@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar


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@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Ich bin ja schon gespannt wann die ersten Schneelawinen vom Dach abgehen. Vor Jahren hat mich mal eine erwischt und umgeworfen aber heute ist ja dreimal so viel am Dach…

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar


Oh, ja, daran kann ich mich noch erinnern. Ich war sechs Jahre alt und mein Großvater hat hinter dem Schwimmbecken, das am Foto, ein Rieseniglu mit Schlittenbahn aus dem ganzen Schnee gebaut, für so einen Blödsinn war er immer zu haben und es war eine Mordsgaudi.

Heute fährt “Mann von Welt” mit Kind und Kegel eine Woche ins Luxushotel nach Norwegen zum Rodeln. Würde ich jederzeit für noch ein Wochenende mit Opa eintauschen.

Crass_Spektakel, (edited )
@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Here a nice example what happenes when you give the means of production to “the people”:


Because it worked to well in Zimbabwe, Sowjetunion 1, Sowjetunion 2, China, and many more

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Because it worked to well in Zimbabwe, Sowjetunion 1, Sowjetunion 2, China, and many more

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Well, actually I am sharing “Wikipedia Propaganda” but if you want to call Wikipedia Nazi-Propaganda…

And yes, the only pro-Western nation ever falling into a serious Food-Crisis was… Haiti.

See, I know we are doing something right. I am not sure what we do right and there is enough things we don’t do right but… the right things we do amazingly right. If that is because the Ghosts of Hitler are possessing us all or that we are just not a bunch of utter idiots - you call.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

In what way is the Late Victorian Age “Pro-Western”? In the same way Dschengis Khan was “Pro-Western”? Besides, ONE book is quite vague for such an assumption as your claim isn’t even listed in the list of great famines.

Oh, and you claim the Holodomor didn’t happen? Well, let me guess, Stalin also didn’t got 30 million sowiet people killed?

Tovarishch, your lies gave away whose bread you eat.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Classic communist tactics, Tovarishch, and if it fails you just didn’t believe hard enough…

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Suuure… Stalin was an agent of the West, send to kill Russians. Just like Dschingis Khan and Mohammed. All Agents of the West.

Thank you for making me aware of everything.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Ah, the beauty of repeating the same stupid claim to make it appear more true.

While I appreciate your enthusiasm for alternative viewpoints, it’s worth noting that mainstream academic consensus is typically based on extensive research, rigorous analysis, and a wealth of evidence. If you’re inclined to embrace Nazi propaganda as a historical truth, you might find yourself in the rather exclusive company of conspiracy theorists. But hey, who needs consensus when you can have a party of one?

Well, I must say, your unique perspective certainly adds a touch of humor to the conversation! Your ability to find amusement in the unlikeliest of places is truly admirable. Keep those witty remarks coming, and you might just give the comedians a run for their money!

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

-Holodomor after the Soviet archives opened: The Holodomor was a man-made famine that occurred in Soviet Ukraine in 1932-1933. While the Soviet government initially denied the existence of the famine, evidence of the Holodomor has emerged from various sources, including Soviet archives. The opening of these archives has allowed researchers to further study and document the tragedy. You are basically claiming the Soviets and Putin themselves are lying. And you know what happens to people who say Putin lies.

-Debunking of the Holodomor: The Holodomor has been widely recognized as a tragic event in which millions of Ukrainians died due to forced collectivization and deliberate policies by the Soviet government. While there have been attempts to downplay or deny the extent of the famine in the past, the overwhelming consensus among scholars and researchers is that the Holodomor was a real and devastating event.

-Ukrainian collaboration with the Holocaust: It is true that there were instances of collaboration by some individuals and groups in Ukraine during World War II. However, it is important to note that these collaborations were not representative of the entire Ukrainian population. Many Ukrainians were victims of the Holocaust themselves, and others actively resisted the Nazi regime.

-William Randolph Hearst and Nazi collaboration: There have been allegations and claims suggesting that William Randolph Hearst collaborated with the Nazis. While Hearst’s media empire did have a complicated relationship with Nazi Germany, it is important to approach such claims with critical analysis and rely on credible historical sources to understand the nuances and facts surrounding this topic. Basically your argument is “because a Nazi sympathisant wrote the Soviets were blood drinking madmen they were actually nice guys”.

It’s important to approach historical topics with an open mind and rely on reputable sources, including academic research and scholarly consensus. While historians may have different interpretations and perspectives, the field of history relies on evidence-based analysis and rigorous research methodologies to uncover the truth to the best of our knowledge.

Sources Holodomor after the Soviet archives opened: “Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine” by Anne Applebaum “The Holodomor Reader: A Sourcebook on the Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine” edited by Bohdan Klid and Alexander J. Motyl “The Holodomor: An Introduction” by Bohdan Klid and Alexander J. Motyl “The Holodomor and the Film ‘Bitter Harvest’: Soviet and Post-Soviet Memory in Ukraine” by Serhy Yekelchyk “The Ukrainian Famine: Sources of Information at the Hoover Institution” by Robert Conquest

ChatGPT is awaiting your next hate speech eagerly.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t try to derail the discussion. Toothbrush argued that the Holdomor never happened while the whole world knows somewhere between three and five million Ukrainians died during this part of Stalins reign. We never even discussed if it was a genocide.

So show your true intentions and explain to me:

  1. Did Millions die during the Holdomor?
  2. Did it happen because Stalin stole the food?
  3. Did Stalin and Putin forbid to talk about it?

And as a nice excursus, the total numbers of people dying to Stalins misrule is nearly the same as those who died to the Axis Invasion. A nice chap, old Stalin, isn’t he? But calm down, he is only number two after Mao in murdering his own people. And that is what Putin is aiming for, recreation of Stalinism.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

That is just hilarious but also…

I just remembered that Bram Moolenaar, the author of vim has recently died…

He was a real good person. Back when he released his first vim for Amiga Computers I exchanged some emails with him and he handled even my less smart suggestions very professional.

I just take the chance to remind everyone to spend some money for his Uganda Charity.

2,000 children killed in Gaza, aid group says, as doctors warn fuel shortage is a death sentence | CNN (edition.cnn.com)

Inside Gaza, cut off from the world by a near total blockade, Israeli airstrikes have decimated entire neighborhoods, leveling homes, schools and mosques. CNN drone footage from Monday showed the level of destruction across parts of the strip, with whole streets flattened in the al-Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City and a row of...

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

#Welcome to the Arab Parallel Universe:

“500 Kids with cute cats killed at a hospital at Gaza by evil Israel bomb!”

“But the terrorists already confessed it was their own rocket short firing?”

“Oops, ok, then nobody was killed and the handful of slightly wounded have already left the hospital. They were also ugly and noone liked them.”

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

MP3 isn’t dead but smells funny. Today I manage a ton of OGM, AAC, FLAC and other formats.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Well, the players were often dirt cheap. I got at least four for free on trade shows. Including an Ultra-Rare “Sun Microsystems” MP3 player, handed over to me by the founder of Star-Office which later became Open Office and Libre Office. Back when Sun was not totally uncool.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Uh, yes, Youtube trying to Anti-Adblock… pops up once or twice a year, then I click on “Update uBlock” and be done with it…

America's nonreligious are a growing, diverse phenomenon. They really don't like organized religion (apnews.com)

Mike Dulak grew up Catholic in Southern California, but by his teen years, he began skipping Mass and driving straight to the shore to play guitar, watch the waves and enjoy the beauty of the morning. “And it felt more spiritual than any time I set foot in a church,” he recalled....

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Non-Religion is cool if you get used to it. 91% of all Germans are “Not practising any religion”. On paper some 70% still are members of religious communities but otherwise we don’t give a fuck and instead going to church we meet for beer and bretzel breakfast on sunday. We stopped being religious after two World Wars as God was never on our side. Now we ain’t on his side either. Never been more happy.

Funny thing, officially Religion is part of school. But from what I remember it was more a history lesson. I remember every jewish and muslim holiday but not a single Christian Martyrer. Yes, around half of religious lessons at school was about other religions. Most likely because of selective memory - on holidays I could have beer and bretzel breakfast. Martyrers don’t feed me.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Hey, if it makes you happy and you don’t swing it around in front of my face: you have my blessing.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Go back 50 years and that was what we did: Go to church for 30 Minutes and sing, then feast with beer, sausages and bretzels for 60 minutes.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Show me someone who claims to have always been legit and I show you someone who has lied at least once.

I don’t mind piracy much but don’t rely on it anymore.

But I can perfectly understand if Lemmy wants to distance from Pirate/Warez Sites. Those Sites may cooperate between themselves but not within the Lemmy Backbone.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Yep, around 200. The Missile meanwhile travels 0,2mm

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Written in hand coded assembler language: Maybe 100 cycles. Actually Quake from 1997 used a very similar prediction for network coding and not joking, it took less than 60 cycles and the very same code has been used to guide the IRIS-T system - which by the way uses an 1.4Ghz ARM Quadcore.

Written in Dotnet: Your computer is to old. No matter which computer.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Just to mention: The current MARS rover is using a Raspberry Compute Module 3. Several modern space probe also use off-the-shelf technology. Most Ukrainian drones use it too. The IRIS-T missile uses a 1.0Ghz Quadcore ARM. The times when such systems required extreme technology are far gone.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

You know, what you can not find on EBay you can find on PBay. Or whatever warez site you prefer.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

I say the time of Torents is OVER. Today Streaming-Warez-Sites are the Kick.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar


Those Times where Warez-Streaming-Sites had low quality are long gone. While 4k=3840 releases are rare, we have mostly 1920 nowadays with some 1280 in-between, often Bluray- or Streaming-Rips without re-encoding, at least if the source was H264/H265. Older MPEG2/4 though is still often recoded. You can easily re-encode an old MPEG2-Bluray from 20Gig to H265 4Gig without visibly loss. With more modern Codecs the Data is usually “re-containered” which means the Content itself isn’t changed, only the Encryption and Container are changed.

Overall Streamingz-Sites are pretty good nowadays, Amazon and Netflix take up to one minute to switch to high Bitrate quality for me. With Warez-Sites you have to wait 3-5 seconds but then it immediately starts at Max Quality and NEVER at lower quality. And their Search actually works great and is well organized and everything reacts so much faster because they reduce the eye candy. They also often have bookmarks - which don’t work as good as commercial providers but good enough.

I can only have access to Amazon, Netflix, Joyn and Public Television Media Centres so for other providers your mileage may vary.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Who buys his kids products from Apple or Nintendo is most likely also torturing cute cats in his basement. And enjoys it.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Torrents of all kinds can be easily tracked and its users be sued because they do not only consume but also distribute.

One-Click-Hosters and Streamingz-Sites on the other side are hard to track and their users don’t distribute.

At least by German Law it is mostly “we only care about distribution, not consumption”. The later has an estimated damage of $1 per case, that is not even petty crime. Distribution on the other hand often is handled at $1000/case… I think there was not a single case of a Streamingz-User being prosecuted but already millions of Torrent-Users.

Crass_Spektakel, (edited )
@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Last time they ate the rich afterwards everybody starved to death because nobody was left knowing how to do thing



And the funny thing about it: When some poor had learned how to do things again those poor became the new rich.

Capitalism might be bare of morale but at least it cares for paying customers in spite of all alternatives.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

My 2013 Highest End Samsung was pretty much E-Waste three years later. 80% of the Apps broken, no new Apps for new services.


I plugged in a FireTV 4k which was on Sale for €25. Perfectly supported since many years. TONS of software, channels and so on. Best buy ever.

When I had to buy a new TV for my bed room I bought a “dump” monitor and plugged a FireTV in.

Crass_Spektakel, (edited )
@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Kudos for those who point out the historic inspiration of this little scribbling.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

The movie from 1976 “Midway” with Charles Heston was partially responsible for the story. I loved it for the lack of ludicrous CGI effect, for the depiction the palpable fear, determination and luck.

I hate the 2019 remake and honestly, it couldn’t get much worse if the pilots had bungie-jumped out of their planes and back inside. There were so many 21st century tropes forced on the protagonists it was just absurd. Roland Emmerich once was a good director but nowadays he is just Uwe Boll with more money to sink per movie. I won’t sugar coat that just because they are from my home country.

The other reason was a remote relative who was with the Carrier Yorktown (CV-5) till the last minute. That ship refused to sink after several brutal attacks. My relative claimed “there was a little chance we might have saved her after the final torpedo hit but things became really complicated way beyond keeping her afloat and closing the holes”.

I can only guess what he meant by that, maybe risk, complications, time, politics and so on.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

When I last installed Windows I had to google where do download Libreoffice, Firefox, Steam, Audacity, VLC, Gimp and a lot more software.

On Linux most came preinstalled, the rest was one click in the Repository (“Store” for Generation Smartphone)

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

On one side it is a rare sight to need to install a driver for Linux. I had an Star NL24-10 printer with an IEEE-488 connector for the C64.

INSANE! Linux natively supports C64 peripherals.

I build a simple adaptor from Parallel to IEEE-488-Serial and when I told CUPS the printer was on /dev/ieee488 it immediately found it. Insane. Oh, the Floppy was also available, at least at sector Level though there actually is no C1541 Filesystem so I had to open it in Starcommander, some sort of Norton/Midnite-Commander, which officially supports those images.

The amount of supported hardware is INSANE. You will get stuff working which works nowhere else.

The coolest shit are Host-Based Storage Systems, with the most known group as Memory-Technology-Devices. For example there are SMR-Harddisks where I can change the SMR-Layout from my computer. I can say “50% capacity CMR, 50% SMR”. Or Host-Based-QLC-Drives where you can select for each MinWriteCell how to use it: As ultra-Fast SLC/MLC, as the middle TLC or as the superslow QLC. Sure, it costs Capacity. But the choice ist yours. I bought a Data-Center-Intel-QLC-Drive and converted it to 50% MLC at 3.5GByte/s sustained and 50% QLC with 0.5Gbyte/s. Sure, it reduced the capacity of the 4TByte Drive to 3TByte. But who cares if it is so fast it blows anything away. On Windows you can not even detect those drives.

But: If you have a really bad case of “unsupported hardware” then things get complicated fast.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

I once needed the driver to use “Floppy Streamers” under Linux. That is plain impossible with Windows. For Linux it just meant to recompile the kernel-module each time you updated the kernel which basically was “make && make install”. Then at accessing /dev/qic-nst0 I had a Floppy Streamer.

Yes, sometimes you need drivers under Linux. But it is VERY rare.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

I am using a Netbook from 2009, Atom N570 1666Mhz, 2Gbyte RAM, 120GByte SSD. It is 550 gramm light, is so small it fits into the interior pocket of my jacket, runs eight hours on battery. And everything runs okeyish on it except maybe Youtube-Videos inside Firefox. So I set Firefox to start Youtube-Videos in VLC. Now I can even watch Youtube on my rusty old Netbook.

Worst problem: 32Bit support is running thin nowadays. It could run 64Bit but on that old system that actually costs quite some performance.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Beware: Those MTD-Stuff does NOT work with consumer stuff. Highend-MTD is practically not existing for consumers because Windows doesn’t support them anyway.

If you check the Linux Kernel Frontend you’ll find a section about “MTD devices”. There are some userspace programs listed for managing the kernel components. Those tools are somewhat good for Host Based SMR hard drives but you might need tools to unlock the drives which I didn’t need because they got unlocked at work. Those HDs are only sold to data centers. The two I have at home are from work and it is a miracle they let me have them at all.

Flash based MTD though is sometimes available but not in normal computing. Because SATA, NVMe, eMMC are actually “to advanced” for that stuff. MTD is VERY Low-Level. The driver does everything, buffering, moving from MLC to QLC, refreshing cells and so on. For me it is a PCIE-Card with absolutely no intelligence but a very fat driver. But you might also find it in old Linux/Android-Based phones, Netbooks and Tablets though current smart phones use “smarter” storage like eMMC. Iphones have MTD but you can not get Linux to run on them.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Good Luck. I haven’t seen those drive ANYWHERE outside Amazon and Microsoft backend Systems. Technically speaking they weren’t even from “Servers” but from “SAN” systems.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

At least on Debian/Ubuntu I can use tasksel to select a useful preset of packages right while installing. Base is just a text mode shell with minimal command line tools, Server has some Network Stuff, LXQT, Gnome and so on… for the total N00b it is fine to default to KDE or Gnome, I prefer LXQT though. And tbh, I think Firefox, Libreoffice and VLC are useful preinstall in nearly every use case while the usual stuff on Windows is pretty useless (Another Antivirus? Really? A trial version of a paint programm inferior to Gimp 1.0? Office 365?)

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

I wonder how a train is picking up my walking disabled mother from three Kilometres afar?

Will a train stop at my house to pick up my some two tons of gardening scraps per year?

At which time will it deliver my 100kg of groceries per week?

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

You meticulously avoided all hard questions. No problem, I just repeat them for you:

I wonder how a train is picking up my walking disabled mother from three Kilometres afar?

Will a train stop at my house to pick up my some two tons of gardening scraps per year?

At which time will it deliver my 100kg of groceries per week?

Also, How does a long distance train help my mother to get the 3km to her doctor?

How does a train help me buying building materials? Last week I bought 400kg of tiles. One drive with a car. It would have taken ten travels with a train if the train did stop inside the hardware store and directly in front of my house. Delivery by truck would have cost €50.

A “micro car” is not only insanely expensive, it also has no room for my mothers wheelchair.

My country has one of the best public transport systems in the western world. Everything you mention is available here. We can drive EVERYWHERE for a €49 flat rate and we have three bus stops within 100 metres. Still that doesn’t help to solve a single problem I mentioned earlier.

Oh, and spending €245 for a family trip in a train? Not gonna happen. With the car it is a €10 trip.

But there is a actually a solution which could work: Robotaxis at very low prices per km. It wouldn’t lower the traffic but reduce the parked cars and the TCO of personal transport.

Please give me moar bullshittery to mock you. It is fun.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Sometimes in the 1990th I bought an Asimov Foundation collection book with 1500 pages something. The End of the book contained 200 pages of the scientific state of “real world psychohistory” written by half a dozen scientist from various related fields.

Back then the opinion was “Asimov’s vision was inspiring, far from being point on but had definitely substance.”

The book contained a couple of estimates. The only thing they were wrong about was the War on Terror but also they had explicitly ruled out the possibility of predicting actions of small groups of humans anyway.

@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

A nice combination of Light Fantasy, Dark Scifi and good story writing. Author is very communicative and seems to have a solid release schedule.

Elves and Battlecruisers

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