@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar


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Iceland’s first full-day women’s strike in 48 years aims to close pay gap (www.theguardian.com)

Organisers hope the women’s strike – whose confirmed participants include fishing industry workers, teachers, nurses and the PM, Katrín Jakobsdóttir – will bring society to a standstill to draw attention to the country’s ongoing gender pay gap and widespread gender-based and sexual violence.

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

market inefficiency

Don't get me wrong - people doing this kind of research and building up the data to prove the reality is a good thing, but the absurdity of turning to capitalism to resolve patriarchy is just much..

It's like the flip side of class reductionism - "only war is the gender war" - hey capitalists, look at this untapped resource, if you just exploit women 13% less, you can make all this extra profit!

And while I completely support this strike, I wish they too would look at the bigger picture.

The reality is that all these systems (capitalism and classism, sexism, racism, ableism, queerphobia, and so on) are interconnected and inseparable, they serve each other in many ways, and must all be abolished for us to have anything resembling a just society.

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Studies say there are none.

No, wilfully ignorant misogynists do

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

I, for one, openly embrace our kitty overlords..

DessertStorms, (edited )
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Please, help us to better understand how we can effectively funnel reddit users into Lemmy across all demographics,

Who is "us", who is "we"?

And who the fuck thinks anyone should be funnelling (no less) the toxic cesspit that is reddit over here?

This post sounds like some bullshit written by the marketing department of a clueless corporation trying to find ways to exploit the latest "thing".

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

I like her waist-arm-nub going to grab his butt, but I don't like how deeply it's made me think about the configuration of his groins (best conclusion I can come to is single butt and double genitalia, one set each side of his front leg).

Definitely not a sentence I ever thought I would think of, let alone write lol

Is it illegal to con people into thinking you have a perfect ability to pick football games by emailing out two lists: one picking one team, and the other picking the other team, and only sending... (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

…the next pick to the people who saw you pick the “winner”. Now half of those people see one team, the other half see you pick the other team, and whoever saw you pick the winner thinks you’ve got a 100% accuracy rate over two games. You could do that for a while and then offer to sell your pick for the Superbowl....

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Only certain answer is that people looking to scam others are pieces of shit. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Right? I've had people tell me I must have a really low pain threshold because if I was really in that much pain I would be complaining all the time, but in reality it's that living in level 7+ pain all of the time means that anything bellow that is actually an improvement, so isn't worth even mentioning..

It's also a great fucking tune, so I think I'm definitely going to adopt this scale!

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Hi there fellow sufferer lol 👋

I'm sorry to hear you've been struggling not only with the pain but also with getting a diagnosis, that's definitely something a lot of people with chronic pain face, and it makes getting any sort of support so much harder.

I wouldn't be able to tell you if things will get better or worse, or how your pain compares to mine or anyone else's, because each condition, and body, are different, but by the sound of it it is probably something you should be keeping an eye on and continue seeking help with, since it seems to be having a serious impact on you and you shouldn't have to just put up with it.

I know how hard it can be to try and navigate the medical world and deal with people who think they know so much better than you (even though it's your body!), and that this is easier said than done - but try not to feel invalidated by their lack of understanding.

Have you got even an idea of what your condition might be? Finding a community of people with similar conditions/symptoms (my pain is mostly musculoskeletal in nature, so unfortunately I wouldn't be able to point you to anywhere relevant) can be a great help since they might have resources and tools you wouldn't know of otherwise, and even advice or information you can take to your GP to back your position.

I hope that helps some, I wish I had a more definite answer to give, but either way, you have my virtual support.. 💙

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

I'm not sure if you're being serious, but just in case because this is actually a real problem with numbered (or even simple "mild" to "severe") scales, this is significantly more helpful for both patient and clinician.

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

There are dozens of us! lol

Yeah, GP is the family doctor (it stands for General Practitioner), and if they can't help, see if they can refer you to a specialist (in your case it would probably be a gastroenterologist to start with) who will know more in depth information and have access to more through tests.

I really hope they can help!

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

I’m all for trans rights, but

I'm not a bigot, but... (you are a bigot)

DessertStorms, (edited )
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Separate teams are the only thing that lets biological women have any possibility to compete

no, they mostly exist to protect cis male egos from the "devastation" of not only competing against, but very possibly being beaten by, women (feel free to look up some of the endless list of examples where a women beat a man/some men, not even in anything physical, so even stuff like chess, so the men proceeded to change the rules, to make sure they could never be hurt like that again, the poor snowflakes)

Biological men are stronger faster and more resistant, this is a fact

no it isn't fact, it's a circumstance that has arisen from the discrimination and segregation of women from sports, not some natural or biological fact. Also there are millions and millions of women out there that could easily wipe the floor with any man at literally any sport you test them at, they're just never given a chance, because see aforementioned reason.

Now downvote me to hell and then ask an admin delete my comment for being transphobic

So you know you're a wilfully ignorant transphobe, you just can't help yourself but declare it to the world because you simply can't keep all that hate pent up inside your turd of a brain..

Won't see me complaining about the trash taking itself out.. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

DessertStorms, (edited )
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

I'm not generally one to defend a MSM outlet, and I have many issues specifically with the Guardian, but in this case they have been publishing a lot about "how slavery changed the Guardian, Britain and the world"

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Never mind all the government subsidy which of course comes from the tax pot

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

And if you want to get their attention - pzpzpzpz

Anyone know of a trustworthy, easy to use (ideally FOSS) program that will allow me to easily identify and compare duplicate files on windows 10? Alternatively, could you point me in the direction of a more appropriate magazine to ask in? (kbin.social)

As title suggests, I'm looking to clean up my desktop from any duplicates I have across my different drives, but would also like to be able to easily compare them to make sure they definitely are the same before I delete them....

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Doesn't look like something I can do on windows without downloading a software, which is what I'm actually looking for, but thanks

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

No worries

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Gotta wait for those 3am zoomies!

Also, I'd much rather use a sled that takes longer (zoomies, laser, toy, there are ways!), but that the animals pulling it not only stop to poop, but bury it too, rather than going-on-the-go and having it spray all over the sled users.. 😂

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Trying to figure out how to get a femboy body, and still eat taco bell three times a week

Perhaps not the easiest, but I would say by far most effective way is by unlearning the toxic fatphobic misogynistic ideas we've all been socialised to have about "femininity" and the kinds of it we're meant to aspire to and idealise (and those we're not), and instead embracing and nurturing your curvy femboy self (and/or others).

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

The fact that the title is in the NHS font (or very similar) makes it that much better.

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Because despite the reputation he's managed to build for himself as a "great philanthropist", he still only gives around 5% of his wealth to charity (which he must do to maintain the "charity" status of his reputation laundering foundation, which clearly does a fantastic job at distracting people from the other 95% of his hoard).

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

He earns it quicker than he can spend or give it away

Lol, he could give it all away in a matter of minutes, if he wanted to.

I don't doubt he still gets enough active income to keep him living more comfortably than 95% of society, and if he really really must, he could keep a few mil in the bank to keep living comfortably on the interest until he dies, so the lazy fucker still won't ever have to -shock horror- work for a living!

But there is absolutely nothing stopping him giving a significant chunk of his money away other than his own personal greed.

The idea that these people have "too much money to give away" is the most ridiculous take on why they don't I've ever heard..

DessertStorms, (edited )
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Lol, see my reply bellow, and well done on contributing to the billionaires' PR. 👏
They're still multi-hundred billionaires, and you're still closer to being homeless then you are to being a millionaire, but at least you got to enjoy the taste of boot for a minute.

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Related and worth the watch for those who haven't yet - Sorry to Bother You

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

I read this in a Kiwi accent, and the only reason I can think of why, is shid, though that doesn't really explain it lol

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Tell us you love the taste of boot on your tongue without telling us you love the taste of boot on your tongue..

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Now now, looks like they might just be sniffing!

Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish (infosec.pub)

Youtube let the other shoe drop in their end-stage enshittification this week. Last month, they required you to turn on Youtube History to view the feed of youtube videos recommendations. That seems reasonable, so I did it. But I delete my history every 1 week instead of every 3 months. So they don’t get much from my choices....

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Imagine criticising the morals of the end user (a paying one, at that), but not of the multi billion dollar company holding them hostage (and exploiting their employees, and avoiding tax, and deliberately enshitifying their services out of pure greed, and so on and on and on)...

Is boot really that flavoursome, or are you just a clueless clown doing the bidding for the evil overlords for no good reason at all?

Either way, it's a pretty pathetic look..

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

A constant problem is either an apathetic or even active citizenry supporting those perpetuating the butchery. They either don't see it as their problem or see a schadenfreude like glee in seeing those they deem "subhuman" or unworthy of respect being treated like scum.

Wherever you are in the world, this is almost certainly applicable to you too, it's called propaganda, and we're all subject to it to one degree or another, as well as to education that deliberately doesn't give us the tools to think critically about such things, never mind nationalist indoctrination that comes from only teaching a washed version of history, rather than an honest look at it.

This isn't to justify or excuse the actions of any state or to imply there is a power balance, because there isn't, but it is one of the many ways all states control and manipulate enough of their population to remain in control despite clearly having no value for the lives of their people, only for their own power.

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

I want to move.

Have you considered "get better blinds"?

DessertStorms, (edited )
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Not being open about it doesn't mean they don't support the same things, it just means they're better at hiding it (and Starmer isn't even very good at doing that). They definitely aren't posing any real opposition to any of it in parliament.

DessertStorms, (edited )
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar
DessertStorms, (edited )
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

They can't answer that, because the source was never the issue, they never even clicked through to see what the source was. Them being a bootlicker who can't help but jump to the defence of and make excuses for the pigs is the only reason for this thread..

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Lmfao, thanks, I needed a good laugh to start my day with..

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Ah, yes, she was blind, how hilarious. 🙄

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

I’m pretty sure it’d be way nicer experience for the customers.

Lmfao, in what universe? As if trained humans reading off a script they're not allowed to deviate from isn't frustrating enough, imagine doing that with a bot that doesn't even understand what frustration is..

DessertStorms, (edited )
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Top notch victim blaming you got there...

ETA because I don't engage with bigots:
Imagine that, the descendants of one of the biggest genocides in history want to try and piece their history together, and use the available tools to do it with, fucking shocker..
Then, when they continue getting targeted just for existing, privileged ignorant bigots who couldn't even imagine what having over 90% of their community gassed is like, and have never been oppressed for who they are a day in their lives, simply can't help themselves but jump to justify them being attacked again:

tHe bAstArDs dEseRve eVerYthInG tHey GeT!!11

And somehow not a word about the attackers, nor the company that failed its customers.

Sure, antisemitic Jan..🙄🙄🙄

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

I can't help it, I see mushroom, I share mushroom..

@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

This reminded me of Jack from Return to Oz.
I know what I'm watching this weekend!

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