@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar


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@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Beehaw, actually. It’s a space for LGBTQ+++ people and I don’t need to be in their space. Edit: I also completely disagree with their philosophy, so it’s better for everyone if we keep ourselves separated.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Thanks for the reminder!

CherenkovBlue, (edited )
@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I disagree with the instance’s philosophy. I think “be nice” leads to a lot of unintended consequences and echo chambering. Edit to add: One of the Seven Tenets of The Satanic Temple is: “The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one’s own.”. I don’t go out of my way to troll; however, I feel that Beehaw’s instance philosophy does not align with the idea that we have the freedom to offend with our own opinions.

Conversely, I am not LGBTQ+ and I don’t need to be in their space. They get to deal with normies all the time in everyday life.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Regarding the camera, I do a lot of backpacking and my phone is my only camera. Upgrading to appreciably better camera tech is something I will do. Example (Pixel 6 phone):


@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Although not an extreme ultralight backpacker, I follow those principles for what I take with me and I like to move fast in the high mountains. I don’t go to take photos, I go for the experience, but good photos are a plus. I can get some great photos with my phone at this point, though it certainly isn’t the same as a DSLR camera. My phone has my maps for navigation and my books for reading in camp as well. It’s waterproof and resilient and weighs very little. It is extremely convenient for use - put in pocket, take out when needed.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar


@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Aaaand this is what we were afraid would happen. Hamas doesn’t care about the civilians of Gaza. It is such a horrible organization, there are no words to express it.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

My “woods” are the Rocky Mountains, so my thinking goes there.

Do I get gear or not? If I have gear, I will be pretty set for a while during summer. I backpack in the wilderness so I can get pretty comfy on minimal kit. I am working on learning foraging, and a region-specific book would be handy. I would be screwed come winter though, because of the snow, wind, cold, lack of fuel (buried under snow), and lack of food.

No gear, that’s rough any time of year. I would probably die of exposure pretty quick even in the summer depending on altitude. If I am up in the high mountains the water will probably be safe without boiling, so it could be drunk from the source. I’d have to find a cave or build a shelter in a wooded area. It would be tough to start a fire and do anything without a knife.

I don’t want to be in the mountains without gear. Seriously. I think I would head right back down and turn my ass over to the authorities.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Oh that’s cool. Do you have a pattern? What materials are you using?

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Bahaha. That’s one thought. I do plan on going cross country skiing quite a bit, but unfortunately only day trips.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Yurting! I have always wanted to do it but forget to book them in time, they are popular. Thanks for the reminder!

Swedish company Northvolt develops new state-of-the-art sodium-ion battery produced with locally sourced materials, entirely independent of traditional battery value chains (northvolt.com)

In a statement, Northvolt says its validated cell is more safe, cost-effective, and sustainable than conventional nickel, manganese and cobalt (NMC) or iron phosphate (LFP) chemistries and is produced with minerals such as iron and sodium that are abundant on global markets....

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

What’s the use case for these batteries? Comments below indicate that they have a lower energy density and use a cyanide compound, which means that they won’t be for personal devices (form factor and safety!). Is the intent for grid scale storage from renewables? Would safety still be an issue (is there any way the cyanide could be evolved off as a gas due to over heating, over charging, etc?)

Did racist use the "biological advantage" argument when Black athletes started competing alongside white athletes?

Given that racists and slavers used the “natural physical strength” of black people to justify putting them on hard labor and some medics still think that blacks has higher resistance to pain, I wonder if when black athletes started to join mixed race sport teams, some racist would have used the same “biological...

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Women’s cycling races in Chicago area would tell a different story…along with women’s swimming (Lia Thomas)…and other cases.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

You need water to generate steam to turn a turbine and make electricity (same for coal, natural gas, fusion). However, many advanced reactor designs do not use water for the reactor coolant itself, unlike light water reactors that do. They use gas, molten salt, or liquid metals. As a result, you can get to quite high temperatures useful for process heat, such as hydrogen production. Direct desalination might also be doable, the issue/question being on the design of the non-nuclear side of the plant.

A lot of Gen IV designs are in the process of commercialization now, with demonstrations slated for later this decade.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Oof, hiking in the smoke is rough on the lungs. But that’s some incredible speed and elevation. It looks like an amazing place … I am going to get this trail on the to-do list!

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

The (day) trip to Channel Islands NP off the coast of CA by LA is coming up! It’s not backpacking (kayaking + hiking) but I am super excited to get out there and see it.

Snows are filing in the mountains out West. A recent flyover on the way to Denver showed some impressive coverage already; Tetons are similar and ski areas seem on track to open soon. The mountains of Central ID don’t seem to be getting quite as much snow yet from my far-off visual inspection haha. I am wondering if the Pioneers will be covered by Thanksgiving or not…

Kind of planning on hunkering down for the winter up here and do XC ski day trips, planning trips for next year, and working on our ultralight teardrop trailer build, which is nearing one year in on the build, ouch. If we get lucky, we might be able to go south for a winter hike - with the husband’s new job in SoCal, we will have opportunities to explore down there (he works remotely but has to be onsite periodically).

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Additional snow report: just flew down to PHX and the mountains by SLC have snow, but not much yet. Completely dry further south.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Congratulations! When do you go?

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

What the fuck is with these comments.

Jewish people outside of Israel (citizens of other countries) are not equal to the Israeli government. They have no say and no control over what the Israeli government does. They are not connected.

Jewish 20 year olds going to college in the USA do not deserve to be attacked for simply…being Jewish (see Tulane University events). And so on.

Attacking Jewish people worldwide for the actions of the Israeli government is pure antisemitism, plain and simple, and needs to be called out and condemned.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

There’s an easy way to prevent the deaths of women by their male partners! It’s called “men don’t kill their female partners.” It’s that easy. Try it sometime!

CherenkovBlue, (edited )
@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I thought DDG was some kind of front end for Google search. How wrong am I, and if I’m right, does this mean it’s the Google search in, e.g., Chrome browser that’s doing this? Otherwise how would DDG be avoiding it?

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Yeah I noticed they got very shopping oriented in the last year or so, but I didn’t anticipate this. Yikes.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I could be completely wrong, may the gods of the Internet forgive me.

Atheists of lemmy, what is your coping strategy when things goes downhill?

I am at an accepting stage that not everything that happens in your life is in your control. When things goes really bad and you dont have much control on it, I would assume a person who believes in god or religious figures has their belief system as a coping mechanism. For example praying to the god and so on....

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I commune with the universe by contemplating it and my place within it. The immensity and my insignificance, yet the fact that I recognize my own existence, brings peace.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Block and move on… That’s my strategy at least.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I think they decided that he is such an incredible piece of shit who stabs them in the back and reneges on every deal (see: his attempt on Sunday to blame the budget fiasco on them, his renging on the debt ceiling deal, his stance on J6…) that he wasn’t worth saving. Either some R’s join with D’s to make a coalition (as just called for by H. Jeffries) or the R’s have to get their shit together, painfully, for the budget. The last CR clearly showed the issue with the current R party composition. There is a wing that essentially acts as a third party spoiler. The CR was very much a win for the Dems (except for Ukraine funding, although I am of the personal opinion that a clean CR is the correct way to do a CR, fund other stuff separately).

Vegan lunch ideas, please [with very specific "requirements"] [adult advice needed]

Hi, long time vegan, but rather new to cycling. I used to be OMAD (please don’t question the health/fitness, I’m just poor, not ideological), but due to cycling I need to eat 2 meals to have the strength to get back home (riding uphill). I tried eating breakfast, but by the time I get to work and get through the shift, I...

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

You need fat in your diet, if you don’t already have a good amount of it. Add a good bit of coconut oil and/or peanut butter to your meal (such as your oatmeal).

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Conversely, coconut oil does contain some good stuff for you as well: https://www.webmd.com/diet/coconut-oil-good-for-you

So I think, as usual, everything in moderation. Olive oil is also a great choice, of course.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Come join us on iusearchlinux.fyi !

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Not much going on right now. Recovering from the end of the fiscal year and the plane crud I picked up on travel. Hopefully in late October I can get out and at least do some day hikes if the snow in mountains is significant (let’s see what this year’s El Nino brings).

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Update: plane crud is actually COVID. Ugh. Wear your masks again, folks, it’s definitely making the rounds.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Totally agreed with the recommendation to start in a backyard (or car camping in a nearby place if no backyard available).

Sleeping in a tent is easy. Set it up, put in your sleeping pad, bag/quilt, pillow solution, ta da. Make sure you pick a good site that isn’t next to water, in a wind channel, under a dead tree branch, etc. Depending on the tent material, tighten it up again after you pitch it before you go to sleep.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Yeah! I hope you had a great trip. How did it go with the SO?

I’m hanging in there. No hiking right now but we will do a short (day?) trip soon to the Channel Islands NP. I am pretty well recovered from COVID…been watching my cycling stats. Today I smashed my PR speed record for a ride so I am pretty stoked!

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I tried Altras last year, which I liked, but decided they didn’t have enough grip - I fell a few times on some steep descents. This year I switched to approach shoes and they are awesome. I love them for the hikes in the Intermountain West.

What pack did your SO try?

Oh my, a full camera with lenses? Is she a pro photographer or major enthusiast? I get some pretty nice shots from my Pixel 6… All the stuff I put up here is from that.

Will report back when we go to CINP!

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Hm, I’ll have to try the bread bags, interesting idea. I’m planning on leather gloves with waterproofing wax next time, I use them all the time walking my dog in the winter (and playing, and picking up…) and they are surefire. I’m afraid anything knit will be insufficient.

Puffy was dumb. I have a lightweight dridown puffy that I didn’t bring because it’s not warm enough for the conditions, so I brought my 32 degrees heat puffy. Unfortunately it’s not treated At All, so any moisture is bad. I changed my shirt in camp but I put the fleece back on and the puffy over it, and Torrentshell rain jacket over that. The fleece was apparently waterlogged from sweat, so that’s how the puffy got wet. I didn’t realize the fleece was so damp. I definitely need to rethink my warmth management strategy for active vs camp.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Oh cool! Thanks!

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Thanks, that immediately fixed the issue for me!

Shutdown risk looms as US Congress faces spending, impeachment brawl (www.reuters.com)

The House and the Democratic-controlled Senate are due to be in session for about 12 days before funding expires on Sept. 30, leaving little time to agree on a package of 12 appropriations bills that can pass each chamber and win Democratic President Joe Biden’s signature....

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

It’s the House that is the problem right now. The Senate might actually ram a bipartisan spending bill down their throats, they are apparently tired of this shit as well.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I know the two replies are jokes so far, but this is really important news for people who live in this area, such as myself. This is the second bear attack this season in the general area that I’m aware of, though I can’t remember if the first one was a black or grizzly. Hopefully the circumstances of the attack are known; and hopefully it’s explainable. Otherwise it’s unlikely they can capture the bear and remove it, and we’ll have another dangerous bear in the area, which poses a major risk for outdoor enthusiasts.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

This looks familiar, so I’m curious, where was it?

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Huh, that’s so interesting! I have not hiked there, but that picture looks incredibly similar to some areas in Idaho. Thanks!

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Crap… I am getting thunderfrozensnowed out of my trip to the Winds I planned this weekend. Should have gone in August…

Oh well. Going to do a short trip to Alaska Basin in the Tetons to test the gear out in slightly less difficult conditions and much less I’ll-be-fucked-if-something-goes-wrong outcomes. Husband and I want to test out temperatures down to about 30 F and some rain/snow.

@CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I’m actually a filthy casual who runs Kubuntu, but I was contractually obligated to sign up on that instance!

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