
@[email protected]

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I have nothing else to ask in this community..... how did I get here? 🤔 (upload.wikimedia.org)

For the past year, I’ve been immersed in the topic of Privacy. I switched to Linux, flashed my phone to LineageOS, changed all my software to one that respects privacy, switched my family and most* friends to Signal, started hating megacorporations and pretty much every government in the world, asked a lot of questions on...


Imagine privacy online was like these glass doors that turn opaque once you turn the lock, so Facebook stops tracking you everywhere when they detect that you are currently taking a shit (they probably already know when you do)


Really, I would want a web 10.0 that enforces anonymity, privacy and good UX by design by restricting what features “web” developers can use to a minimum nescessary set. And ideally it would all be P2P or at least some form of decentralized. Like if Tor, I2P, Zeronet and the Fediverse had a baby.

You could do 99% of all the things you might want to do on it as a user on a daily basis. You could have a search engine, a wikipedia, a facebook, a reddit, a youtube, etc and whatever else people use the internet for 99% of the time, but the features of this Web 10.0 are restricted to only the minimum ones to enable those sites. And the only way to be tracked is if you intentionally or unintentionally reveal your own identity.

Then you might also have hardware that exclusively only connects to this Web 10.0, ideally on a hardware level.

That would be the dream.

How do I search for an instance that blocks another instance?

I’m looking for an automatic way to search for an instance that blocks another instance. Instead of manually checking the blocked instances of multiple instances until I find the one that blocks the instance I don’t want to see, I’m wondering if there is a more efficient and automated method to identify such instances.


You probably know this, but in case you don’t, some clients allow you to block instances clientside. Like Connect on Android, not sure about desktop or the web, but there’s probably solutions too.


I swear men and women aren’t evolved to live in apartments together.

I wonder what divorce rates are like for couples living in apartments vs homesteaders.


Is that “I can hascheeseburgers” cat?


I think it’s time for a new standard to replace HTML and Javascript for the web that formalizes all the most used functions and gives developers way less freedom to make a crappy website.

Alternatively train AI to recognize crappy websites and severely punish them in search.

Or use AI to reformat websites into something user friendly. Considering the coding skills of GPT-4, I don’t think that’s too far away.

Between GDPR prompts, auto-generated articles, banner ads, normal ads, filler content, related articles, the web has become unusable.

Really it’s Google’s fault for not cracking down on these practices. And their competitiors for not doing so either.

Search engines in general have become beyond useless. I barely find anything anymore and it’s not just the fault of bad web design. Even if the search results followed human friendly design, they don’t even contain anything related to my search.

My only hope is that retrieval-augmented LLMs can fix this mess. Basically they read all these crappy websites for you and extract the actually useful information.


well there’s gopher or gemini, but I was thinking it should have some more modern features.

Like if you took all the features of all the best modern websites and apps, and condense them down into a fully integrated stack replacing everything from http up. Only allowing elements that don’t get in the way of UX.

Ideally it should completely preserve privacy and anonymity, so perhaps bolt something on like I2P. Make it pretty much impossible to track people beyond them voluntarily giving their information or doxxing themselves.

But then also have 99% of the conveniences of the best of modern web/app design. But beyond those fixed functions, you have zero freedom as a webdeveloper.

Fixing the content of the websites is then another problem entirely seperately. This is just to fix UI/UX.

Like if a zoomer designed gopher.

Together with more effective search engines, whose actual goal it is to bring quality content to users, you could fix the web forever. I think if you handed control over page rankings over to users, you could fix search engines too. You have to create incentive structures to align the interests of the search provider with that of the users. Currently Google has little incentive to actually provide you good search results, that doesn’t neacessarily make them money.


This “I can do better” mindset is probably the single biggest factor why people end up lonely for the rest of their life.


I feel like I should have known about this by now. It seems the universe has been forced to make new content lately because I’ve already seen everything.

Be honest, do you trawl a user profile to downvote/upvote when you see a comment you dislike/goes against your beliefs?

Saw this a lot on Reddit. Its not specific to here, just trying to gauge how people think. I’d see people posting about how “X said this! Have you seen what else they said in their site history?” And a stream of votebombing would happen....


Viewing the comment history of other people shouldn’t even be a feature, or at least optional. It made Reddit so incredibly toxic.

Same, post history should be optional.

It’s such a childish behavior to stalk someones history just to be able to dismiss their argument. It makes nuanced discussion between different camps so much harder and is a big reason why Reddit was so polarized.

On YouTube, everything is much more self contained, you only see like 3 comments of the same person on the same channel. It is much more refreshing to be there in my opinion.

Being on Reddit is like fighting with your toxic ex who constantly brings up something irrelevant you did 10 years ago.

The features a social network has very much influences the quality of the discourse. I would much rather Lemmy gives users much more fine grained control over these kinds of features. Like give users the option to hide their post/comment history, but then perhaps also let communities ban those users from commenting, let each community decide. Same with anonymous posting etc…


depends on what channel you’re on


but what about cheese Bose–Einstein condensate and cheese neutron star matter?


You habe to have both. People mold their behavior around incentive structures. If you give them the incentive to commit crime, they will commit crime. If you give them the incentive to do better, they will do better.

Then again you also shouldn’t have bullshit laws that punish people for things that hurt no one but themselves, like the war on drugs. If they do something to hurt someone while doing drugs, that’s what we have all the other laws for.


Almost all our social systems are built on the young providing for the old under the assumtion of generations growing. The population collapse we’re currently starting will be the biggest issue in the future. (alongside the loneliness epidemic, but that’s a different issue entirel)

We’re in for a like a 45% reduction in generation size each generation. And this trend is only increasing rapidly. All the causes of this are deeply entrenched economically and socially, so we won’t be able to turn them around on a dime.

Unless we find some social, economic or technological solutions, we are all majorly screwed. Eveyone who won’t die within the next 30 years or so will be majorly affected by it.

And no, immigration can’t fix it long term, because all the rest of the world is experiencing the same thing. They are just at different stages. India, China, the Americas, Europe are below replacement rate and dropping. All the other regions are are slightly above replacement rates and dropping, except Sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan African women are having one less child every 10 years, so they will be below replacement rates within a generation. More and more people having internet access will only rapidly increase these trends.

So in 20-30 years, it’ll be a zero sum game who can most effectively steal each other’s populations.

The only groups that are still growing normally are highly conservative religious groups. Israel is one of the only developed countries that still have normal fertility rates, and they are slowly being taken over by the ultra orthodox.

Maybe life extension or AI can save us, while generally keeping the social order in tact. But all the other solutions don’t look very appealing. You could have A Handmaiden’s Tale, or government/corpo created babies with artificial wombs, like Bladerunner or Brave New World…

You can’t run a society on old people and for those saying it’s good because climate change, you won’t be able to fix climate change if everyone is in total chaos and only concerend with immediate survival. It’ll be like “everything is fucked and YOU want US to stop burning coal, yeah nah”.

Well maybe it won’t be that bad, but it’ll certainly be a huge social issue.


I mean, it’s not just boomers, because it’s a world wide problem. But in general inequality is more or less the biggest problem. After every financial crisis birth rates drop and stay down.

All graphs realted to inequality and general quality of life have been steadily dropping since 1971 when we introduced the FIAT money system. Basically ever since then the entire system is set up to steal from anyone who can’t benefit from debt and give that money to those who can. Any savings and income is constantly eroded away steadily making the bottom ~80% poorer. Then we also started artifically lowering interest rates, which made the stock market and real estate markets go nuts, making everyone who already had assets rich and those who didn’t even poorer.

Boomers didn’t really cause this, they have no idea what any of that even means, they just passively benefited from it, because they already had assets. It’s more or less created by a tiny policial and financial elite conspiring to takw over our monetary system in 1971. The entire financial and monetary system were reengineered to benefit the rich.

Mark Blyth frames it as a revolt of capital in his book Angrynomics. Basically before that workers benefited hugely from the system, because wages were constantly rising in line with productivity growth and cumulative inflation was so low that you would actually save. There were no crazy real estate bubbles created by the central bank like we see today. That stopped after 1971.

I wouldn’t say Boomers did this, because they were way too uneducated to even notice what happened, because they got all their news from the same people that stole their children’s future. You can blame them for being to stupid to stop it, yes.

There’s some other factors too, like people moving to cities and social issues, but inequality is one of the biggest, if not the biggest. It’s pretty much clear as day in the data if anyone cares to even look. It’s not some big mystery, it’s just going completely ignored, because it would be a huge problem for the people in power.

Oh yeah, and the reason why this problem is world wide is because we exported that same system all over the world to pretty mich every country on earth. Ghadaffi wanted to break that system with an African stable gold backed currency and that’s why Libya was destroyed. It would completely invalidate our imaginary money like the Dollar or the Euro and the powerful couldn’t steal from the rest of us every single day.


Well not really. They could at least promote these concepts. And it could work as an organizing force for local groups.

Just look at how effective the Climate Emergency Fund is a funding and training the various local groups like Just Stop Oil or Extinction Rebellion.


I’m having homebrew psp flashbacks


I mean technically speaking, all eyes emit black body radiation, so we all have very underdeveloped laser eyes


That’s why you always indiscriminately kill all animals on sight, they are all spy drones


The only logical conclusion is that civilians should be able to, nay mandated to, own anti-aircraft missiles. And while we’re at it anti-tank missiles too.

Imagine if every single person in Ukraine had had anti-aircraft and anti-tank missles.


Very nice shot, love the landscape.

But I would boost the brightness and reduce the contrast a tiny bit. I think I overdid it a little bit, but kind of like this:



I mean they’re not wrong to pick that car when that dump probably costs 2 million


ah yes, beautiful suburban hell


it is if you’re paying 2 mil for it


I wonder how efficient it is. Let’s say the bike is 90% efficient, the pump is 70% efficient and the pneumatic power tools are 70% efficient, so you get 44.1% efficiency.

If you give or take 10% from/to each of those, you can get as low as 28.8% efficient or as high as 64% efficient.

If you build the electic equivalent (generator, battery and electric powertools) it is probably twice as efficient or more. Pedal for only a half to a third as long.


You loose around 30% of energy from the sun through the atmosphere, plants are about 3% efficient at turning light into sugar, humans are about 25% efficient at turning food into mechanical energy, so you are only about 0.525% efficient at turning energy from the sun into human power on earth. So you this device is only about 0.231525% efficient at turning solar power into usable work.

Assuming 80% efficiency for the electric variant, 20% efficiency for solar panels, 90% efficiency for robots to turn electricity into mechanical work, that’s 14.4% efficient. Then it’s like 62.196307 times more efficient to become a solar electric android and pedal on it in space.


Yeah it is pretty cool in that regard. I was just wondering how it compares and thought it might be interesting for others.

I would be cool to optionally hook up wind power up to it too. You can easily DIY one with more than 1000 kW peak power, which is athlete levels of output for a human.

Depending on your useage and size of tank, intermittency shouldn’t be a problem, but if it is, you can always slap on the bike again.


Using belts instead of chains would also make sourcing all the parts much easier, like in ye olde steam powered workshops.

Efficiency isn’t that big a deal anyway when you use abundant power like water or wind.


On Android, Google Maps, Google Docs et al., Snapchat and the various plant identication apps.


What is their approach to biometrics with blockchain? Do they just dump your data on the blockchain for everyone to see, like Bitcoin? You would assume it is at least hashed.

Or is it encrypted so that only someone with the corresponding key can use it to prove your identiy? In this scenario they couldn’t verify your identity without your consent. But also then you would always have your key with you at all times, so I doubt they went this route.

It’s probably just hashed and public, is it?


Presumably they canonicalize the data coming out of the orb in some way, so you get the same number/ID out every time you use it. For example, you can represent molecules as many different strings (like C=CC or CC=C for propane) and you would want a canonicalization method to give you the same string every time for the same molecule.

They might have some machine learning algorithm that is trained on the sensor data as an input and for the output they try to maximize distance between different people in some high dimensional vectorspace, while preserving a sense of similarity between similar people. So then after training the model, you put in the sensor data and you get out some 1069 dimensional vector oht that represents you. Kind of how word embeddings work, that they use for AI.

Then they take that vector and “round” that vector to get the same result every time. Like one time it might be (1.775, … 2.854, 11.631) and another time it might be (1.777, … 2.863, 11.625), so they just round it to (1, … 2, 11), so they get the same vector 99.999% of the time you use the device.

Or like some more clever scheme instead of literally rounding. Perhaps another NN.

That’s how I would do it anyway.

So that way they avoid a user registering multiple IDs, because the device will reject your new ID request if your vector is already found on record.

Then they hash it in some way so your biometric data can’t be reconstructed and store it on the blockchain. That or maybe they do some RSA like voodo magic like with Monero.

So that’s why all data can be deleted on the device, because they destill it down into your unique biometric fingerprint that comes out the same every time, ideally.

That’s just what I’d expect them to do anyway.

I’m not quite sure where the zero-knowledge proofs come in, but they are pretty cool in theory. They allow you to do things like knowing the result of a vote without knowing what everyone voted for.

Also im not quite sure if it’s just a human verification system or an ID system. Those are two very different beasts. One would literally just tell anyone who’s asking if you are a human or not, the other would tell them your ID for tracking.

Perhaps they use zero-knowledge proofs to avoid storing IDs publicly on the blockchain? That would be pretty cool.

If it really is just a human verification system and I am correct in how it works, I don’t see much problems with the protocol privacy wise. We will need such a system anyway because of AI. It is unavoidable.

Since we have no choice (except return to monkey) you would hope it to be as accurate, hard to crack, private, secure, decentralized, FOSS as possible.

I don’t think WorldCoin and their Orb are FOSS or decentralized. So that’s a huge red flag for abuse. They could just in hardware send your unique ID to some malicious actor. Aside from all the possible software backdoors, exploits etc…

But as bad as systems like that could be, it seemy pretty alright, all things considering.

YSK you can meditate without sitting quietly (psychcentral.com)

WHY YSK- Many people practice mindfulness and meditation as part of their lives, and some would like to but feel like they don’t have time to sit down and meditate properly. Once you’ve gotten used to doing it as a part of your daily activities, it becomes easy to simply take a few breaths and gain some peace from your...


taking a walk or going to the gym switches my mind off, when it is usually overactive, so I’m not surprised

How Bricks Made From Invasive Seaweed Clean Mexico's Beaches | World Wide Waste | Insider Business (youtu.be)

Millions of tons of sargassum wash up on beaches across North America every year. Exposure can lead to breathing problems, and it costs millions to clean it up. Now, one Mexican entrepreneur is building houses out of bricks made from the invasive species.


Makes a lot of sense to capture carbon like this in products people actually pay you money for, as opposed to any solution that just burns money to capture carbon.

Especially true for building materials that take up such a large share of carbon produced. That’s why stuff like cross laminated timber or hempcrete make a lot of sense to me.


It’s about trust. In a low trust society people show no regard for the society as a whole and will only act in their own interest.

There are various reasons why people loose any sense of belonging to a society, but the outcomes are always the same and you will see what you are describing.

I wanna say today it’s mainly caused by inequality and cronyism that’s been skyrocketing over the last 50 years.

Inequality at the levels we’re at destroys society from multiple angles, from making life completely unaffordable, to making dating harder to making different demographics blame each other for all the problems.

If you don’t feel your investment into the society is reciprocated, then you feel no need to follow any of its rules or make any sacrifices for it.


average anime main character


I think social media designed like “Reddit” is just THE logical way to structure social media. That’s why I think there is just an inherent demand for a platform like Reddit. Because of the network effect, social media platforms strongly tend to centralize. More users > more content > more users > more content > … it is a self-reinforcing cycle favoring centralization. So that is the reason why reddit is popular, it was “the first”, it is big. The only reason why people would ever leave is if Reddit themselves screw themselves over. Luckily for us, they do all the time.

Where Reddit really fails is how powerful admins and mods are, and regularly abusing that power. To fix this, you need to change the incentive structure so that power goes to the users themselves. Lemmy is already better at this because of its federated structure.

But I would go a step further and make communities work more like git. Anyone can fork any communities, meaning they create a new copy of a community but under their management. If enough people switch over to that fork, they get to keep the name of the sub.

That way mods and admins are incentivized to act in the best interest of users at all time, because if they don’t, they are easily deposed.

As a bonus it would also result in making new communities from two groups who shouldn’t have been together in the first place. Essentially creating more and more specialized communities more closely matching the wants of the users.

This is different to Lemmy or Reddit where you would have to create a new sub, with zero content to depose a mod/split the community.

You essentially make the process to switch out mods as low cost as possible for users. Thereby massively increasing competition, increasing quality and user satisfaction.

Ideally this would all be built on top of some base data storage layer like IPFS or something, so you don’t have to literally copy over all the content any time you fork a community, but you just copy the references to where the content is stored.

Also hosting should be as simple as possible, ideally on some decentralized hosting service, like some of these crypto solutions.

This would basically remove all barriers to creating and maintining your own communities, except for hosting cost and moderation.

If you had to design the perfect social media platform, I think that would be it.


Yeah, the nested comments section with up/downvotes is the most efficient way to structure a discussion. Infinitely better than the old forums.

There are a few issues with how up/downvotes can be undesirably distributed (like brigading), but the core concept is good.

It would make sense to have different filters on top of that.

Like rewarding high-quality comments (based on some metric like lexical complexity). Or maximizing diversity of opinion, like by rewarding comments that are different from all the others, would help with the circle jerking and brigading. Or categorizing comments as serious, joke, insult, by political leaning, etc.

Also with these LLMs, it would be interesting to try and summarize the entire comments section, giving you briefly the most brought up points or most interesting points.

Or by rewarding comments that have been made by people like you. Like if you are a nuclear physicist, you will preferentially see comments by other nuclear physicists.

And you can toggle between all of them like new, hot, too all, etc.

Perhaps you would even have a marketplace for these filters where anyone can post new ones, like an app store. Give users maximum control over their experienve.

Blanking on a term. I remember a protocol/firmware for wireless routers where the idea was to connect as many as possible to create a quasi internet without any ISPs. Help?

Basically title. I remember reading about it back in like 2018, I even remember a company that would provide crypto based on the amount of traffic you let through. Just curious if that ever saw any growth....


Source: github.com/redecentralize/alternative-internet#ne…

Freifunk is a non-commercial initiative for free decentralised wireless mesh networks. Technically Freifunk firmwares are based on OpenWRT and OLSR or B.A.T.M.A.N. Funkfeuer is, just like Freifunk, a non commercial initiative for free wireless mesh networks.

Funkfeuer is based in Austria and uses OpenWRT as the firmware for the Routers. IPOP (IP-over-P2P) is an open-source user-centric software virtual network allowing end users to define and create their own virtual private networks.

LibreMesh includes the development of several tools used for deploying libre/free mesh networks. The firmware (the main piece) allows simple deployment of auto-configurable, yet versatile, multi-radio mesh networks. LibreVPN is a virtual mesh network using tinc plus configuration scripts that even let you build your own mesh VPN. It’s also IPv6 enabled.

Loki net is a privacy network which will allow users to transact and communicate privately over the internet, providing a suite of tools to help maintain the maximum amount of anonymity possible while browsing, transacting and communicating online. Netsukuku is an ad-hoc network system designed to handle massive numbers of nodes with minimal consumption of CPU and memory resources. It can be used to build a world-wide distributed, fault-tolerant, anonymous, and censorship-immune network, fully independent from the Internet.

NYC Mesh aims to create a free, resilient, stand-alone communication system that serves both for daily use and also for emergencies—be it power outages or internet disruption—running software that helps our community with hyperlocal maps and events.

OpenNIC Project is an alternative DNS provider that is open and democratic.

PJON is an open-source network protocol able to connect devices using most physical layers and media, such as wires (PJDL, Ethernet, Serial and RS485), radio (ASK, FSK, OOK, LoRa or WiFi) and light pulses (PJDLS). It is released in a single portable implementation that can be easily cross-compiled on many systems like ATtiny, ATmega, ESP8266, Teensy, Raspberry Pi, Windows X86, Apple and Android. It is a valid tool to quickly build a network of devices. People’s Open Network is a community mesh network in Oakland, California.

Project Meshnet aims to build a sustainable decentralized alternative internet. Used by Hyperboria and built on CJDNS.

Skywire is the Skycoin Project’s communication primitive (analogous to MPLS, open-flow, TOX, mesh networking, darknet, i2p) that facilitates mesh networking both on traditional internet service provider infrastructure, and on individually owned wifi and radio equipment, allowing for a phased, incentivized approach to decentralization. Skywire Overview | skycoin.net

Yggdrasil is an early-stage implementation of a fully end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network. It is lightweight, self-arranging, supported on multiple platforms and allows pretty much any IPv6-capable application to communicate securely with other Yggdrasil nodes. Yggdrasil does not require you to have IPv6 Internet connectivity - it also works over IPv4.

ZeroNet enabled decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and the BitTorrent network


Is there a sub for lemmy related technical questions only?

Would be nice for specific implementation questions.


Thank you. Yeah I found a Lemmy Support community on lemmy.ml, but for some reason I can’t find it from my instance. Even tough it doesn’t block any other instances as far as I’m aware. I did find if from monyet.cc for some reason.

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