
@[email protected]

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Not necessary, normal bacteria&friends are already doing it. Also funnily enough there is an increase in biodiversity because of the Great Pacific Garbage patch because sea life can attach to the trash, creating a new ecosystem.

Nature do be amazing like that.


does anyone else get the urge to write girl as ghyrle or gerrel?


Japan doesn’t exist, it was invented as a ploy to sell more anime. You can’t fool me you are paid by BIG ANIME.


all of history in a nutshell

angrystego, to traditional_art

Shaun Tan, Rules of Summer (2013)


Shaun Tan’s art is impressively depressing. I hate looking at it, not because it is bad or ugly, but because it perfectly illustrates everything wrong with the world. Which takes skill, I guess.


I lost my weak flesh but I gained these strong bones.

What do you think a solarpunk world would look like after all known fossil fuel reserves have been burned? (www.newyorker.com)

Frankly, I think it would be foolish to expect any fossil fuel reserves to stay in the ground. Corporations are immortal, corporations own lots of drilling tools, and as long as there is profit to be made in mining and burning fossil fuels, corporations will do it, the Earth be damned....


Well last time the ice caps disappeared, we had 150m higher sea levels and we had tropical rainforests around the poles. So that’s about the worst I expect.

And even if not a single plant survives on the surface of the earth due to heat, the planet would still be vastly more habitable than any other planetary body (including moons) in the solar system. Mostly because of the magnetic field, the atmosphere shielding us and abundant water and resources. The gigantic thermal mass of the oceans will keep temperatures survivable for a REALLY long time. Assuming we don’t just move to space habitats then. I would expect most people to live in seasteading cities for the lower temperatures and cheap cooling. Probably using solar powered solid state magnetocaloric heat pumps. It would take millions of years for the oceans to boil off, so I wouldn’t worry about a Venus scenario. But like, 99.99% life on earth would die out, humanity would be reduced to a couple of tens of millions maybe and we would only be surviving because of our technological competency.

By that point it would be a no brainer to build solar shade satelites at the L1 lagrange point to get temperatures back to normal levels. We could easily do that today if we really wanted. It would just take a couple of percent of current world GDP. It won’t fix CO2, but it allows fine grained control over temperatures. IMO this option is way safer than any other geoengineering, because we can turn it off at any time by just turning the satelites by 90°.

You could even do things like making sure every spot on the planet is exactly the same ideal temperature to make it more habitable. But I doubt we would ever do that just for the conservation concerns alone. If we had that technology, we would probably try to revert the planet back to its pre-industrial state.

At the current 4% YoY growth in energy production, we would need to harvest ALL of the energy of the sun within 800-900 years. We will start cooking the planet from our energy prduction alone (as opposed to the GH effect) within the next few hundreds of years. So if growth is to continue, industry and energy production HAS TO move to space sooner or later.

I could easily see us moving most of everything into space some time between 2100 to 2200 and starting to turn Earth into a Garden Planet. We’ll run out of space for solar panels and wind turbines some time 120-150 years from today at 4% energy growth rate. Unless we want to pave over the whole planet, then we have a couple more decades of solar… Compound growth is silly like that. You would have to start giant infrastructure to start pumping heat off the planet, like giant radiative cooling towers that glow a bright as the sun (higher temperatures are much more efficient at radiating away heat) or plastering the earth in panels emitting the infrared radiation our atmosphere is almost completely transparent to (think subambient cooling paint).

All of that seems like a giant hassle, so I think energy use on earth will remain low and probably be beamed down from space with solar or fission/fusion satelites instead of being produced on earth. Except for solar cells plastering everthing man-made. I believe the entire earth will be like a giant national park after space industry&energy has outgrown earth.

In my estimation, by 2100 we’ll have “solved” the worst technological challeges of climate change and from then on we’ll focus on restoring the planet and moving into space.

Why? Because solar technology is still in its infancy and already extremely cheap. With 100s of different energy storage technologies on the near term horizon potentially solving the storage problem in the next 10-20 years, we’ll have cheap abundant clean energy. The fact that we don’t have cheap abundant is the only reason why climate change is even a problem. If energy was clean and 10x cheaper, you could literally just suck all the CO2 out of the atmosphere we emit in excess. But we don’t and that’s why it doesn’t work currently.

I don’t expect drastic decreases to clean energy prices until 2100, but enough that the switch won’t be painful, but actually increase overall prosperity. You can already be completely energy self sufficient for around 50k bucks, which is nothing compared to home prices today. And those costs will only come down as the renewable technologies and industries mature. We’re basically entering the exponential part of the innovation curve of renewable technoliges. Progress up until now may have been slow, but it will be radical for the next 20 years or so.

I can easily see 90% of cars being replaced by EVs, e-bikes and anything in between. A large part of their fuel will come from solar panels on said vehicles. Short to mid range electric aircraft and drone taxis will become standard. Pretty much all homes will be energy self-sufficient for cheap. Solar panels will enter 30-40% efficiency ranges soon, which means solar EVs become a no brainer, pretty much guaranteeing the average person driving the average driving range will never have to charge them. I expect agriculture to become much more sustsinable, while many degraded areas of land will be rewilded. Both of these are already happening.

There are myriads of technologies to replace CO2 heavy concrete production, not sure how competitive they’ll be but at least there’s hope.

People will genuinely need less cars because getting around will become much more convenient with increasing walkability, public transport and soon robot taxis.

If cheap energy is sorted out, all the other most CO2 emitting industries will easily decarbonize. E.g. solar + energy storage becomes cheaper than coal, the incentive to build coal power plants will disappear for developing countries.

I’m rambling too much but you get the point, I am pretty optimistic about the future, even in the worst scenarios, I am confident we’ll figure it out. After we achieved world wide net zero, the transistion period until the climate has stabilized again will be painful, with ecosystems shifting, farming experiencing issues, hundreds of millions of people potentially having to migrate, but I think we can manage.

Then after that, unless we blow ourselves up, the planet will only become healthier.

My biggest fear really is that fertility rates drop so low, that the world economy collapses, setting decarbonization back by decades. But there are potential technological solutions there as well, like AI.


and also the ghosts are all lazy slobs


Imagine being an ANIME fan and watching TEXT instead of the amazing ANIMATION ANIMEtors worked their ass off for. If you want to watch text, read a book instead, genius. But you’re too lazy to move your eyes huh? You have to have the text all stay in one place and be delivered to you like the milkshakes to the morbidly obese content addicts in WALL-E. Watching with subs is disrespectful to the animators and reveals your extremely flawed character. I watch with dubs because I am sophisticated and I know how to appreciate art.


for some reason it reminds me of North Korean propaganda posters


undercover cops and feds still really like to wear the wired ones


cue me having the weirdest most contrived dialogue with my pc with undertones of sexual tension


they’re not that bright


violent murdergarden wasn’t that bad compared to the first two


By “bad” I mean “causing muchos feels”


well, whatever sinks your goat. I had to stop watching anohana because it got way too real way too quickly


imagine those crabs are actually our rulers and they carefully craft a fake reality via the media and social media to control us and keep us from finding out about our crab overlords

maybe the earth is really flat and we live in a human terrarium made by crabs


Ideally our LEDs should emit a safe dose of UV-B and infrared too, because they are vital for vit D and melatonin production, both of which are extremely important for general health. As more and more of us become basement dwellers and winter depression enjoyers, this would help out a lot with public health.


That’s not true. We’ve evolved while being irradiated by the sun for literally billions of years. Your body has mechanisms to repair damaged DNA and kill+replace cells that are too damaged. Issues arise when the damage grows fast enough for your body to keep up repairs. E.g. you get a sun burn because you don’t have an adequate tan or you hug a reactor meltdown.

Supplements are an inadequate solution for many reasons.

  1. Vit D supplements barely get absorbed by the stommach. The only way to get adequate vitamin D levels with supplements is to take huge doses for like a month while testing your blood to see if levels are adequate.
  2. Most available Vit D supplements take a week to be metabolized into the active form.
  3. Vit D supplements can give you an overdose of Vitamin D and have severe negative health consequences.

Meanwhile half an hour of sunlight gives you healthy levels of Vit D without risk of overdose.

I’m not advocating for 1000W/m^2 UVB radiation blasting you 24/7, I’m talking about levels that are low enough that you can constantly be exposed to without a increase in risk.

And btw a lack of vitamin D causes severely bad health outcomes, even if it would cause a minor increase in skin cancer (which it doesn’t), the benefits of adequate vitamin D levels would vastly outweigh that risk.

Same with melatonin, supplements can’t replace the effect of exposure to infrared light. But at least with infrared people won’t spread misinformation about how there’s no safe levels.


but they’re soooooo relatableeeeeee

don’t you love your escapist fantasies being just as boring and mundane as the real world?


what if Neo was in reality from the beginning and Morpheus just drugged him and plugged him into the matrix to live in the fake hell version of earth where the fake machines took over


Dubai is literally like the loose sex capital of the world for rich people. OP is confusing Dubai with Saudi Arabia and even they are reluctantly starting to liberalize.


why does everything have to be relatable to this miserable prison planet existance


if we train an AI model on the writings of all the famous schizophrenic writers/videographers, perhaps we can uncover some deeper truths of the universe that only they can see


the latter half of Naruto Shippuden or Bleach be like


the bullet sponge must be really bad if you’re complaining about it after coming from Cyberpunk lmao


Yeah I played pistol headshot build until they nerfed it, that was the only build that worked for me, it being one shot too. I dislike the leveled enemies in general. If I play it again it will be with a mod that removes levels and gives the factions more gameplay significance (like Maelstrom needing armor piercing).

I played Tarkov before that and after that any amount of bullet sponginess is agony. I like realism.

I completely ruins the immersion in Cyberpunk’s amazing worldbuilding if unarmored enemies don’t die after duping an entire mag into them. And even more so if I oneshot enemies in one neighborhood and in the next neighborhood they eat all my bullets for lunch without any visual indication why they would be stronger.


how long until virtually all websites block you unless you’re using the Google VPN?


I think that is a feature of Google Assistant or some other Google product. It reads everything you have on your screen at any moment to give you “smart” help like easy opening of addresses or phone numbers.

also your keyboard might be leaking data too


My hair is going white, which means I now have exciting new opportinities in the GILF market

qwerty_ad, to minecraft

What did you like the most about old minecraft?

I never played the original alpha minecraft. Tell me what you liked best.



Can’t talk about alpha, but beta world generation was perfect before 1.8.

I played the kyoto seed and it was so fun to tame the world that looked kinda like Hunan Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.




Behold my new political ideology: mutually-assured-destructionism (or MADness)

Every person gets one of these grenades with a deadman switch and society is magically perfect because everyone could level a country at any time they like, so no one misbehaves.


I hate that this is even a consideration, but is that even legal?


Look at Yoshino B4000. It’s much smaller than an Ecoflow Delta but has the same performance.




well, when you’re at the bottom, the only way is up


I love these videos that verbalize what we’ve all always instinctively known, but weren’t really consciously aware about. I’ve always hated the places where I’ve grown up, but I couldn’t really put my finger on why. In hindsight they were just entirely constructed with anti-human design priciples. Then you visit some part of the old town and instantly feel at home. Your average building code, zoning, city planners etc. really didn’t do us any favors in the last 100 years or so. The complete removal of informal urban development really didn’t do us any good. I’m happy that urban planning seems to be going in the right direction again.


I can’t speak on any of the others, but a open-source decentralized Uber alternative could actually be extremely competitive. You could basically give drivers 100% of the profits minus hosting costs/development costs (dev might fall away depending on the model). So in effect you either get cheaper prices for consumers or more wages for drives. No middlemen jacking up prices for no reason.

But I don’t think federation works for that. Rather you’d want to build it on top of some open-source decentralized blockchain platform that handles transactions, escrow, ratings, reputation, identity/profile management (you wouldn’t want anonymoud drivers) etc…

Money, ratings, reputation, identity stuff are all better solved with blockchain than with federation in my opinion. You don’t want to have to check the repuation of each instance, every instance might handle ratings differently etc… It would be a mess. Rather you’d want to only be worried about driver reputation.

How you would handle new drivers is an important question, but that’s implementation details.


these kinds of people are lacking in the personality department

General fatherless behavior. If you don’t have a positive male role model in a happy relationship to learn from, you’re pretty much never going to be a good partner as a man.

There is so much bad and toxic relationship advice out there, good luck changing.


there is always the option of carrying a second device. physical separation is best separation


If you’ve ever played enough Tetris to experience the Tetris Effect, you will never struggle estimating volumes ever again.

I remember getting to a million points on my shitty feature phone with broken keys and compulsively measuring myself and everything around me with Tetris blocks. Like “I’m 4 blocks tall, like a line piece and the couch is as wide a line piece, so I fit on the couch.”

I now get the Tetris trauma savant buff of measuring everything really precisely with my eyeballs.

10/10 would recommend.


Well both have threads in different communities (reddit subs vs. boards like /b/).

4chan allows posting without an account, that is why it is popular for leakers, whistleblowers etc…

4chan “post comments” are chronologic, reddit post comments are nesting and have various sort orders. I think Reddit is objectively better here in my opinon, so I would just ignore this difference and do it like Reddit/lemmy. But if you really want you can give communities power over this.

4chan threads are automatically deleted after a short while, so they basically have pruning. This is a bit complex to explain, but I don’t think the exact mechanism is that important, as long as threads are deleted after a while. That is one important feature of 4chan vs Reddit where everything is saved.

The most important point is that everyone on 4chan is anonymous by default. I don’t use 4chan, but if I rememeber correctly depending on the board: 1) you get a unique ID for the thread so others can identify you in the thread 2) on some boards you don’t get an ID, it’s just that every post has an ID, but you can’t tell what two posts are by the same person 3) You can also give yourself a name on some boards I think. Another level of “anonymity granulatity” that 4chan doesn’t have I think, could be you automatically get a unique ID cookie that expires after you don’t post for a while.

Naturally there also is not post/comment history like there is on reddit.

So what I like about 4chan is 1) posting without an account 2) posting anonymously 3) posting anonymously with a unique thread ID 4) posting pseudonymously without an account 5) thread/comment pruning aka auto delete after some time.

But you could imagine all these various levels of anonymity on a spectrum from 4chan to Reddit. Phrased differently, from posting completely anonymously without an account and everything is deleted after some time like 4chan TO posting pseudonymously and posts stay forever and other users can see your post history like Reddit.

To explain further what I mean by the spectrum between 4chan and Reddit:

  • In my optimal social network a community would be able to perfectly mimic 4chan.
  • Or a community could require you to have an account but otherwise mimic 4chan perfectly.
  • Or a community could force everyone to post under a community pseudonym, so if you have a history on other instances/communities others can’t see it, only your history on this community.
  • Or a community could allow you to choose if you want others to see your cross instance history or if you want to be community pseudonymous or if you want to be completely anonymous.
  • Or a community could require you to be completely transparent about your cross-instance history like Lemmy.
  • And any of those communities could auto delete posts/comments after a while, regardless of anonymity etc…

But all of this with federation like Lemmy. So I can go to the community on a different instance (let’s say test.ml) that perfectly mimics a 4chan board (and requires an account) with my feddit.nl account and all my posts there will be anonymous. My post/comment history on this 4chan-like community won’t be visible in my account history and others on this 4chan-like community can’t tell it’s me.

Lemmy kind of allows you to be pseudonymous on every instance by just making a differnt account for each instance. But that is tedious, I would want to be able to be pseudonymous on an instance/community level with my existing account without having to make a new account. Bonus of this being that admins/mods could ban pseudonymous accounts from certain instances, but not from others.

Basically have various different anonymity/pseudonymity/pruning features that communities and users can mix and match depending on their needs.

Why? Maybe you have cancer and you don’t want everyone else to know you are posting on a cancer community, but you still want others in that community to see your post history.

And in general it’s just good OPSEC/privacy practice to have that kind of separation. It would be amazing to hinder Big Tech/Big Ad companies from mining and selling your data.

I know some people don’t care at all about that, but I value my privacy and my optimal social network would protect is as much as I want.

And anyone who doesn’t like those kinds of anonymity features, because of brigading or hate speech or whatever can just exclusively visit communities where those kinds of features are turned off.

I personally wouldn’t want to frequent 4chan-like communities either, as they are basically the sewage pipe of the internet. I would want something between Reddit and 4chan. But I don’t see why not to let others have their fun in the sewers, so I would let communities and instances decide.

And also would like to have a personal closed off community with my friends, like a Discord server or a group-chat, that I can access with my normal social media account without without worrying about data leaks. So there these features also come in handy.

So yeah I think the optimal social network would let communities decide on these features in a very fine grained manner. And of course combine that with fine grained permissions, who can do/see what and why.

Sorry for this post being so long and convoluted, but I hope you understand what I mean now. It’s just an unavoidably complex idea that I struggle to explain fully and succinctly. But every ounce of that complexity is nescessary if you ask me.


You could read my other very long reply to OP, but to answer your question in a nutshell:

  1. 4chan doesn’t require an account
  2. posters are anonymous (or temporarily pseudonymous)
  3. any post/comment on 4chan is deleted after a short while

I wouldn’t recommend 4chan, I explain why and what features I like about it in the reply to OP.


Well there is a lot that you can do to maximize security, privacy and anonymity in this setting.

For expample, you can do optional client-side/end-to-end encryption, so the instance owner doesn’t even know what is going on on their server. E.g. like how Whatsapp, Signal etc do it. Delta Chat is even an example of an end-to-end encrypted federated messaging servive. Anyone can host a server, but server owners don’t know what anyone is talking about.

For example, there might be an instance for my local county that most people from the county chose as a home instance. I can do end-to-end encrypted personal messaging on it like Signal/Whatsapp or end-to-end encrypted group chata or my end-to-end encrypted discord like community or a personal end-to-end encrypted Lemmy community for my friends and me. Only people with access can see what happens in these communities, server owners can not, they can only see the encrypted storage.

Also you could do privacy protection cross instance by hiding the real account. Let’s say 1) you visit a new instance from your home instance, 2) you generate a new identity tied to your existing account, 3) you do some convoluted sheme to use zero-knowledge proofs to get your home instance to authenticate you as a trustworthy user, BUT without your home instance knowing your new identiy on the other instance, nor the new instance knowing your old identity. For all intents and purposes it’s like creating a completely new account for the new instance, except you get to keep your positive reputation from your home instance. Like a recommendation letter from your instance for an anonymous user.

This will also become much more relevant once AI bots are becoming a problem in the fediverse. You need some way to prove you are a human, that doesn’t rely on centralization, or reduces your privacy or anonymity. Basically every instance also becomes an identity service, that can vouch for you that you are a trustworth real human.

And again all these features would be optional for instances, communities and users. Some communities would use none of this and just work like regular old Lemmy. Even DMs could be visible for instance owners. As long as it’s clearly visible what your current level of privacy/anonymity is, I don’t see a problem with it. E.g. for corporate transparency you might have nothing end-to-end encrypted.

I just want one big federated platform that can be used for pretty much every form of communication with appropriate levels of privacy and security for every use case. That’s my perfect fediverse, like the concept of “the end of history”, it’s “the end of social media”, i.e. we won’t have to change it for as long as humanity lives…

But I’m gonna be honest, it’s possible that it would be a better solution to not have your identity tied to any single home instance, but have some sort of global identity management, that is like an umbrella layer over all instances. It functions in the same way that I described, with no instance knowing your real global identity. It just generates a new identity for every instance BUT somehow accumulates reputation accross instances. That reputation you can use to join new instances or to prove you are human, without actually ever revealing your “real” identity to them. Like, imagine you are a bouncer for a club, you can’t see anyone who wants enter the club, you just have an omnipotent guy that looks at them for you and that knows if they are trustworthy, and this guy just tells you who to let in and who not to. The bouncer is the instance and the omnipotent guy is the global identity service and the people that want to enter the club are users like you. The instance owner doesn’t know what users just entered, but they still know everyone is trustworthy.

Something like that.

Identity services/human verification like that are inevitable in my opinion, so I’d like them to be implemented in the best way possible, open-source, secure, completely decentralized, anonymous and private. No centralized government ID services, nor Big Tech ones, that is just ripe for abuse on a scale we’ve never seen before.

This global identity service that I’m envisioning wouldn’t nescessarily be centralization, as there might not be some central point that does all the global identity management. Sort of how there are password managers that don’t store your passwords on any single server, but passwords are generated from the name of the domain and your master password and maybe a pw reset counter. This global identity management could function algorithmicly without any data storage OR work on “truely” decentralized (not federated) solutions like blockchains or torrents etc… Basically where the trustworthiness is guaranteed by the algorithms, not the server owners.

And again all this obfuscation of identites might be optional. You might use the same identiy across different instances and everything you write in those instances might be public OR visible to the instance owner OR it might be completely encrypted, anonymous, private.

Having all identities under one umbrella will give you a lot of convenience. For example you might want to delete your entire social media presence, so you just delete your global identity and all your sub identites will be deleted as well, along with all the content you posted under them (where that is allowed).

It’s all about having the appropriate amount of privacy and anonymity for any use case, while keeping maximum convenience for users.

Of course you could do this all today, using different platforms like Whatsapp, Discord, Matrix, Lemmy, etc. while juggling 10000 different accounts, with every platform working differently. No one can tell me that that is better solution… I just want it all federated standardized so you always know exactly what you’re getting yourself into.

There might be 50 different variables that affect your privacy/anonymity on any instance/community and you get the same clearly structured overview of those varbiable on literally every instance/community on this “network”. No painfully extracting these variables from 1000 terms of service declations, no dealing with their shitty web design that is being forced on you to maximize clicks, no popups etc…

Instead you can pick your own clients to browse, just like the Fediverse, while always having a clear understanding of your level of privacy and anonymity.

Like I said, it should be the social media platform to end all social media to give the power back to the people, not some tech bro or the government. Just want people in virtual spaces to have the same agency they used to have in physical spaces. Privacy and anonymity by default used to be the norm in phyiscal spaces in a free society, but with the increasing virtualization that is no longer the case. I just want things to go back to normal.

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