@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar


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@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Our military can stomp out any invaders.

Not when you’re busy inviting them in the front door, fool.

What do you think the letters “NATO” stand for, anyway?

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I can’t support someone who keeps supporting Israel

Then anyone Republicans put up for election is off your list. That’s been the deal for the last several decades, evangelicals support Republicans because Republicans support Israel. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” and all that shit.

Even Trump took a fairly resolved situation, which was that the capital of Israel was in Tel Aviv (separating the government and the state of Israel from the hotly debated religious claims to ownership of Jerusalem and various sites there) and decided it was too much peace for him. So out of the blue in 2017 he said the US will now recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Cue completely foreseen and avoidable anger and unrest on multiple sides.

There are a lot of people in this thread saying the president doesn’t have much power, but there’s a good example: with the stroke (or spasm) of a pen the orange antichrist effectively moved the capital of a sovereign nation. No Congress, no Senate, no judiciary needed. And in doing so he set back peace in that region to 1947 levels. We’re at the six year mark of that act now: tell me, how is that working out for Israel and Gaza?

But if Republicans are elected, expect more of the same, because the evangelicals are not only convinced their salvation is dependent on their support of Israel, and that “god” will turn a blind eye to their MANY sins if they do this consistently, they are ALSO trying very hard to get Jesus to come back on the return leg of his promised round trip, so they will do everything in their power to destabilize the Middle East because they think that by doing so they can force the divine hand. Or, to use the parlance of that group, they believe war in Israel means they will be taken up in the Rapture. To Glory. While the rest of us bake in the detritus they have left behind.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

This I can do. Thanks!

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I believe a USB WiFi dongle will be a better idea than modifying live images of various distros

Yeah, you and me both. But I’d be willing to do it for one or two, just to be able to prove that THIS laptop can and will run Linux with its current hardware, should he choose install it.

Also, the only thing lost by modifying LiveUSB trials is my time. If I corrupt the image, or it doesn’t work, or I make it crap out somehow – all of which is likely, lol – I still have done no harm at all. It’s just a USB stick. And I will also have learned a few things along the way, like how Linux distros install and use drivers.

you would be installing the firmware on the Linux system, not onto the WiFi module.

Then technically (not that I personally have the chops to do it) this “firmware” could also be something plugged into the distro on the LiveUSB stick along with the wl driver. That distro is getting its current drivers from somewhere on that USB already, so I’m not reinventing the wheel, just adding to what is already there.

I guess I just have to read up more. Thanks for letting me know the difference.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

God yes. Librarians are fierce. I’m not even kidding. They are all soft and cuddly until you’re flatly wrong, and then they assault you with unrelenting presentations of correct knowledge until you either tap out or die.

These librarians will NOT give up, they will NOT stop. And I pity the defendants in these lawsuits, because these plaintiffs are like law clerks but mutant: one of their many superpowers is reading the minutiae, and that is what winning cases are made of.

None of this is a joke. I volunteered at a library for a while, and got to see how the sauce is made. Librarians are a special type of being who have found their tribe at work, and quietly hone their superpowers of observation and data collection while the rest of us mortals just browse. They can navigate any type of knowledge, and learn whatever they want, because they already know where to find out what they don’t know. And I guarantee these librarians have already read the entire statute and relevant cases, probably before they even approached an attorney. It’s what they do.

As an aside, have you ever seen two librarians square off on opposite sides of an issue? I have. It is . . . formidable. If the judge they get is even remotely interested in the due application of law (read: non-partisan) then these defendants are SO fucked, lol.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

McMurdo Station will not be going entirely dry, the National Science Foundation confirmed. Researchers and support staff will still be able to buy a weekly ration of alcohol from the station store. But the policy shift could prove significant because the bars have been central to social life in the isolated environment.


@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I’m taking her story way too personally to be anything close to neutral. I thought that was clear, but okay.

Your reaction was my first reaction as well, but slightly different because to me it was as though the pic was taken by an abusive adult about to swing down on a young child.

That’s not in the pic either, but I take my baggage with me wherever I go, lol.

No harm done either way. In my opinion what we’re seeing in pictures like these is exactly what we need to see in order to heal ourselves, little reminders of work yet to be done and memories still in need of attention. And you’re already self-aware enough to know that you’re not approaching it neutrally, so you’ve already started the work. You’re golden.

So I’m saying I’m glad you posted, because even though you managed to provoke some downvotes, there is a cosmic fuckton of unaddressed domestic violence and abuse that colors our society and permeates every little corner of daily living that we would all do well to address. This pic is triggering as fuck for people who have had to live under that, whether it be physical abuse, or the unseen but worse emotional/intellectual abuse that this woman say motivated her ex to take and send this picture. It’s all one and the same.

Thus it’s not what’s wrong in you that reacted to this pic the way you did, it’s what’s already RIGHT in you that so forcefully showed you what was skewed in it. You have a conscience and a caring heart and a willingness to pipe up and say this isn’t right. We could all do with more of that. Well done, IMO.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

1819 News published the username to Copeland’s Reddit and Instagram accounts, writing that he posed “in various outfits, some more racy than others.” The blog also said that Copeland used the pseudonym “Brittini Blaire Summerlin” and posted pornography and advice on chemically transitioning.

So he wasn’t just cross-dressing, he was actively interested in transitioning, to the point that he was able to advise others. He also apparently did not have overt anti-LGBTQIA+ values, beyond being a member of the GOP.

Honestly, I’m sad for him, and for his family who apparently knew and loved him as he was. In a small town, you often don’t get to choose unless you choice involves moving away, and sometimes you just get trapped. I get the sense he was one of these: a good person, trapped not just in the wrong body but in the wrong town, where you’re either a church-goin’ Trumper or openly hated and ostracized.

I know there will be a lot of cheer about leopard face eating and karmic retribution, but I won’t be joining in this time. If he were full in he’d have made open anti-LGBTQIA+ statements instead of embracing it, albeit anonymously, in his online personas. No leopard here. I feel nothing but sorrow for this man and his family.

But the rest of the small minded fucks in his small minded town who were laughing and pointing? And the asshole who outed him? Now THAT’S a different story, and I hope their laughter becomes a curse to them.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Mary Kay Letourneau. Dead now, but it was almost as big as the OJ trial back in the 90s. Jesus, that was some head-twisting shit. Still is to me because of all the back-and-forthing between it was consensual/it was not/it was/it was not over the years since then, though I am inclined to go with whatever the young man says he thinks of it, especially now that he’s grown and can see it with adult eyes.

But yeah. Underage, it’s up to the parents to be involved. These days, porn is everywhere, and they’re gonna look. They probably see it long before any parent suspects they do, because it’s a lowest common denominator situation: kids will see porn at school at the age when another kid brings it in and shows it to all their friends, or maybe they will see it at home and be that kid. This teacher being on OnlyFans does not somehow make porn more prevalent, because porn is already everywhere.

So to me, the only hypocrisy involved is with the school board. If they want to have a say in employee moonlighting, they need to pay the wages to support that. Why should this teacher give more of a shit about the tender young souls in her classrooms than the school board and city do? If they cared, they would hire enough teachers, pay them living wages, reinstate extracurriculars and enrichment programs like art and music and classes in adulting (simple finance, home ec, civics, etc), police their administrators, and generally be more concerned with giving kids the best education possible than anything else.

Unfortunately, actual education is often last on their list these days. So shake it if you got it, teachers. No harm, no foul.

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

By the way, he said during their separation that he realized it was never a healthy relationship.

Yeah, I think that’s where he left it, and since he was the one living it on the wrong side of the original power imbalance, I’ll absolutely take his word for it.

At 12, you are still developing and cannot give consent to an adult for something like that.

I could not agree with you more.

The fact that he said it was fine as an adult is irrelevant and is why the term grooming exists.

Eh, for myself I absolutely agree, but when you are an older adult and a young person is entering into a relationship where such a serious power imbalance exists, voicing this to them in any way might be the most counterproductive thing you could do. It’s also his relationship, not mine. I didn’t live it, he did. So it’s his thoughts that matter at every step of the journey.

There is an ILLUSION of choice here: adults see the illusion, but the kids only see the choice. Remember that if you’re ever face to face with it.

So much depends on the age of the younger party, the age difference, the gender (to some extent, this particular mess was clearly WRONG from the outset) and what the younger party is saying about how they feel. If I am an outsider to it, the last thing I want to do is make any of that worse by giving the younger person something to rebel against. So I don’t. But never mistake my acceptance for approval.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

This is not the average mountain pic; the unusual lighting and unexpected shadowing give it a sort of drama, like it changed a minute ago and it’s about to change again. Really well done. Thanks for my next desktop wallpaper, OP.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Did you make your own starter, or did you buy it? I’ve been doing a lot of baking lately, but I haven’t done any sourdoughs because I don’t have a starter, I’m too impatient to babysit a new starter right now, but I also don’t want to buy a starter because I could make one if I were to somehow discipline myself to do so, lol. So I’m wondering how you acquired yours, hoping to get a bit of inspiration.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Yep, that’s how I remember it, daily feedings until it’s strong enough to rise a loaf, about two weeks. I think I’ll wait a while until events lighten up a bit and try then. Thank you for your response.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, I’m not going off a belief, I actually lived this.

Yes, the clear reception vs bunny ears was awesome, but that was also limited on televisions like this, and I’m talking specifically about the content.

I’m talking about the late 70s and early 80s when they were commercially available to the masses and the cable wars began.

The late 70s were absolutely the early days of commercial cable tv.

This is my recollection as well; I was a young adult at the time.

Cable was ABSOLUTELY supposed to be ad-free. Ad-free, and local access so that anyone could have their own show. That was the tradeoff to get people away from the big three (ABC, CBS, NBC) at the time. There were literally no ads.

But it didn’t last long at all. Local stayed ad-free for much longer; anything national came with ads embedded. Even the very first day of MTV had ads.

And before anyone screeches at me about what link said what, forget it. I’m not interested in reading text about how the 60s and 70s were supposed to have taken place written by people don’t even know what it means to unplug or hang up a phone, or why anyone would even do that, or what green stamps were, or what happens when you lie on the floor with your head between two speakers listening to Pink Floyd, lol.

LillyPip is factually correct. You should be listening to them instead of trying to retcon history for them.

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Can confirm, lol. And for cable you had to have coax from the wall to the cable box, and again from the cable box to an adapter that went into one of the existing ports. Later, you plugged your cable box coax straight into the TV, but that was late 80s if I remember correctly. Waaaaay before “Skinemax”, lol.

And even then not everyone had cable. It was an added expense, and there was a LOT more going out for entertainment because it was cheap and affordable. For example, I saw The Police in 1983 for $15 general seating (still prevalent in the southeast even after The Who thing in Ohio in 1979) and I saw many shows in exactly the same way: Asia, Loverboy, even the Stones. In the 70s dance was HUGE, as were bicycles and skateboards, and then later in the 80s you had malls and bowling and mini golf and whatever blew your skirt up. Pandemic aside, this thing where everyone stays inside and never goes out is the exact opposite of how it was then, so you saved your money for what YOU wanted to do, which was rarely sit home and watch TV. In my group of friends, among a dozen of us or so, maybe two had cable in the early 80s, but that grew, especially with MTV.

As an aside, I have to ask: Did you ever get sent up to the roof by your parents after a storm to reset the antenna? Or be the unpaid holder of the rabbit ears by the TV, moving this way and that so your old man could watch his game with the least amount of snow and rolling horizontal lines? I did.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

That is so cool. I learned those things, but only after I left. Started on TRS-80s (“trash 80s”) with the heavily armored clacky keyboard and then got into early PCs. I still remember Pong, lol.

Speaking of which, it was probably masonite or some kind of hard board on the back of the tv; it’s older than you think, and was on the back of a lot of those wonderful Art Deco radios of the 30s and 40s even before it was on the backs of televisions. The tv we had when I was a young kid was almost the size of a couch, so I have no idea what was on the back of it because I could never have moved it. But I remember the vacuum tubes, radios had those as well. And plugging a bad fuse with a penny, which probably wasn’t the best idea in the world but everybody did it.

(We had the faux-wood sided station wagon too, lol. Or maybe it was real wood? I don’t know. It was just genuine ugly.)

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Wait, what? I completely missed that growing up.

Missing it might also be why you actually made it all the way to adulthood, lol. It’s dangerous as hell, but it’s something people used to do on knob and tube wiring in old houses. Codes changed after any number of fires, and they actually made a change to how circuit breakers were built so it wouldn’t work anymore, but essentially a fuse was a round thing that had two (I think?) wires crossing the center; if those overloaded they simply burnt out and that was the mechanism of circuit breaking. The hole in the center was exactly the size of a penny, and copper is an excellent conductor, and people put more and more appliances on house wiring that had not been upgraded since the dawn of electricity so they didn’t have available power, but they usually did have a penny.

If you lived in a new(er) house you probably never saw this, but for those of us in older neighborhoods and post WWII starter houses saw a lot of it. You were supposed to replace it as soon as you could (this was in the days of actually going to the hardware store and buying it in person during business hours) but shit happens, people forget, and houses go boom. So they stopped making it so that anyone could do that at all, which is probably a good thing.

God, yeah, that tv console, lol. That one is solid 70s, with the dark finish and heavy pseudo-Spanish turned posts; I think ours was a good eight or ten years older because it was more mid-century modern, blonde wood with sort of gold/beige fabric screen over the speakers, but yeah. That pic gave me a good chuckle, thanks.

And listening to good music with your head stuck between two physical speakers is almost mystical. They also produced it, specifically, for stereo as well as for listenability on little transistors, so there was a lot of thought given behind the scenes to those notes hopscotching across brain cells from left to right and back again. It’s meditative is what it is: thinking about nothing else, nowhere you had to be, maybe a little bored, and putting your head between the speakers. Pink Floyd was awesome that way, but so was a lot of music: everything from Barry White’s Love Unlimited Orchestra to Kiss to Wild Cherry, whatever you got your groove on. It’s a holy thing.

BTW, I think your detractor is probably too scared to take me on lest they get hit with an avalanche of reminiscences and maybe a game of “what’s this?” with a pic or two of a 45 record adapter or something, lol. As well they should be. Thanks for making me think of these things. Those were good times.

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

You will know if your house has knob and tube: go up to the attic or down into the basement, and look for exposed wiring. Chances are excellent you have a mix of older and newer wiring, if it was not upgraded after the mid-80s or so. I couldn’t tell you exactly when myself, but at some point municipalities started moving away from a “pull it onto the lot, plug it in” housing code toward actually requiring that ANY electrical work not be approved unless the entire house was brought up to code.

But save your heart attack for a good steak, because knob and tube is not inherently dangerous. It’s what people were doing with it that was winning Darwin Awards. (You could probably do a search for “plugging a fuse with a penny” and see what you get.) I was in a 1948 house in 2015 that still had it: the basic wiring was mostly knob and tube, but the breaker box was modern and it was actually up to code.

So really, no worries about sleeping outside tonight, you still have time to look over your house’s paperwork, seen when it was modified (and whether they pulled permits or did it the I-don’t-need-no-permits way) and then get a real electrician to look it over for you. Chances are good that you’re well within code if you’ve had any serious remodeling or repair work done within the last 30 years or so. When you find nothing objectively unsafe, try not to hate me for making you look. Just don’t stick any loose change into the fuse box, lol.

Apologies for the scare. Did not mean to do that.

EDITED TO ADD: Here’s what knob and tube wiring looks like. You may even have newer wiring running right next to older knob and tube, or knob and tube that’s still there but not actually connected to anything because someone didn’t want to spend an extra half day pulling it out. Your mains/breaker/circuit box is a much better indicator of whether you need to be concerned.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

While it is kind of sad you don’t know how to parse anecdotal evidence and it’s probably because you are completely unable to trust your own experiences and instinct to the point you require external validation for everything, I am enough of an asshole to admit that I have greatly enjoyed watching you stomp your feet and cry. And then wake up and stomp and cry some more the next day, lol. I love that we matter that much to you, and that we infuriate you so much you have to throw link after link at us and call us names, like anything you do matters at all.

But now I’m hanging up and leaving it off the hook. I’ll leave it to you to find some links that tell you what that phrase means so that you can validate the experience externally before you accept it. Have a nice day.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I found the two adjacent sections you are referring to in the Privacy Policy, and it’s a good question. I have no idea what it means either. Email address I can understand to some extent, but not an anonymous username or a private password no one else should ever see. Quoting for posterity:

Personal information provided by you

The personal information that we collect depends on the context of your interactions with us and the website, the choices you make, and the features you use. The personal information we collect may include the following:

  • email addresses
  • usernames
  • passwords

Sensitive information

We do not process sensitive information.

All personal information that you provide to us must be true, complete, and accurate, and you must notify us of any changes to such personal information.

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

“Skip a bit, brother.” ( . . . ahead to the epistles and Revelation)

Jude is a great example and quite short, I’ll just quote it here.

The Book of Jude (NIV)
1 Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James,
To those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ:
2 Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.

3 Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people. 4 For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

5 Though you already know all this, I want to remind you that the Lord at one time delivered his people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe. 6 And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. 7 In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.

8 In the very same way, on the strength of their dreams these ungodly people pollute their own bodies, reject authority and heap abuse on celestial beings. 9 But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” 10 Yet these people slander whatever they do not understand, and the very things they do understand by instinct—as irrational animals do—will destroy them.

11 Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for profit into Balaam’s error; they have been destroyed in Korah’s rebellion.

12 These people are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm—shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted—twice dead. 13 They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.

14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” 16 These people are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.

17 But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. 18 They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” 19 These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.

20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.

22 Be merciful to those who doubt; 23 save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.

24 To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— 25 to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

And there’s PLENTY more where that came from, lol.

EDITED TO ADD: I can only assume that downvotes are from butthurt Christians, because I didn’t write the fucking rag, I just quoted it. I like people to see for themselves exactly what is behind the Christian “God is love and He loves YOU!” horseshit, as well as the constant iteration of Good People vs Bad People, Holy People vs Evil People, Cis/Het People vs Non-Cis/Non-Het People that flows through the entire screed like a filthy river of hatred. And now you have. As I said above, there’s PLENTY more where that came from. I haven’t even started on Revelation, the whore of Babylon and the four bloody horsemen, lol.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not a Christian anymore myself. So I no longer care. It’s ALL a fairy tale.

I only posted because some folks like to sugar coat it in absentia, trusting that no one will have actually read it.

Books like Jude, above, and vast swathes of both the Old and the New Testaments are absolutely full of the deserved damnation of “icky people” and folks should see it for themselves, which is to say that no one who took the time to read the above will ever fall for that Christian “God loves everyone” shit again.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

My apologies then, because I did misunderstand you and I could not agree more. Thank you for taking the time to clarify your position; it is well taken.

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Blue Flame (take your pick of articles). These were a group of politically connected people who were using official avenues to divert (steal) desperately needed PPE away from hospitals and municipalities to resell for profit, often to the same destinations they diverted it from.

Trump’s administration, especially Jared Kushner were all up in it, right around the time that asshole also thought it would be an effective political tool to withhold supplies from blue states as a punishment, as though viruses would all cave and go “oh, okay, I’ll stay in New York and not board EVERY FUCKING FLIGHT in existence to every other location just because I can” regardless of political affiliation.

It was also around that time that the bodies were piling up in NYC requiring the use of refrigerated trailers because not even all the morgues could hold them, and healthcare workers were having to buy their own PPE (if they even could) or be forced to re-use the same mask for weeks on end.

These were the folks that thought it would be great to profit off of massive human suffering, and make coin off of stealing by the literal truckload from their local and state governments and neighbors and heroic healthcare workers to do it.

May every single person involved in Blue Flame fucking rot in hell, rotating eternally on a spit that goes up their ass and out their mouth with a bit of hot, stank, fume-emitting turd stuck to the end of it that they have to huff unto the end of time, with passersby laughing at them periodically just to remind them that no one else made them do it, it was their own bright idea, and when it comes to being a sentient human being, all of them are a total fail.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

It was clearly labeled with the phrases I listed and the amounts of caffeine.

Lol, no. You have absolutely zero way of “knowing” for certain that THAT machine, in THAT Panera, on THAT day was clearly labeled. Some are, some clearly are not. I don’t care what phrases you listed with what amounts of caffeine, you weren’t there.

The girl that was there could tell us for sure, but she’s dead. Probably not because she had a death wish and went into a Panera seeking death by lemonade that day, but because the machines were NOT labeled properly and historically, lemonade does not contain caffeine.

Stop trying to retcon this girl’s horrible and unnecessary death into a plot arc easier for you to live with.

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Might want to take a look at this then.

And this.

And this too.

EDITED TO ADD: While court cases involving “debtors prison” exist, NONE of them have “made debtors prison a thing of the past” in the US because imprisonment for private debt is very much alive and well today in 2023. Given that a person imprisoned over debt is unlikely to sue unless an organization such as ACLU takes on the case, and even more unlikely to win in courts that are dominated by commercial interests and partisan judges, it’s only going to get worse, not better. Going by the above linked articles that is exactly how it’s working out right now. Trying to prove that this horrific problem of criminalizing poverty does not exist today by pointing to a single 1983 lawsuit and going, “See! I told you!” is just completely privileged assholery.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

One of the prime ministers we had was convicted but abolished by the president. He was in a left oriented party, the president was in the same one. He didn’t retire from politics, he went on to become our prime minister.

Só consigo pensar num país que se enquadra nessa descrição, sem realmente tentar procurá-lo. Se eu estiver correto, você tem razão, e estou retirando todos os meus votos negativos, lol

(composed via Google Translate)

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Hence the song (lyrics are in the description). This song will be 64 years old next year. Little has changed.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I hope it is everything you envision it to be, and I wish you the very best.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Just fyi, every US state has a Bar Association website. When Alex Murdaugh and his attorney partner in crime got convicted, out of curiosity I looked up their licenses on the SC Bar Association website (turns out they let them lapse in anticipation of being convicted instead of letting the bar pull their licenses for them).

I don’t know in what states Powell and Chesebro are admitted to the bar, but the state(s) and the full name is usually all you need to find what you want on a given attorney. Law licenses and associated orders (like disbarment) are usually all linked right there for anyone who wants to look.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I love that you posted it in full res – I’m going to rotate it right so the curb is at the bottom and crop it for my next desktop, if that’s okay with you. Great composition, great shot!

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

It would be good practice if admins would link a selection of the offensive material.

Duh. They already have. It’s there all day every day. Peruse it as often as you like, at your own convenience. You can even filter by removed posts, removed comments, and banned users:


Modlog tells you all you need to know. Unless, of course, you don’t actually want to know it and you’re just JAQing us all off, lol.

Right now there are celebrating comments but I haven’t seen bad behavior myself, even in heated debates.

That’s because the moderators here are very, VERY good at what they do – which again, you’d know if you’d looked at the modlog.

Does a lemmy instance exist that federated with everybody where important communities should be hosted?

No one knows what “important communities” are to you. Stop looking for mind readers and start looking for instances that do not defederate for any reason, because they are out there.

You’re not trapped here. You have options. Take them.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

X is a sans serif swastika.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, that’s how I know about it. When I want to find something specific I filter by action, and then I simply skim.

It’s a little time consuming, but not at all difficult.

The person to whom I was responding wanted a selection of offending comments, here it is:


I will note that usually the number of removed comments is so low that one page, maybe a page and a half will cover a full 24 hour period.

From what I saw when I looked at it just now – over five pages of removed shite in just half that time, 12 hours – I support the admins’ actions even more than I did when I first posted. And I didn’t think that was possible.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

It isn’t actually easy to find these examples.

Yes, it actually is:


You now have pages upon pages of offensive content through which you may browse at your leisure, which is what that commenter to whom I responded was demanding:

It would be good practice if admins would link a selection of the offensive material.

And there it is. If you wanted to find lemmygrad-specific material in there, I don’t think you actually tried because it is certainly there in abundance. I was able to find numerous examples just by hovering a mouse over the usernames.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you, yes, exactly. I don’t downvote low effort “but why” questions. but I also don’t answer them.

I am far more tired of putting effort into lengthy, carefully crafted, good-faith responses only to have gotten sucked in by some asshole looking for an argument than I am willing to accept further.

Speaking personally, from the earliest days of Reddit, I have taken unexpected downvotes for a genuine question as code for “keep lurking/look it up” and unless I am stuck on search words it has never failed me. I recommend this for others.

TL;DR: If you sincerely have a question, try putting as much effort into your question as you’d like to receive by way of a response. And if you’re just an argumentative troll (not you, CoggyMcFee, lol) then fuck you. Seriously. With a rusty, tetanus-bearing lawnmower blade. Sideways.

Any idea what Google are doing? Is this because I dont use Chrome (use Firefox)? I've no adblockers. (lemmy.world)

So this started coming up today. On every video. I can (so far) click the “x” and remove it to watch (still see 2 ads before the video, and one after 4 minutes - ruins music on YT), but did click the “Report issue” only for the dialogue box not to work....

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

They tried it on me last night, but all I saw was a video stopping one second in and a gray overlay. I blocked that element with the element picker, and then the video played fine in both regular and full screen mode – but I was unable to move the page or scroll down for comments. Works for me, most YT comment sections are dumpster fires anyway.

Also, I was logged in. I have not seen this at all where I was not logged in, yet.

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

If OP uses a GPO as their personal config, that can’t be how they are supposed to be used.

“Supposed to” doesn’t matter at all in this context. The point and the utility of GPO on Windows Pro is that it allows admins much more granular control of a workstation, AND an admin can override rights limitations that are built into Windows Home simply because Microsoft doesn’t like home users tinkering with the OS, but accepts that business environments often require it for security or legacy software reasons.

Thus Microsoft has restricted GPO to Pro versions of the Windows OS, presuming that only business environments will elect to purchase it and GPO use will be restricted to experienced admins.

Because of this, there are things you can do with GPO on a Pro machine – combining elevated rights with granular settings – that you can’t even do with direct registry hacks on a Home machine. If OP fucks it up, they are the only ones who will suffer, but they also have the knowledge and ability to restore it to working condition (even if that means a reinstall). No harm, no foul.

And even if they don’t fuck it up, there is a non-zero chance that Microsoft will do it for them with one of their forced upgrades anyway.

This entire thread is about an unnecessary change Microsoft made to the LTSC (“long term servicing channel”) version of Windows: the whole point of LTSC is that it’s not supposed to change at all unless absolutely necessary, so that it remains stable for as many environments for as long as it can, reducing maintenance costs for businesses running it. Behold how easily and for what little payoff Microsoft shat on that too.

So if OP is running Windows Pro on a home machine and using GPO on a domain of one to override all the silly bullshit Microsoft has done to stop users moving away from default home configs, more power to them I say.

No puppies are being harmed by @Moonrise2473 using GPO to hack his home machine, lol.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

As someone who is currently in the process of moving everything to Linux, this is a genuinely helpful comment. I have it saved now, lol. Thank you for taking the time to write this out, much appreciated.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I know it has a shitty “95-ish” look to it, but distrowatch.com is quite possibly your best resource in finding out at a glance which of the distros you’re interested in are stable or rolling, and how popular they are. Go down the page hit ranking on the right, and start clicking: you will see the root build of every distro, whether it’s stable or rolling, the last release date, links to reviews, etc.

It won’t get you to your final decision, but it will get you to a shortlist. And then you can start making LiveUSB sticks to test drive your distros of choice in RAM without having to install anything. There are very few distros that require a full install to try out; if you run into one you can always use old hardware or a spare disk, etc. Mint has a LiveUSB of all its DE choices, Pop!OS has a LiveUSB, you just need the USB sticks and something like Rufus to make them with, and you’re ready to test drive.

Well worth the trouble, IMO. Good luck.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

GPOs just edit the windows register so you could just apply all the changes using regedit instead of using a GPO.

No. Because GPO involves differing rights as well as registry hacks, and because GPO allows you to change certain settings that are not in the registry at all, there are some things you can literally ONLY do via GPO. It’s been a while, but I’ve spent multiple hours trying on a few occasions when the situation demanded it, and ended up either installing Pro with GPO or abandoning the effort altogether.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

No, it’s coming. And for thin clients it’s already here.

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

The AI integration certainly will be: Microsoft’s not giving away ongoing AI computation for a one-time purchase of the OS, even though it will be integrated with the Windows 11 OS as soon as the fall upgrades get forced down.

Right now Copilot is free, but that’s only until enough people start using it and then they’ll paywall it.

Note that Copilot uses the Office 365 framework (Microsoft’s subscription model) which should tell people all they need to know about how free Microsoft intends to keep it.

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

What do you mean, automatically? Arch is a rolling release and I have to explicitly run pacman with the correct flags to update. At the same time Debian, which is not a rolling release, has the unattended upgrades feature which installs updates automatically.

I was thinking Tumbleweed, Manjaro and the like which have GUI updaters, lol. @pete_the_cat was pretty clear that his parents are the ultimate Linux beginners; he’s not going to give them Arch or Debian out of the box and bark command lines at them.

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I had not seen that newer Neowin article, thank you for the correction.

But Windows 365 is certainly available to business and enterprise users right now. When they roll it out to home users is a separate matter. I would add that home users are not usually thin client users, lol: even Chromebooks have a limited OS on them.

EDITED TO ADD that you might want to take a closer look at the article you linked, as Cloud PC is the name of Microsoft’s subscription OS for thin clients:

Other than AI, Microsoft is also gradually making it clear how it hopes to move Windows, or at least a major chunk of it, to the web. Back in March, Cloud PC options began to appear inside Settings. Following that, more Cloud PC-related leaks started popping up. A separate report suggested that Microsoft was working on something called “CorePC” for the next Windows version. Finally, an FTC filing revealed how Microsoft was apparently working internally to “move Windows 11 increasingly to the cloud…” (bold emphasis is my own)

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

Appreciate the clarification, thank you for taking the time.

@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

I had never seen this before today, but it’s what I’ve been low-key looking for every time a followed link logs me out. My Lemmy experience was already good, but you just made it even better. Thank you so much for taking the time.

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