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Cyv_, avatar

My theory is they meant the lesson to be learned by santa and the others, through Rudolph, but they focus on him so much that you expect Rudolph to have learned or grown himself. Truth is its santa and the head elf who grow, by realizing that even outcasts have something to offer, and that being cruel is, while morally wrong, just dumb as shit because you might need a glowy reindeer snoot someday, but only if you didn't drive them to run away and die to a snow monster. Or something.

That or they just didn't think it through very well at all. Which is probably more likely. Idk. But it feels a little bit more understandable if you think of Santa as the one with the arc, not rudolph.

How often to you bail on a half-written post or response?

I have had a tendency since my earliest days on social media where I will get halfway or more through a response, and end up just cancelling it. Sometimes I feel like I’m just being to over the top with snark or otherwise don’t want to be that kind of person, but a lot of the time I’ll decide I just really don’t care...

Cyv_, avatar

I'd say over half. Maybe 60% ?

Cyv_, avatar

I had a few bird houses as a kid but the issue we ran into is wasps immediately saying "thanks this is ours now". Any way to avoid that for future projects like this? Maybe I just had a pretty bad location at my childhood home but we made and then had to clean out at least 3 different bird houses over the course of my childhood, my mom really wanted birds and got wasps every time ;-;

Cyv_, avatar

Oh that's clever :) thanks! I'll keep that in mind.

Cyv_, avatar

Ah yes, Petyr, the retired barbarian who takes care of the various animals the PC's adopt. I think right now he's caring for a couple horses, a fluffy cow, and a dinosaur.

Cyv_, avatar

Lesser restoration (5e 2nd lvl) can cure blindness, but I'm not sure if it can restore destroyed or removed eyes. So it would depend on the kind of blindness, and if it was at all magical in nature. That and from a few threads the estimate for its cost is around 40 gold. For a lot of "commoners" their income is anywhere from poor (60sp) to well off(1gp) per month. So I can easily see many mid tier peasants not having the money to have lesser restoration cast on them. Especially if they live in some tiny village where there isn't a temple in town, like you would have in a city.

Even in a city if the head priest is high level, and has say, 4 other actual clerics in the building not just priests, thats 18 casts of lesser restoration (wasting high lvl slots on a lvl 20 cleric) and maybe 5 per 5th level cleric. So 38 a day. In a city with tens of thousands of citizens with many myriad medical issues. Sure maybe there are 4 or 5 temples, but its still just a numbers issue at some point.

The dnd economy is a bit wonky and its magic system is difficult to match with the world sometimes, esp high magic settings, but I think the sheer scale of the population of commoners and non magic users sort of makes it pretty understandable that disabilities would still exist everywhere except the very wealthy or capable(adventurers themselves).

This of course all depends on what level of magic you have in your world. If it's very high magic then maybe there are a lot less disabilities, but those that exist are less "im blind from basic eye deterioriation" and more "goblins tore my eyes out as a child and it'll take a decently capable cleric to fix this, and also I'm blind so I make very little money so I'm SoL"

Cyv_, avatar

Does the cat on my tummy come with me? If not Cheddar says that this expirement violates the cat sitting treaty of 1669

Cyv_, avatar

It isnt though. Check out the phawx on YouTube, he's done extensive testing.

The truth is you can underclock the 7840u but it still is less efficient at those lower wattages. I think if I remember the data right it crosses over around 12watt tdp to being as efficient then more powerful at higher clocks, but at 10w and lower the custom apu in the deck is king. The new apu for the oled deck is even more efficient at those levels too.

The point I think they're trying to make is right now nothing can beat the performance for the power at lower tdp right now, and so they want to wait for newer and better apus so they can maintain the size and battery life a best as possible, while keeping it relatively accessible cost wise.

I own a win max 2 and I can tell you that as nice as that extra 10% performance is, I spent around $1200 and my SO spent $500ish on their deck. That's why valve isn't making a deck 2.0, to hit those higher performance benchmarks the cost raises exponentially, and it isn't worth it right now for them.

Cyv_, avatar

In a similar vein, I'd like to remind my apartment complex that your emergency maintenance line doesn't count as an emergency maintenance line if nobody answers it outside of business hours.

Especially if you only call me back after leaving a message Saturday, on Monday morning. The AC was broken and luckily it wasn't dead of summer, but it still hit 90 something inside Sunday, and god forbid it was flooding or something like that.

Cyv_, avatar

I had a similar issue with a truck and just called my apartment, they had them towed at the car owner's expense. That's usually the best option is contact whoever owns the garage or property management and they'll get the asshole towed on the asshole's dime usually.

Cyv_, avatar

Family owned to me sounds like:

Nepotism abounds probably, half the shareholders inherited wealth and didn't earn it, so they probably don't know how to run the company as well as the people who built it, enjoy the "we're all a family" talk, while your manager hires his son timmy to be your boss despite zero experience or qualifications.

Cyv_, avatar

Ublock origin on firefox. Never forced an update, never did any fiddling with block lists. Never got a single warning or notification, still works perfectly. Huh.

Cyv_, (edited ) avatar
Cyv_, avatar

Ah thx i figured it out, its ! [link text] (url) no spaces, on kbin at least

Cyv_, avatar

I don't even have to torrent, I have like 3 sites I can just go to, search for content on, and stream video from like a shittier netflix. Adblock keeps them relatively sane, and I sometimes have to try different server sources, but otherwise it works fine.

Cyv_, avatar

My nerdy dad liked to tell us to "watch out for orcs!" dropping us off places. I carried on the tradition, and even though he passed a couple years ago I get to enjoy his joke since my SO and I say it to each other all the time, or variations of it. If its a water related destination I like to evolve it to "watch out for orcas!"

We've been playing Baldurs Gate 3 lately so its been "watch out for mind flayers!" a couple times, but the point is just a silly reference to something we love, just to add some goofy fantasy to an otherwise normal day. I like to imagine Orcs popping up irl in goofy ways when I hear it, like one charging the car while I wait for the atm thinking its some great metal beast. Or taking all yhe ground beef at the grocery store for a "great feast!" Plus one box of twinkies. Dumb shit like that :)

Cyv_, avatar

Its just the one Sweese actually

Cyv_, avatar

ReVanced. Youtube ads are either scams or viruses half the time, and they're exhausting mentally to deal with. I'll buy merch from people I want to support, because fuck google.

Cyv_, avatar

To clarify, its less a virus running from watching, and more "check out this useless software plz click me" and the software is bloatware that wants a bunch of permissions to suck up data. Or ads for psuedo pyramid schemes or "lose weight fast" sort of shit.

So virus is probably the wrong term, technically. But bloatware, useless garbage, and scams, absolutely.

Cyv_, avatar

I use it on android, so I cant speak for ios, but this is their github page:

Cyv_, avatar

Dorfromantic: chill satistying game about building a landscape out of tiles, and matching biomes/rivers to get more points.

Minecraft on peaceful: I like to do weird redstone projects in creative too.

Titanfall 2/old school shooters: its weird but I blast music and play stuff that I can do mindlessly. And for me that's deathmatch style shooters, where there's no objective or anything, the respawn time is short, and you just run aroind blasting stuff.

Open world games with time wasting sidequests: So most assassins creed games, corrupted zones/trials in HZD, wandering skyrim, etc.

Edit: forgot, Mario Kart, its just fun and silly and I don't mind just doing dumb shit and coming in last, so long as I hit koopa troopa with all the red shells because its dumb and I'm attacking him with his own brethren!

Is Lemmy a biased platform?

Hi new user here. I’ve been checking out Lemmy but the amount of bias is ruining it for me. For example the front page right now has 7 out of 20 submissions that contain the word Trump in a negative context. I don’t care about Trump but when the front page is all political posts attacking Trump I have to wonder about the...

Cyv_, avatar

Lemmy doesn't tip the scales, the front page is generally whatever is newest, or more upvoted/boosted/whatever. That's what users vote on. If you disagree vote against the posts you don't like, and if that doesn't help then the simple fact is that the majority of users disagree with you or want to see that content. At which point you can either complain about it, or curate your subscribed magazines/communities accordingly. Or leave.

Also why does it shock you that news about trump is big right now? He's a presidential candidate for the country with the biggest military in the world, and he's being indicted and charged on multiple federal crimes. Its just a big fucking deal regardless of your politics. And to be clear, fuck him, and republicans, but yeah. Of course people have an opinion on this, its world changing stuff. How can you be so naive lmfao.

As for fear of paid shills, you have that everywhere. I'd argue less so on something like lemmy considering its size. its always easier to just pay facebook to boost your anti vax post than build or buy a legit forum account for some random forum, then hand craft rage bait posts and use a bot army to upvote them. And on Facebook you'd reach billions of gullible mommy advice pages. Cost benefit wise I really don't think the fediverse is worth that cost yet.

Cyv_, avatar

Voting third party is a waste until we get ranked choice voting. That's the shit system we have. Implementation of ranked choice voting enables third parties, or cooperative relationships between parties. Until then its one or the other and while they both suck one is objectively worse.

Cyv_, avatar

Who are you fuckin thanos? The world isn't balanced, both sides aren't equally shitty. Obviously you disagree, so if you don't like seeing opinions you disagree with make your own instance, or leave lol. Why you still here whining when you made up your mind the moment you posted? You can do what you want but this is just silly.

"Hey guys I don't like the content on the front page"

"Ok uh, well thats what users wanted to see so... You're outvoted"

"But I don't like it"

"You can curate your communities I guess?"

"But so many people disagree with me and I don't like it, it must be site wide collusion to manipulate the content because that's way more likely than people just generally disagreeing with me"

".... Ok bud well bye"

"But wait I don't like it it challenges my preconceived notions"

Cyv_, avatar

The site presents posts based on user upvotes/boosts. The bias you see is the bias of the userbase. You wanna counter it? Vote and add to discussions. You just want it magically balanced? Curate your subscribed content like hell, or use multiple different websites with different biases. Forum style sites will always lean one way or the other, because whatever gets upvoted becomes the front page and attracts like minded people when they visit.

Cyv_, avatar

If you wanted to ask about algorithms or if mods/admins can manipulate content then you can just ask that. Instead you asked if the platform was biased, and brought up negative trump posts as an example. Of course people thought you were upset because the dear leader was being smeared. Just ask the damn question without all the "ok but the biden stuff is just as bad and also this isn't about politics, now lets talk about politics as an example of the bias I'm seeing"

Can you see how taking the question of "does this website allow vote manipulation by admins or have algorithms biased against certain viewpoints" and framing it around "I see a lot of negative posts about the man being indicted for an attempted coup, and that feels wrong" might give people the impression your just upset people are shitting on trump?

We know how social media works that's why many of us are here. To avoid the algorithm rage baiting bullshit. And you walked in like "hey folks do you guys just manipulate information here? I feel like you do. Here's a highly controversial example where I feel you are. But please don't bring up my example, because its not about politics"

Cyv_, avatar

Ace Combat is jet fighter anime, and it is amazing at it.

Cyv_, avatar

They already lost to battlebit remastered. They need rock solid basics not the latest corpo buzzword bullshit.

Steam On Linux Usage Spikes To Nearly 2% In July, Larger Marketshare Than Apple macOS (

According to these new numbers from Valve, the Linux customer base is up to 1.96%, or a 0.52% jump over June! That’s a huge jump with normally just moving 0.1% or so in either direction most months… It’s also near an all-time high on a percentage basis going back to the early days of Steam on Linux when it had around a 2%...

Cyv_, avatar

I really hope they release Steam OS for everyone soon. I'd love to install it on my laptop, currently running ChimeraOS which is functionally very similar, but would love to have the stuff like tdp control working in the overlays too without needing third party tools or workarounds.

Cyv_, avatar

Good, stop attacking libraries, parent your children. If you don't want Timmy reading books from the YA section at 6 years old, then don't let him check shit out from the YA section. Lazy fuckin dumbshits.

Cyv_, avatar

It's a neat idea, and not one he came up with first, but considering his resume... I'd rather somebody else do the "making it happen" part >.>

Cyv_, avatar

Oh the reviews on ow2's steam page are going to be amazing and I'm here for it

Do people actually tune their printer for each new roll of filament?

I see a lot of people claim they tune/calibrate their printer any time they use a new spool of filament. But does anyone actually do this? It feels like a waste of time when filament is so consistent, even between brands. I can understand doing it for specialty rolls, but for basic pla? Seems unnecessary

Cyv_, avatar

I've only really printed different PLA flavors but I really only change print settings if I have an issue on the first print. I just shoot for the smallest thing I need printed first just in case.

As for stuff like leveling and offset I only mess with those every 3 or 4 prints, or before a really big print I really need to not fuck up.

Cyv_, avatar

I like Reeses Puffs even though its like eating candy for breakfast. Terrible for you but so weirdly good >.<

Scamming the scammers: Using multi-lingual chatbots as fake victims to disrupt the business model of scam callers (

Macquarie University cyber security experts have invented a multi-lingual chatbot designed to keep scammers on long fake calls to waste their time and ultimately reduce the huge number of people who lose money to global criminals every day.

Cyv_, avatar

Begun, the bot wars have...

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