
@[email protected]

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I think exploding heads folk went to Nostr, so it’s probably got more alt-right folk than is healthy. Though Twitter is a toxic cesspool that morphed into a right wing toxic cesspool.

If I wanted a social media based on people rather than idea, I’d probably go for Mastodon.


Didn’t he ban several journalists that reported on him banning Elonjet something he said he’d never do, amongst other things. That doesn’t fit in with free speech absolutism or free speech, so I am a little skeptical when he uses that term. You can only judge people by their past actions.

I am not too familiar with Nostr. I think Jack Dorsey endorseyed it. Hopefully there is enough to counter balance the exploding heads. I am massively in favour of free speech, but I don’t like how that is often used as an excuse to freely useoffensives slurs.


There is a difference between mean words and slurs. If you’re not from a protected group, you wouldn’t understand unless you want to. The question is whether empathy is something apply above theoretical concepts. Don’t get me wrong, I’m British and swear like a sailor, and hate when things have swear filters on, but there is a massive difference.

I personally have no idea what is going on on Twitter. I never really used it much as I think condensing thoughts down to a limited set of characters is just a crap design. This is supported by the fact by most users forcing themselves to use threads to work around such a pointless and arbitrary limitation.


I wonder if his goal isn’t for Twitter to be successful. I’m wondering if political influence will help to get cushty deals or legislative changes favourable to Tesla or SpaceX.

Why worry about losing $30bn from one hand when you gain $100bn in another?


Yup. I got relatives started on Mint dual booted with Windows. They don’t use Windows as Linux just works.

CrypticCoffee, (edited )

Roblox isn’t a game. Minetest is an engine (providing it’s own APIs that game developers use to develop games), and a platform to distribute them. In a sense, Minetest is like Unity or Godot. Games built on Minetest include MineClone2/5, Nodecore, Exile etc.


You cannot play default minetest without a game. It comes installed with minetest game (which is a crappy game and more of a modding base). Delete it and see if you can play, yeah?

What is wc3 and hl?


I really like MineClone2 (a Minetest game).

CrypticCoffee, (edited )

Only you, it seems. First I have seen this assertion.

I could go into depth on why it’s an engine, but you seem to have already made your mind up and are going to stick with it regardless.

Edit: Actually, I’ll leave it up to the Minetest project… “Minetest is an open source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation” -


Minetest fulfils the role of platform because of content db, which is a separate thing with it’s own name, it wasn’t always there, and it’s maintained by 1 person. The rest of the developers code the API’s which are used for making games. You know what else provides API’s for making games? Unity, Unreal and Godot.


Fair point, it didn’t feel like you were in agreement.

Apple has to classify their apps. Do they even have a game engine classification? I’m assuming they cannot class it as a productivity suite…

As for random people on Reddit. We’ve gone and hopefully can move on from the hive mind of regurgitating opinions and use our brains a little more. We’re not hunting karma and upvotes here, we’re here for better discussion.


Basically, you’re saying because an engine also has a packaging element (contentDB is the packaging and distribution part maintained by 1 developer, it cannot be an engine). It is both.

“Minetest is an open source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation”.

Historically, when you install windows, it comes with a game. Does that make it not an operating system?

I’m more inclined to believe the team who make it rather than some random internet stranger though.


MTG - Minetest Game is the game. It’s in the name. Delete it, and you cannot play Minetest. Minetest is referred to as the engine. They renamed MTG and put it into maintenance mode because of the confusion. It was badly named initially. The team have already made the decision to remove MTG by default so it comes with no games. They are just waiting to redevelop the UI so it isn’t so painful when this happens.


Appreciate the context. I almost deleted this as it felt pretty low value, or a meme. It wasn’t clear what the point of it was. In future, please provide a bit more context.

CrypticCoffee, (edited )

Edit: Title has fortunately been changed from the original clickbaity and somewhat misleading/offensive title it originally had.

Why is this being shared here? Anti-trans folk are toxic. There are many toxic women and men, and we should dislike them for their views, not who they are. I’ve fallen out with anti-trans friends, but I’m a cis-male so I guess I’m the problem?

I was curious about this community, but I think I’ll be leaving if this “feminist” “Men’s Liberation” community is for bashing men. Would have expected better from a mod.

Rule 9 is against “Negative stereotyping”, surely this is a breach of that. This article takes some folk, makes a generalisation for the whole population. If you flipped groupings, it would be wholly wrong, and it’s wrong here.

CrypticCoffee, (edited )

The headline is a problem. It’s hyperbole. If what you are saying is true, it’s misrepresenting the data. A quick scan of the data shows transphobia is a problem for both men and women, but there is 5-10% more men who have a problem with this.

35% of women don’t believe people should be able to change their gender. 43% of men also. By wrapping this as a man’s issue implies 35% of women being against this is fine. IT IS NOT. It’s one of those “You did wrong”, “well they’re worse”. Finding worse situations does not justify behaviour. Fitting that data into that narrative is absolute rubbish.

Following on from this, I will ask, if the headline doesn’t bother you, why is that? Do you often assume men are the problem and that is normalised to you? Do you assume women cannot do wrong? When JK Rowling starts spouting her bile, do you think “this is wrong”, or do you think “well, men are worse”? Can you truly be against misogyny if you harbour misandrist views? Can you tackle prejudice with prejudice? Secondly, do you want to help guys find a healthier perspective, or do you want to push them toward toxic fucks like Andrew Tate? I think you need to look deeply within and ask what your goal is. To moderate this sub and to think this is ok is confused to say the least.

Trans rights are human rights, and we fight for them as all humans should (or are cis men banned from joining this fight?)


“If you are not certain why it is notable that men are the drivers of transphobia in this instance it is because most of the transphobic rhetoric in the country relies on claims of protecting women’s rights and spaces.”

Are you from the UK? Are you aware of the stuff JK Rowling puts out? Did you follow the Tory leadership and the anti-trans views put by Suella Braverman and Kemi Badenoch? Not familiar with Rosie Duffield’s anti-trans nonsense?

I understand it’s more digestible to boil down complex issues to simple conclusions, but it weakens and cheapens the debate and serves no benefit in tackling issues.

CrypticCoffee, (edited )

I’m not going to simplify it’s just women. There are a number of high profile anti-trans women campaigners that are absolutely a problem. With that, I’m sure there are many male public figures who are just as toxic.

I think it’s very easy to assume a lot of this comes from bad intentions, and some of it will. I think some of this may be somewhat innocent, but ultimately unhelpful. For example, cis males may be protective of their partners and daughters, and may be concerned because the risks have often been misrepresented, for example in the case of bathroom sharing. Obviously this is paternalistic, and many would construe this as patronising. Many women are confident and don’t see that issue, and don’t feel they need that protection. My feeling is part of this may come from a good place, intentions wise, but be completely misguided, and open to negative influence from people who are peddling negative and toxic views. I think this problem is quite complex, and as a result any one single approach will not work to solve the problem.

Edit: I noticed my other post got deleted. It seems ok to insinuate something about my motives, but when I reasonably respond and ask them same question, it’s censored and mod powers are used without hesitation. I don’t think rich debate can be had here and it’s not a place I want to be part of.


“You absolutely could have lead with this”. You respond to the quality of information you get. The headline was clickbait rubbish, and yes it is triggering (because it is laced in prejudice). I think one of the worse problems as a man, is you’re regularly blamed for the sins of all other men, even if you are absolutely opposed to that. Being stereotyped based on your gender is not fun, and I think everyone needs to move away from that.

I think if you wanted to discuss the contents of it, you were better off changing the title and warning of the clickbaity cheap title. High brow titles don’t usually warrant low brow and nuanced responses.


To quote my other post:

“The headline was clickbait rubbish, and yes it is triggering (because it is laced in prejudice). I think one of the worse problems as a man, is you’re regularly blamed for the sins of all other men, from past generations, even if you are absolutely opposed to that and have been your whole life. Being stereotyped based on your gender is not fun, and I think everyone needs to move away from that.”

I would be disappointed if you didn’t at least appreciate why that isn’t a good headline and why it is problematic.


I appreciate you took that feedback on board.

It may be a very normal headline, but it is pretty inaccurate. An accurate title would be “anti-trans sentiment high, but higher amongst cis-males”. Even “anti-trans sentiment higher amongst cis-males” would be less galling.

“driving” “hostility” implies that cis men are actively pushing to make it worse. If anything, right-wingers pushing culture wars are driving it. Maybe men are falling for those tricks more.

If the community is growing, many will not know much about past content or the purpose of the community and any new post could be a first impression. Assuming past knowledge isn’t always a good idea.


Seems more than reasonable. In every case like this, I try to ask if I was in their shoes and I had that level of responsibility, what would I do?

I think anyone minded to check our piracy content knows where to find it and can register to one of those instances. This allows to remain a general purpose open instance for people migrating who don’t yet know what they are after.

This could actually be an incentive for people to move away from world and that gives a little more space for people to move across and dip their toes in the lemmy ocean.


Is it just me that keeps seeing questions about Skiff that look more like adverts?

It… doesn’t feel… organic.


May I ask what motivated you to write extensively on a service you do not use?

How did you hear about them, and why did you feel the need to document this so extensively?

grafcube, to privacy avatar

Your choice of browser matters — Google's Web DRM and the open internet

I wrote this blog post to inform the people I know who aren't as tech savvy or otherwise don't put any thought into their choice of browser. Another goal is to help get enough awareness on the topic and make sure it fails.

@opensource @privacy


It will because websites will not drop support for 20% of users, they might if it is 3%. This is how product owners make decisions on browser support.


How so? I’ve been using since the API blackout and not seen any content from either instance.


64 years into the war and Germany eventually send some of the promised tanks…


Absolutely not. Germany has very strict resale licencing on their exports. Countries cannot sell them without Germany’s permission, and they dragged their feet until finally agreeing.

“Only 10 of the 110 promised Leopard 1 tanks have been delivered so far, the report says.”

“Ukraine is also yet to receive any of the four promised IRIS-T missile defense systems or the 20 Marder armored vehicles, while roughly just 850 of the 26,350 155 mm artillery shells promised have been delivered.

The package also included several hundred drones, air surveillance radars, tankers, ambulances, and heavy-duty articulated lorries.

Die Welt noted that it was possible that the weapons commitment may be “withdrawn,” citing the example of 5,032 anti-tank handguns that had been listed as being prepared to be sent to Ukraine since the early months of the war, which have now disappeared off the site without any explanation.

It is not clear why Germany is dragging its feet over sending the weapons, although it was also slow to provide Ukraine with military aid at the beginning of the war. Despite that, it has since become one of Kyiv’s biggest arms suppliers.”


So, everything I said was a lie… I said 64 years, which is clearly an exaggeration. I thought that much was obvious. The delay in sending tanks is indicated above. Do you want to tell me which parts are factually incorrect or how promised arms have been actually delivered in a prompt fashion?


It sucks, but it is the only phone that supports unlocking and relocking if the boot loader which gives ability to protect OS from tampering.

I hate google, but needed to be free from spying asap. You could buy second hand and avoid giving them a penny.


If the people you know and care about use it, you don’t need WA. Plus, it trains them in it. You cannot always change the world, but you can change your part of it.

I got my family and partner on Signal. I don’t care if they use WA. I don’t have to. They seem confident with it now.


Ah well. Never used it and have no desire too. A lot of hype seemed to be astoturfing.

“Guys, I needed a poo, and I opened chatGPT. It is so good. I pood faster and more effectively than I ever have before. OMG!”


Does those banking that have apps not work in a mobile browser? In the UK, they seem to.


Weird. In the UK, they give freely tan generator or use a text to send code.

What is your unbiased opinion on Manjaro?

I am a Linux noobie and have only used Mint for around six months now. While I have definitely learned a lot, I don’t have the time to always be doing crazy power user stuff and just want something that works out of the box. While I love Mint, I want to try out other decently easy to use distros as well, specifically not based...


I used to use it. I updated and twice on mobile, twice on desktop, it broke my OS. I wouldn’t touch it again.

Mint is great. Your specification is quite restrictive and will potentially open you up to suffering. Mint doesn’t use snaps so not sure why you’d want to avoid.


I have a Pine phone convergence edition that came with Manjaro Plasma. I installed it on my PC so I could easily dev for it. Updates twice broke the phone complaining about a login screen lock. On my PC, 2 updates broke it as it wouldn’t start up the DE.

I have used Mint and Kububtu without issue but I don’t like Snaps. I now use OpenSuse as a simple rolling distro.

You may have used without issue, but that is not the experience of others. Devs have complained about them distributing non-master branch features that weren’t sufficiently tested or released and got their issue tracker flooded.

They are a really questionable distro quality wise. One of the worst IMHO, and considering they are aimed at new users, it’s absolutely cruel to use them.

You may love it and great for you, but people won’t give you free reign to advise a bad distro that is going to ruin Linux for newbies when there are better alternatives available.


There’s a lot of Manjaro hate from people who’ve never actually used it as their daily driver and are just parroting what other people online are saying.

You first insinuate people who bash it, don’t use it, I’ve made it clear I did with clear examples. Now it’s on to blaming the user or expecting users to invest hours and hours to troubleshoot borked installs. Breaking software isn’t, and shouldn’t be the norm. I’ve never had it with Mint or Kubuntu, and before you throw a point about it being rolling distros are more up to date, I’ve been using OpenSuse Tumbleweed for over a year without issue. It hasn’t borked once. Failure rate on Manjaro is higher and when you dig into how they operate, there are clear reasons why.

It seems you were very lucky in your Manjaro days, and now because you somehow avoided getting run over crossing the motorway blindfolded, you think everyone’s experience is like yours.

There isn’t a hate bandwagon, and you don’t need to defend their honour. They are not a sports team you cheer on. They are a software project, and need to improve. You defending poor work just enables it.

The fact you raised points, they were disputed and you moved on to separate points to fit in with the theme of “Manjaro good”, you’re coming across as a Manjaro shill.


You suggest it us a bandwagon because many don’t like Manjaro and multiple people raised issues. You’re guilty of using your anecdotal evidence to rule out the anecdotal evidence of many.

I don’t know the exact cause of my issue, I want to use my PC to do actual work. I did some research, reverted through time machine andd tried again in a slightly different way to rule out graphics card driver. It still failed. I want reliability and don’t want to become an expert sysadmin. I specifically don’t use Arch, or Gentoo for this reason. I dont have to be a chef to enjoy food. Manjaro claims to do more testing. The issues I faced on PinePhone did not happen on the arch version, it was specific to Manjaro. Kubuntu just worked and never broke after. Mint had been working for years. Manjaro is the only distro I have faced issues with. Maybe it was Arch, maybe it was Manjaro. It is irrelevant. I don’t use either. Manjaro’s reputation is well earnt and non of your shilling us going to counteract the catalog of failures that are widely documented and hard to ignore.


Sadly incorrect.

Louis Rossman has a video about zoom trying to sponsor him, Jitsi request only what is needed for functionality only and there terms of service mention that explicitly. How do you blur a background without detecting a face etc.


Bank card. Never used or want to use anything that collects my payment information.

Data risk to benefit is minimal with these type of apps.


And if you’re dual booting with Windows and shared data?


Btw, have you checked canvas recently?

I can imagine some humble pie needs to be consumed.

CrypticCoffee, (edited )

Do we need to create a community growing community (CommunityGrowers - The Community Growing alliance) to share hints and tips on what does and doesn’t work so that people can follow successful patterns and all of Lemmy benefits?

Using stock Android w/o Google account/ Play Store worth it?

I hope this is not considered a low-effort post, but I wanted to ask if using stock Android without signing in to your Google account/ using Play Store is worth it. It should be more private, right? I’m planning on buying the cheapest Samsung phone there is (probably the A14). I currently have a stock Android Oneplus phone. I...


I got a Pixel 6a when the 7 was out. It was £299 and worth every penny. Installed GrapheneOS. I have privacy and also other google apps can run sandboxes when I need them.


Some don’t get this right. Manjaro, Mint and Kubuntu are easy. OpenSuse wasn’t IMHO, but it’s a great OS.


100%. After an update screwed the OS twice on desktop, twice on Pine phone, I moved to Kububtu and eventually OpenSuse TW. I’m glad manjaro is so bad. It helped me find good software.

Why if we see fork, snap always the problem : Canonical LXD forked... (

“Canonical only having snap releases was harmful to adoption. I liked using lxd, but uninstalled snapd (forgetting lxd used it), and my vms obviously stopped. Snap wouldn’t reinstall properly (various inscrutable errors), so I moved it all over to libvirt. I’d still be happily using lxd if it weren’t for Canonical’s...


True. I installed this OS, deleted a random component without any dependency analysis and it broke. Plz help.


I don’t agree with him, but respect how he sticks to his principles. Also good to see more about his focus on work related stuff.

The world do need folk like him, even if you don’t necessarily like him, you know where he stands and why.

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