
@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


This is a very interesting thought: the Dowdy alien you mention has wiped out an entire race of 50 billion beings, but is aware of his crime and lives in self exile. He’s committed an atrocious crime in a rage fit.

On the other hand, the changelings committed a planned crime with intent to cause suffering.

I’m not sure who’s worse: the Dowd by magnitude of the crime, but the Changelings ruthlessly command their Dominion.


That’s a very interesting answer!

It is however true Miles hasn’t really appeared in the MCU (for teenagers and adults) nor is it made to be the main character in “Spidey and his amazing friends” kid TV series (though he’s well featured).

I suppose the Spider verse movies are good at making Miles Morales even more popular and can turn the perception, but new generations still get to see an awful lot of Peter.


Not sure who’ll read this, but I’d love to be able to browse posts I upvoted (as is doable on Reddit).

Hopefully, it’ll be implemented since Lemmy is still in it’s infancy, like another poster said


I’ve never heard of the expression “doom scroll”! It’s awesome! With your permission, I’ll start using it.

I also doom scroll Lemmy every night (which is bad, since I should sleep, but good because I stopped going to Reddit)


I was lucky enough to be working regularly during covid, but I didn’t say I’ve never doom scrolled!

I just never heard the expression on Reddit (which is where I was at the time when wasting… I mean, investing my free time) :)


Apologies for my ignorance, but… What are they?

Are they front ends that strip YouTube of ads or straight different hosting websites, which will certainly incur in high costs to maintain the amount of videos posted to YouTube?

I guess I’ve also seen someone mention Piped. Is it the same thing as Newpipe (if you know)?



Thanks, I’ll check them all out!

So they’re all front ends or apps, they’re not really alternative hosting services!

I have Android on my phone and MacOS on my laptop (I’ve been on Linux for several years, but I unfortunately don’t have time to work on installing it and making sure everything works. Just life changes)


You guys joke about this, but he managed to create a connector with three sides: up, down, and “oh yeah the first side was the correct one”


Somewhat off topic, but related question for everyone: some time ago on Lemmy I saw somebody making a list of awesome Firefox extensions that would make the general browsing experience better. I was not smart and installed some add-ons right away and I forgot their names

I usually have unblock origin, no script, privacy badger always on, but I seem to remember one or two more that sounded cool, like one that should reject all cookies everywhere and never make me click them

Do you have cool recommendations?


Thanks! I already use dark reader so much I’ve become a vampire and can’t stand anything with white background!


Holy cow! This is a very long list of add-ons! I’ll try them out, thanks! I didn’t see either the Fennec or the Mull browsers on the Google Play Store. I suppose I need to install them separately

Edit: grammar

Any way to group communities across difference instances together ?

Lets say I want to ask Lemmitors a question. There might an AskLemmy community at my home server so I can ask there. But there might be a much larger AskLemmy community on a server elsewhere. Is there a way to ensure that people who subscribe to AskLemmy on the other server could also see my post on AskLemmy on my home server ?


I believe we’re called “Lemmings”.

Besides that, I think OP is asking whether certain communities could be joined together (say one mirrors the other, or one redirects to the other), but I suspect this cannot work the way the Fediverse works.

Still, an excellent question!


I’ve been on Lemmy.World for a couple of months and I’ve been enjoying it. I’ve switched between 5 apps. Now I’m mostly on Eternity and I’m enjoying it. The whole experience for me feels like the first few times I was trying Linux out and wasn’t sure what distribution would be for me at the time. It’s true Lemmy.World has downtimes, but I am having a good experience so far. I find I’m less and less on Reddit.

It’s great you gave it several go’s. If it’s not for you now, try again in a while. Apps and instances will get better, they already have

Good luck!


I completely agree with this!

Also, it’s an unfortunate rule of thumb that, when you see a sensationalized headline, most likely it won’t have the effect it claims to have…

Well, let’s hope there’s a steady migration to Lemmy (though numbers are small here)

Edit: added last line


(furiously clicks to delete the partially written answer)


Somehow coming to the Reddit sub Lemmy feels like the “Reddit recovery group” 😁

… Hi, I’m ConstipatedWatson and I’ve not used Reddit for the past 4 days!


I second this as a principle, though I have a hard time not showering once per day. It’s a complicated balance, between not drying your skin with water and soap and not smelling.

I lived in Brazil for quite some time and, it being a huge country, I behaved differently depending if I was in a tropical or subtropical climate. I would mostly have one shower in the morning, except when it was mad hot and humid, when no matter how lightly you dressed, you’d still be drenched in sweat after a while


I’ve never been able to read the manga or watch the anime for various reasons not depending on the content.

I was captivated by the trailers and watched it very quickly. I found it very enjoyable and can’t wait for a possible second series.

Not knowing the source material, I’m not sure if what I’m about to say is trivial, anyhow, I really loved how simplistic (in a good way) it is. The characters are finding out more about themselves and the protagonist wants everyone to achieve their dreams.

Everyone appears somehow one-sided and only bent on realizing their goal, but the actors give life to believable fantastic characters and you follow the fairy tale happily.

I’m not sure if I conveyed how I saw it, but I really liked it!

Netflix’s Cowboy Bebop and Death Note are hard to watch, in comparison

Ever have one of those days?

Days that nothing catastrophic happens, but lots of moderate things happen all in the same day? You wake up not feeling great, so the morning plans are toast. Then afternoon plans fall through. The stuff you do in the meantime doesn’t work out well either. To add insult to injury, dinner just doesn’t come out right. You feel...


Every day is exactly the same (Nine Inch Nails)

Good luck to everyone. Hopefully this chain of bad days will be broken soon


Right! It would have been stunning if it tried to aquire every book published in every language… Though I suppose if certain books are imported and sold, then they would show up in this library


The hero we need, but not the one we deserve


June 22nd, 2023.

I was simultaneously desperately hoping RIF for Reddit wouldn’t die…

Now however, I’m still sad about RIF, but very happy about being here on Lemmy!


I couldn’t find Eternity through the search feature of the Google Play Store, but your comment pushed me to look for it better via Google search. Here it is.

I’ll test it in the next few days. I haven’t found a simple app that works for me yet (but maybe this time it’s a charm). I use Jerboa, Liftoff and Connect for different features, because none of them has them all (and I didn’t fall in love with Sync)

ConstipatedWatson, (edited )

I’ve been using Eternity for a week now and am honestly blown away! I believe their settings are a bit confusing, but they are granular and allow you to customize the app a lot. The final result is really nice. I got it to look similar to what RIF for Reddit was for me, while also trying out some new changes I like. Other apps are nice, for example Liftoff’s interface for settings is the best I’ve seen in any app, since it shows a pictorial demo of what the settings you’ve chosen will look like.

Edit: clarified last sentence

I Tried Reddit Again and it Sucks Now

I installed the official Reddit app and went on it to see what the old place was looking like now. My inbox was filled with spam. The “home feed” shows subs I never subscribed to. There are so many ads. Between the ads and the the extra subs in the feed, it’s hard to just scroll. I also noted a lot of spam in some of the...


It really feels worse now, even in terms of topics in the subreddits for which there is no equivalent here.

Still, until certain things are born here or well populated, I’ll still check it out from time to time.

At least, so far I seem to check it less and less and am grateful for Lemmy and its growth. I hope it keeps growing!

ConstipatedWatson, (edited )

Hold on a sec, you don’t want them to use any of the Highlander 2 revolutionary ideas?


Seriously though, trying to reboot Highlander might actually work. It’s a known property, but really only the first movie had any value (and some of the TV series) and it’s not that well known from younger generations. It’s also not such a classic that you cannot touch it without people screaming (like, say, Ghostbusters)

Edit: grammar

Is Twitter/X really going to shut down anytime soon?

As a disclaimer, I am a passive hater of Twitter/X ie I don’t like it as a toxic social media platform and haven’t used it but I am not asking the users to move to Threads or some other fediverse alternative as a paid promoter. Also I don’t really intend to keep a strict tab on its status since I get any related major...

ConstipatedWatson, (edited )

I still find Slashdot relevant! It doesn’t feel like it faded into irrelevance, only that it stopped growing (it reached its needed critical mass and that was it)

Edit: fixed grammar

ConstipatedWatson, (edited )

I guess I’m out of the loop, perhaps because I mostly browse communities I subscribed to, but…

What happened? Lots of spammy bots signing up and spamming the site? I guess I didn’t notice where I was looking

Also, what does application based sign up mean?

Anyhow, Lemmy.World and Lemmy (in general) are growing nicely, so what’s needed to defend them is cool.

Edit: fixed grammar

How do people find good information on the internet these days?

It used to be that you would do a search on a relevant subject and get blog posts, forums posts, and maybe a couple of relevant companies offering the product or service. (And if you wanted more information on said company you could give them a call and actually talk to a real person about said service) You could even trust...

ConstipatedWatson, (edited )

You hit the nail on the head, mate!

In previous times, I used to follow certain sites more closely, but then life happened and I lost track of things and now several sites have closed and I don’t know where to start.

For example, I used to dig GameSpy for game reviews, but it closed down. I rarely buy games these days, but I don’t know what to read when I do and want to inform myself (I remember IGN, but I don’t know if it’s good). I can check out reviews on Steam, but they’re short reviews.

Same deal goes for PC reviews or computer accessories. I don’t know where to look: everything looks like an ad site. I remember but I don’t know if itself is an ad site or what to compare it to, if I wanted to check a second opinion. Every YouTube video about technology feels like a sponsored ad, though some are legit

Edit: fixed grammar


Thanks! Sorry for the late answer!!!


Thanks! Sorry for the late answer!!!


Thanks! Sorry for the late answer! I am still resisting watching Twitch for lack of time, but if that’s a good source, I’ll go for it!

ConstipatedWatson, (edited )

I haven’t been following this lately and thought every cell phone mounts some form of chip designed by ARM.

When I read about the announcement I even started wondering if it would be sound to buy some shares (a tiny quantity, I’m no gambler)

Several people say it’s a sinking ship and so now I’m thinking I’d better be careful with this idea.

Why is it sinking? Could I ask you guys to sum it up or give me a flavor of why that is?

Edit: fixed grammar

ConstipatedWatson, (edited )

OT but related to the discussion: is there a way to track if and how the fediverse is increasing?

I looked on Wikipedia and it said it’s just about ~67000 users on Lemmy VS ~52 million users on Reddit.

I’m spending most of my time on my phone on Lemmy (and about 5 mins on Reddit) every day now, but it would be awesome to be slowly attracting more users from Reddit over time.

Sure, it’s better to be fewer users if it does lead to more quality conversations (which is what I find so far), but the fediverse still needs to grow!

Edit: fixed grammar and clarity in the last sentence.


This is really nice, thank you!


I’ve been donating to the Wikimedia foundation regularly since 2016 since I believe it’s a resource everyone should have access to.

The Wikipedia is not perfect but, for several topics, it’s a great starting point or recap. I’ve used it for science related queries and, even if the style is not uniform and some entries are hard to read, it is an amazingly useful project which doesn’t get old (and the phone app is fantastic)


While the concepts you expounded are correct, their order is wrong.

Pizza did come after fire and wheel, but it is, of course, more important of them as it is encapsulating the concepts of “fire” in its forging and “wheel” in its shape.

Clearly, pizza represents the pinnacle of human evolution and, if you so desire, you can have it with a topping of penicillin.

Why do I appear as "pending" forever in some communities and why can't I search for some instances I know to exist?

Since I joined joined Lemmy, I signed up for two instances (Lemmy.World and Lemmy.Zip) because I didn’t entirely understand the fediverse and also because it seemed useful to be on multiple instances, since Lemmy.World sometimes has outages....

ConstipatedWatson, (edited )

Reddit has a lot of international subreddits which don’t really exist here on Lemmy (they have like 10 users and they almost never post).

Reddit has huge lively communities. I’m having a ball here on Lemmy, but I too must check Reddit once a day to know if important stuff happened.

Sure, someone could say I should work on jumpstarting these Lemmy communities, but I’ve only been able to to what I can so far (that is, replying to posts and joining the conversation)

Ninja edit: fixed grammar


Well, I’m waiting to drop a standard line that can be deduced from my username, but I still haven’t landed a good post to do so…

Also, I wanted it to be disjoint from my former Reddit usernames


They found me out, got to run away now! 😁


Obligatory reference to the Joe VS the volcano version of 16 tons


I tried Sync yesterday, but didn’t have a lot of time to fiddle with it. What makes it so great everyone’s excited? I checked it out and couldn’t immediately see it having a clear edge over Jerboa and Connect (but it looked nice)

I was further thrown off by the fact that if I wanted to buy it, I’d need to pay for a yearly subscription (and in that case it didn’t look cheap)

Honest question for who can answer


Thanks! I’ve implement your suggestions and am trying them out. It looks nice! I still am not completely sold, but am liking it

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