
38 she/her or they/them or any pronoun. Cis woman… I think. I pretend to be an elf on the Internet. I’m mostly attracted to femininity.

I use tone indicators.

Trans rights.

“Stay woke. Keep your eyes open.”


This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

You absolutely should not feel bad about doing this. Ever.

If anything, you should talk about it and share your experience, because your experience could help some of those who work manual intensive jobs and are still struggling to get raises of their own.

Remember: If the company isn’t able to fairly compensate its workers, it doesn’t get to have workers. That’s how supply and demand works.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

My phone is my wallet. It goes in my inside pocket where people aren’t going to be able to pick it. I’ve played Skyrim. I know how pickpocketing works. /joke

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Cloanto, the company that owns the rights to the Commodore Amiga line, have a legal emulator that they sell called Amiga Forever. It’s about half the price of one modern AAA game, and when you download it, it comes with about fifty games of varying notability, and there’s many times more you can just install and play. And it’s all legal.

I would love this to be the industry norm, imagine being able to download a NES! It’s annoying that if we want future generations to be able to experience games of the past (whether to learn from them, or just for pleasure) we need to teach our children about piracy.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Why? (For both parts of that statement)

Clipgrab w/YouTube: How bad is the audio quality?

I’ve been using Clipgrab (macOS) to download music (mp3s) from YouTube. I’ve seen some mentions that the quality (real bitrate as opposed to what the file states) is bad to begin with on YouTube and that downloaders might make it worse. How bad is the quality of what I’m downloading? Any better downloaders or does the...

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

yt-dlp can just download the audio. It usually comes down in m4a at quality that I would describe as “very listenable”. So only the first of those three steps are mandatory if you do it that way.

yt-dlp -x <url>

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It varies based on the age of the video, newer ones do indeed have separate audio downloads. You can force audio only with

yt-dlp -f bestaudio <url>

This will cause the script to only consider audio-only formats, if bandwidth is a concern. However, how it decides which one is “best” is beyond me. For example, I tried one video and got a webm that contains only an audio track:

<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;">~ $ yt-dlp -f bestaudio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[youtube] Extracting URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[youtube] dQw4w9WgXcQ: Downloading webpage
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[youtube] dQw4w9WgXcQ: Downloading ios player API JSON
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[youtube] dQw4w9WgXcQ: Downloading android player API JSON
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[youtube] dQw4w9WgXcQ: Downloading m3u8 information
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[info] dQw4w9WgXcQ: Downloading 1 format(s): 251
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[download] Destination: /data/data/com.termux/files/home/storage/movies/ytdl/20091025__Rick_Astley_-_Never_Gonna_Give_You_Up_Official_Music_Video.webm
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[download] 100% of    3.28MiB in 00:00:00 at 6.91MiB/s
Cevilia, (edited )
@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I am extremely disappointed by this.

I thought we were free of such toxicity here.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

If you are treating your paying customers worse than someone you perceive as stealing from you, you are doing something seriously wrong.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Same here. I occasionally try other clients, but qB is the one I always end up going back to, mostly because it automagically blocks hosts that send garbage.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

TIL only men are allowed to think Link is cute.


When a Flight Data Recorder/Cockpit Voice Recorder is found, they are often taken on a plane and flown to an investigation headquarters. But what if the plane carrying those black boxes crash?

Example: Lemmy Federated Airlines Flight 360 crashes with no survivors. Now the Lemmy Federation Air Crash Investigation Bureau finds the Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit voice recorder, and they take those boxes aboard Lemmy Investigation Bureau Airfleet Flight 180 back to the investigation headquarters for analysis. This...

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

According to the National Safety Council there are “too few deaths to calculate odds”. (source). So, I’m pretty sure we can call the probability of two extremely-rare events happening independently in succession as near to nothing as makes no odds.

Also, modern combined units (sometimes called CVDRs) are built to withstand multiple impacts, and their storage medium is solid state. It is highly likely that, in the event of this near-impossible scenario, the recorder could be recovered again.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Defederation = the defederating server refuses to talk to the other server.

Imagine Hotmail and Gmail. Hotmail decides to defederate from Gmail. Going forward, any Gmail user trying to send mail to Hotmail will simply be ignored, and Hotmail will ignore any email bound for Gmail.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

If you’re on desktop, look at the right hand side of your screen, scroll down a little, and click the link that says “Megathread”.

If you’re on mobile, tap the ⋮ in the top-right of the Piracy community, then tap Community Info. Scroll down a little, and tap the link that says “Megathread”.

It’s also the first link in the pinned post in the community.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Not an answer, but just to cover the bases:

I use audiobookbay.li but, as you say, it can be a bit unreliable, especially if the book isn’t recent.

There’s tokybook.com (from the Megathread) but its selection is somewhat lacking too.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

No experience with it, but…

  • Founded in 2018
  • Copyright date says 2020
  • Still says “Join as a Founder!” in 2023
  • Appears to be tied up in crypto nonsense

Signs point to untrustworthy.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

From the old Megathread: “These are not recommended on this subreddit as trusted sites for various reasons, but the main reasons why igg-games is not recommended is due to their history of shady behavior”

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Back when Amazon Smile was a thing, I had Amazon notifications turned on (a prerequisite for earning charity donations), and had Tasker set up to automatically dismiss them so they wouldn’t bother me.

What would be the problem if Threads federated with Lemmy&co in the future?

I’ve seen a lot of comments suggesting Threads should be pre-emptively defederated by Lemmy/kbin instances if it tries to join us. I’m a bit confused what the problem would be. When Meta does its usual corporate bullshit over at Threads, how would that hurt a user or community based on Lemmy.world? If anything, wouldn’t it...

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

There is a known strategy called EEE (Embrace, extend, and extinguish).

First, they embrace the open web. Millions of people who never would’ve joined the Fediverse (and, probably, don’t even know what the Fediverse is) flock to Threads and start to interact with us.

Then, they extend the open web, adding features to Threads that aren’t compatible with our servers. People on Threads don’t understand what’s wrong with our server (even though it’s Threads that’s the source of incompatibility).

Finally, they decide they’re “having trouble maintaining compatibility with third party servers” and start to break off from us, leaving us with no way to interact with our new friends. Unless, of course, we make a free Threads account…

Google Talk is perhaps the most relevant example of this. Here’s more details.

How do I get back in to studying as an adult?

I wanted to major in physics when I went to college in 2013 (I’m 28 now), but had to drop out and have flushed out a lot of information. A lot of basic concepts are still there, but I’d need a lot of refreshers going back to like algebra lol. I’d love to get back in to studying in my free time, but I’ve completely...

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Your local public library is a great resource for this, if you have one. Most public libraries host classes, and even those that don’t will know of community colleges that do. :)

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Please don’t make a new coin specifically for Lemmy. We’re doing just fine without one, thanks.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Sideways 0% discounts are very very infuriating, I agree!

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

On mobile, I use NewPipe X SponsorBlock which is a fork of NewPipe. Amongst other things, it lets you completely hide shorts. :)

Are there really no stupid questions?

If we for instance take, as an example, someone thoroughly explaining something which is clear to 99,9999% of the earths adult population don’t you think the remaining .0001% could come up with some? I get that this community is a place to allow people to ask questions they can’t or won’t ask elsewhere but I certainly feel...

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I have long believed that the only stupid question is the one that hasn’t been asked.

I feel it’s better to ask the question (and feel stupid for a few minutes) than to remain stupid for the rest of my life. :)

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I nominate this post for Stupid Question That Wasn’t Actually Stupid Of The Week

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I believe this is what’s euphemistically called “Non Functional Slack Fill”.

Should be illegal.

YSK: Keeping your accounts/online identity safe in the age of the fediverse/federated networks

As more people flock over to the fediverse from reddit, twitter and other centralised proprietary networks it is important that you keep your e-mail and other important accounts safe from hijacking attempts. Since anyone can simply spin up an instance and host users and communities it is important that you don’t divulge your...

Cevilia, (edited )
@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The throwaway email providers I personally use are:

  • If I want to receive ongoing messages and have the ability to reset passwords etc: DuckDuckGo
  • If I don’t care what happens after the first email: Yopmail
@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Unfortunately you would need some kind of electronics in the middle. You can get USB “bridged” or “networking” cables, but they aren’t regular USB cables.

However, the electronics could be a smartphone if you have one. Transfer the files from your old laptop to the phone, then to your new laptop.

Ultimately, networking would be the easiest and fastest way to do it. If you’re on Windows, you could use a program such as FastCopy to verify the files on the receiving end.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’m sorry, but as an AI language model, I don’t feel it’s appropriate for me to comment on this.


@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I have a 256GB one. People say not to go above 128GB, but I just had this one lying around and honestly I’ve had no issues whatsoever.

Also I think there’s a max of 300 games you can have installed at once.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

If you have three, you’re a donation recipient.

They don’t always remove the old one.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I downloaded the Amazon app a while back. The first message that popped up with a “join prime” screen. I very nearly tapped the join button because it was the only button on the screen and I wasn’t paying attention - I had to scroll to find the “maybe later” button. They seem to love their hostile UI.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’m pretty sure it’s just plain “nor” but I don’t know, I ain’t no logician.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Each instance only needs to hold the data from communities its users are subscribed to. And images live on their host instances anyway. No instance needs to hold the entirety of Lemmy. :)

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yesterday was a really busy day for me so I’ve just been taking it easy today. I did get some new tights though, that’s always good.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I don’t like the article’s use of the word “snares” - it’s not as if it’s a trap they’re being sneaky about. There are signs everywhere, there’s painting on the road, there’s continual press coverage, and there are wide and well-signposted turning areas for private cars on either side of the bus gate. Anyone who gets “snared” by this is clearly driving while not paying attention, and deserves more than a fine IMHO.

Where to contribute to projects by solving simple prompts?

Are there websites where I can do simple tasks like distinguishing/sorting images, writing captions, selecting correct options or other tasks I can do in my free time or mindlessly whilst also contributing to meaningful projects? Something like Google Crowdsource, although I would like to avoid registering to any privacy...

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

OSM is perfect for this. If you want a wider range of prompts, and you have an Android device, you can use streetcomplete.app - it turns every missing data point into a “quest” and gamifies it. It’s really addictive when you get into it. :)

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Music piracy is doing just fine, it’s just that the balance of opinion seems to be that M4A is fine. You can even download M4A files from YouTube nowadays.

YSK: Signal is a great secure private messenger app comparable to others on the market. (restoreprivacy.com)

“When you use Signal, your data is stored in encrypted form on your devices. The only information that is stored on the Signal servers for each account is the phone number you registered with, the date and time you joined the service, and the date you last logged on.”...

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Or just use Matrix/Element. No phone number needed, plus federation!

Cevilia, (edited )
@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

There are plenty of ping tools available. If you’re on Android, you might be interested in Termux (F-Droid, Play), that lets you have a Linux commandline right on your phone. I personally use Net Analyzer (Play) too but there are plenty out there.

@Cevilia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

In whatever the latest version of Firefox is.

You can download Android apps via WSA, but there’s really no need to, they don’t give you any additional functionality (as of right now)

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