@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar


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@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

If you’re tech-savvy, or are friends with someone who is, Run an open-sourced custom ROM on your smartphone. Problem solved.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

eldridge Eldritch

…Or was “Eldridge” intentional?

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

hes just an insufferable cunt.

  • “A_Random_Idiot”
@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

Omicron Persei 8 is wonderful during the holiday season.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

please don’t worship martial arts.

I don’t think the commenter was “worshipping” martial arts.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

I’m failing to understand why it’s “cringe”.

Having undergone any sort of training is useful, especially, I’d imagine, if you’re a celebrity. Jason Momoa knowing some Jiu Jitsu, whether he’s sparring or not, gives himself another layer of security, if he’s paid attention and attends class diligently.

Knowledge in basic boxing fundamentals, distance management, and wrestling and grappling techniques are very useful in altercations. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is just one branch of grappling.

None of that is “cringe”.

Have you ever had to defend yourself in a hand-to-hand fight? Training is important and can potentially save your life.

That’s not a “cringe” thing to say either, it’s a fact.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

You’re stuck in 1989 and I’m not. We’ll just agree on that.

No, we won’t. What the fuck are you talking about? I’m talking about training, and that it’s good for people. What does that have to do with the 80’s?

You sound angry, unstable, and haven’t gotten over what happened to you in the 80’s.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

The only one taking things a bit too seriously is clearly you.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

they’re their CEO passed away

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

Surely you have something better to do?

At the time, no. However, sometimes I complain about people who complain.

DeepGradientAscent, (edited )
@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

I was born in '81 which is only sometimes part of the millennial age range and never part of the gen x age range.

I was '83. Last I heard, we’re referred to as “xennials”, but I always called myself an “elder millennial”. People need a label for everything, I suppose.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

I think the divider for elder and not is that I remember when we got a computer and Internet.

I agree with this.

My first computer was a 386 running Win3.1 and DOS. I sometimes ask, “Do you know what an AOL installation CD is?” That, most of the time, let’s me know who was when.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

They are self aware and self referential to an obnoxious degree.

The thing is, they’re supposed to be that way. The comics were like that too.

I agree that it’s bad that a lot of writers and directors want their film to be “Deadpool-esque”.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

Up-voted for following the post guidelines. Down-voted for your lack of taste and gutter trash opinions.

All is in balance.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

You don’t need the “literally”.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

Both. It’s your fault and society’s fault.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

I already go to bed at 10:30 to be up by 6:30 with 8 hours of sleep.

I leave for work at 7:15 and get home by about 6pm.

I have to make dinner and then clean up the kitchen afterwards. It’s usually 8-830 by then.

I have 2 hours to myself. Work out? Video game back log? Read? Coding projects I want to finish? Usually I burn about 45 minutes to just stare at a wall and space out.

My wife is diagnosed with MS now, and we both still have to work our ass off, because if she stops working we’ll both be homeless in short order due to the utter joke we’d get in government funded medical assistance. I will never be able to afford a house if food, energy, and transportation remain this expensive relative to our income.

Should I be waking up at 4 to enjoy my life? Make dinner, clean up and then go to bed? Is this what it’s come to? Cram what makes my life enjoyable before dawn so I’m not just “waking up to work”? Shit, that seems like work too.

I know I’m not the only one, but why does every coping strategy feel like shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic to me?

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

Well, I’d send you my excel sheet of finances, but we’re strangers, so I don’t know what else to say.

I’ll recap: helping take care of my wife who has MS, financially dealing with inflation everywhere, finding the resources for mental health therapy for myself, and helping care for both of our aging parents, while trying to put away for a house of our own is really fucking hard. Even as a guy who writes software for a living as a freelancer.

I have to rent. It’s not a choice for me, and I doubt I’m in some minority of devs who feel this way about economics in the United States.

DeepGradientAscent, (edited )
@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

I went to the Netherlands because my wife is a Dutch citizen and get the drugs she needs to stay alive and functional are cheaper there.

DeepGradientAscent, (edited )
@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

I hate this 2-party system, and I loathe the DNC and the neo-liberal elite. That said, the Republicans haven’t fielded a palatable candidate in my entire lifetime.

Thus, like many Americans I’m forced to politically pinch my nose and vote for the geriatric, corporate-and-billionaire funded elite of the American “left” because the alternative after the dust settles after the primaries is unthinkable.

The American citizenry is fucked, and I fear the only way out from under the boot-heel of the billionaire class is armed bloody revolution, of which I’m terrified of due to what typically comes next, historically.

Orwell and Huxley were supposed to be warnings, not manuals for sociopathic murderous political cults. Then again, maybe things will turn out like Zardoz.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

All of which are American Dreams.

DeepGradientAscent, (edited )
@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

Extreme leftists, A.K.A. “tankies” (i.e., apologists for Lenin, Stalin, Mao, the CCP, the DPRK, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Xi Jingping, etc.), are threats to a free, egalitarian, and open society, are just as violently authoritarian as their religious, corporatist, and fascist counterparts, and should be treated with the contempt, distrust, and ridicule they deserve.

They claim to speak and fight for the proletariat, promising a new utopia, never before seen, once their revolution executes the last “class-traitor”. In practice, once they’re finished with “seizing the means of production”, they’ll never relinquish control and become the new ruling class.

They’ll assume the mantle of an enlightened elite post-revolutionary administration to guide the proletariat to their promised utopia of “each according to their need, each according to their ability”. In practice, they’ll “need the most, because they’re obviously the most able” in reorganizing the economic and political structure of society. The utopia of the “dictatorship of the proletariat” will never exist, only the dictatorship of the “revolutionary party”. Repression and execution await those who question their claims and decisions. The former champions of labor will become champions of death.

They’re akin to the pigs in Animal Farm, the loudest voices in the revolution, but a bit “more equal” than everyone else after the farmer is done away with. Fortunately, the pigs, like the farmer, got their comeuppance in the end of the story.

Your liberty and self-determination are beset by many threats: the religious, the nihilists, the corporatists, the fascists, and the supposed collectivists. They all claim to be the true authoritative “voice of the people”.

Beware of their cults. Your life is worth more than their “cause” and/or “solution”. Understand what they really are; power over everything, forever, is what they seek. They want you either as a willing pawn or dead, just like all the other presumably benevolent dictators throughout history. Arm yourself with knowledge and clarity in perception. Train your mind and body. Fight and deny the peddlers of arbitrary authoritarianism as if your life depends on it - because it does.

E: Lots of butt-hurt invertebrate Molotov-sippy-cup-throwing wannabe-dictator tankie shit-heels out there, all tryna start the revolution tomorrow. Good luck, comrades.🖕🏽

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

Though the faith may be real, the delusion is as well. Especially considering the Abrahamic cults traditions.

DeepGradientAscent, (edited )
@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

Spiritual reasoning is the go-to moral justification for the greed economic reasoning for military aggression.

DeepGradientAscent, (edited )
@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

No, you’re utterly wrong about what my beliefs are.

I believe in mutualism, in voluntarily exchange of ideas, labor, and value, all collectively bargained.

I believe in democracy, in secular federal republics, and forthright debate about the value of human life and who gets to make decisions about that concept and it’s implications, where words have actual meaning, balance is considered a virtue, and an individual can still have rights and protections from other individuals, collectives, and the state while being subject to the will of a popular vote.

I will never tolerate those who presume to speak for or demand my family, my friend’s, my colleagues’, or my labor, sacrifice, skill, and knowledge at the point of a gun or a knife.

Fellate yourself over your dreams of becoming the pEoPLe’s ChAmPiOn of ThE rEvoLuTiOn on your own time, not mine.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

vIoLeNt ReVoLuTiOn, oBvIoUsLy. 🫵🏽🤡

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

We have different opinions on what the extreme or far left are, or perhaps where the “center” is.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

If the violent revolution against the current brand of authoritarians in power is led, co-opted, or hijacked by the authoritarian left, the proponents of democracy, equity, and liberty will be executed very quickly after, as history has shown time and again.

So, no, the extortionist capitalists won’t go away quietly, but I don’t trust the tankies to bring about some utopia after they execute the “class-traitors and class-enemies”.

DeepGradientAscent, (edited )
@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

It may take a violent revolution, but I don’t trust any tankie to bring about a utopia after the dust settles once all the fascists and corporatists get their due. They’re just another flavor of authoritarian statists.

The rulership of the revolutionary party forever is all they’re interested in. Seizing the means of production “for the party”, never really for the proletariat, who they will happily execute once their usefulness has been served. As history has shown time and again.

Sorry your so butt hurt by sarcasm and “posturing”, but I’m old enough to spot wannabe populist dictators and their ball-garglers easily. They get nothing but contempt, ridicule, or fists, knives, and bullets when they get really grabby.

They can all kick rocks, barefoot.🖕🏽

DeepGradientAscent, (edited )
@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

His writings on the matter in his essays seem pretty clear that he’s against arbitrary unchecked statist authoritarianism, which is what I’m talking about.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

Maybe. I don’t know. I hope not.

But history has a pretty clear record about what the authoritarian left does right after they “win”, and it’s not the “egalitarian equitable utopia” they claim they’ll usher in.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

Authoritarian is a non-starter for me on account of the fact that it doesn’t actually mean anything.

You’re wrong. Words have meanings.

authoritarian /ə-thôr″ĭ-târ′ē-ən, ə-thŏr″-, ô-/

adjective Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom. “an authoritarian regime.” Tending to tell other people what to do in a peremptory or arrogant manner. synonym: dictatorial. Similar: dictatorial Characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; – of governments or rulers. “an authoritarian regime” Similar: autocraticdictatorialdespotictyrannical Expecting unquestioning obedience: “he was imperious and dictatorial”; “the timid child of authoritarian parents”; “insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter” Similar: dictatorialoverbearing Of, or relating to, absolute obedience to an authority. Characterised by a tyrannical obedience to an authority; dictatorial. noun One who supports the principle of authority, as opposed to that of individual freedom. Behaves like a tyrant. Similar: dictator The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

Is it the opposite of democracy?


what would your revolution look like?

If we’re talking about the United States, non-violent, presumably brought about by collective action and enforcing laws regarding protections to citizens, labor unions, the environment, etc. that are already on the books.

Look, I’m assuming you’re a true-believer tankie; clearly, I’m not and never will be.

Let’s not waste each other’s time, anymore. I gotta walk my dogs, smoke a spliff and rub my wife’s back when she gets home, and you gotta do whatever it is you do.

Good luck with the revolution. 👍🏽

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

As soon as you have any actual answer on how to demonstrably improve peoples’ lives and do this either within this system in a way that they’ll let you, or without this system in a way that they won’t assassinate you, I’m with you.

If we’re talking about the United States, the “answer” is historically clear: collective action, the spread and dissemination of the history of the labor movements, what our laws say about capital and labor today, what our personages in government’s rhetoric is about labor, when the next elections are for their office, and how to organize, starting locally and building to the state and federal level. Kind of like what’s happening now.

If violence and aggression occur, be extremely wary of how quickly it can lead to purges and an even darker more authoritarian system, even if the religious, fascists, and/or corporatists are defeated. The pigs who squeal the loudest about how they’re the voice of the people tend to be quickest to put people’s backs against the wall.

This was my original point. Your whataboutism is expected and is boring.

all I see is posturing and arm chair theorizing.

This is exactly what I see and hear when I talk to the latest Bolshevik boot-lickers who pass themselves as experts on Marxist theory, capital and labor, history, and how to depose the government of the US.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

organize IRL, or at least talk to people IRL about it.

I do. I’m part of a union. And I vote regularly, and talk to my peers, colleagues and friends about politics especially at the local level. I have attended debates and lectures as well.

We’ve all heard your bullshit “anti tankie” tirades from people like you a thousand times over, you’re not changing any minds

Hey numbskull, did you forget what the original thread meme was about in the first place? I’m not saying any of this to change minds en masse; the question was to paraphrase, “what is your opinion counter to what many other’s is?”

You’re so butt hurt, you gloss over the original meme in the first place just to tell me I’m full of shit. Wow, didn’t expect that from tankies at all. 🙄

and are not impressing anybody with your arguments, I can absolutely guarantee you that.

Cool beans, tough guy, not here to “impress”, just answering a meme question. Remember?

Go suck each other’s dick on hexbear or lemmygrad about “how ya got me good”. I’m sure I’ll be malding all night about it.

Good luck with the revolution, “sPaCe_CoMrAdE”. 🖕🏽

DeepGradientAscent, (edited )
@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

Please cry harder about some stranger’s opinions about tankies, you butt-hurt twat. Then all the people who hate me can start a revolution for your fee-fees.


@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

Please give me a better example.

You’re clearly passionate but I read your comments as incredibly idealistic to a fault.

Edit: and what’s happening now is the very likely possibility of a 2nd Trump administration and this insane 2025 plan they’re cooking up. So I don’t even know where you are getting your information.

Hopefully this will be abundantly clear and we can both move on with our lives:

I’m not here to give examples of whatever vague (and very predictable) whataboutism tactic you throw at me and get caught up in some pointless argument with you on a meme thread.

My original point in answering this meme question posed by OP is to not trust authoritarian tankies who historically, time and again, purge their luckless proletariat “allies” after deposing the original authoritarians to retain a stranglehold on power and bring about an even darker and bloodier regime after they co-opt and hijack any mass political movement they can sink their parasitic little tankie dictator teeth into.

I don’t care if you don’t believe that.

Just like how neo-nazis think the Holocaust wasn’t real, plenty of tankies believe the USSR never really invaded Poland the same time Nazi Germany did. Or the purges in Ukraine weren’t that bad. Or not that many people died during the invasion of Tibet. Or in the Cultural Revolution. Or Tienanmen Square. History from multiple non-western sources have a lot to say about the so-called authoritarian left. You can start with The Kulak Archipelago.

When I said “what’s happening now”, I’m referring to recent labor union victories all over the United States that have been documented in the news.

Though you might be, I’m not a Bolshevik true-believer (obviously) and I’m done with the authoritarian Kool-Aid. I’m old enough to recognize wannabe jack-booted thugs and dictator ball-garglers pretty easily nowadays. It’s not that hard, they’re everywhere from just about every economic and political stripe.

The only thing that ties them all together is when they say something along the lines of “tHe true VerSiON oF __________ HASN’t BEeN Tried YeT”, while glossing over the historic oceans of blood on their ideology’s hands.

And as soon as you mention any of that? “wHatAboUt ________ism aND tHEIr blAh BLaH BlaH blAH?”

Whatever point you’re trying to prove, you’re not going to convince me. I used to be pretty hard Auth-Left myself, back in the day. I’ve left that cult in the dumpster where it belongs. You’re either trying to catch me in some “gotcha” circle-jerk, or are too butt-hurt about me condemning tankies to remember what the original point of OP’s thread was, or are just really dense.

You go your way, rhetorically fellate whatever autocrat-of-the-week your heart desires, and I’ll go mine, and, hopefully, we won’t ever have to meet in real life.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

I think I misunderstood you.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

The fuck you talkin’ about here, “bro”?

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

In the United States, I was part of IATSE. Now, due to my wife’s health diagnosis I live in the Netherlands.

Writing about Authoritarian cultists will only remain a hobby. Far better men have written far more important pieces on the matter.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

Lemmy is great if you can ignore all the tankies circle-jerking and fellating each other.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

No, I didn’t. Authoritarian ball-garglers everywhere these days, I guess.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar

But of course you know this, so why exactly are you asking?

No. I don’t. That’s why I’m asking.

I thought incel was an abbreviation for an involuntary celibate person, male or female, who genuinely can’t have sex for a plethora of potential reasons. Since the word “involuntary” is part of the abbreviation, to me, that means the person who’s celibate can’t help it.

For what it’s worth, I’m on the spectrum, and one aspect of my neuropathy is that I over-emphasize strict definitions of words etymologically and need to have strict meaning in communication. I perceive people using fluid or inaccurate definitions for words as a vehicle for hostile manipulation and malicious intent.

I am in therapy for this, but I’m skeptical CBT or drugs can rectify how I interpret linguistic nuance.

@DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev avatar


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