
@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Fediverse: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before.


Straightforward enough. Dots and tics in fives. And a weird croissant for some reason.


I’m so glad I’ll have a reason to play the game again 18 months after buying and 17 months after running out of fun in the base game!


This was a pretty solid interview, and a rare instance where Yngwie doesn’t come across as a jerk. Yes, Beato avoided pressing the common buttons, but it was interesting to see Yngwie in an environment where he seems to like the person asking him questions.


Because it’s Chrome.


Starting in 2020, Edge Browser is built on top of Chromium.


Google’s browser dominance is so pervasive, that Microsoft had to adopt Google’s browser technology because users demanded access to add-ons and user experiences akin to Chrome.

Diablo 4 continues to walk back changes from its fiendishly unpopular 1.1 patch, boosting XP gain on World Tiers 3 and 4 (www.pcgamer.com)

In the lead-up to Diablo 4's first season back in July, the game received a patch that was universally unpopular. That feels like an understatement—the community revolt was fierce enough to cause an honest-to-Lilith emergency broadcast where the devs stated: "we don't plan on doing a patch like this ever again"....


The game feels unfinished. The seasons forcing you to reset so shortly after the game just launched only to replay content you just went through in order to get season rewards that don’t even pay for the next season’s pass feels punitive.

I haven’t played since the first season launched, and likely won’t until they release the expansions. It just doesn’t have enough to keep the game interesting in the meantime, which is a shame because mechanically it’s a much better game than D3, but suffers the same problems with being a single player / co-op PvE game that Blizzard is desperately trying to make into an MMO.


There’s a plane flying at his ankle.


Aaron Rogers is the star quarterback for the New York Jets, and formerly the Green Bay Packers. Yesterday, in the first minutes of his first game playing for New York, he was injured while tackled and tore his Achilles tendon. He will be unable to play for the remainder of the season.

Yesterday was also September 11th, which in America is recognized as the anniversary of the terror attack wherein hijackers flew planes into the World Trade Center towers in NYC as well as the Pentagon building.

The joke is that Aaron’s legs are the Twin Towers, and the plane is his impending season-ending injury.


But all of those things contribute to inflation of home values. Not sure if I’m just agreeing with your point or not, but a reduction in buyers doesn’t mean nobody is trying to buy right now, but if conditions are such that sellers aren’t incentivized to make moves, those who are can charge a premium when they do.

It’s bullshit, not because it’s factually incorrect, but because it’s a completely made-up scarcity given how much vacant property exists in the US and worldwide. In the US, we’ve regulated property development to protect existing homeowners and limit high occupancy housing to “less desirable” neighborhoods. Until those areas become desirable - at which point we evict all the low income families, turn entire floors of apartments into single condos, and charge millions of dollars for them.

Further, evidence that the inflation rates are indeed slowing as the Fed makes borrowing more expensive signals real estate investors to just weather the storm, because the return of rock bottom rates is, in the scheme of things, just around the corner.

I don’t think we’ll ever see coastal real estate markets truly bottom out or even meaningfully correct without a complete economic collapse of the US, which would really be a complete global economic collapse.


I’m loving the FPS renaissance we’ve been seeing lately. The Boomer Shooter… boom, low poly gameplay-centric entries like BattleBit Remastered, rhythm games like Metal Hellsinger, and the latest incarnations of DooM and games seeking to mimic it are all welcome additions to the current gaming landscape. Also love experimentation happening by even established and larger developers - Gearbox’s efforts with the Tiny Tina RPGish games come to mind; though I wish they’d do a better job of addressing bugs in those games. I’d love to see more FPS-RPGs come around.

Hell - I’d love to see a ton of crossovers. It’s been a while since we had a truly great FPS platformer. RIP Mirror’s Edge.


Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokenosis. Blow their minds.


The Meaning of Life, too. Those two Python flicks never get old.


I appreciate that his obit outlines how exasperating Kevin was. But ultimately he did a lot of good even if he did get a bit of a god complex from his notoriety. No matter how you slice it, 59 is too young, and Kevin was far from enough of a jerk to deserve that fate. I hope his family can mourn and find peace. See you on the flip side, Kevin.


Uhhhhh. Not sure which fucking Lemmy instance banned you, but sounds like a real bum out.


I think it’s reasonable to argue, “a super like that also shares the post is functionally different from just a super like.” It doesn’t seem nit-picky when discussing the reasons why someone might choose one service over another to want to be precise about the mechanics of one of those services, no?


Defederating is a one-way transaction. Any instance that defederates from Threads will only stop themselves from receiving data from it, but Threads will still be able to pull data directly from any and all instances.


I don’t think that’s true. Unless it’s a server side server denial rather than defederation, all posts on Lemmy are public. This means Threads will directly receive updates even from defederated instances.

[D4] Diablo IV Pulls Rarest Item After Fans Find Easy Exploit (kotaku.com)

Diablo IV has six Uber Uniques that are the rarest and some of the most powerful items in the game. Players have spent hundreds of hours without ever coming across them—until now. A trick for easily earning them was recently discovered and Blizzard has now removed the items from the game entirely to try and stop the madness....


Wait. People are having… fun!? They’re getting overpowered loot and mowing down the hordes of hell as if they were nothing!? We can’t let this stand!!


I’m in the same boat. I want Lemmy to be a firehose of content, the overwhelming majority of which I won’t ever want to interact with. I want that because different people are interested in different things, and that’s what allows for even the niche communities to find their footing with more than a small contingent of people.

I think the tools at our disposal as users and administrators of Fediverse systems are already good enough to manage and control your own experience, and I’m confident that they’ll continue to improve at a rapid click. The experience of using Lemmy as a Reddit replacement has already improved dramatically since June 12th, and it does so every day. I appreciate that others may feel much more strongly about the “dumbing down” of the overall content and community than I do, and for those folks joining an instance that outright defederates is a great option.

Folks are quick to tell people how they should be using Lemmy. “Don’t sign up for one of the big instances, you should use a small one instead because federation” is a big one - but there’s a lot of appeal in this model with being signed up to the instances generating the majority of the content the broader community is consuming because it makes finding that content easier than it otherwise would be. My hope is that the larger instances like lemmy.world will at least test the waters with Threads federation to see what it actually does to the community before taking the step of defederation, because right now those large instances are what’s feeding the rest of the rest of Lemmy.

As it stands, having those large instances federated with Threads and having smaller communities defederated seems like a best of both worlds scenario, because a small instance defederating with Threads won’t lose out on the other content being generated by those larger instances, but those who want to trudge through the mire of mass appeal can do so in one place.


Exactly. The only reason that Lemmy is seeing such a dramatic increase in user population and activity right now is because people are showing Reddit and Spez that they disagree with what they’re doing. Will it kill Reddit? Too early to tell if we’ll even make a dent. But it’s silly to say that most people are here because of some heartfelt desire to break free from the shackles of social media.

It’s funny pictures and jokes that I read while I’m pooping, my guy. It’s not that serious.


Not in a manner that doesn’t also discourage me from using the site, no. And clearly, if you check my post / comment history here you can see that I was being sarcastic. But only to a point - different people want different things, and a platform like Lemmy can provide for everyone. For users like me, I want all the content in the world without the algorithm mucking up the stream to prioritize sponsored content and advertisements. I want to be able to quickly pivot between memes, sports, gaming, music, news, and technology posts all on a single platform. Had Reddit not made that impossible with their poor decisions, I would not have migrated - nor would the majority of users currently on Lemmy. This is just classic NIMBYism, but hopefully it dies out and the fediverse continues to grow in popularity, with and without Threads.


That’s definitely a big part of it, too. I think the app symbolizes the chain of decisions that led us to where we are right now. We said, “We want to use the site how we have been using it for a long time” and they said, “Go fuck yourself.” So we did.


So this looks dope, for sure. I wish there were more news about when to expect the expansions. This game is so much better than Diablo III in most ways excluding one: It’s a Diablo game without Diablo, which has left a pretty sour taste in my mouth after finishing the epilogue. The seasons will be fun, I’m sure - but I really just want the rest of the story that I feel like should have been part of the base game.


I need to learn Lemmy’s markdown syntax. But I agree. I really liked Lilith as a character and her motivations were solid.

spoilerBut then you win the fight, go back and the epilogue lasts all of a couple of minutes before the game loop starts over when you hop to World Tier III. It felt unsatisfying not to have a Prime Evil to contend with, and if I’m honest, the Butcher is a harder boss than Lilith each time you run into him.


It occurs 50 years post Diablo III, unfortunately.


Maybe not gone forever…

spoilerDonan did mention that outside of trapping her within the stone, no matter what they did she’d eventually return. I can’t imagine her soul escaped Hell after we merc her.


I’m no fan of Meta or their practices, to be clear. Though I do think there are potential benefits in having the ability to communicate cross-platform, so long as some reasonable safeguards are put into place. I’m firmly in the camp that doesn’t believe that Google killed XMPP because XMPP was never a popular or widespread protocol prior to GTalk, and the users who came and went when Google did what they did were Google users, rather than XMPP users. So much like Eugen here says, it went back to how it was before they got involved.

That said, I do think that Meta in its current incarnation is an entirely different animal. I suspect that early on in a post-federated world, we’ll start seeing dark patterns intended to lure users to Threads. I’m envisioning registration gates similar to paywalls on news sites. “This content is available exclusively on Threads! Click here to register your account!” type stuff. More sinister, there’s nothing to stop Meta from appending advertisements in the body of posts created on Threads. Hell - they could go full evil genius and suppress that they’re doing it entirely on their own platform since they’ll have some other ad delivery mechanism there, which would mean the only people being served those ads would be federated users OFF of Threads who see or interact with content created on Threads.

So while I’m not a doomsayer about Threads and federation, I do think that we as a community are going to have to make some decisions about how to handle them. Having access to a community the scale that Meta will produce isn’t necessarily a bad thing. And because of how Lemmy / Mastodon / KBin / Fediverse apps work, we as users will always have the ability to control what we see in our feeds. At worst, it makes /All/ less usable, which is admittedly quite a big loss given how useful it has been to get subscribed to worthwhile content since joining Lemmy. And obviously, some instances will elect not to federate with Threads at all, which gives users choice on the type of community and content they want to interact with regularly.

With some care, likely some effort around defining usage rights for user generated content, and some new content control / filtering capabilities yet to be developed, I think that these networks can coexist in a way that is mutually beneficial to a degree, but if not - defederation is a click away.


I’m hoping that this happens irrespective of other steps that may need to be taken with respect to Meta or other corporate interests in the Fediverse. Since the data is all completely public, it would help clarify “ownership” of original content, allow for meme culture and virality to continue to occur, but still give some avenue for people to raise claims against these large entities.

Someone is eventually going to try to marry a blockchain to this tech so that there’s an infinite record of content with receipts to the beginning. Privacy concerns all over the place, but it seems like such a natural extension to the already completely public nature of the content being generated throughout the fediverse.


+1 to wanting this feature. Far be it from me to kinkshame anyone, but some of y’all are into some weird stuff. It hasn’t been too terrible to block community by community, but I gotta say - those of you who are into Fur are PROLIFIC with the genres and sub-genres of various yiff related activities. And actively participating! 😂


Right?! We get it. “GOL” Okay. I don’t even like Squash, okay?


For sure, but that doesn’t really address the issue.


Recent data breach, and users being unhappy with the username rollout.


Agree, personally. Nitro ads are getting more intrusive too. I understand they have to monetize somehow, but I wish it were handled based on server population rather than blanket spread to all clients. I don’t participate in any huge servers because notification suppression sucks in Discord. The servers I do use are mostly sub 50 users, and as such don’t consume anywhere near as many resources as some of these mega servers out there.


Because it’s basically all or nothing. And even then, Admins can do notification blasts that override user settings. I want more granular control so I can basically subscribe to specific content in specific channels I interact with rather than broad notification settings.


No, for sure. My issue is probably more distinct. I want discord to work like a forum and not like a chat application. I want to subscribe to get notifications only from specific users, or about specific keywords or topics, rather than broad mentions / everyone settings. I also recognize that I'm not the target demographic in that respect, but searching for discord notification threads will yield quite a few results from other users like me who want more control over when and what the app notifies them about.


Basically it works like this:

Instances A, B, and C are federated initially. When a user posts on Instance A, users on Instances B & C can see and interact with the post directly. Any comments they make will be sent back to Instance A as the "home" instance for that content.

Now let's say Instance A decides they don't care for the type of interaction they're getting from Instance C's users and decides to block - or defederate - Instance C.

To users on instance A, nothing changes other than new posts and comments from users on Instance C will no longer show up. To users on Instance B, nothing changes other than new comments from users on Instance C won't appear in posts they interact with on Instance A. However, for Instance C, things are suddenly branched.

On Instance C, any posts that were created prior to defederation still exist in Instance C's record. However, any comments that users on Instance C commit to those posts will no longer be distributed to users on Instances A or B, because Instance A maintains the "primary" record of the post. Similarly, Instance C's users will not receive updated comments from users on Instance A OR Instance B, because again, Instance A is what determines which comments appear in federated instances. Furthermore, new posts created on Instance A will no longer show up in users' feeds on Instance C. From the moment of defederation, Instance C's copies of all posts on Instance A are now distinct, and the only new comments or updates they will receive will be from local users on Instance C.


The most important part of the federation process is played by whichever instance hosts the original post. They’re the hub and all other instances are the spokes.

So once Instance A defederates from Instance C, nothing Instance C users add to posts hosted by Instance A will be added to the master manifest. Basically, everyone is updating Instance A’s copy of the post, and that copy is then being redistributed to all other federated Instances.

Once Instance A defederates from Instance C, the only time their users will interact from that point forward is on a mutually federated instance. Both communities can comment and interact on a post hosted by Instance B.

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