@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

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Epilator recommendations?

I’ve tried shaving my leg hair a few times now, but it takes an hour or two just to get back with stubble within roughly two to three days at most. Also for some reason my skin just can’t help get irritated, no matter how much I exfoliate, apply lotion afterwards, all that stuff. Because of this, I’ve been looking into...

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

It’s also not really permanent. Definitely better, but even laser usually requires regular (albeit sporadic) maintenance.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not like the dog has to get up for work and this has made him late for his commute. Plus he gets super delighted when daylight savings starts and he gets fed an hour early for some wonderful reason!

Does the USPS, FedEx and UPS give a crap about weed shipments since Hemp sprayed with the same terpenes and looks the same as weed has been shipped legally for 9 years now?

Even if they did, won’t they get a lot of false positives because of a large amount of it being sprayed hemp buds that are legal as hemp? Also, I know a lot of dispensaries get their stock like vape pens and such delivered this way already. How does that all work?

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

There’s also an exception if they can’t read the delivery address; they have the authority to open the package to try to determine delivery address. So make sure your label can get a little wet and still be readable.

House Speaker Mike Johnson Responds to New Round of Scrutiny About Black Son (www.vanityfair.com)

Mike Johnson’s meteoric elevation from an under-the-radar congressman from Louisiana to second-in-line to the U.S. presidency sent journalists, Democrats and Republicans alike to uncover information about the personal and professional history of the most right-wing and least experienced House Speaker in history, who took the...

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

The only reason here, is BS. The kid is real, he’s a grown-ass adult with children of his own that he wants to keep away from the general public. This is conservative propaganda to make you think Johnson’s statements on racial injustice (which lean toward "my white kids get opportunities and have an easier life that my black kid doesn’t) are bunk. Which they’re not, just because the guy doesn’t want to do photo ops and give press releases doesn’t mean he’s fake. Johnson was first elected to Congress less than 10 years ago. His son made a decision not to be a pawn for his adopted father’s political career to avoid the public, not his father; and the public are generally terrible, which makes it an appropriate and rational decision.

Countess425, (edited )
@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

I can’t speak to what happened during his upbringing, but if the man I saw as my father, who took me in as a teenager, decided to enter into politics, conservative politics no less, I’d tell him to visit for Christmas but leave me out of the politics. I’d want to go to the grocery and raise my family without being harassed by reporters and crazy random idiots, especially if he was a minor local politician in the community where I lived, but even moreso if national office were ever a possibility. The best way to achieve that would be to not let the general public even know about him, but he can still be in the family text chat and bring the grandkids by to see the rest of the family in person and in private.

The guy just wants Internet detectives like you to leave him and his family alone. Doing a good job of that doesn’t mean anything should smell off.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Word on the street is that American English is actually closer to the English spoken by the British when they first landed and colonized the Americas. After the war they went back to their lil island and forgot how to pronounce their Rs.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

The Renaissance is not “some homogeneous past”, it’s a pretty specific time period: the 15th and 16th centuries.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

That’s not irony, it’s karma? Consequences? Definitely not irony, though.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe you just don’t know the definition of “irony”. People use it improperly all the time. I don’t think anything in that song by Alanis Morissette is actually ironic.

Personally, I don’t think there’s ever an excuse for cheating; academically it really only harms the cheater. People in college offered me a lot of money to do their work for them. I never accepted, but I also never tattled on them. Grades honestly, really, don’t matter in the long run.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

There was an episode of TNG where a “passenger” got onto ship’s comms and was contacting Picard on the bridge. When Picard told the guy that the comms were reserved for ship’s business, the guy asked why they weren’t restricted, if that was the case. Picard said that was unnecessary as people in Star Fleet generally just…behave themselves.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

I call TNG “Adult Contemporary Futurism”

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

This drives my husband insane. He can’t figure out why anyone bothers to walk anywhere. Why do they still use bathrooms when you can just transport the pee from your bladder into the replicator recombinator or whatever?! I assume the transporters must use an amount of energy that makes it inefficient to use for every little thing.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

No, it’s TNG because of all the purple sparkly stuff, big hair, and jazz music. It’s very representative of late 80s early 90s adult contemporary aesthetic, which makes sense because that’s when it’s from. TOS is some other kind of retro fruturism.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

My cat has to sniff the can of cat food after I dump it out in her bowl so she can decide if it’s worth the 4 steps it’ll take to get to the bowl. She’s a cat, she can smell the food in her bowl from less than a foot away. But if she doesn’t get to sniff the can, it might as well be poison for all she knows.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

I was one of these kids. I peed my pants at the airport in like 1992 because I was too scared to use the heavy-duty auto-flush toilet.

Those who have been on prescribed stimulants for many years (>5), how do you manage tolerance and crashing?

I have been on ADHD meds for about 7.5 years now. I started with Vyvanse and my dose was at 70mg in the first year. I was having bad crashes at night, so I switched to Adderall 40mg with 10mg Dexidrine and stayed on it for a few years. Recently, I switched to Concerta 90mg because my tolerance was getting too high and it...

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

This is what I do too. I can usually just get away with two-three days during the work week with meds, and the occasional Saturday or Sunday where I need to get a lot done. I don’t really need to force myself to do more than that; seems on par with everybody else’s productivity. If I use stimulants more than 3 days in a row my brain kinda turns to mush, so that already puts a cap on my usage.

Putin ignoring generals, making war decisions solo, analysts say (www.businessinsider.com)

Putin is largely ignoring the expertise of his military advisors, US analysts said in a report. Instead, he is making most of the key decisions on his own, they said. The experts at the RAND Corporation said Putin has proved more cautious than many expected. Russian President Vladimir Putin is making key decisions about the...

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Advancement in Russia is loyalty based, not merit based. Anybody who says the mobiks aren’t getting the equipment or training they need gets removed/disappeared. A lot of military command does nothing on purpose so they just get shuffled around to a different position rather than excel/fail and put a bullseye on their backs.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

At a certain point, the Allies stopped trying to assassinate Hitler because he would’ve probably been replaced with a more competent leader.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

I spend more time blocking furries on BlueSky than seeing any content of value.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not closed to the general public, any member of the general public can join as long as you get an invite. I’m not sure how to get invites as I don’t interact with BlueSky much, but I was invited by my brother and he’s nothing special on the Internet.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I’m not a fan. I loved her in Rebels, but I can’t figure out why she even wants to be a Jedi? She’s a pretty awesome Mandalorian; just get more guns. Stop torturing yourself trying to sprout magical powers you don’t need.

Then she threatened to shoot the map…while it was in her hand?! And then just gave it to the bad guys? Wtf???

Also the short hair does not suit her. :/

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Most of them are IVF/Surrogacy babies, I think.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Omfg that vegan spam is so bad. 🤮🤮

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

That would imply an authority higher than Elon that he must submit to, and that just isn’t possible.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

I mean everyone involved is probably dead by now.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Well, the US gave Ukraine about $400million in aid three days ago, probably planning to send more soon. That’s how you know what they really think.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Nobody expects you to understand a metaphor. It’s for the rest of us to lol at.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

My friend’s husband does this; he runs a plex server for their family, parents/in-laws, and a brother I think. As the nephew got older he started sending in his requests, too. He also set up an email address just for movie recs and wrote a script to crawl the email inbox and automatically download the top search result. It ended up requiring very little input on his end.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

This is the lord’s work made real right here. Bless you.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

That’s just if it’s unlocked with your thumbprint, since, if you’re being arrested the cops get your thumbprint anyway, but if it’s a password or phrase, you have the right to remain silent, correct?

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

A lot of it is still “pandemic chic” when we all lived in PJs for two years with an occasional smart top for on camera zoom calls. People will get sick of it soon enough (I sure have. If I never see another peasant/little house on the prairie dress again it’ll be too soon). I’m really happy with the boom in bras without underwire, though, I’m never going back to underwire.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

There’s also plenty of fashion from each of those eras op wouldn’t be caught dead in. Garters, girdles, torpedo bras, bee hives as tall as Jesus, shoulder pads…

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Everything old is new again. Everything.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Right? I only wear those little bralette things because attention from people who are really “supportive” of free boobs are just as bad or worse than the attention you get from the “be ashamed of your nipples” crowd. Can’t fucking win.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Lol with the frosted eyeshadow, orange sunless tanning, whale tail thongs, pencil thin overplucked eyebrows, and frosted tips??? Nooooooooo.

Early 2000s really were just so awful.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Not everybody used to be on it. There was a stigma to socializing online. “Don’t give out your address, full name, or credit card info online!!” Shit I don’t want to have to give it to a person these days. Online dating, not my thing, but I love that it’s bringing people together. It’s not as strange to quit your job and move across the country to get married to your internet boyfriend as it used to be.

Most people on the internet are normal people because most people are on the internet.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

That wasn’t the question. The question was about how the internet is different, not the fediverse.

Getting Over a Breakup

How have you successfully gotten over a breakup? I did not end the relationship and it was the most significant of my life. I feel confused and trying to understand why. I’m not sleeping well and my anxiety has decided to resurface. I’m ruminating. I don’t have many people to go to about this. Please don’t say I will...

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Working out and exercising will help boost your seratonin and dopamine levels AND make you too tired to ruminate much at bed time.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

It’s pretty clear Erdogan knew that the deal would not be renewed when he sent those Azovstal fighters back to Ukraine.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

I use it around my hairline before I color my hair so as not to stain my skin.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

We’ll probably get our catastrophic flooding in the fall; it’ll wash out ACL Fest again or Formula 1 or something.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Lol I live in Texas. This is the time of year I let stuff die because I hate to be outside long enough to give them enough water. Soon we will be restricted from too much watering due to dought anyhow.

That said, my tomato plant that grew out of my compost is still making tomatoes even though it’s like 20 degrees too hot, and if I were growing peppers this year (which I am not) they would keep producing as long as I keep them wet. I grew a magnificent pepper forrest during the pandemic and just let it all die after I got my first COVID vaccine. Some of them even survived the 2021 snowpocalypse, but I had better things to do.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

I have lady pockets in the front which do not fit a cellphone, so typically back right pocket.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

Kind of! They fit peppermint wrappers or a (small - nothing CVS-sized) balled up receipt, but that’s it.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

I like Silk’s soy creamer. Original flavor is preferable, but vanilla is still better than anything else. Starbucks’ soy (they only have vanilla), Coffee mate, international delight, etc are all too sweet for me (even, maybe especially the sugar-free varieties). Oat milk is too high in sugar content, almond creamer doesn’t have the right texture. Half and half or milk are okay, though I feel like it masks or neutralizes the nuttiness of my favorite roast.

I try new stuff when I can, and usually switch to something pumpkin spice flavored in the fall, but I always settle back on Silk soy creamer. 🤷‍♀️

Why does smoked salmon look 'raw'? And why does it taste so different from a cooked fillet?

I don’t tend to eat much fish, but in the supermarket earlier I saw some smoked salmon which didn’t need cooking, and some salmon fillets which did. They looked the same really - both ‘raw’. I decided to buy some of the fillet. It was nice, but a very different flavour from when I’ve tried smoked salmon in the past....

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

I they’re referring to cold smoking. It’s just smoking at a temp of like 80 degrees for like 18 hours or something. It’s how you make lox.

@Countess425@lemmy.world avatar

I get so many trash notifications it would just be on all the time and I’d turn it off.

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