@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar


@[email protected]


My name is Dee, I hope you like me, if you don’t the block button is free.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

As somebody who produces content (with a full time job so not as often as I like) it’s so much harder to get engagement on mastodon without the algorithm tbh. I’m trying to get my name out there but engagement is slim to none compared to say, Instagram. I’m not on Twitter but both BlueSky and Mastodon have been a struggle. I don’t see myself devoting too much energy into them as far as posting content goes tbh.

Dee_Imaginarium, (edited )
@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

I’m fully aware of that thanks, I was responding to:

The moment you get actual content creators to move off twitter and provide their content on mastodon, I’m deleting it too.

And saying from the perspective of a content creator, that’s an issue that’s hard to overlook. So mastodon won’t get to that point of having all the content creators if there isn’t something to help them share their content. I don’t know what the solution would be, maybe a separate feed with an algorithm that people can switch to if they want.

Edit: and the antisocial comments below is why mastodon will never take off with the larger population and therefore never really compete with Twitter, Threads, or BlueSky for content.

YouTube is axing its ad-free Premium Lite subscription plan - The Verge (www.theverge.com)

I was happily using this for a year or so now. Feels fairer than using an ad blocker. But now they apparently want more money out of people. Feels like some sort of internet video apocalypse is happening, where the services become extremely fragmented and expensive, like YouTube, netflix, hbo, Hulu, Disney+ and whatnot. Each...

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

There is a fediverse version of YouTube already called PeerTube. But people are finding it’s incredibly expensive to host video streaming servers and is a large part why it hasn’t really taken off.

Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here

Yesterday, you probably saw this informal post by one of our head admins (Chris Remington). This post lamented some of the difficulties we’re running into with the site at this point, and what the future might hold for us. This is a more formal post about those difficulties and the way we currently see things....

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

At first I thought this might be an overreaction to be perfectly honest. But I just read through some of the Dev responses in the AMA… what the fuck is the issue with removing exploding heads from join-lemmy??

The other questions on the development itself weren’t awesome but wow that comment chain about join-lemmy is something else.

I could overlook the CCP support if they keep it on their instances but funneling people into an instance like that… I’m not sure how to feel about Lemmy either TBH.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah, I’m normally bad at remembering names but his stuck out because it was one I don’t hear often. I also love Never Ending Story, so that was another bonus for me lol

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

I didn’t think I’d watch the whole video but wow, the level of incompetence was just unrivaled. Komchatka was captained by Mr. Bean confirmed.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

because I’m a minor or something.

That’s a pretty big something tbh, it makes sense that a mod/admin might not want a minor making sexual jokes on their instance. I’m sorry that happened and as much as it sucks for self expression it’s something to keep in mind until you’re eighteen because it might happen again.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Came to the comments specifically to say this, this is not world news. I hope we can keep this from being so American centric like Reddit was, but the track record hasn’t been super great so far.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

are these editors orangutans?

The Librarian would be much more meticulous tyvm.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

This is a fantastic resource for trans masc people! Does anybody know if there’s a video or audio format of this information or similar information? My trans masc partner is neurodivergent and doesn’t process walls of text too well so was hoping to find a another similar resource I could share with them besides this. That being said this is really a great resource for those who don’t mind reading!

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

My mom who I haven’t seen in like six years is coming to stay with me for a little under a week. She hasn’t seen me in person since I transitioned but is supportive despite her conservative leanings. She’s also visiting me in here in Portland from where she lives in Texas so there’s a double layer of “everything is okay, the city is not on fire” plus all the new trans stuff she’s going to be asking about. So it’ll be a week of doing my best to be an LGBTQ encyclopedia and Portland advocate while catching up with my mom. It should be okay, but it’s going to be stressful 🥲

Dee_Imaginarium, (edited )
@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

I don’t mind! In fact, here’s way more info than you asked for!

Portland has it’s problems, no doubt. But in comparison to the south? It’s not even close, you couldn’t pay me to move back (and my job tried lol). The weather is more mild, the people more friendly and the culture more inclusive. The food scene is crazy, so much variety and fusions you’ve never heard of. Afters years I’m still discovering new eateries to try and pretty much every place has veggie/vegan options if you’re into that. Super walkable with awesome public transit (for an American city) that makes it great to get around for real cheap. Hiking trails on hiking trails with lots of bike infrastructure. So many fun shows come to town all the time and the local artists are their own brand of amazing weirdness. Also weird subcultures. I’m going to the Mondo Croquet World Championships this Sunday where you play croquet with bowling balls and sledgehammers. Takes place in Portland every year for 26 years and I just learned about it two days ago lol

Now the bad. There’s some sketchiness with some of the houseless encampments around town, but the majority are just people trying to get by. Don’t berate or antagonize them and you’ll be fine. I was just walking in Old Town the other week with a friend, this is often described as the most dangerous part of the city, and it was fine. A houseless person who was talking to himself saw my Mars Attacks shirt there, smiled real big, and then yelled “ack ack ack ack ack!” So I smiled back and gave him a nod, he was satisfied with the exchange and went on his way. Which is honestly how it goes most of the time. Most houseless people I talk to are just thankful I talk to them at all and don’t ignore them. One dude showed me his sweet rock collection on the train, he was stoked to share with someone and they were some pretty sweet rocks tbh. I know anecdotes don’t directly translate to data but for what it’s worth that’s been everybody’s experience I’ve spoken to that I can confirm actually lives here. If you go to the Portland subreddit for instance you’ll see a lot of claims being made but then dig into the profiles to find they don’t actually live here.

Our police department is the worst. I know everyone says that, but like, Portland Police might actually be the worst. They’re on an unofficial soft strike right now and have been since the George Floyd Protests and only respond to the most urgent of urgent calls. Then wonder why everyone hates them and wants to slash their budget. I could go on for a while there but I won’t. Portland cops suck, real hard.

Housing and rent sucks, but so does everywhere else. So, meh. Although with Oregon rent control I’ve been able to renew my lease and have pretty close to what I was paying in rent five years ago because we haven’t moved.

I didn’t meant to type a wall of text, but that’s a very summarized run down of what to expect. I tried to be completely honest because it’s not a perfect city, but I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else at this point.

with it being such a target for conservative media.

It’s kind of a blessing in disguise because it largely keeps conservative people from moving here so it’s mostly really cool/chill people that move here instead lol

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

It’s great to visit!

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Does anyone know if current Pixel/Samsung hardwarewill support this??

It doesn’t seem like they’ve said one way or the other (unless I missed something). It would be nice if it did but if I’m being honest I’m guessing no. If only new phones will have it then it will push more people to continue their yearly/bi-yearly upgrade cycle.

I refuse to “upgrade” until they put the aux port back. Still rocking my 4a 5G, it’s great AND has an aux port tyvm.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Hey buddy, T-Mobile has modern network compatible flip phones. You think I won’t go back?! I’ll go back!!

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

You see that [email protected]?? I’ve got options!

I’d love to keep the clean OS experience of the Pixel but I may have to go with Sony on my next phone. This one should last for another two or three years though.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Thanks for the additional info! I’ll definitely be keeping this in mind when I’m finally forced to switch off the 4a.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

The ones I looked at in the store near me did! That was a few months ago when I was shopping for a new carrier.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

I agree with everything you said. I do hope if they see all the lukewarm/negative feedback and decide to rebrand again that they stick with the fish theme and icon. It’s cute and I like that all the microblog platforms have animals associated with them. Bird, Elephant, and now Fish. Elephant and Fish can be friends, Bird can fuck off.

No apologies as Reddit halfheartedly tries to repair ties with moderators (arstechnica.com)

Reddit is reaching out to moderators after tensions rose over recent policy changes and API pricing. A Reddit admin acknowledged the strained relationship and outlined new weekly feedback sessions and other outreach efforts to repair ties. However, moderators remain skeptical of Reddit’s efforts given mixed results from past...

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah, when Digg did the dumb thing all those years ago Reddit didn’t start eclipsing it for another two or three years. This feels very similar to that time tbh. Lemmy will get there, but I imagine it’ll take longer due to its fragmented nature scaring some non-techies so I’d guess four years and we’ll see numbers to rival Reddit. If you care about that, I kind of like the smaller communities, honestly.

Too bad there’s not a RemindMe Bot on Lemmy yet, this would be perfect for that lol

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Exactly, the only subreddit I still visit is for my local city/metroplex and even then I’ve set it up as an RSS feed so I don’t need to actually go to Reddit. Once enough neighbors are here that RSS feed will be getting cut most likely though. Or until Reddit shuts down the RSS feature.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

It was just another link aggregation site like Reddit, you didn’t miss too much tbh

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

I get it, my sister got bugs in her home before from a hoarder neighbor and I’ve known somebody who had to move due to a fire caused by a different hoarder so I understand why they’d want/need to do this. But I feel like this falls under the inspection notification laws, at least my state has it where they need to inform you 24 hours before any inspection. So they should’ve sent out a notification 24 hours before flying the drone over and it would’ve been fine IMO. I’m not saying this guy was a hoarder either though, the insurance company wouldn’t release their photos so we can’t say if that’s actually the case one way or the other. But I’m fine with them using drones tbh.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Absolutely agree, I don’t think they should be able to pull out like they did here. I could possibly see it if it was an extreme case of hoarding with an open flame and tons of flammable material or something like that, but there’s nothing to suggest that’s the case so the insurance company is in the wrong still. I was more referring to the use of the drone tech itself since this is the tech community.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Oh I agree, I don’t think he should’ve been dropped especially since they’re not showing the photos they took meaning it’s likely not that bad. I was more so just referring to the use of drone tech for this type of inspection. I think that’s fine, as long as they’re giving proper notification like what’s required with human inspectors.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

I agree. I wasn’t implying he deserved to have his plan dropped. Only commenting on the use of the drone tech for inspecting people’s properties. I should’ve clarified I was not defending the insurance company’s decision to cancel his plan.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

See Mozingo? Nothin’

(this comment makes more sense if you can see both lemmy.world and beehaw comments lol)

What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

Have you ever played a game and wondered what if you could do something that it doesn’t really allow you to do, for example being able to move around blocks in Minecraft fluidly instead of in sectors, edit the world in Hogwarts legacy with spells, be able to fly in a world like Elden Ring or Elder Scrolls with epic sky...

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

I want Star Citizen… The Star Citizen that was promised in the Kickstarter… Still waiting.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Cat mode.

Could you elaborate on this? lol

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Well that’s pretty fun. Thanks for sharing.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

I’m pretty sure the games are still there but in HTML5 now, I remember logging in again a couple of years back and they were there at least.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

I don’t mind too much, I didn’t know TorGuard was blocking that traffic or logging American users but now I do. So I appreciate the article in that regard but the post should’ve been titled like “Reminder that TorGuard tracks American users” or something rather than being presented as new info imo.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Interesting, thanks for the additional info!

Dee_Imaginarium, (edited )
@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

I wish there were some link to the study in the article, I tried to find it in the original Financial Times article but I got paywalled. This is really awesome though, I hope further research is shown because I’d love to hear more about how this differs from the previous methods of addressing Alzheimer’s.

I guess

Both lecanemab and donanemab are based on antibodies against amyloid, one of the toxic proteins that build up in the brain as Alzheimer’s proceeds, but they worked at different stages of the process, Oakley said. Lecanemab targets amyloid as it begins to form fibers in the brain while donanemab is active at a later stage, when the fibers have clumped together into larger accumulations of plaque.

Is as close as we’re getting for now haha

Edit: TheOakTree found the study for those who want to read more!

Direct link to study.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

From the Ars Article:

The donanemab trial involved 1,736 participants

From your link:

Findings In this randomized clinical trial that included 1736 participants with early symptomatic Alzheimer disease and…

I would be VERY surprised if this wasn’t the study in question 😂

Thank you for finding that! I’ll read that over more when I get some time later!

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Yup, you’re an hour late to that convo haha

I’ll edit my original comment so others see that though.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Oh yeah, because you’re both from different instances. I didn’t think about that, we’re all still learning lol

New Law to Crush Pirate IPTV Unanimously Approved By Italian Senate * TorrentFreak (torrentfreak.com)

In response to plenty of Italians opting to pirate Football (Soccer) matches, and so deny the government taxes on overpriced stadium food, drinks, and the like, the Italian government is making it so they can “order service providers, including network access providers, to disable access to content distributed illegally...

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

it will probably exclude a lot of people from access

Majority of the population I’d wager tbh, most of the general public is not tech-savvy enough to get around this.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Yes, correct. I’m not sure why you tried posting that as some sort of gotcha. It’s much easier for a person to have accessed one of these streams than to change DNS and put on a VPN. While that is very easy for us and people in our circles, I think you’re severely overestimating the technical prowess of the general population.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Exactly, it’s really easy to access a lot of the streams. There’s little to zero technical knowledge needed so this law will likely be very effective against most viewers as much as that sucks.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Oh hey, it’s my day.

I’m non-binary and just keep it as that. I know it’s an umbrella term that has many (MANY) further subcategories that can be explored but I never felt it was necessary for me. I just know that I’m somewhere between man and woman and feel euphoria from being androgynous. Honestly, whenever I hear the definition of Twin Spirit that sounds really accurate to how I feel inside, but seeing as I’m profusely white it seems wrong to use that label. So, just non-binary for me.

And that’s okay.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Same, I’ve been changing “guys” to “folks” and “man” to “fam”.

Because “come on man” has been used for so long that one has been harder. Using fam feels a little out of place for my millennial self but I think Gen Z found a great replacer with “come on fam” and I can get behind that.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

Oh wow, this project looks like a really awesome management game! Thanks for sharing!


Huh, I already own it without knowing it too O_o


@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

I use bisexual everywhere and with everyone. I like the bisexual flag more and I like the juxtaposition of it next to enby. So I’m a non-binary bisexual. Alliteration is fun.

I guess you could argue that’s not alliteration because they’re using the same root of “bi” but I still like the sound of it.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

you can’t deny

Oh, contraire.

progressives were going ott declaring everyone and everything problematic in some way and making itbalmost embarrassing to be part of the left

There’s a lot to unpack there, but I’m not gonna.

Not being able to criticise your own side when they’re going too far isn’t mature politics.

Who was insinuating that progressives can’t be criticized? Where did that line come from? We’re talking about doing research into your podcasters and content creators to make sure that they support human rights, that’s it.

@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

So you’re saying you get called a bigot a lot in other conversations?


@Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org avatar

I’m not sure why this three-year-old post is showing up now, but uh, if there are subreddits you still want to use after migrating to Lemmy you can set them up as an RSS feed. It’s so much better and you don’t give their site additional engagement or clicks. You can even click the article link from your RSS reader without ever having to go to Reddit. The only subreddit I still use is for my local metroplex/city, since there’s not enough of my neighbors on the Fediverse yet. But now I can see every post as it comes in so I can keep up to date with what’s going on with where I live and find out about deals and sales.

You just take the URL for the subreddit and add “.rss” to the end and that’s it.

Example: “www.reddit.com/r/SubredditName.rss

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