’s not like you’re racing to the top, because that’d be admirable. You’re complaining for dumb reasons that fall in the big picture. You have my support to race to the top, it’s called “life”, but all I see is complaining. Again: You’re living in the top echelon of humanity both in space and time, literally, yet you think you’re oppressed. That’s what brats do.


No, OP should not post that they’re miserable or whatever because they had “4 crises”. This is an improvement even compared to 200 years ago. Only baby boomers were so lucky not to have so much problems. Almost every other generation before had it worse + almost every other country in the world has it worse. OP’s complaint shows that they don’t appreciate the good life they have, despite the “crises” that happened, compared to the majority of humanity, whether in this time or in history.


101 cop out strategy.

  1. Say something stupid.
  2. Say “you’re a troll” to everyone who disagrees to look cool.

Nice try. Zero shits given.


You can complain about individual problems where we can discuss solutions, no problem. But this whole “4 crises” trend that has been going on for like a month is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s not constructive, and very stupid, because if we’re gonna talk macro economics, the majority of westerners live a lavish lifestyle compared to others in the world. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t individual people who have problems, like yourself. So, talk about your individual problem (student loans, dating market, crunches in jobs, work/life balance, etc), and don’t complain about the macro situation. it doesn’t make any sense.


I’m not saying that every indivudal is having a hunky dory rosy life. Compared to many in the world, your life is still better. I’m all for discussing individual problems, but not the stupidity of “feel bad for me because we had 4 crises”. I complained about health care in Europe repeatedly because it’s a joke. I would’ve died too, btw. I was saved outside of Europe, luckily, by sheer coincidence.

And btw, your grandma would’ve died even earlier in Syria or Venezuela. Sorry for your loss. But you still have it better than others, and I’m absolutely not against discussing problems that affect society, instead of complaining about vapid, fabricated non-issues just to feel bad for a “generation”, like 4 crises. People in other countries wish they have 10% of what you have.


I don’t think anyone even records this stuff in Venezuela or Syria anymore, and due to corruption no one cares. You have no idea how chaotic things are there. I know people there who got shot and never got even picked up for weeks because no one dares to cross that street anymore. The stories are horrifying.

Please stop making excuses. Once you have no more food, clean water, electricity, and persistent hyper-inflation, then let’s have that discussion again.

The irony I see here is that people keep saying that Norway is amazing socialism and everyone should do that in the US… I’m not from the US for the record. Let’s not get into that discussion, but it’s just an ironic thing coming to mind.


And like I said before, this is typical 101 cop out. You say something stupid, and when you’re proven wrong, the other guy becomes a troll.

Yeah, again, no shits given.


You deserve worse. Keep asking the broke government for more free stuff, and then when they print more money, make a pikatchu face on the prices shooting up with even more inflation.

Enjoy! I’m enjoying watching you suffer.


Encryption doesn’t protect you from being identified. Encryption prevents eavesdropping unto the connection from a third party. DMCA lawyers don’t need to do that to identify you as a seeder. All they need to do is request the content from you, watch you send to them, and make a record of your ip address.

The blacklist, maybe protects you. No idea. Though it can easily be circumvented by a motivated group.


You mean people shouldn’t chase that sweet, sweet fake internet score?

Devouring, (edited )


EDIT: I’m fascinated by the childishness of those who are complaining about the $10. Not only you don’t have to pay it, and not only that it’s open source, and not only the intentions are clear on why it’s not a permissive license made to fight filling average Joe with malware like always being done with NewPipe and others on Play Store, but also you can pick your poison. Would you like google to win this dumb war on ad blockers? Or would you like to support non-perfect people making FOSS apps for your benefit? I really don’t get you, guys. Pick your battles! Take the win and shut up for once!


For the record, payment is optional.


You’re allowed to post political memes as long as the mods agree with your view.


Genuinely speaking, do you really think Amazon will continue to operate if the “workers” took it over from the (evil) executives and owned all the power?

In my opinion, it’ll fall apart in no time, because not a single decision will be made to progress work and to solve problems, and every problem will be a vote to people who don’t understand the consequences and will prefer to serve their personal needs. Am I wrong?


So you’re saying someone will want to act as an executive, but without getting the executive pay?

Why would anyone want to do that stressful job and responsibility, instead of just being a cog in the wheel and typing on a computer or moving boxes? Who decides who does what? And what happens if the managers disagree with half the “workers/owners” when a decision has to be made that benefits a part but hurts another? Who has the authority to put their foot down for the “greater good” even though half the workers don’t like their decision?


I’m not sure I understand… are you saying that your plans don’t work on giant corporations, so maybe you shouldn’t propose things like OP did?

Well, according to the post, you want to seize the means of production and eat the rich. Sounds delicious! I would love to know whether you’re just a bunch of guys having wet dreams or whether there’s a framework where this can really work. Tell me how you’re gonna seize Amazon and keep it running like it does now.


You said a bunch of nice things, but you ignored the core of the problem. If workers hold all voting shares, what happens when they’re split on an issue? Who can tell them to STFU for the better of the company?

Another similar question: What if there’s an issue that will lead to half of them getting fired? Like, say, a technological advancement? So if work can be optimized by 200% by adding computers, but then 50% of the people are useless then. Wouldn’t the workers vote to stay employed/paid instead of saving the company that can be destroyed in a competitive market where better, faster companies can emerge if this company doesn’t adopt the newer tech? Who will make that decision?


This is exactly the problem with such discussion. We end up with anecdotes. Yeah, I gotta see that company’s financial statements, their business model, and their growth, to decide whether this is a good thing. In fact, the idea that it makes “enough money” doesn’t sound good good. This kind of “stability” (I’ll call it) is either due to a niche field or a dying company that sooner or later will become irrelevant. It’s not how the real world works.

And even with this model you proposed, someone eventually can put their foot down. Those employees can sell their shares if they want, and we’re all the way back to the (evil) capitalist model you don’t like.


My original questions aren’t answered. You’re just talking about the temporary procedure, not the long term plan, as in the questions I asked.


“Better” is in your opinion. I need answers based on concerns and problems that happens in the real world. A fast-paced world.

Assuming the revenue of the company doesn’t have massive growth (which is the normal situation unless a breakthrough happened), we need to hire more people who have the skills needed to keep up with the market. So, assuming we want to keep everyone (including useless people who’d rather have beer instead of reading a book to learn the new stuff), the income of everyone will just go down over time. Eventually, with no one getting fire there won’t be enough money to go around to feed them. What am I missing here?


Like I said, its like workers hold all the voting shares in the company, so these issues would resolved the same way that they are resolve in corporations owned by shareholders.

You’re ignoring a key point I’m trying to make: The workers have a conflict of interest, unlike shareholders. The workers want to minimize their work and maximize their gain, which is mutually exclusive in one company. While shareholders in the current system just want to maximize their gain (regardless of whether that’s good or bad). So why would the worker strive to learn new things instead of keeping the status quo? Most people don’t see the big picture and don’t want to read a book to learn a new thing. How many people around you come from work and spend their evenings reading new things to stay up in their job? This is one problem.

Like I said before to another guy, if you keep dividing the extra without firing anyone, given a limited growth, eventually there won’t be enough money to go around. Everyone will go bankrupt. How do you solve that problem too?


Sorry but you’re evading my questions.

That’s OK. I’m not looking to “win” here. Just think about what I said, and next time you have this discussion, have good answers. Maybe you’ll change your mind one day and understand why the world we live in is the way we live in. Not that things can’t be improve or that we’re drowning in corruption. But that’s another topic for another day. Have a good one.


You haven’t presented a valid argument. 2+2 is simple, but it works. When someone says the 2+2=10^50, and money falls from the sky, and everyone being lazy leads to growth, I’ll ask them to justify.

Take a step back and evaluate your ego.


Either answer my questions, or go away. This conversation is over.


Nice try evading the question. Try again.

Read the post. Read my question. Tell me what’s wrong in my scenario and how it’ll work in your “well-educated” mind.

If you understand it, you can explain it to a 5-year old.

Let’s see what your next excuse is gonna be.


I haven’t said that people have to be fired to maintain competitive growth. I said that assuming a normal/average growth (and let’s even make it simpler for you and ignore growth), and assuming a breakthrough requires many new people to hired to work with a new technology, then the people who are there and who aren’t interested in learning the new way of doing things, will just become a burden to the company. Let’s do the math:

  • More people are hired
  • Same output is maintained

Let’s do the 5th grade math: Same output / More people = less earner per person every time this happens

Meaning: If this trend continuous due to multiple breakthroughs (which isn’t crazy, we have seen tons of those in the last 25 years in different sectors), then this company is destined to become bankrupt, especially because people will continuously keep earning less with no lower-bound to that other zero, to the point where it’s not enough to make a living.

Nothing you said answers this dilemma. You keep talking about general things and avoid this (very realistic) scenario that keeps happening. How will such a company survive?


OK, at least we agree we can fire people. That answers my question. The circumstances aren’t important. This idea that people can’t be fired is just ridiculous.

Do you think communities will be happy seeing their friends/family being fired, and not understanding why? This actually reminds me of the movie Casino (1995), where Robert De Niro fires that Texan guy for incompetence, and then hell breaks loose due to relatives not understanding how that works. This is human nature. People will always prefer to keep an incompetent relative vs firing them for a good reason, no matter what.


Agreed. It’s a nepotism problem. I’m just drawing the picture that removing money from the picture basically makes relationships the new currency. It’s basically how life used to be a long time ago, and those who were closer to the leader got better jobs with perks. People will always find a way to benefit and will centralize power eventually. I can’t say much about hypotheticals and whether your coop will fix that, but in my opinion, history suggests that we’ll just end up with a new system of power.


Because the fraction of the current world that reads every day and learns every day is extremely small. Again, like I said before, how many people around you come back from work and want to read technical books and watch courses instead of chilling, or hanging out with friends? I have two friends who are nut jobs like me and work all the time. EVERYONE else is lazy and just wants to have fun after work, and that’s in my circle. This spans over decades in the different jobs and sectors I worked at, in different countries. Do you have a different experience around you? I have trouble convincing people to read for 30 minutes every day.

Are you trying to argue that the majority of people watch educational videos in their free time and read technical books and prefer that over hanging out?


Humans will be humans wherever they go.

But to summarize. You basically want to wreck the current system on the basis that everyone will be diligent, reading all the time, just for the “greater good”, more so than their own profit.

And btw, about the “bare minimum”. No one has a reason to not do the bare minimum as they don’t get fired (consequences). There will always be the lazy guy who does the bare minimum, and everyone will get lazier because they’ll get jealous with zero consequences.


Well, I don’t think you can use written laws to fight human plans to centralize power. I guess our current system is proof of that. People will always find a way to centralize that power to benefit themselves and their groups.

But anyway. I guess we’re getting into a dead end. This is becoming opinion stuff at this point, whether this will work. I’ll have to think more about this stuff.


Until everyone fights what “rights” are, which is kind of the problem everywhere. You have a picture of these rights, which are pink and rosy. I believe you have good intention. But you have to imagine an contentious environment where everyone will disagree with you to maximize their gain, and minimize their effort. Any system you put in place and anything you define as rights will be malleable and will be up for thousands of debates, and eventually you’ll be the dictator for setting up a system that you think will work. Back to square one.

This is why I said it’s opinion. I got my answer. You agree with firing people. Good enough for me for now. Others don’t.


Yeah… right. People will stop being lazy even though they can be, and will just work day and night to benefit others. Very convincing. I’ve seen all kinds of people who were put in cushy cushion jobs for decades and didn’t learn shit. Never heard of boomers?

Under capitalism, you can do the bare minimum, but a job cut will always hit you first if you make yourself worthless to the company. Is it perfect? No. But the incentive is clear, at least.


I would be more upset that we have to eat for the next 30-40 years… work is just the symptom of this fact. To get food you have to either produce it or barter it for some other service.


Forget the evil economy. Why would anyone producing food give it to you for free while you sit on your ass all day and they worked hard to produce it, even if they have enough?


If you’re doing something extremely skillfully, chat gpt will make the dumbest suggestions ever…

Chatgpt is good for learning ideas and new things as an aggregate of what everyone thinks about it. But as a coding tool it cannot reason properly and has rubber stamp solutions for everything.


I prefer this one (free version):

Or as a real book:…/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=mastering+bi…

Maybe when you read, you’ll have a better argument why I’m wrong.

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