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My intro to chip tune was a guy I met in the mid aughts whose hobby was using old electronics to make music, so yeah, I always thought chip tune was like ripping apart old toys and torturing them to hear their screams


But seriously, I do imagine they’ve been fed enough propaganda about “the enemy” willing to do anything that naked people with a white flag can still look like Hamas trying to trick them. Fucked up


Even being dead can’t free people from atrocities… What the fuck


Was just having a conversation recently on whether things have always been this close to a complete existential crisis for humans or is the current global situation unique. Most people felt like things have always been bad but I still feel like, with everything going on in terms of global conflicts and climate change, things are uniquely, complexly and extremely bad on a global scale compared to the past.


Yeah, I imagine a lot of people alive during the world wars thought things were going to collapse any second as well. But I just feel the added background anxiety of the status quo causing the Earth to heat up catastrophically but slow enough to be ignored adds a novel layer of messed up to everything.


I’m gonna chime in with some of the others and say Onyx is actually really good. I got my Nova 3 (black and white, not color) to replace an old Kindle and I’ve been loving it. The fact that I can write notes on it has been a game changer for me and has completely replaced pen and paper notes. On top of that, the fact that it’s Android means I can install other apps and that just opened all kinds of windows for experimenting with the device that I didn’t expect, it really is just basically a tablet with a much more readable screen. And second best thing to notes I’ve found about my Nova is how nice reading manga is on it, I’m even paying for a subscription to Shonen Jump now plus using Tachiyomi for fan-scans.

Only damage the thing has taken in the time I’ve had it is a couple corners coming off the case, which I just glued back on. Device itself feels good as ever.


I read AC as Animal Crossing first and was so confused, especially about the power fantasy part.

For any other idiots like me, I think it’s supposed to be Assassin’s Creed? Correct me if I’m wrong


I hear a lot about this one and it does interest me, but whenever I look at the Steam page I just don’t end up feeling it. What is it about the game that keeps you personally coming back to it?


I get like this in any sort of “real time passes” games, with some exceptions. If you have a limited amount of time to do a limited amount of things in game, my mind starts min/maxing what I should be doing every moment in game. In Outer Wilds the passage of time matters less cause you always start back at zero, what you gain each run is just knowledge, you don’t lose out and fall behind on any resources, points or whatever cause you didn’t do certain things that day.


I’ve started rewatching old sitcoms for that kind of feeling, I know them inside and out, so it’s just there for comfort in the background while I do other things. I don’t think my brain can do this with old school RPGs though. I don’t think I’ve ever replayed an old turn-based RPG cause once I beat the story and/or get all the items, my brain is no longer motivated to pick it up.


I’ve just become aware of Noita recently. It looks kind of insane in a good way, but looks really hectic and anxiety inducing. But what you’ve said is pretty convincing, maybe I can make the journey to death fun.


I’m reminded that I used to do exactly this in Ocarina of Time back when I was a kid. Maybe it’s time to relive those days.


I tried Minecraft way back, so maybe it’s changed, but I don’t do to well in setting my own goals in a game. I liked Subnautica because there was an interesting story element and mystery that kept you engaged as you moved towards your goal of getting off planet. In the process of reaching the goal, yeah, I wanna make my base look nice, wanna build some cool things, but my overall actions were still being compelled by the storytelling and world-building of the game. I don’t see those elements in Minecraft but again, it’s been a long time since I played.


It’s on sale on Steam in my region, I’ve heard a lot of good things before so gonna check it out!


I played this a bit on mobile and really enjoyed it, not sure why I stopped in retrospect, I was never able to beat it even once. Another one where dying isn’t a big deal cause replaying is part of the fun. Been thinking of checking it out on PC but just never got around to it


The more I hear about No Man’s Sky now the more I’m thinking that perhaps this will be one of the games I can chill out to. I generally love space games, and the idea of just kinda flying around doing random stuff is already appealing.


FTL is a great chill out game for me. The only problem is I’ve put in so many hours that I’ve practically seen everything! I looked into some interesting mods but just haven’t tried them out yet. When I think about it, FTL shouldn’t be that chill, but there’s a certain simplicity in the gameplay, and the ability to pause all the time, even during combat, gives me the ability to take my time thinking through what I’m gonna do.

Underrated chill out game, agreed, maybe I’ll finally get around to trying some mods.


Your description alone is getting this put on my Steam wishlist


I know for some people it’s super relaxing. I tried playing the free tetris on the official website recently, was into it until it started getting fast. I am not much of a quick reflex gamer


Man, sounds like we’re in very much the same vibe, think I’ll give City Skylines and/or Satisfactory a go


Legit, I was looking into getting a light gun working with my gaming setup recently cause that was my favorite thing to do at arcades.

What modes of transport do you really like?

For me personally, trams are right up there. Aside from the main issue of sharing the roads instead of having a dedicated line, they really make it easy to get from one part of a city to another, especially for wheelchair users. They’re usually as frequent as buses, but much faster. The stations are much more attractive...


I came thinking I would say airplanes as well, though I know it’s likely an unpopular answer in this part of web.

Growing up fairly privileged, I got to fly a lot and always looked forward to it as a situation where no one can get mad at me for spending the whole time watching movies, playing games or reading books. Some of that childhood joy stuck with me, and I still look forward to a chance to sit back and read or zone out to music without any nagging work obligations (I refuse to purchase in air wifi).

So big agree, for transport I “really like,” it’s gotta be airplanes.

For more mundane day to day stuff, I do love basically anything on rails. Not having to think about maneuvering around other vehicles, just sitting and chilling, not even worrying about traffic delays. As long as you’re able to avoid the worst of rush hour packed trains, it’s just the best. If only every city could figure out their rail systems…


Yeah, I’ll admit, getting to fly business frequently as a child probably gave me an unrealistic view of what flying would be like for myself later in life. But except for one flight I randomly got bumped, I’ve only done economy my whole adult life and still can’t help but be in a good mood thinking about a flight.

I do agree about the airport hassles, having to go through easily two hours of bureaucracy and waiting before even getting on a plane is kinda crazy, guess I’ve just come to accept it to the point I don’t really think about it too much. I’m just looking forward to the plane, and maybe finding a little nook to wait in before the flight starts boarding where my brain can already start transitioning to “nothing’s stopping you from just shutting off” mode. Airplane mode also means I’m not getting any work texts or messages while I’m in the air, which has definitely happened on trains.


Legit, fear of being “killed” by the system stops me from slowing down. One time in my life I quite a job due to stress without my next move planned out and it was real rough. I’d love to be able to slow down, to the point I’m finding myself missing the pandemic work from home life. I wanna leave my current job, but I need to make sure I have something else lined up first, and who really knows if that will be better.

I wanna ignore all the noise around me and just find myself, but I’m afraid of the wolf.


Best of luck! Not sure where you’re at, hopefully somewhere they got some kind of unemployment. In my country at least, there are no unemployment benefits that I’m aware of at least, so had to strictly figure out budgeting and luckily I had managed to keep some savings and was able to live with family.

I tried to do a bunch of personal projects, YouTube, a small company with a friend, but a lot of things just going nowhere. I pretty quickly got part time work to make ends meet, literally going to a place walking distance from my home that was related to but not quite the field I’m in, and while they couldn’t afford me full time that work got me into a financial position where I could keep my head above water, and I continued to do my own sort of freelance work in my field where I could get it

Honestly, I was really naive about how easy getting a better job would be. I had recently gotten my Master’s, had a good amount of experience from my previous job, so I thought I’d be in a shiny new job in a month or two. Month five was when I got the part time stuff going.

But I was kind of amazed at how, when I kept telling myself I got no money to spend, I found ways to not spend money, so I got WAAAAY better at saving during that time. But also, I don’t wanna go through that stress again where every little unexpected expense, car repairs, family emergency, etc, made me feel so hopeless, like if my value kept doing nothing but going down, what was the point of me doing anything?

Getting out of it was honestly a good amount of luck, my freelance stuff led to me meeting my next employer completely by chance and it just so happened they were looking for someone with my specific training. It was honestly kind of insane.


Was naive, wish I had things planned better. Seeing all your savings drain away is soul-crushing. Think I learned about myself figuring out personal projects. Getting work feels like just luck of the draw in the end.


I heard about a strategy for remembering dreams that did work for me, but to be fair, I already occasionally remembered dreams, I just wanted to remember them more frequently and with more detail.

The moment I wake up, I write down absolutely anything I can remember about my dream. I found that as I was writing, some details would come back to me. After a few weeks doing this, I was remembering many details from my dreams nearly every night, and even having what seems like more vivid dreams.

I did stop doing et EVERY day, cause for me, I just wanted to know if it actually works, but writing first thing in the morning every day felt like too much trouble. If I have an especially weird or vivid dream I do still like to write it down quickly just for the novelty of having a record of your own dreams.


I love having really bizarre dreams, the weirder the better.

I had a dream where I was some kinda high ranking engineer on a super weird interstellar craft designed by my partner, and during the dream I was vividly remembering other missions I had been on, and that’s what really stuck with me when I woke up, the fact that I had memories of a past that didn’t exist, and somehow upon waking, those memories stuck stronger than the proper dream portions. This was at a time where I was dream journalling so reading back I can recall a lot of details.

So yeah, I like my dreams weird.


This, exactly this!

I used to get really excited when Google did things. Getting early access to Gmail, setting up Google Drive, remember when some of us thought Google Glass was gonna change the world?

But now, whenever I hear Google is getting involved in something, I worry. How are they looking to exploit users this time? What kind weird subscription/micro-transaction model are they trying to push on us? How are they gonna enshitify this? And even if it is good, how long until they just abandon it?

I used to love Google, but now, while I do use and even pay for some of their products/services, I take steps to obfuscate my use, use alternatives where possible, and just basically give them as little trust as I can while still living my day-to-day interacting with people who don’t worry about these issues.


I assume you mean that, in the context of the meme, a person labeled the US should be handing Krusty a gun to make it more accurate?


In general, guilt for the people I’d leave behind.

At this immediate moment, blasting “What a Time to be Alive” by Fall Out Boy in my headphones at work is doing the trick.


It’s like we’re reverting to the days you would go to homestarrunner.com, illwillpress, etc to see content from people you actually wanted to see content from. Honestly looking forward to it


Completely stopping tracking for shopping especially is gonna be impossible, but since you say “least trackable” I think there is some obfuscation you can do. Keep in mind, I’m by no means a security expert or anything, but general paranoia at the state of the internet has made me interested in trying to obfuscate my online identity for a while now (I say as I post on Social media…), so I’ve got some things I’ve found helpful

A simple easy thing is to start using browser containers for your different identities, which is built into Firefox. This way, details of one identity are less likely to leak into another, as in, what you search for in one identity isn’t gonna end up in the shopping results of another. Related to this, I’d look at script blockers and other extensions that can stop trackers. My go to is NoScript but I get some people don’t like it cause it’s fiddly and can break sites. I’ve heard good things about Ghostify but haven’t tried it myself. Getting started with NoScript way back, it was crazy to see how many different useless trackers and scripts were loading in the background that you don’t even see and are apparently completely unnecessary to the functioning of a site.

Then I’d also recommend using a VPN. I love it when I see ads being served to me from completely random countries because of how often I change my location, confirms that whatever advertising service that for whatever reason slipped by my blockers still don’t even know my general location.

And that’s about it off the top of my head. If I can think of more I’ll come back and edit my post.


There are a lot of VPNs and a lot of opinions, so hard to recommend specific ones. There was a site I used a while back with a quiz that helped suggest VPNs, I think it was www.vpntierlist.com but I’m not sure. I seriously looked into ProtonVPN by whatever site it was’ recommendation, but I ended up just renewing NordVPN, which I was already using, because of a special offer I got for ending my subscription in the first place due to privacy concerns. In the end, despite NordVPN having some potentially fishy business connections, it still suits my general needs, and with their various discounts feels like good value to me at least.


I am starting to make the effort in switching but honestly, it’s not going as easily as I hoped… I got my old Surface Go running fully on Mint now and I’ve got some frustrations trying to make it work the way I want. I’m sure I’ll get there, but what seemed like a fun project has become frustrating.

Next I plan on setting up dual booting on my gaming setup, which I suspect should be less frustrating than trying to run Linux on Microsoft hardware. If that goes smoothly I’ll wipe Windows on the machine and switch fully to Mint there.

Only thing I don’t think I can let go of Windows on is my work laptop. I use too much MS office suite stuff for work and have to move documents between people all the time. I already tried using Libre Office at work a few years back already and it just didn’t work out, especially Power Point / Impress.

Overall, yeah, I think we should all start making a move off Windows when I see the state of things, it’s just… not that easy for everyone.


My man, I think a lot of evidence has been presented just in this thread.

I get the point, you don't easily turn people to your cause with hateful rhetoric, but at a certain point, patience is lost when it feels like people are just ignoring reality and continuing to not just participate in, but support institutions that have created a lot of harm for people.


Non-US expat living in Asia here. It's crazy how easy it seems for US citizens / westeners to get jobs overseas compared to people from developing nations. I can tell you, if you have a teaching license and developed country's passport there are international schools all over the world willing to pay you well plus living and travel expenses.


Similar situation, someone gave me a live album of a band I love as a gift and I was psyched to listen to it, only to realize at home I had no way of playing it…

TIL In the Hot Coffee lawsuit against McDonalds,punitive damages were given due to McDonalds intentionally overheating coffee to save money on refills (www.poolelg.com)

During the trial it was revealed that McDonald’s knew that heating their coffee to this temperature would be dangerous, but they did it anyways because it would save them money. When you serve coffee that is too hot to drink, it will take much longer for a person to drink their coffee, which means that McDonald’s will not...


I was a bit annoyed at the nitpickiness of this comment until I saw that you’re from the NDP. I salute your good work and consider myself more educated.


There’s dozens of us!

Yeah, when I want to just jot some words down quick in Windows, Wordpad has always been my go-to, but main thing for me is opening .txt files. Maybe I’m dumb and there’s some Notepad default layout thing I never bothered figuring out, but I don’t want to have to scroll right to read long lines of text.

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