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Used to like old MoistCritical, now it’s all just drama, stream reactions and an occasional sex toy video. Also took up a gambling site sponsorship for one of the podcast episodes, so I stopped watching him and haven’t seen the channel in like a year. Maybe he has changed though in that time.


I’m going to do a hard disagree here - they don’t have to support Linux, just add compatibility in terms of anti-cheat for Linux. Proton is likely good enough to run the game itself but the anti-cheat sees Linux and just craps itself.

They don’t even have to provide support - League of Legends runs on Linux if you install the game using community scripts and custom proton, and while the client runs poorly nobody spams the Riot Games support about how the “Linux version” client doesn’t work the well because people understand that it’s a community effort. Riot themselves have only made a statement saying how they’ll try not to break the game for Linux users, and that’s pretty much it.

League of Legends is a massively popular game as well, yet Riot barely has to do anything to maintain it on Linux, let community fix issues that come up, let community provide support as it’s their tools.

And while I do understand that porting an anti-cheat to be more friendly to another operating system isn’t an easy task (such as for Rust, where they tried to make the anti-cheat compatible with Linux but it introduced other issues so it got shelved), I think you’re vastly overstating the amount of areas a company has to cover for a game to be playable on Linux.


they probably meant web versions of the app that run both on chromium and gecko (firefox) browser engines


they were playing the long game


Finally an opinion I vehemently disagree with, have an upvote


Here’s something about American politics to provoke a lot of people, especially on this site:

Donald Trump should be elected in 2024 purely to serve as an exam to the left. Liberalism clearly doesn’t work anymore, there’s a lot of discontent in the world and a shift towards far-right politics, while left is almost non-existent in almost any country, it doesn’t have an answer. With Donald Trump getting elected for his revenge term and demolishing democracy, hopefully it’s a catastrophe strong enough for the left to wake up.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon - a pretty good FOSS roguelike, gets updated every month or so. Can be a bit hard to learn and beat the game for the first time but trying to go farther and farther each run is really fun.


I don’t get the hate arch gets - it’s the perfect distro if you want to choose what programs you want to use, it’s not meant to be an out of the box experience. Been using it for 3 years, and sure it might take me a couple of hours to set up initially, but after that I don’t really have to do anything.


I fully agree that it’s bad for users who aren’t that tech-savvy, but I meant it in a more general sense - during my time on Lemmy I’ve seen a ton of posts bashing arch and commenters pretty much calling it a “good for nothing distro”, with the only more hated distro being Manjaro.


It’s just not true anymore, especially with Steam. If a game releases in a sucky, broken state where more development time was definitely needed, nowadays the game companies will often just fix those games over time.


Yeah, 100%. If a game gets released in a mediocre unfinished state, and it doesn’t capture the attention of the player base back then it can certainly kill the game, I agree completely.

However, my original comment was mostly referring to the fact that games can be updated nowadays, unlike in the older days when you bought a game (when buying games was mostly done via retail stores and physical copies) and if the game was bad, it would be bad forever. There’s also the fact that there were a couple of high-profile cases where the game came out clearly unfinished or even unplayable (such as Fallout 76 and Cyberpunk 2077) that have fixed themselves, and if you were to mention that the game was bad at launch and how it was a bad business practice, you’d immediately get told to shut up and to look at what state the game is now.

Has Windows startup repair or a troubleshooter ever fixed your issue even once?

Yeah, basically that. I’m back at work in Windows land on a Monday morning, and pondering what sadist at Microsoft included these features. It’s not hyperbole to say that the startup repair, and the troubleshooters in settings, have never fixed an issue I’ve encountered with Windows. Not even once. Is this typical?...


I would usually have issues with my wi-fi, where the connection after a reboot won’t work and the wi-fi GUI would reset itself everytime i tried. Network troubleshooter would fix it 100% every time and quite quickly, so there was no reason to actually figure out what was at fault.


Finland is capitalist and kind of solved homelessness, with there being around only 1.3k homeless people in the entire country (population: 5.6m, which means the rate of homelessness is around 0.02%).

I don’t think that communism or any ideology is an answer to homelessness, it’s pretty much the job for the government and what kind of systems/reforms they implement.


I personally view crypto and the crypto boom as an experiment in unfettered capitalism - it’s still a new technology, the governments haven’t caught up to it yet so no regulations, yet quite literally 99% of crypto usage was in trying to take advantage of others (scams) and speculation.

The only thing with actual value that came out of crypto was probably Monero, which allowed for completely anonymous payments, something that crypto, when paired with crypto exchanges, is bad at.


I wonder how many Chinese are actually communists considering how it’s the most capitalist country in the world and has been so for a long while, being communist just in the name.


Pro-life crowd bullying other people into suicide is very funny indeed


I mean, your argument basically boils down to “you can’t complain, others have it worse”, which is a toxic take. Should a person who lost a leg not be allowed to complain because someone in the world has lost two legs, and therefore is an annoyed spoiled brat who still has a leg? Should the only people allowed to complain be people on the verge of death, since they’re the people who are the worst off? Does the argument work in reverse as in “you can’t be happy, others have it better”?


Your username says a lot about you and explains why your brain cannot comprehend a disagreement.

The fact that you’re calling me out on not being able to “comprehend a disagreement” while spending hours typing out comments that basically say “lalala I win” filled with personal insults shows 0 self-awareness. If you cannot comprehend the concept of “being respectful” and acting like a rabid dog on any disagreement, the problem is with you.

That being said, you going for personal attacks instead of actually debunking what I said shows that your argument is, quite frankly, shit. Don’t pretend like you’re unaware of this.

"Why are we destroying the economy for people who will die anyway soon?" former UK prime minister Boris Johnson said to have asked at the start of the Covid pandemic (

The claim, branded “horrific” by bereaved families, emerged from notebooks kept by Imran Shafi, Johnson’s private secretary for public service, during the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, an investigation that has been set up to examine the UK’s response to and impact of the pandemic....


Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children economy???


One of the things I really dislike about Linux is how when setting up, there’s a bunch of things you need to troubleshoot, look them up on the forums even though you haven’t really done anything wrong, it’s just how some software works or there’s a bug or there’s some weird setting that’s incompatible with your system.

I wish there were better defaults for software in the future or just better compatibility/more bugfixes so these cases get rarer and rarer, making it comparable to initial windows experience.


but NASA isn’t commie, they are glorious capitalists 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪

there’s no way they use commie software


Surprised to see JS so high up, I expected for it to be much closer to PHP.


Probably a lot of people are going to be like “why didn’t anyone do anything about this???”, completely forgetting that’s happening right now, with likely the same people being climate deniers.


I’m guessing that every person is different when it comes to energy drink tolerance, or there might be some underlying conditions. Back when I used to drink energy drinks, I wouldn’t really feel anything except for maybe feeling a bit more “energetic” but I’m not sure how much of that is placebo. Granted, I wouldn’t drink 6-10 cans a day because I don’t think they taste that good, and would only drink a can occasionally.


Vampires are actually real though, there are some companies in the US that sell young peoples’ blood they bought from blood banks to rich people as blood transfusions.

Now it makes sense why most classic depictions of vampires present them as rich people in their own castles.


I’m someone who doesn’t consent to data collection when it comes to choices given by GDPR - if I visit a new website and I get the popup that says how they value my privacy, I’m always going to customize the settings and have everything disabled.

However, as of “recently” a lot of websites have added a “legitimate interest” button which as far as I understand is a loophole, and unlike the other advertising options, they’re not checked off by default which is annoying.


Chaotic evil, we keep the bread in the fridge.


On powerful PC’s, yeah, my home PC is a rather powerful one and it would take me around a couple minutes to update.

However, I remember two years ago having to use Windows 10 on a school PC (which was a crappy thinkpad) and it took around 1.5 hours to update after I did the mistake of arriving too early and deciding to update the laptop as “might as well, got nothing better to do”, then not being able to do anything for 1 hour.

Though admittedly, the laptop wasn’t updated for a while (guessing around half a year?) so it probably was catching up to updates.


Well, 2 weeks after that happened, I asked my teacher if I could install Linux onto the PC and they agreed. Went for a minimalist arch setup since that’s what I’m familiar with already, and it worked fine. Updates were still somewhat slow but they’d only take around 1-2 minutes maximum, excluding the download times for packages, and it ran smoothly.

That being said, Windows 10 on that craptop was fine for browsing, and boot times weren’t too bad, only taking 30s on average. It’s just that updating the system and using VS (since we were forced to use it as IDE until I switched to Linux, at that point I just went with neovim) were two major pain points.


Literally same, even the years match up lol

‘Call of Duty’ Doesn’t Just Depict Bad History—It’s Pro-War Propaganda (

I just started playing COD Black Ops Cold War because I got it through my PlayStation Plus subscription and wanted to try it out. I’ve previously played some others like Modern Warfare (1 and 2) and WWII. While it always felt a bit over the top and propaganda-ish, I really liked it for the blockbuster feeling and just turning...


I think they were/are getting funding from some US military defense sector, the same one that was funding a lot of pro-american propaganda films. So even without taking the actual campaign/story of COD games into consideration, it’s definitely in their interest to make a propaganda game.


While historically I agree that communism hasn’t worked out (not to be confused with socialism, which did work a few times and failed due to foreign sabotage from US), it’s only been tried a handful of times and there are things to learn from each failure that could be applied to future attempts, just like in science. Scientists didn’t go “yeah we need to stop researching x-rays as it hurt people a few times, doctor examinations are good enough” after lethal exposure killed people.

Also, the example you left above as the parent comment can literally be applied to China, which is one of the most capitalist countries in the world. Does this mean that capitalism inherently is like that?


Capitalism doesn’t have to be a liberal democracy. The sad truth is that authoritarian capitalism, while being something people don’t like, is very effective when it comes to economic growth (just look how China turned into a superpower because of it).

Does this mean that capitalism more or less goes hand-in-hand with ‘fascism’, or is authoritarianism/totalitarianism/liberalism separate from economic systems such as capitalism, socialism or communism?

Speaking of which, assuming that communism is an optional later stage of socialism (which seems to be the consensus), the vast majority of socialist/communist countries have failed due to reasons related to their totalitarian/authoritarian governments, either due to the leader’s death causing power struggles or the oppression going completely against the goals/ideals of socialism or communism and turning it into an oppressive state.

Does this mean that communist/socialist state cannot work because it requires totalitarian regime to establish authority and make everyone play by the rules? Well, no, there were lesser known attempts such as Salvador Allende’s Chile (was very successful for a year, but failed due to CIA running propaganda compaigns, strikes and promoting a coup) and Paris Commune, they both were liberal as opposed to authoritarian, but failed due to mostly outside/external factors.

Payday 3 developer drops Denuvo from the game before it's even out (

It's common practice for PC games today to launch with Denuvo, a form of DRM designed to stop the spread of pirated copies of games, and it's also common practice for developers to remove Denuvo several months after launch as interest (and the risk of piracy) dwindles. Less common is a developer publicly announcing it's removing...


Yeah it’s one of those fake games they put in the movies so the movie company doesn’t have to pay licensing fees


The word woke lost all meaning due to far-right wingers constantly using it as a catch-all term for everything they don’t like.

Also, I love how they made it so the top 3 bad guys are atheists, agnostics (which are pretty much the same thing) and the jewish. They’re not even trying to be covert with propaganda.


It’s natural - reddit does something bad, people look for an alternative, join up then start losing interest either after a while either due to toxicity, seeing content they don’t like, not having reddit features they used, or the low amount of content and start migrating back.

The user count will probably not stop dropping anytime soon, unless reddit does something again and blackout 2.0 happens.


I’m genuinely curious - what do you think communism is? There’s been a lot of definitions over the years and a lot of confusion over the subject, so I’m really interested to hear what do people such as yourself think communism really is that makes them hostile to the idea.


It was a genuine question, but if I’ve struck a nerve with that somewhere, then I’m sorry.


Disco Elysium definitely, as it’s probably one of if not the best written games available right now.

If you want something with more gameplay, you should definitely take a look at Pathologic 2. New content will be released relatively soon for it too (as in a different playable character and story), so it’s probably a good time to give it a shot.


Wasn’t twitter worth way, way less than musk paid for the company’s acquisition (like 2x or more)? If so, the 4 billion evaluation is still probably much higher than what most people were anticipating the company would be worth under musk in 1-2 years after acquisition. Great job elon, exceeding expectations yet again.


I use the same wired earbuds on my desktop PC and on the go, so yes.


I’ve been using arch for 2 years and I’ve been regularly using the forum to troubleshoot issues. The vast majority of posts, at least from what I have seen and experienced were just of people trying to troubleshoot the issue, asking for command outputs, providing suggestions or just wiki links to people who have missed things in the installation or forum links if the issue was solved previously. Sure there might have been some toxicity in some threads, but that’s bound to happen in an open forum.

Maybe I’m super lucky but that’s my experience with the platform. Most of the toxicity I’ve encountered on the internet when it comes to arch and Linux in general was on reddit and lemmy, where people just try to push other distros down and make their own look superior.


If you agree with something, it’s common sense, natural, apolitical. If you disagree with something, its immediately political.

That’s how it works pretty much.


While I don’t particularly agree with the example you’ve given, the idea is correct. In order to have any kind of system (especially at its inception), you need to have authoritarianism of some sort, and in the modern liberal democratic countries, this authoritarianism is in the form of the law and police, who protect private property so capitalists can do their thing.

When it comes to socialism, in almost every case it was done via a military dictatorship, and it’s rather hard to tell if this was done because everyone was copying the big ‘socialist’ countries like soviet union or china, or if dictatorships are the most practical way to do so. With dictatorships there’s a substantial risk of putting someone in power who’s just an opportunist and wants all the power above all else like Stalin, or having a party that doesn’t really care to bring on communism and it turns into oligarchy.

However, it’s not all dictators - Paris Commune was a revolution that had the dictatorship of proletariat, as in the dictator was the working class, and while it failed, it definitely was on the right track, at least in my opinion. You minimize the risks of having a singular dictator, but to succeed you need to have the majority of people on board with the idea, which is a tall order especially today where any talk of socialism is met by misinformed skepticism and years of anti-communist propaganda by the liberal democracy world.

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