@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar


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@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not the guy you asked, and I hope he responds because I’d like to hear his answer too, but a lot of that depends on the Linux distro you select. On rolling releases you get continuous updates automatically, not major upgrades like forced Windows Updates.

Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish (infosec.pub)

Youtube let the other shoe drop in their end-stage enshittification this week. Last month, they required you to turn on Youtube History to view the feed of youtube videos recommendations. That seems reasonable, so I did it. But I delete my history every 1 week instead of every 3 months. So they don’t get much from my choices....

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

People despise ads, but then they want content for free.

You have it perfectly backwards: YouTube wants content for free, and to not have to share any but the most pitiful fractions of ad income with the ACTUAL content creators.

YouTube does not produce content, others do. YouTube has gone out of its way to dick the vast majority of them, especially the smaller ones, to the point that as such, unless you have a Patreon, a website or store of your own, corporate sponsors, merch, or some other side hustle in addition to making YouTube content, you’re literally making content for a fraction of a penny per view, and entirely at your own cost.

And even then, you’re subject to an algorithm over which you have no control and which can just as fickly ban your content to oblivion as it can raise your content to the multi-million views club. By skipping YouTube ads and finding other ways to support the content creators I enjoy, I help give my creators a financial buffer from the unpredictable vagaries of the algorithm and also withhold reward from YouTube as well.

When YouTube shared ad revenue with content creators in a much more equal fashion, I did not have a problem with their ads. But several years ago – I want to say six or seven, but it’s been going on for at least ten – YouTube got greedy with the ads AND with becoming incredibly unstable and unreliable for creators in all manner of ways AND decreasing payouts to creators all along the way, at which point it became clear that me watching an ad or not no longer affects the content creators I enjoy at all. And they are the only reason I am on YouTube to begin with.

(And don’t get me started on all the copyright/demonetization scams there are on YouTube now: I have a friend who got a copyright strike for playing a C scale on a piano because some asshole claimed it and YouTube lets them do it: even when a creator gets views, they can get demonetized at a drop of a hat even for obviously ridiculous claims, and then that revenue goes to the person making the copyright claim. Win/win for everyone except the person who actually made the content.)

Over the years, YouTube has never failed to excel at two things: server space, and fucking its golden geese, the creators of the actual content, without which no one would be making any money there at all. So get back to us when YouTube recognizes the creators of the gold mine they have in the content hosted there, and once again finds a way to respect for the amount of time and effort and cost that goes into creating that content by sharing revenue with content creators in a more equitable manner.

TL;DR: Why should I watch ANY YouTube ads at all when I can support content creators via Patreon or a creator’s website and know that a much more equitable amount of that revenue will go straight to the creator of that content, where it belongs?

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

On PC: Click on the little uBlock Origin symbol on the url bar, then click on the little gears in the middle right to go to the dashboard, and then select the Filter Lists tab.

To begin, ensure that the first option, auto-updating filter lists, is turned on unless you have a reason for it to be off.

Then, make sure that you have ALL the ad-related filters turned on, and all the annoyances filters selected as well. Only some are selected by default so you need to look them over carefully. Look over the other filters while you’re at it and turn on any others you’ve missed that you think you might want.

Then, once you have enabled all your desired filters, select “Apply changes” and then “Update Now” via the two large buttons at the top left of the page. You should see all the filters go from an orange triangle to something else. Export your new settings if you want a backup of what you just did, and close.

If a filter list you turned on breaks something, just turn the newly enabled ones off again OR whitelist the broken site. But honestly you shouldn’t have any problems, the uBlock Origin filter lists are pretty fine-tuned these days. I have them ALL turned on, lol.

I’ve done this several times over the last few weeks as I’ve been trying out Linux distros and refuse to use Firefox without ad-blocking. Let me know if you have any problems.

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

You can state that it’s a valueless thing that anyone could replicate . . .
I’d take your argument further back on the sourcing of getting content to you . . .
why should you pay for internet service . . .

Yeah, except I didn’t say that, nor any of the other strawmen you erected to slam down.

What asinine aggrandizements and distortions. “Why should you pay for internet service” lol. (Reading your response I am momentarily rethinking it, certainly.)

Get back to me when you can address what I actually wrote, and not what you need me to have written. Thanks.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Great call, thanks for adding that.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar


Because it is a data collection/ ad delivery system before it ever gets around to being your OS and doing what you, the user, need it to do.

If you were to install a 3rd party firewall or a packet sniffer on that machine you could see for yourself just how much of your OS is dedicated to collecting data and sending it home to the mothership. But you couldn’t turn it off without a lot of tinkering, if at all, because MS apps often require ongoing verification to remain active, especially Office 365. And on top of that, you mention

chrome (no choice) and acrobat

Google is equally horrible, and Acrobat is almost as nasty. I’ve had rashes that were less persistent than Google Update and Acrobat Update services. You can turn them off, it’s easy to do, but expect them to be turned on again with every Windows Update. Those are sucking down some serious CPU cycles and network bandwidth too.

Turn off what you can of these. It will help . . . some.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

It’s absolutely Reddit doing that. Buts use API calls, and Reddit has API calls locked down now. Bots have to request access, at the very least.

And given Spez et al’s overwhelmingly stalwart commitment to honesty, transparency, and not fucking over his user base (lol) how are you so sure it’s not Reddit doing that, when that’s exactly what they did to boost numbers when Reddit was new?

Huffman and Ohanian first began Reddit by submitting links from various fake accounts.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t see Reddit being able to scale upvotes based on content alone without a massive AI army.

You say that as though Reddit cares about the content of a post when manipulating its upvotes, AND as though you have no idea who Sam Altman is or that he was on Reddit’s board for several years.

Of all the things Reddit can’t or won’t do, AI is absolutely NOT one of them.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know why Reddit would deal in bots when it has more powerful tools at hand.

Cheap, easy, impossible for outsiders to quantify, approaching IPO and cash to be made, keeping ad revenue the same without revealing how many actual users have fled the site, etc.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

no bot is needed.

For vote manipulation, no.

For faking user engagement and creating content and pretending like hordes of actual humans haven’t left and real eyes are actually looking at all these ads, yes.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Why is a military training area like Cop City needed for street-level police in a democratic society?

Why is Cop City so important to those in power that killing unarmed protesters is necessary to defend it?

Speaking for myself, the answer is simple. I don’t think Cop City is intended for police in a democratic society, and never was. Hence Cop City itself, the massive funds invested in it, and the overkill used to defend it against unarmed protesters.

But that’s just me, I guess.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Someone who shoots back is probably not unarmed.

Indeed. But I do not believe Tortuguita ever shot back. He was known to be unarmed and against violence.

From personal experience as an ex-gun-owner I can tell you that you literally cannot put a gun in the hands of someone who hates them: they won’t take it and will refuse to let you hand it to them. It’s like you’re trying to hand them something radioactive. Even if they want to see it they still want you to hold it for them to look at, lol. So I don’t believe for two seconds that one of the protesters suddenly handed him a gun after many months of non-violent protest and he just as quickly decided to shoot it . I just don’t.

Rather, I believe it is far more likely the cop got hit by one of his own, “friendly fire,” and a gun was later planted on Tortuguita. Cops have done far worse with far less motive than this, so it’s not even a stretch to believe.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not the one you asked, but speaking for myself, reliably working Visual Basic. It’s what sets MSOffice apart for me, and honestly I just prefer it.

LibreOffice isn’t bad; when I moved a heavily customized installation of Word to Writer I found it’s fairly easy though time-intensive to switch, and sports a similar enough interface. But without all the VB macros that were impossible to run or recreate in Writer it pretty much fell flat. On Linux, VB can be problematic even if you’re running MS Office via Wine or Play on Linux, and just fail to load at all even if the rest of Office works fine.

Also, there’s LibreOfficeBasic: good, but not the same. For example, in Word and Excel there is a specific long form time and date macro I use to accurately and instantly preface entries in the body of an ongoing doc with just a single click; it saves a lot of time and errors and it’s worth taking the time and trouble to recreate. But I wasn’t able to. I searched and searched in LibreOfficeBasic but could not find any equivalent in LibreOffice that would allow me to do the same simple little thing.

That was a couple of years ago. It might be better now, but because so much of what I use MS Office for involves speed, precision, and dependability, that’s my holdout. I’m testing distros now, and have Zorin Core loaded for another try specifically with MSOffice because Zorin makes a big deal about having Windows app support built in, but so far it’s been dicey: when I load it, will it just work?

I’m going to Linux either way, I’m done with MS, but that’s my holdout.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Endeavour OS. . . . everything I’ve needed it to do, with the exception of a few games has worked either right out of box or with minor tweaks.

If I may ask, have you tried MS Office on your Endeavour OS box, and if so, what version and what were your results? Seriously, if you have a minute, I’d really appreciate hearing your specific experiences with MSOffice if you’ve tried it on Endeavour.

I inquire only because MSOffice is the only reason I wasn’t on Linux years ago, and any distro that can run MSOffice out of the box, macros included, I will install today. Not exaggerating: I have been trying out various distros for the last month, and MSOffice is literally the sole dealbreaker. I even have an Endeavour Cassini Nova LiveUSB ready to go; I’m on Zorin 16.3 Core right now for the same reason.

Let me know if you can, and thanks in advance.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, as a Windows user it’s very intuitive and easy to navigate. My only problem with KDE Plasma, and this would not prevent me from using it altogether, is that there’s this relatively large hover window that pops up if you accidentally swerve the mouse over anything on the task bar, and takes a couple seconds to die. Soooooo irritating.

This hover thing would probably take thirty seconds to turn off if I knew how, but it’s hard to search for when I can’t figure out what it’s called, and “hover” doesn’t get me anything useful.

If I could turn that shit off I would have zero problems with KDE Plasma. It’s a legit great interface.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I’ve tried and still am trying, lol. I’m still going to move the rest of my stuff to Linux, regardless, but I need one box with an operable copy of MSOffice at least for now.

I’ll definitely keep EndeavourOS on my list of distros to try, especially because it has all the resources of Arch behind it. That’s a huge plus on its own. Thank you for taking the time to reply!

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Right click on the panel (Not running application) -> Task Manager Settings -> General -> uncheck “Show Tooltips”

I will absolutely try this as soon as I have a Plasma DE loaded again. THANK YOU. Seriously.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

No, I have not. I actually thought you were talking about OpenOffice but looked it up to be sure, and no, I’ve never heard of OnlyOffice. I will definitely give it a shot. And thank you for the VBA conversion plugin as well, that will be awesome if it works for me. Much appreciated.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Pharmacists are also licensed professionals. If ANY healthcare worker cannot carry out the core duties of their profession, for whatever reason, in an equal manner regardless of personal belief and/or the identity of the patient, their license should be revoked.

Why do we maintain the licenses of individuals who cannot or will not complete the duties of the job for which they are licensed? To me, that defeats the whole purpose of a licensing system for healthcare workers. It’s not a license to dispense only to people with whom you agree and when you want to do so; it is an assurance on behalf of the community that you will carry out your duties professionally and ethically toward all, without exception.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

When your OnlyFans is also your GoFundMe

Good for her! There is no shame in OF, there is only shame in how little she was getting paid to teach kids.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Look at the post history. Or alternately, just assume all their posts are exactly like this and save your brain cells the accelerated aging due to abuse.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Being open-source

Yeah, that. That’s exactly the problem. To quote @Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever above, who put it much better than I could:

. . . the main issues boil down to concerns over some parts of the Snap ecosystem being closed source, Canonical’s ongoing efforts to try to get some of the Red Hat “premium linux” money, and arguments that other solutions (e.g. flatpaks and appimages) are “just as good, if not better”. And it doesn’t help that Canonical/Ubuntu is increasingly pushing snap as “the only solution” for some applications.

When you speak of no single One True Way and things being completely open source, Canonical/Ubuntu have already left the chat.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Those are all valid points, but there’s one more. As a person who is just coming back to Linux after 25-30 years and relearning it all from scratch, I just don’t want the hassle.

Sure, there’s overlap between distros, Linux is Linux, and any knowledge I might glean from Ubuntu would also largely apply to any other distro – but why should I bother with investing time into a product that is already heading toward future politics and regressive policies when I can just install [NotUbuntu] and swerve the entire mess?

There are hundreds of distros from which to choose these days, literally. Why start with one that’s already obviously moving toward the dark side? For all that I could just stay on Windows. I’m trying to get away from triple-E and paywalls and gatekeeping, not just find different ones.

Right now I’m testing out over a dozen distros on an old laptop in my spare time, and I think the only Ubuntu related one in my list is Pop!_OS, and it’s there only because Pop!_OS doesn’t rely on snap.

It’s one of those you should know what you’re doing situations

And I absolutely DO NOT, so that’s that, lol. These days every brain cell counts, so damned if I’ll waste any time wading into that mess.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve been doing the same thing, trying out distros on an old laptop in anticipation of moving all my machines over to Linux.

Linux Mint is by far the most popular for noobs on older hardware, has a clean if simple interface, and will run on tiny amounts of RAM, so if you have no other suggestions and don’t know much about Linux, I’d say start there.

Linux Mint is not Ubuntu, but based on it, so there’s a lot of support. As a Windows and Mac user I found the Linux Mint “Cinnamon” desktop environment easy enough to navigate, it’s solid in terms of broad hardware support, and there are a LOT of resources if you have questions, want to watch a tutorial, or need a helping hand, all pluses for a noob. (And I don’t think I had to touch the command line once, when I had it installed: bonus.)

But the cool thing is that most Linux distros have a “LiveUSB” install, meaning that you can load the .iso of your choice onto a 4GB USB drive, boot off the USB, and take the hardware for a spin without installing anything. LiveUSB means you can try as many distros as you like until you get tired of making USB drives, and all for free.

Somebody else here suggested “Ubuntu” to you without saying another word about it, but there’s a lot more to it than that. You still have to pick a desktop environment, for example, and while there’s nothing wrong with plain Ubuntu, I honestly don’t think that’s the most user-friendly distro you could start with.

Try it, see if you like it. Most distros are completely free, including Ubuntu. But if you’re just looking at finding ONE to start with, again, try Linux Mint: it’s popular for Linux noobs for a reason, it’s stable, and even if you find you don’t like it, it’s a great place to dip your toe in and see how Linux works for you personally.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I am testing both, so for me a mix of both is best.

While it is nice to install a distro with a given desktop environment OOTB, you can always change it, and even have multiple ones installed at the same time.

This is true for Debian, but not for many others. Even Fedora ships with preloaded DE “spins” now. And changing it post-install requires more than beginner level knowledge, specific to that OS. For someone coming over to Linux directly from Windows/Mac, that’s not really feasible upfront.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

She got outed again today by the reporter of The Verge article.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

On 10 right now, but honestly have had enough of the whole Windows ecosystem. (Like today I ran across a look at these exciting Windows 11 September updates! woo! aren’t you excited! video, and it was almost all embarrassingly cosmetic. Except for the part where they’re finally adding native support for archive formats (.7z, .rar, .tar) that everyone else has supported for decades: how fucking charming am I supposed to find that announcement after all these years of using 3rd party apps, when the probability of the native support being buggy as hell is very high? And that was just one example; there’s a full list in the description box.

No thanks. It’s clear they did all this just to be able to simultaneously slather AI hooks all through the OS works, free for now but not forever, and I’m just not interested in that either. Nothing against AI, I just don’t want it integrated into my OS. I also like my privacy, believe in keeping my own shit on my own computers, and enjoy not having a significant portion of my hardware computing load dedicated to the collection and sale of my data.

But MS isn’t the only game in town anymore. I tried some hardware-light Linux distros on a 13 year old MacBook recently just to see what the fuss is about, and was gobsmacked at how well they ran with 4GB of RAM and a slow (by today’s standards) processor. Holy shit. So I did a bit of hardware upgrading so I could run even more, and yesterday I installed Fedora 38 with KDE Plasma on that same MacBook with 16GB of RAM and a 1T SSD. It picked up every bit of that hardware on its own, too; I didn’t have to configure a thing.

It’s almost too easy, lol. It’s Linux so I thought I was going to be overwhelmed with command line shit, but no, not at all: the few times I needed the command line, the exact syntax was a web search away, with plentiful discussion, documentation, and even demo videos to choose from.

And if I don’t like it, I can try as many as I like off USB drives until I see something I like and decide to install that instead, and there are literally dozens, if not hundreds of distros now.

So Microsoft can keep that AI-ridden ad-ware Windows 11 shit. I’ll keep 10 for now (installed on a 7 license, lol) until I’m fully comfortable with Linux, and then that’s that.

Put it this way. I now have a screaming fast machine that runs on 13-year-old hardware where every software I could want for it is free, open source, and backed by a gazillion gurus both pro and amateur for whom no question is too arcane; why the hell should I give that up for the baggy, bloated, slow, privacy-invasive advertising delivery service that is Microsoft Windows?

I know there will be issues with Linux as I get to know it and use it, just because there are issues with every OS. There may even be things I find I can’t get past, and if that happens I try other distros or suck it up, lol. But fuck MS if they think I am going to pay actual cash to help them serve up my privacy while they deliver unwanted ads to me every time I boot it up.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk, lol.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

VPN providers sell you anonymity. So if they can’t operate without disclosing, they will lose their customers. I’m positive no matter what, VPN companies will find a way to avoid these situations . . .

That assumes the full integrity and commitment to transparency of the VPN provider. It also assumes that a specific VPN is an independent operator, and not doing business with or for a specific government. It also assumes that the VPN hardware is based in a country that can and will shield it from international law enforcement and civil lawsuits.

That’s a lot of assumption. Maybe those things are reliable today, but they may not be forever.

I’m not saying don’t trust them, I think they’re in the business because they believe in privacy, but anyone depending on VPNs to do what they do anonymously online should always have their eyes open and ears to the ground on this. Never underestimate the fact that most people can be brought, companies can be sued out of existence, and even “democratic” governments can make an individual’s life absolute hell when they feel like it.

I’m old enough to remember the hell that Phil Zimmerman went through just for creating PGP in to 90s, ditto Penet around the same time.

And while Zimmerman was in the US, Penet was in Finland, which many people thought made it safe, possibly including Julf himself. It did not. Finland did not attack Julf or Penet; instead, organizations from around the globe that were threatened by the existence of an anonymous remailer mounted multiple simultaneous legal charges against Julf and Penet to the point he had to shut it down, and there were many points between start and finish where users had no idea what had been exposed to interested governments and what had not.

I said all that to say this. If your online safety from legal issues depends on a VPN, then never assume. Learn, keep on learning, and be ready to shut down and split at a moment’s notice.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

This is an excellent answer, and the most realistic one I’ve seen so far.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

He wasn’t laughing, he was overcome with a sudden craving for Ovaltine. He’ll be with you in a moment.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly so. Really good analysis. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Margot, do Lemmy.world communities have a need for more moderators these days? Serious question.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I can see kbin.social/m/functionalprint just fine from my own lemmy.world account, if that helps.

This doesn’t involve all of Kbin, just a select few communities that have been hosting waves of spam.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

just ban me

Or maybe grow up and take charge of your own life instead of acting like a dick and waiting to see if anyone scrambles to eject you, lol.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Your prediction was spot on. See the /r/cqs/ sub if you want your rating messaged to you privately, and this comment if you just want to have their automod tell you in the comments:


Here’s a comment with the actual automod script:


I couldn’t resist, I went there – only to realize I haven’t been irritated over someone else’s online shit in quite a while, so being off there is worth it for me. Also, going by personal experience, in any online forum including Reddit I very rarely if ever get my comments removed for cause, but I do not respect powermods at all: according to comments I read in the OP I was warned to expect to see that in my score, and I believe I did.

Fuck 'em, they can have it. So very glad I’m gone.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Behold, Jesus was feeling particularly agile and motivated that day, so for that single moment in eternity, verily He said unto His holy self, “Holy self, today I’ma be a fucker AND a tapdancer.” And lo, so it was. Hence the recent confusion.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

They’ve also done some fuckery with the downvotes. I noticed that right around the time of the mass exodus, certain comments could not be downvoted lower than zero, and posts could not be downvoted lower than some percentage in the teens (14% or 12% upvoted, something like that). Even Spez’s infamous town hall post where he laid all that shit on Christian Selig in June, which was literally getting downvotes in the thousands, never went below some teen percent upvoted, when in reality it had to be far fewer.

I got the same impression looking through the above post as well: lots of people disagreeing with the admin (who disappeared VERY quickly when asked anything of substance) but they somehow seemed to maintain a vote count in the single digits anyway.

I could be wrong about this second point, I haven’t been there in a while, but the first one I’d swear to: check it out on old Reddit if you’re interested.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I just got my first permanent ban from a legal advice sub

Lol, wear that as a badge of honor. I mean this seriously. If you’re talking about r/legaladvice, last time I looked there wasn’t a single real attorney in the mod list, and most of the mods are LEOs and ex-LEOs.

I am not at all surprised by you saying that you don’t break the rules, you behave well, yet you got a permaban from them: unless you’re just making legal shit up or in with the power mods you don’t last there.

When a place like that kicks you out, they’re giving you the highest compliment they have as humans to give – by telling you that you’re not like them and do not belong – even if that’s the opposite of their intention.

Like I said, wear it as a badge of honor. You wouldn’t fit on 4chan or kiwifarms either. But I bet you do just fine everywhere else. Take it as the high compliment it really is.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Posts can’t go below zero score

On old Reddit if you look up in the upper left of a post, it will give you a “% upvoted” figure, and that’s what I was referring to, just so we’re clear. But you’re right, in terns of actual (sort of) vote count, posts can’t go below zero.

There’s also artificial Reddit votes where someone upvotes and Reddit adds a downvote to delete their vote

That one is new to me. Though I do not doubt it: it goes hand in hand with all the other vote manipulation they’ve gotten up to lately. If I may ask, where did you see this?

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

harassment warning on my account for calling spez a loser

Not a bad hill to go out on, lol

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

That actually makes sense to me. I’ll explain, but before I do I just want to say you are 100% right, people who are overpaid on benefits DO have to repay: unemployment, SNAP, etc. You weren’t wrong at all.

But again, that sub is run by LEOs, and LEOs tend to skew profoundly right in their beliefs and political leanings. One of the most common tropes among that group are Reagan’s welfare queen, and of course anyone on SNAP. You just made a real world, factual observation that involves someone on SNAP -not- being allowed to lazily suck freely at the national tit; to them it’s like you slapped Tucker Carlson upside the head and called him a useless twat. Not wrong, but of course they had to ban you, lol.

Like I said . . . badge of honor.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Left it, lol. There’s no place for genuine interaction over there anymore, or very little.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

No, individual vote fuzzing started years ago, and is a separate factor. This is new. What I am speaking of started within the last year, and involves the percentage upvoted to not dip below a certain threshold. To reiterate:

On old Reddit if you look up in the upper left of a post, it will give you a “% upvoted” figure, and that’s what I was referring to, just so we’re clear.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Is this like some kind of reverse psychology shit, where a demand to not scrape or crawl the data is supposed to make people go oh, yeah, I must be missing some great data! instead of staying away from it in droves because X is the cesspool it has now become?

I mean yeah, there is some fraction of good material there, but increasingly it is just the worst that society has to offer, the cockroaches that came scurrying out when Trump turned the light on for them.

As an individual I want no part of that, yet it seems to me that before you’d spend time scraping or crawling data, you’d actually want the data. I would rather scrape catshit off my shoe than scrape that hot mess. At least catshit is more honest, and chances are lower that I will have to pick swastikas out of it.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

You’re coherent as hell, I know exactly what you’re trying to say. I’m not a New Yorker but I am old and very much an art lover, so I remember a lot of the names you just threw. Though I wasn’t a fan of pretty much anything she was involved with, her influence is inescapable and has a much farther reach than just pop music.

And maybe I’m remembering incorrectly, but while she wasn’t the most generous of patrons that ever lived, she did throw some of that ex-Beatle cash into the art scene from time to time as well, and was involved in many a fundraiser, maybe still is. That may not make a whole lot of difference in terms of changing a band from Sound A to Sound B, but over time, quietly, she really has changed the art world.

You took people and events I barely remembered and fleshed it out into actual facts very handily. Thank you for taking the time, and I hope by the time you’re reading this you’ve gotten some sleep.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar


I’ll add that to the list of distros I want to try, I hadn’t seen it before but it does run on minimal hardware. I like that it’s built on Arch because Arch itself is a good OS, but intimidating for a noob, lol. According to Distrowatch.com it’s near the top of their page hits so it must be popular. Thanks for the recommend!

Bungie will ban you for running destiny 2 on Linux.

That is so bizarre to me. According to this article, Destiny 2 was already playable on Linux when it was officially ported to Google Stadia, and no one, not even Bungie, can explain why they won’t support it on Linux or Steam Deck, much less ban a player for trying. That’s crazy.

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