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I’m still annoyed they never did a movie or at least a couple of specials to wrap up Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Also as a side note, Game of Thrones has a fairly disproportionate amount of Sarah Connors in it.


It was so close! All the way through the revival I was like “they’re gonna pull it off” and then they biffed it again right at the end lol.

Although the second ending was a bit less shit than the original ending I thought, so… kind of a (very mild) success?


I was watching it even though it was testing my patience a bit, and then they made an offhand remark about the moon landing being a conspiracy and that was the final straw that made me quit lol.


But then they also do things like flashback episodes that show Homer & Marge as teenagers in the 90s when they previously had them meet in the 70s because the show’s so damn old now.

But also, it’s a cartoon so it’s not like it’s obligated to make sense anyway. Just do whatever I guess lol.


IIRC the Trump stuff was even more of a scramble than South Park usually is, because they were just assuming Hilary would win and had planned out a bunch of stuff around that, so when Trump won they had to dump everything and quickly do something with that.

Probably the closest we’ll ever see to a cartoon being produced live I think!


I was the same way! I just finally watched it this year, after about my 5th attempt. Once I got past the first 2 episodes I was loving it lol.

I know that recent drama has caused a bit of uneasiness in the community for this platforms future, but I am optimistic for lemmy. It might be helpful to look to mastodon to learn how to move forward.

I was never extremely active on Mastodon until recently but I followed it’s development relatively closely from its infancy. And I will say that it’s really strange to watch lemmy face nearly identical issues that Mastodon did when it was in a similar development stages. (Though, some of the drama thus far have been...


I’m not sure if all the hexbear stuff falls under this heading, but it does make me wonder if there are any other large, currently unfederated communities out there which might suddenly connect to everything.

Apart from threads lol


If we all collectively agree to just pass it on, then either:

  • It’s infinite, and it just passes on forever, or…
  • It’s not infinite and somebody at the end has no choice, in which case nobody in charge of a lever has killed anyone

So yeah, I say pass it on.


I guess then the issue would be: do you ever find out the result of your actions? If no, then I guess it’s sort of a “glass half empty/full” kind of thing, because you could just pass it on and assume the best and just go live your life quite happily.

Although if you did find out the result, imagine being first, pulling the lever and then finding out nobody else would have.


That’s only if he’s next in line though. If you pass a machete to someone who might one day eventually pass it onto him, is that as bad? I suppose at some point there’s an ethical cutoff lol


YouTube can, in the strongest possible terms, absolutely go fuck itself lol


Hopefully nothing too drastic, but also according to the article they were only publicly traded from 2021 to now, so for most of their existence they were in private hands anyway, albeit being passed around a fair bit.


Yeah I always feel like his films are trying to be weird, rather than just naturally being weird if that makes sense.


Yeah that was my first thought too. That seems like a way better idea than just entrusting it to the Library of Congress as the article suggests. For one thing, the internet archive isn’t just American stuff. For another, there’s no way the government won’t just bend over backwards as soon as a big corporation asks it to. Thirdly, it seems like a much better idea to keep it decentralized and to keep the corporations playing whack-a-mole with it than to just keep giving them one big, static target to aim at.


I donate to them sometimes depending on how money is, but yeah holy hell do they spam you once you donate. Just a non-stop stream of increasingly passive-aggressive emails.



I made $100 million just from typing that out

Open source devs: please, please add screenshots...

I beg you, if you are a developer of an open source app or program - add screenshots of your app to the README file. When looking for the perfect app, I had to install dozens of them just to see what the user interface looked like and whether it suits me. This will allow users to decide if the app they choose will suit them…...


Also please begin the Github page or whatever with a description of what the app is actually for or what it does. I know that sounds super obvious, but the number of times I’ve seen links that are like “I made this app from scratch for fun, let me know what you think!” and then you click through and the app is called Scrooblarr or something and it has no indication of what it actually does is… more than it should be.


Bit of a weird thought, but I wonder also if they see Mozilla as a sort of controlled opposition too? As in, keep Firefox around so they don’t get in trouble over antitrust or something like that?

I just started using Linux... any great tips?

I just installed Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (Cinnamon) on an empty laptop a couple days ago and have been experimenting a lot. I’m coming from being a Windows user since I was just a little kid playing old DOS games on my grandpa’s Win-98 PC back in around 2000. My daily driver is currently running Windows 10 but I am pretty adamant...


If you’re typing out a long file path in the terminal you don’t have to type the whole thing out, you can just press tab and it’ll autocomplete for you.

So for example, if your file is called 1234567890.jpg you can just type 123 and hit tab and it’ll fill in the rest. And if there’s more than one file that begins with 123 it’ll list them. Works for folder names too.

How did Futurama have so many celebrity guest appearances?

I’ve been going back and watching earlier seasons, which - I thought - had a smaller budget and less recognition. But after taking a closer look at the credits I realized there’s a lot of celebrity heads that are voiced by the actual celebrities. The star trek episode actually had the full original cast - and those weren’t...


Also voice work is an easy gig for actors. No need to spend hours in makeup or costume, don’t need to wait around for lighting and whatnot. You can just show up, play around with other actors and then go home again.


I mean why not? If your labour helped create the thing, and it’s still generating value, why not receive a share of the value? Especially when higher up execs who might not have even worked on it at all are making bank from it.


I tend to use a Mac, Windows and Linux at various points throughout my day, and as far as I can tell the errors seem to be like:

Linux: this went wrong with this process or file.

Mac: the stars have aligned incorrectly and we have lost our way, perhaps fate will one day bring back your Libreoffice file but there is no way of knowing

Windows: either a blank dialog box with ‘okay’ and ‘cancel’ on it, which both do the same thing, or an error report with 400 pages of nonsense in it, or the computer just turns off while you’re still typing.


I see it as sort of like: Bush was the room-mate who sold all the doors and windows of the house, Trump is just the crack-head who inevitably climbs in and starts sleeping in the living room.


Hunter S. Thompson called it so hard it’s unbelievable:

The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for Peace in Our Time, in the United States or any other country. Make no mistake about it: We are At War now – with somebody – and we will stay At War with that mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives.

It will be a Religious War, a sort of Christian Jihad, fueled by religious hatred and led by merciless fanatics on both sides. It will be guerilla warfare on a global scale, with no front lines and no identifiable enemy. Osama bin Laden may be a primitive “figurehead” – or even dead, for all we know – but whoever put those All-American jet planes loaded with All-American fuel into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon did it with chilling precision and accuracy. The second one was a dead-on bullseye. Straight into the middle of the skyscraper.

We are going to punish somebody for this attack, but just who or what will be blown to smithereens for it is hard to say. Maybe Afghanistan, maybe Pakistan or Iraq, or possibly all three at once. Who knows? Not even the Generals in what remains of the Pentagon or the New York papers calling for WAR seem to know who did it or where to look for them.

This is going to be a very expensive war, and Victory is not guaranteed – for anyone, and certainly not for anyone as baffled as George W. Bush. All he knows is that his father started the war a long time ago, and that he, the goofy child-President, has been chosen by Fate and the global Oil industry to finish it Now. He will declare a National Security Emergency and clamp down Hard on Everybody, no matter where they live or why. If the guilty won’t hold up their hands and confess, he and the Generals will ferret them out by force.

That was written less than 24 hours after the attacks, and he pretty much completely nailed the following 20 years of response to them IMO.


Sure hope this doesn’t end up morphing into a law that fails its core objective and end up fucking over poor people somehow!


Maybe whenever you hear those stories about a famous work of art being stolen and later recovered, they’ve actually just stolen the forgery and the galley just puts up a new fake one.

The robbers then can’t sell it because they have a worthless fake and the ‘real’ one is clearly on display in the gallery, and they can’t expose the fraud because then they’d out themselves and go to jail.

The perfect scam!


Once I made a joke online about paying for homeopathy by dipping a dollar in a jar of water and giving them the jar, and like five people I know unfollowed me lol


I’ve been using Haruna which is a version of mpv with a clickable interface. I don’t know why but mpv would sometimes lock my system, which Haruna doesn’t do also.


Mine’s a Vizio and it won’t play mkv files which is not ideal.


I just don’t bother TBH. Same with all these alt-right type people who keep trying to start pointless arguments online, I just ignore them. You can’t combat nonsense with facts, they’re not going to learn anything or change their views, I’m certainly not going to come around to whatever they’re peddling, all they want to do is get their little dopamine hit by blasting bullshit at me until I give up because they think that’s what winning is. It’s a waste of time and energy as far as I’m concerned.


When he was talking about turning 100: “I can’t see, and I can’t hear, but I can still eat so I’m not going to die.”

He did indeed make it to 100.


And reusing the same word to mean a plethora of completely unrelated things lol.


Jam = a fruit preserve, to play music, stopped traffic, a door that’s held open, to cram something into something else

Set = a collection of something, to change an option on a device, when something gelatinous becomes more solid, when the sun goes down, a stage or movie background, a list of songs at a concert, to put something down, and about 50 other things

Run = to move quickly, to enter a contest (ie run for President), to have something turned on (is that computer running, running a tap), to be a certain length (this films run time is 90 minutes), to be behind (this bus is running late), to be in charge of something (I’m running this place), a hand in poker, to be liquid (this egg is runny), a tear in a pair of tights


I agree it definitely predates COVID, but I do think that COVID has exacerbated the problem quite a bit. Not just in the cinema, but all over the place people are just more… wild or something now? Like people were rude and selfish before, but now they truly do not give a fuck even a little bit.

I wonder if in the future there’ll be a name for it, but COVID definitely did something to us as a society on quite a profound psychological level I think.

How is it fine for pirates to pay for a VPN to not pay for a service?

I only use free VPN extensions or apps and I fully aware of the limitation of this. I use shabby ones, which don’t protect and probably sell my data. It slow and I can’t have only a few location. But I can’t get around the idea that people can pay for a service to refuse to pay to a service. Please help me understand.


For me it’s more of a convenience issue. If there was a legit site with a subscription for a few bucks a month that had every TV show and movie on it that I could watch in high resolution without ads and other bullshit going on then I’d probably just do that. In fact I basically do that with music already with Spotify. Netflix looked like it might have been going that way back the day but then it all went sideways.

But yeah basically I just don’t want to have to subscribe to like 8 different services or have to keep switching around to find the show I want so piracy & a couple of bucks a month for a VPN is the better service IMO.


I hit randomize in a passphrase generator until it farted out a mental image that made me laugh.


Good thing propaganda cannot be spread via audio then lol


There is literally day one paid DLC though lol


I mean it’s being sold as “Digital Deluxe Edition DLC” and it contains in-game items, which I’d say goes against “a complete and immersive gaming experience without the need for additional purchases” (apart from the stuff that’s not in the game that you have to purchase.)


Also, somewhere between my pi-hole and various DNS tweakings the ads in the free version seem to be getting eaten anyway.


Here ya go!

A benign or malignant neoplasm arising from tissues that do not include fluid areas. Representative examples include epithelial neoplasms (e.g. lung carcinoma, prostate carcinoma, breast carcinoma, colon carcinoma), and neoplasms arising from the soft tissues and bones (e.g. leiomyosarcoma, liposarcoma, chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma). Neoplasms originating from the blood or bone marrow (leukemias and myeloproliferative disorders) are not considered solid tumors.


It is indeed and yeah I lost a grandparent to that. If we could beat that one it would be amazing.


I’ll go Earl Grey, that’s basically how I live currently anyway.


Looking forward to the eventual open source/Linux version of this lol.

My brain runs Arch BTW

Steam On Linux Usage Spikes To Nearly 2% In July, Larger Marketshare Than Apple macOS (

According to these new numbers from Valve, the Linux customer base is up to 1.96%, or a 0.52% jump over June! That’s a huge jump with normally just moving 0.1% or so in either direction most months… It’s also near an all-time high on a percentage basis going back to the early days of Steam on Linux when it had around a 2%...


Yeah I’m fine with that personally. If a game wants that level of fuckery I’d rather just go without it anyway tbh.


I wonder if they’re also quietly making deals with other companies making handhelds to keep them on Windows, maybe to kind of promote that as the ‘standard’ mobile gaming OS instead of Linux?

Or maybe these other companies just don’t know Linux/aren’t comfortable enough with it to create their own system with it perhaps?

What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

For me it’s first person puzzle games. I can think of maybe a dozen off the top of my head that came out in the last decade. I especially enjoy when they’re open world. The ability to just quit a puzzle that’s stumped you and go try something else for a little bit is incredibly refreshing.


I’ve heard good things about Beyond All Reason, although I haven’t had a chance to properly try it myself yet.

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