@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar


@[email protected]

Toxic authors threatened me and incited violence because I did the best I could to support minorities. Now, for my physical and mental health, I am no longer reviewing books or interviewing authors.

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@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@franciscawrites @fskornia @bookstodon I know that kind of thinking is still affecting my reads. When a book is too angsty or difficult, I want to put it down and leave it.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@Tarheel @Alexx9811 @Subumbral @heroineinabook @Anneheathen @bookstodon Elizabeth is my FAVOURITE character. I also love how they use interrogation techniques on a police officer! HILARIOUS.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@Alexx9811 @heroineinabook @Anneheathen @bookstodon Ok Killers just hit my MUST READ NOW list. That description sold it for me.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@mvilain @SteveClough @Flyspeck @lunalein @bookstodon Oh I hadn’t heard of Robin Cook before. Is he good?

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@mvilain @SteveClough @Flyspeck @lunalein @bookstodon It’s been a while since I read this but a spec fic thriller written by an actual scientist blew me away. It’s been so long I couldn’t remember the title or the author’s name, I had to go digging. https://www.darkmatterzine.com/spiral-by-paul-mceuen/ Must check to see if he’s written more.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@mvilain @SteveClough @Flyspeck @lunalein @bookstodon Paul Mceuen continues to work in science and academia but he’s only published one novel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_McEuen
I’d love more books of that calibre so please do tell me if Robin Cook is good.

BonnettsBooks, to bookstodon
@BonnettsBooks@mastodonbooks.net avatar

Closed today & tomorrow. Back on Saturday! Here's a bit of what I've been working on...

The "Dangerous Visions" series, created and edited by the late Harlan Ellison, is highly acclaimed in speculative fiction circles and includes short stories by some of the greatest names in fantasy & sci-fi history. The first was published in 1971, "Again..." in 1972, and a third, titled "Last Dangerous Visions" was planned for 1973, but remains unpublished to date, 50 years later.


@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@BonnettsBooks @TomMarcinko @peachfront @bookstodon IMO PKD’s stories in movies are better than the original. The TV series of Man in the High Castle might be an exception: it jumped the shark. A story with holes ended with a season so ridiculous I would have raged if I was emotionally invested.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@TomMarcinko @BonnettsBooks @peachfront @bookstodon Well don’t ever watch the final season. Talk about jumping the shark!

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@mvilain @TomMarcinko @BonnettsBooks @peachfront @bookstodon That’s HILARIOUS. I didn’t know that. It’s strange to learn the politics of those writers. Like, I wasn’t surprised by Silverberg’s stance: I wanted Valentine to create a democracy but no, he went and lived in his hole in the ground as pontifex of whatever it is. Silverberg’s novels were consistent, disappointing in that. SF is one big conversation if you’re “in the know”.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@TomMarcinko @peachfront @BonnettsBooks @bookstodon He had an extraordinary talent. Like Tolkien, it’s easy to criticise now but both were groundbreaking in their eras, both helped build the foundation for current storytelling.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@KorraSaqqara @bookstodon If Anne Rice loves her editor like other authors love their editors, she might come to a personal arrangement. It’s happened before!

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@KorraSaqqara @bookstodon You know how Microsoft and Apple software is becoming harder to use and more unreliable while those companies focus on profits?
Every time publishing houses lay off staff and “streamline” the editing/publishing process, the overall standard of literature declines. This is a sad day.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@KorraSaqqara @bookstodon ah thanks. I had a little voice asking if she was still living, but I didn’t check. OMG I hope the estate execs don’t allow her work to train AI or do what they did to the first draft of To Kill A Mockingbird.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@gentrifiedrose @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon The literary world wasn’t happy when the big publishing houses “streamlined” their editing process, aka scrapped structural edits for a lot of authors and even scrapped copyedits for some. Some books I’ve read/started to read I’m not even sure the acquiring editor or approving editor READ the damned thing! Like this book https://www.darkmatterzine.com/the-killables-by-gemma-malley/. Did they read it? At all?

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@gentrifiedrose @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon I think it’s a combination of both. I realise that books aren’t making as much money as they used to but what about sustainable business practice instead of profit-driven practice? Instead they’re dumbing things down and playing it safe re publishing choices. Recent UK awards saw small/indie pubs taking out prizes because they do it better IMO.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@gentrifiedrose @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon Do you mean the firing of people? Probably. I bet it’s mostly women who lose their jobs too, and then they’ll contract out some work but they won’t pay a decent wage and they’ll pit people against each other like Penguin in Melbourne Australia did for book covers starting several years ago.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar
@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@gentrifiedrose @JohnShirley2023 @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon In 1965 CEOs were paid about 20 times that of their “bottom” employees, now it’s 399 times. And I’m not convinced that factors in underpaid contractors eg cleaning staff, book cover designers, etc. It’s greed. Like with Coles posting $1billion profit in one year and Woolies posting $3/4billion in the same year while poors struggle to eat & feed kids. Appalling.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@alan @JohnShirley2023 @gentrifiedrose @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon the “big boys” will lose the rock star authors. I heard that an unnamed big author was in a negotiation phase, being held up because the big publisher demanded permission to use their book to train AI. That’s a “hell no” from me. I hope the author stands their ground.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@JohnShirley2023 @alan @gentrifiedrose @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon It’s been worsening in all the big publishes over the last 10 to 15 years in particular.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@JohnShirley2023 @gentrifiedrose @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon No idea. Seriously, that book was so bad that, in one scene, they were outside then they were inside then they were outside and entered the house. I figure the author was rushed, writing in snippets and didn’t even proofread her own work before sending it off.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@alan @JohnShirley2023 @gentrifiedrose @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon Yes I agree. Also their contracts should include payment for every use of their image for the rest of time, $ to the estate, that kind of thing. It’s only fair. IMO they’re trying it on right now, testing the waters to see how abusive they can be, what they can get away with, so their bonuses will be bigger and the payments to shareholders fatter.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@alan @JohnShirley2023 @gentrifiedrose @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon belonging to the commons is, IMO, a good thing. Being owned by money-focused corporations? Not so much.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@HLGEM @JohnShirley2023 @gentrifiedrose @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon all that HLGEM said and more. There are authors making a living out of self-publishing because they “do it right” and they’re not funding big companies. There’s a tipping point where paying someone to edit and do the cover is a better choice than allowing a publisher and Amazon to keep your hard-earned cash.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@JohnShirley2023 @HLGEM @alan @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon I think you have a point but they are bringing on board new authors. And - I was shocked to learn - they’re getting rid of successful older authors. Like Sean Williams had to find a new publisher! And he’s only one example of many

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@KorraSaqqara @alan @JohnShirley2023 @gentrifiedrose @bookstodon oo thanks for that. I’ll have a read over coffee. Also my husband is in ICT and recently told me he’s taking a special interest too (he’s not a fan of AI)

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@HLGEM @alan @JohnShirley2023 @gentrifiedrose @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon Yes. Like Gail Carriger (#podcast discussion here https://www.darkmatterzine.com/gail-carriger/). She’s published successfully with Hachette, she started a new self-pubbed series that could be linked to her original universe but it’s obscure FOR CONTRACT REASONS. And now she’s self-pubbing more. It works for her!

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@JohnShirley2023 @HLGEM @alan @gentrifiedrose @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon part of that is probably getting the word out there. I’m currently working with an author to prep previously released books for rerelease self-pubbed because the previous publisher didn’t do her any favours, other than making it easy to get the rights to her books and e-files.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@alan @JohnShirley2023 @HLGEM @gentrifiedrose @KorraSaqqara @bookstodon Yeah, mansions are overrated. Millionaires/billionaires are rarely good people giving back. (Dolly Parton is an awesome exception.)
Isabelle talks about social media for authors in this #podcast https://www.darkmatterzine.com/social-media-for-authors/; she started self-pubbed but her next will be indie press.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@KorraSaqqara @gentrifiedrose @alan @JohnShirley2023 @HLGEM @bookstodon tax the rich. If the rich were taxed like they were in the mid-20th-century, they’d be contributing more to the greater good than most of their “charity” donations. I 100% agree re reputation laundering. But then look at Trump’s “charity”. Bet there are more like that!

AndresCaicedo, to bookstodon
@AndresCaicedo@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Any chance anybody here knows where or how to find a copy of this book for a more reasonable price?


@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@AndresCaicedo @lizziewriter @bookstodon Many years ago I wanted a book written by an academic. It was out of print. I contacted him AND HE HAD COPIES. He sent me one and was very bemused when I asked if he’d sign it. Since then as DMZ I’ve discovered that loads of authors have multiple copies of their books. Sometimes they are willing to part with some of their copies. The worst that can happen is Drout says no.

thevglibrary, to bookstodon
@thevglibrary@mstdn.social avatar

No matter what language you speak, you'll find something to enjoy in !

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👉 https://www.thevideogamelibrary.org/book/guinness-world-records-2018-gamer-s-edition


@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@EclecticLee @negative12dollarbill @thevglibrary @bookstodon You know, I love it when, instead of hating on something, people say “i’m not the target audience”. Like, I won’t watch Sharknado but I understand people love it so much that there are SEVERAL Sharknado movies. And I’m ok with people making stuff that’s “bad” AND so bad people love it for its badness. I think THAT is AWESOME.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@Da_Gut @EclecticLee @negative12dollarbill @thevglibrary @bookstodon Ok. 1. Not my jam unless there’s loads of comedic dialogue, then I could be converted.
2. I AM IN AWE OF THIS PLOT. I mean, it’s sounds VERY Sharknado but could be epic.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@wendymetcalfe @l0ve30 @EclecticLee @negative12dollarbill @thevglibrary @bookstodon I agree 100% but that’s not saying “it’s not Literary enough for me”, that is saying “these attitudes need challenging”. I loathe misogynism and ableism in books and call it out.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@lunalein @bookstodon Ooh, I’ve loved Gail Carriger since the Parasol Protectorate series so I’ve read nearly all her books (the other 1 or 2 are in my TBR), and chatted to her on this #podcast https://www.darkmatterzine.com/gail-carriger/. I ADORE The Change by Kirsten Miller and intend to read all her books now. She talks women & justice in this jawdropping podcast https://www.darkmatterzine.com/kirsten-miller-on-witches-women-and-justice/. Then there’s Zana Fraillon and so many more. #Bookstodon

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@diazona @eivind @tannat @peachfront @agt @bookstodon I had a big kindle back when Amazon made them. They bricked it because they could. That they wanted to means I will never buy another purpose built device. And my iPad does so much more but I DID like the “paper” (non-glary) text in the kindle. And this is how I read paper books https://www.darkmatterzine.com/how-do-i-read/ because I’m vision impaired. At least I can read. #Bookstodon

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@phazed09 @andreaslindholm @GoblinQuester @Larissacomments1 @confusedbunny @bookstodon @bookwyrm @chris I hvae recommendations. What do you like to read? I can usually recommend something for everyone (It’s a personal challenge!) Also, I’ve interviewed a slew of authors on my and there’s an index at the link https://www.darkmatterzine.com/category/podcast/

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@andreaslindholm @phazed09 @GoblinQuester @Larissacomments1 @confusedbunny @bookstodon @bookwyrm @chris Define “weird”? I think Bunny by S E Tolsen is weird horror and I was out of my depth. However, LOVE their (co-authors) use of horror to explore social issues. I chat to the authors in these 2 :
Part 1 https://www.darkmatterzine.com/s-e-tolsen-part-1/
Part 2 https://www.darkmatterzine.com/s-e-tolsen-part-2/.

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar
@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@andreaslindholm @phazed09 @GoblinQuester @Larissacomments1 @confusedbunny @bookstodon @bookwyrm @chris In some ways I’d call The Book Eaters weird: it’s a book about monsters that asks who are the real monsters and how far would a mother go to protect her child. I talk to the author in this https://www.darkmatterzine.com/dmz-censors-sunyi-dean/

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@andreaslindholm @phazed09 @GoblinQuester @Larissacomments1 @confusedbunny @bookstodon @bookwyrm @chris In a different vein, if you want WAAAAY over the top farcical comedy fantasy romance, there’s … this. Arrabella Candellabra. here https://www.darkmatterzine.com/arrabella-candellabra/

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@andreaslindholm @phazed09 @GoblinQuester @Larissacomments1 @confusedbunny @bookstodon @bookwyrm @chris I put the word “weird” into the search field on my website and came up with many pages of posts. It all depends on what is your jam. Maybe have a browse? it might inspire something. https://www.darkmatterzine.com/?s=weird

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@andreaslindholm @phazed09 @GoblinQuester @Larissacomments1 @confusedbunny @bookstodon @bookwyrm @chris Thanks. I definitely recommend Bunny by S E Tolsen then. Maybe also The Book Eaters: much less in the horror genre, definitely off-beat story and a great read https://www.darkmatterzine.com/book-eaters/. You might like Cult of Death and Madness https://www.darkmatterzine.com/cults-of-death-and-madness/.
TBH I prefer books like this https://www.darkmatterzine.com/hollow-ones/ over weird fiction but …

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar
@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar
@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@BZBrainz @haven4books @bookstodon @bookwyrm Thanks, hope you enjoy

wiz0floyd, to bookstodon
@wiz0floyd@social.sndevs.com avatar

Listening to Corpies by Drew Hayes. Any other fans out there? @bookstodon

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@eyeshine @wiz0floyd @bookstodon wait, WHAT? I need this in my life!!!

@DarkMatterZine@mastodon.social avatar

@gwync @eyeshine @wiz0floyd @bookstodon I love the idea of a vampire accountant (auditor would be even better), but hadn’t heard of it until now.
Also, how is there a mastodon instance that is called “coffee” and I’m not there?! 😂

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