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Newly-ish married. How to plan and save for home buying in NYC?

Newliyish married, but the new reality is partner finished law school so going back to the DINK lifestyle. We live in NYC and are lucky to be in a rent regulated apartment. On one hand we realize it’s cheaper to stay there forever, but it’s not the most well maintained building the the amenities aren’t the best… Anyways,...


Saved money isn’t spent money. Sure, we are saving for a down payment, but that’s a multi year project, and if our priorities change we can use the cash for other things. But the point is we are taking advantage of our current low cost rent, and trying to live as if we had that mortgage by putting that difference in cash aside.

Copernican, (edited )

Possibility of kids. But looking in Brooklyn in particular. Our place is big enough for 2 kids now, so trying to buy something similar if needed. There is a doom and gloom outlook we have that rent stabilization or the building won’t be around forever and want to make sure we can buy something if needed similar to what we have as renters.


That’s the thing, our rent stabilized place is has location and size, but the amenities and maintenance of the building are lacking. We have actually been curious about doing some renovation ourselves because it’d be cheaper to spend 10 to 20k on renovation and keep the rent stabilized rates than get a similar apartment at market value and pay that rate for 2 years. So that is why we kind of look at the saving strategy as a test of lifestyle. The thing about the market though is all conventional wisdom says don’t put that down payment in the market if you want to buy in the next 5 years.


My purchasing timeline in reality is probably at least 2 years out. So right now the thought is establish the saving plan. Over the next 2 years actually so the research on home ownership logistics.

I appreciate the advice. Thanks!


Totally am. Not maxing out my 401k, but employer does 100 match of 6 percent which gets me close to the same sum compared to folks that max out with less generous matching. I am also doing the planning on how to back door roth ira next year and just converted my old tIRAs.

Copernican, (edited )

Yes, this is the context missing from the article. There’s the requirement of one party from the 3 party joint venture (fox, comcast, disney) to buy out the other parties if one acquired a majority steak. There was also a lot of politics because Comcast and Disney both got into a bidding war with each other to acquire Fox as well as Sky. So in some sense, although Comcast lost the bid for Fox, they forced Disney to make over inflated bids for Fox and were then on the hook to buy Comcast out for all of Hulu. So there’s a lot of bad blood recently, but it it also goes back to Comcast’s attempt at a hostile takeover of Disney back in the early 2000s that is probably like HBO’s Succession type stuff.


I feel guilty. Without a commute I haven’t read this ever growing stack of New Yorkers and The Atlantic. I’m joking, but serious. Car commute is terrible. When you commute on half decent public transit, you can do shit and was kind of a part of my day to day rhythm. On good days it was almost meditative.

But seriously, who the fuck are these trolls suggesting real tech workers don’t live in NYC. Yeah, the dream is actually living in Jersey City said no one that has money in NYC

Copernican, (edited )

In NYC? No.

Edit: not sure why downvoted. I guess all these young families in Park Slope or 20 somethings living in the East Village or Williamsburg are lying when they say they are working in tech and appear to have pretty manageable and comfortable lives.


I don’t know why I said Jersey City while thinking of my friends in Montclaire, but I’ll stand by my original comment. Stop trying to get me to visit your apartment on a weekend train schedule, bro.


It is clear this general news sub has no frame of reference for NYC. A quick glassdoor check says a software engineer makes 100-160k base, with 25-50k bonus. And that is not including Sr Engineer or Architect titles. A one bedroom or two or 3 bedroom with a dual income in tech makes it affordable to live in the city.


Good for you in minimizing cost and maximizing income. The point is the income is sufficient for NYC living, and a lot of people live very satisfactory lives in NYC with that salary. And part of the reason why you stay in NYC is because you enjoy what the cities offers, which can mean you like spending money on life style and going out.

I have several friends that both rent in NYC and own homes in the Hudson Valley/Upstate. I have friends that max out their 401ks, pay rent, and still go out fairly often. I don’t understand this false claim that tech workers can’t afford the city, hate their lives here, and prefer to live out in the suburbs. That makes no sense. Plenty of tech workers make enough, and love the city, and continue to live here. The challenge is getting people sacrifice leaving their comfortable apartments and neighborhoods in brooklyn and queens to come the shit hole that is mid-town/times square.


So because they have high salaries they need to work in an office? I’m not seeing how that’s related.

Your comment is not related. This is an irrelevant take away. This comment is a thread from:

“I can only imagine the hellish commute a NYT tech worker must endure. Let them work from wherever the fuck they want.”

No one is talking about salary. It’s about the realty that subway (not to mention citi bike and the occasional uber) are easy ways to get around and not “hellish.”


So it’s by choice, not because they are underpaid?


I am high salary work from home as well. I get it. But you did not respond to a thread about commute time. You responded about salary.


It’s a 24/7 subway. It is under funded. It’s gotten worse with distressed folks. But it’s pretty good relative to a lot of other US metros. And commutes always take time. So you can’t fault a method of commuting for that.

Look at shit like the green line in Boston or all these other half assed light rail solutions that share space with car traffic and get held up for auto congestion and traffic lights. NYC subway doesn’t have that.


Yeah, I was thinking this was a mispost and the intended community was supposed to be “fuckbikes” since this ahole is blocking a to go order window that patrons will use.

15 years of Android memories – When did you get your first Android phone? (

My first one was a Samsung Galaxy S1 that I got in 2013 and it was a great little device that was easy to open up and repair. It had only 512MB of RAM but that was plenty for basic phone needs, web browsing and running some Android apps like AnkiDroid at the time.


Droid Bionic. First LTE phone I could get on Verizon iirc? Had to get the expanded battery which made it pretty thicc.


Yep. It didnt age well. After that it was a Galaxy s6, s8, s20fe, then pixel 7 pro today.


Always have lemons and limes on hand. Whether it is for cocktails, cooking, or blending in a smoothie/juice, it will get used.

The sometimes citruses for drinks though are oranges and grapefruit.

One of my favorite citrus cocktails:

MAKAI SOUR (from Laylow in Asbury Park)

1.5 oz mezcal .75 oz Aperol .5 oz lemon juice .5 oz orange juice .75 oz simple syrup 1 egg white 2 dashes Angostura bitters 2 dashes orange bitters pinch of salt

Dry Shake all ingredients without ice until frothy.

Add ice and shake until chilled.

Double strain into coupe glass, or enjoy on the rocks.

Garnish with orange peel.

Oklahoma attorney general sues to stop US's first public religious school (

Oklahoma’s Republican Attorney General Gentner Drummond on Friday sued to stop a state board from establishing and funding what would be the nation’s first religious public charter school after the board ignored Drummond’s warning that it would violate both the state and U.S. constitutions....


Not sure why the party affiliation of the AG matters here. But for on him for suing.


I love my peak designs case, but I also use the mount feature for my bike. The mag safe is also nice for my wireless charging stand.


I think it’s the realization the the community content is valuable, specifically to generative AI companies. Big tech companies with AI ambitions are extracting that value for free. I think reddit is somewhat justified in wanting to prevent that from happening to try to capture that value they have as being the forum for all of this content. My guess is there the same pipe that feeds search is also the same pipe that feeds generative AI tech.


That’s because there was a time when everyone had print subscriptions that were healthy, and the internet just gave them extra money for ads. When you start losing subscribers because everyone is looking at your shit online for free, you learn you need to charge for it.

Copernican, (edited )

The Atlantic is a pretty reputable source. And I think there’s a difference between subscribing to news for news reporting like the New York Times, The Guardian, etc, vs subscribing to magazine like the Atlantic, New Yorker, or New Republic that will give you more political commentary and analysis. Both have a role to play and both need subscribers. I subscribe to the Atlantic on and off (I’ve kind of rotated between the atlantic, new republic, and the nation over time). Primary subscriptions for my household are the New York Times and New Yorker. Then I have my annual membership/donations for NPR and PBS. Gotta support the news and good political commentary. It’s holiday season soon. Subscriptions make good holiday gifts.


I agree. Too many comments and threads are hijacked or over represented by the pro piracy crowd. I wish more communities would just ban the shit post of “yar, time to sail the high seas” that seem to be the top comment on any media related post.

Copernican, (edited )

but where does the media come from? and how do most folks get their media legally?

Copernican, (edited )

I think the difference is folks confuse the general public with the general lemmy user. And I can’t tell if the fediverse and lemmy are supposed to be attempting to be a front page for general folks or lemmy early adopter folks.


Cable is a pipe to get content from TV and Film companies into the home. Netflix was also a pipe to get content from TV and Film companies into the home. The cost of TV and Film isn’t magically cheaper on cable or Netflix. TV and Film companies want to get paid, and that cost gets passed on in the subscription cost. Instead of cable being a one stop shop for bundles and packages of everything, you now have to basically have multiple streaming subs that likely add up to the cost of cable.


It’s the reality of the economics of TV. “TV” is “TV” regardless of whether you get it from streaming or cable. And that means the consumer cost is largely going to be the same. Back when everyone had cable, streaming was probably cheap for 2 reasons:

  1. Subscriber acquisition practices to grow the streaming subscriber base kept cost down even if margins were low.
  2. Streaming was the icing on the cake. So TV companies were happy to make content cheap for streaming when Cable was the main cash cow.

[US] Dual Income Life Insurance Question

My partner recently started a new job. Prior to her employment I had been paying into my employer personal supplemental insurance as well as spousal insurance. Now that my partner has employer provided and options for employer supplemental life insurance, what should we be looking at doing? Do I stop my spousal life insurance?...

Copernican, (edited )

Thanks. For us, our incomes are relatively equal. Currently I make more, but I think my partner has longer term higher earning potential. I am not really looking at it as a wealth generating or retirement investment vehicle. Mostly looking into it as part of benefit elections and modifications since the rates seemed low. The main use for life insurance is really just for risk of untimely death. There are things like student loans, and we live in a high cost of living area as non renters so want the security for each other if something were to happen to not have immediate impact on life style. Both of our default work policies offer 1x to 1.5x annual salary. The supplemental coverage we were looking for each was to add an extra 2x or 3x salary. Child care is something we also think about in the event we have children in the next year or 2 as well.

When it comes to supplemental long term disability… What is considered a decent amount of coverage. If the included employer offers 40% salary, with supplemental up to 60%, how do I evaluate what is right for me? It’s about 700 bucks year for the supplemental through my employer.


Just to be clear, this is ESPP type for a publicly traded company? What are the EU rules for holding?

For me, at Fortune 500 company it’s been great. Not super sexy growth, but most of my lots are stable. And even lots that have lost value have not really fallen below the discount price. I think the challenge for me was the combo if ESPP as well as Stock Option and RSU’s quickly led to a place where I was/am overexposed to the company for my non retirement investment. You need to be disciplined to annually, or quarterly, selling shares and reinvesting to diversify.

On the downside, if shit hits the fan with your company, it sucks. You could lose your job and lot of value in stock if you have so much. That said, if you believe in the company and already have a somewhat diverse portfolio of index funds or other holdings, it’s probably a no brainer to opt in.


Congrats, you username checks out, idiot!


So what makes it new? Is it just bringing in digital pure plays like Netflix and Amazon into the fold of TV industry stalwarts like NBC, Disney, and Disco/Warner? Is it new working groups that focus exclusively on digital regulation as opposed to legacy over the air and cable TV?


I wish I could get there. It works 90% of the time. I can’t figure out what is going on between Zigbee2MQTT and actually updating state. One every week or two I need to reboot the Raspberry Pi to resolve issues. Definitely more reliable than the cloud, but I am not sure what is going on.


Where’s the evidence this group really exists? This article is basically fluff around a social media post with little investigation

Daily Hive has reached out to Coquitlam RCMP and the City for comment.

So the journalist reached out to the city, but not the telegram account for comment?

Copernican, (edited )

Did you read the “article”? There was no research or investigation. It was literally describing a social media post with no investigation to corroborate anything. This is the news community. There should be quality standards for news posts. This is a pretty clear low effort “article” to capitalize a upward trending controversial social media post to grab clicks and ad views.

Copernican, (edited )

What does that even mean. I’m not sure why recognizing local news click bait meant to trigger my liberal sensibilities outs me as a conservative somehow. This headline and post isn’t meant to trigger conservative outrage, it’s liberal outrage. (Also the OP tagline says the news is about sparking outrage.)


I think that’s the question. If trolling, was it someone on the right trying to spout some vitriol to make people of color of leftists uncomfortable? Or was it someone on the left trying to stir up outrage among like minded people.


There’s something about it that makes me think it a “to catch a predator” type meeting to out a bunch of white supremacists. Are they really trying to fish for contact information or get them to actually meet in a room? On the telegram link: “Hello everybody, we are encouraged by the response already and hope you can hang in there until we are all comfortable going in person.”


Also curious if there have been other sightings of this flyer, or if it was the only one? If you only post one flyer in an obscure place, it’s a lot easier to be the main source of documenting a flyer was posted on social media.


I’m a progressive that knows when liberal outrage media is pandering towards me. It’s pretty clear this isn’t pandering towards conservatives.


because it’s from a screenshot on the link from the flyer. They are quoting that. but now that quote has been taken down and linking to a white supremacist website unabashedly. Do you think this is still a legit flyer of someone trying to start a whites only daycare, or someone just trolling?


Reports that don’t corroborate the social media with verification from other interviews, other social media with similar reporting, etc. are pretty bad. This thread has a pretty good break down of why it seems pretty sus that this is a legit flyer:


looks like the telegram preview is updated with a more unabashed white supremacist forum link.


looks like the instagram had screen caps:


That’s more responsible journalism with due diligence. Weird thing is both social media links are basically the same post. The X comment is just someone reposing a screenshot from the Black Vancouver instagram.

On one hand: “CBC News located some of the signs, which had been partially removed, at the Coquitlam Centre, a shopping mall in the Vancouver suburb of Coquitlam, B.C.”

On the other: “As soon as it was brought to our attention, bylaw officers immediately searched the area and all bus stops, but no signs were present. Perhaps being removed by someone else,” said a joint statement from the city and Mayor Brad West."

The article does have a pic of a difference poster than the black vancouver instagram though. Curious if there’s CTV footage to figure out who did this if it was at a shopping mall basically.

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