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The lack of headphones? I had to look it up. The GBA SP didn’t have a port, but the original and the micro GBAs did have it.


I have everything except the amp mod. What does it do? I’ve heard it quiets noise (which the screen and battery mod apparently contribute to) but I haven’t seen a good comparison of original audio vs the upgraded amp.

Samsung joins Google in RCS shaming Apple (www.theverge.com)

Samsung has released a new video in support of Google’s #GetTheMessage campaign which calls for Apple to adopt RCS or “Rich Communication Services,” the cross-platform protocol pitched as a successor to SMS that adopts many of the features found in modern messaging apps… like Apple’s own iMessage.


And Android users send me postage-stamp sized videos I can’t see at all. Not gunning, just saying it’s a problem in both directions (and apple’s fault). Also, Android doesn’t have the same easter eggs, like automatic confetti filling my screen when someone writes the word “congratulations!” in iMessage. Oh, right - iMessage gives me in-line replies and the ability to give a thumbs up/down/heart etc. response to a single message. Don’t know if android has this feature, but android users just get a blank text if I “thumbs up” a comment, for example.


Yes, having to figure out how to send a video is super annoying. The easiest default is FB messenger because everyone has it, but fuck I don’t like giving my private messages to meta.


Not to mention the fire ants, aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes that stray far from water and will bite you in the high noon summer sun, Lone Star ticks that bite you and make you deathly allergic to consuming mammal and increase your risk of stroke dramatically if you continue to even eat dairy, and slow drivers in the passing lane that perversely makes the rightmost lane better suited for actually passing folks. Where high humidity makes 74 degrees feel like a sauna so I’m sweating just trying to get my kid in the car.


Yes - everyone has been bitten by the politeness bug. As a Yankee stuck down here for the foreseeable future, I am sick and tired of the slowness. Slow to get to the point, slow to respond, and a response that is so genteel that I have to parse what they said to understand what they really mean – for fuck’s sake, just speak your mind instead of blessing people’s heart.

DarthBueller, (edited )

I’m usually the last person to suggest ANY kind of religious organization for support, but if you are living in a liberal city, you might want to get connected with a United Church of Christ congregation (after doing your due diligence to make sure you see rainbows everywhere). I am not religious, but for reasons I went to one in Durham, and there was definitely a culture of helping out LGBTQ+ folks, everything from providing housing and social support for homeless queer youth rejected by their families and folks in situations quite similar to your own. The one I went to had a lesbian pastor and a transman pastor in training. Again, I am atheist as fuck but these were good people that were doing excellent work with no Jesus strings attached, a lot of whom weren’t even religious but just liked the community. It sounds like you don’t just need money, you also need some compassion and care. They could help with all three. Just know that there are people like me who hear you and want to help get you back on your feet, okay?


Not the commenter but the answer is easy - right now, it’s not costing me anything to run Windows on my PC, and installing Linux takes research, time, and attention that I don’t feel like investing in my home PC at the moment. Probably the next PC I build (whenever my 10 year old Dell i7 is too damn slow, only now starting to get laggy) will run Linux. Previously I only installed linux on laptops I retired from active use, just for shits and giggles. Never once had a linux powerhouse, but now that linux gaming is a reality, I’m very interested in getting away from the advertising platform that Windows has become.


Not that I give a fuck whether the UMC survives, but you are correct. The bigots are leaving the denomination and many/most that left joined the Global Methodist Church.

The only reason that the UMC wasn’t gay as fuck years ago is because the denomination is global and the African churches are bigoted against LGBTQ+. Their votes plus a fifth of USA congregations was enough to guarantee a schism. They’re just being strategic about the breakup because of how property is owned in the denomination.


I suspect that such decisions are being driven by fear of tort liability WAY more than any religious or social beliefs of the medical practitioners. I’m not trying to argue in favor of denying women needed medical treatment in any way, shape, or form—it’s just that my lawyer senses are tingling, and I wonder if this is an area where Doctors are overall more likely to get sued if they offer the treatment than deny the treatment. Any MDs in here want to offer a more informed opinion of what the F is going on with such denial of care situations?



America's nonreligious are a growing, diverse phenomenon. They really don't like organized religion (apnews.com)

Mike Dulak grew up Catholic in Southern California, but by his teen years, he began skipping Mass and driving straight to the shore to play guitar, watch the waves and enjoy the beauty of the morning. “And it felt more spiritual than any time I set foot in a church,” he recalled....


Instructions unclear, now stuck in MLM organization with grifting and shaming. :D


Though it is a great way to catch up on sleep! Back when I was a “true believer” a lifetime ago I used to catch some serious Z’s during a sermon, because even then I realized that the way sermons work requires an inaccurate view of the Bible as a cohesive work rather than an internally inconsistent anthology. Had there been an iota of academic or historical rigor I might have taken longer to become an atheist. But actual church history is anathema to faith, which is why pastors have to pretend the text speaks for itself and is timeless, rather than a collection of texts representing the thoughts of various groups, some of which were almost certainly diametrically opposed to each other (e.g., even the so-called synoptic gospels present vastly different conceptions of the “point” of Jesus, if you have eyes to see).


Not trying to pick a fight, but I wanted to talk this out a bit because it’s something that I feel split about. Take Egypt, for example. Authoritarian government, whose main reason for being authoritarian is to suppress a largely rural Islamist movement from gaining power and creating a theocratic state, but, being authoritarian, they also suppress any critics, but also suppress LGBTQ+ folks to avoid handing red meat to the Islamist movement. Arguably the relatively liberal city dwellers would be far worse off under an islamic theocracy than under a secular authoritarian government. I don’t see what other choices Egypt has. And it’s damn uncomfortable.

DarthBueller, (edited )

Thank you for your perspective. EDIT: My understanding of what went down during Morsi’s tenure in office is different than yours. Incidents of violence against Shia and Copts went way up, for example. Morsi also did his best to install Islamic Brotherhood cronies at all levels of government. When the overwhelming majority of folks live in the city, it’s hard to call the minority of rural dwellers that want to impose Islamic rule on people the good guys. I guess I am coming at it from a utilitarian perspective - which type of undesirable government causes the least harm? By no means is authoritarianism desirable, though, I agree with you fully in terms of ideals. EDIT2: I agree that the brutality of authoritarian governments in China, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt are absofuckinglutely terrible.


How, though?


explain jones gen. never heard this term before.


Facts? We don’t need no stinkin’ facts. /s


Major nitpick - there is WAY too much, like orders of magnitude more than ever was on reddit, assuming the position of a commenter. “You” instead of “they” - you are literally forcing your assumption on to the other person. Quite often it is accurate, but quite often it is NOT accurate, and intentionally or not it comes off as picking a fight.


I could have probably picked a better example than your comment, to be fair. I’ve just had way too many people assume my perspective on here. Had one person who made a confusing comment, and their perspective was not at all clear - after two folks asked for clarification, they had a meltdown, started shouting “FASCISTS SHALL HAVE NO VICTORY HERE,” calling everyone white, Nazis, fascists, and telling them to go into a bunker to kill themselves like Hitler. When all that people wanted was to understand the person’s confusing comment. That’s an extreme form of assumption but milder instances happen all of the fucking time. I don’t know why it is so worse here than reddit was (maybe selective memory and its the same, I don’t know).

DarthBueller, (edited )

Wait, what? What corporations form labor unions designed to undermine labor unions? Are you calling a lobbying group a union? Are you using terminology creatively or is there something I hadn’t heard about? EDIT: I guess I never get to find out. :(


Cool! Thanks for the update.


Let me guess, you’re a pedo and deflect attention from yourself by trolling on lemmy. Go fuck yourself, not little boys.


The government is just fine at murdering people, innocent, guilty, it’s all the same. They’ll even fight to kill people regardless of overwhelming evidence of innocence. Sometimes they have to try a few times to kill the person, but if they murder them in the street, its a great way to get a paid vacation.

DarthBueller, (edited )

If you think his inconsistent argument is ridiculous, you don’t understand the legal system. It’s okay, that’s why there are lawyers. (1) Alternate pleading is a thing, (2) the State pulls the same shit except 1000% worse, (3) the judiciary, especially the GOP judiciary that is elected on a “tough on crime” platform (got to love politicized justice), is ABSOLUTELY the most inconsistent, as their goal is to accept any argument of the State that leads to speedy execution. It goes all the way up to the SCOTUS - former Chief Justice Rehnquist was absolutely a shining star of the death machine, regardless of actual innocence. EDIT: the thing that really pisses me off is when the media covers alternate pleading without context. It’s terribly biased reporting designed to give people justice boners and pump up support for the State. EDIT2: I might be slightly off with my terms of art - I’m in transactional law, not criminal law, and it’s been a hell of a long time since law school or anything involving criminal law beyond a traffic ticket.


I am split - there shouldn’t be a death penalty, and the horrors of botched executions go a long way toward undermining support for the system. While nitrogen hypoxia would be humane, it also makes the death penalty so much easier to sell. Part of me would rather have it be barbarous to undermine support. Though I can see the state being so incompetent that they end up gassing half of the executioners along with the inmate, even though they’re just putting a mask on the inmate’s face.


This isn’t a “gas chamber” type of execution. They’re putting a mask on the person with nitrogen gas. Though the state’s executioners are so incompetent that they’ll probably end up gassing themselves.


I have seen some horrible shit too. Like that girl and her male cousin rapping in a bathroom with a gun, and she winds up accidentally killing her cousin and then killing herself after she realized what she did. Yeah, never going to forget that. Don’t have PTSD from it, but definitely was traumatic.


Holy fucking shit. It never once occurred to me that lynching was a thing in the modern UK. Mass stabbings? Sure. Getting mugged and beaten by gangs of teens, okay. But straight up lynching? Fuck.


4 Mbit/s baby! Now we’re working with power! Hachacha!


Also more activity in the “get some mental help so you’re not calling everyone a nazi like it’s going out of fashion” sub.

The New 8bitdo Retro Keyboard shipped early. Small-ish Male Hand for scale. (midwest.social)

I can try to answer any questions, but it doesn’t seem like the 8bitdo Ultimate software is availible for download yet. Im not big into mechanical keyboards, this is actually my first, so I don’t have much direct comparison experience to other keyboards....


I have one on the way, but I plan to use it at home. At work, I use the num pad for calculations. Frequently. Not an accountant—I’m an attorney that works in conservation (basically real estate but preventing development so there’s nature in the future, instead of fostering development).


I missed the word “on” when I first read your comment. I assume the commenter did as well. Until I reread, I thought you just said that it arrived in 2.4ghz mode. But you’re right. It should not have been switched on when you got it.


I’d appreciate an update on your repair attempts/observations. You could even post in my community, consolerepair. Shameless plug aside, I’m super curious to see actual pics and your thoughts.


Translation for us mortals? I’m looking for inspiration for when mine arrives.


Let us know what you think of!


Just got mine and holy shit - it is an absolute unit. I am not a keyboard builder or whatever, but this thing is seriously reminiscent of a TKL IBM keyboard of yesteryear except without authentic buckling spring keys. That said, the key mechanisms feel great - clicky but a slightly lighter touch than the oldschool buckling springs - I don’t miss the high-frequency “ping” of the buckling spring, though.

It could almost be used like the keyboard murder weapon in the movie Gattica, except with a plastic frame. The thing is nice and heavy and brings back good memories.


When does the red power LED light up? It doesn’t light up in 2.4 ghz or bluetooth mode. Does it light up in USB mode? Or is it just decorative?


Oh that sucks, mine doesn’t. I have no interest in peeling off the feet to get at the screws to open this bad boy and see if the polarity of the LED is flipped or if there’s a bad solder joint. Usually I like to watch a tear down video first so I’m not trailblazing/making disassembly missteps.


I didn’t know you were black until I saw your comment where you discussed it. All I saw originally was a confusing comment about tolerance that I couldn’t parse. You assumed that I asked you to clarify BECAUSE YOU ARE BLACK, like I can tell you are black by your fucking text. Rage on, friend. Rage on.


I asked for clarification because I wanted to understand your point. But fine, I’m a racist nazi liar who should kill myself in a bunker. You act like people asking for clarification and having no knowledge of your skin color is the same as someone saying to a black person, “oh, you’re so well spoken.” You’re right, asking for clarification is RACIST, and you are going to save the world by raging at people instead of being understood.


Actually, when I took the time to look at other comments you made in the thread post, I found your biographical comment absolutely enlightening, and not at all confusing. Unlike your tolerance comment, where I couldn’t tell where you were coming from, but wanted to understand. I wasn’t sure if you were making an alt-right argument or a leftist comment or whatever. You went straight to throwing insults at people assuming they wanted to argue with you rather than understand what point you were trying to make - that is what prompted me to make my Les Miserables comment. I probably should not have played the same rage game you are playing, but I can only be called a nazi and told to kill myself so many times before I start serving back.


I have zero interest in doxxing you, I am sorry that it happened to you before. I also don’t find your insults to be jokes. “People like me” - you don’t know me at all.

DarthBueller, (edited )

Parodius to me isn’t a parody, but maybe I’m missing the references. It’s a shmup with funny sprites nnit? How does funny sprites equal a parody? Not being hostile, btw, just looking to get your POV.


is it just wordplay or is it a straight up parody?


“Many of the characters and enemies are derived from that famous shooter series [Gradius], while other elements are extracted from other Konami titles, such as Antarctic Adventure and TwinBee. This game is of particular note in the series as being heavily infused with Japanese culture and folklore.”

Thanks. Until now I thought Parodius was just trying to be a funny take on shmups. I understood the Gradius/parody portmanteau, but I didn’t realize it was a true parody (e.g., clearly borrowing characters/enemies in a humorous way).


Got a link? I don’t even know what to search for but I’m curious.


YOU ROCK. I’d upvote you 10 times if I could.

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