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Yeah, for me just about any consumable I buy store brand for. They’re pretty much equal the name brand (if not sometimes better). There are some exceptions, but as long as they’re the same product, they’re probably produced in the same factory even.


I thought it was really relaxing… until it suddenly is super stressful. By the time you finish the game the stressful parts aren’t an issue anymore though.


You don’t even need a gaming distro. You just need to install Steam and (for other games) Bottles and you’re pretty much good to go.


Well you used spices and things with flavor, so it’s not very British.


Fish and chips is the other national dish, and the first one. While I like it, it isn’t exactly full of flavor.

Classic British cuisine doesn’t really have spices, because the British Isles don’t really have too many foods that can be used as spices. Sure, once they colonized India, they got some spices, but even still classic British food mostly stayed the same.


Gandalf really had a thing for Hobbits, who look and act somewhat like children, though they’re significantly older their their human counterparts.


They’re small, can’t grow bears (usually). They’re also generally somewhat playful and shy. They generally fear things they don’t know, which can be seen by the fact they don’t travel far beyond their homes. They are pretty care-free and not bothered by external event, and fairly joyful. They live relatively simple lives and generally seem to be easily amused.

They don’t behave exactly like children, but they do have qualities we associate with children. That, plus their physical characteristics, I’d say childlike is a decent description, particularly if you’re just trying to insult someone for hanging around them.


The problem with this is that everyone has different hands. Personally, large phones sit in my hand better. The phone I felt the most comfortable holding was a note 20 ultra. I have really long fingers though, so it isn’t for everyone, but I really don’t want to see all phones go back to being small. They do need some small varieties though.


You don’t like modern Bethesda. You like classic Bethesda. I agree with you 100%. I hated Starfield.


The issue is he’d probably not say he’s Wil Wheaton. I could be Wil Wheaton for all you know. Maybe we’re all Wil Wheaton.


Yeah, I think a warning/increasingly long temporary ban system could make this work. Any time a fallacy is used, a comment is added describing why it’s a fallacy and a warning is issued (and temporary ban depending on how many warnings you have recently). Maybe it tracks which fallacy was reported and the sentence is harsher if you repeatedly use the same ones, and some are worth more than others. Idk. I think it could work.


No. They clearly said there isn’t one type of political debate. I love how in this conversation about arguments there’s still strawman arguments like this.


Like the other comment says, it’s empty, but I mean it in a different way. It has no soul. Skyrim you can feel the passion in the quests, the characters, and the world. Starfield is super bland, despite being a new IP they could have done anything with, and being sci-fi, which the purpose of sci-fi is to critique our current world. It’s the most milque toast sci-fi I’ve seen. It doesn’t question the current status-quo, despite corporations literally destroying Earth. You can rarely question authority. The characters all have identical views on everything, and that’s the “good” view that doesn’t really try to change anything for the better.

Also, the connecting fibers of the game just don’t exist. No system really ties into another, besides making money but money is nearly worthless. Nothing seems to have been considered on how to make it function as a cohesive product.

Basically it fails emotionally and technically.


GameBryo doesn’t exist in their engine anymore. I’m reasonably confident that there is hardly anything left in that engine from GameBryo. Their engine has plenty of issue, but they’re technically fixable with the right investments. I always disagree that they need to switch engines, and I used to disagree that they should (because it would incur a huge technical lag). They haven’t seemed to make the investments that they need to to make it acceptable for a modern engine though, so if they aren’t willing to do that they need to change something.


I agree that is insane. It’s also insane to say the Creation Engine is GameBryo. It isn’t. They just need to invest more to update it further.


Ship of Theseus.

When does the ship change from the ship of Theseus into something else?


I agree, and the same logic applies to the creation engine. However, so many people still, when complaining, say it’s GameBryo, which is just stupid. It shows their lack of understanding of how game development functions.


To your point about small movies, I’d say it’s true of many indie games too. It isn’t about “doing less with more” more than doing more with more is their issue here. They tried to do everything, and didn’t do anything well and didn’t try to connect the pieces together to make a solid product.

Factorio, for example, knows exactly what it is and it does it perfectly. Every system in the game ties into the core system of building your factory. Skyrim doesn’t know what it is and the pieces are scattered everywhere. Your ship is totally disconnected from everything else (except as a money and skill point sink). Outposts are disconnected from everything else (again, except for those two things). They just had too many resources to spend and didn’t set up the foundations to make it all work together.


I’m confident there isn’t much, if any, GameBryo left in the creation engine. Sure, they may share some bugs, but that doesn’t mean much. They could be caused by things Bethesda introduced.

I do agree that UE has had a lot more development, and that’s the issue with the Creation Engine, like I said. They haven’t invested in it like they needed to. They’ve done the bare minimum to keep the renderer looking modern (though I’d argue Starfield totally failed, specifically with faces), but not updating the core engine. UE is a commercial product on its own though, and it’s designed to be a lot more versatile than CE. CE is meant to make Bethesda games and that’s it. CE shouldn’t ever be expected to compare to UE on everything.


Surprisingly, that isn’t what the thought experiment has in mind. It was created before any kind of engine for a ship, so clearly they had other ideas. Generally it’s asked if it’s still the same shop when only one board from the original ship remains? If so, is it suddenly a different ship when that board is replaced? Before then all other boards were part of the Ship of Theseus, so why does that one board matter? If it doesn’t matter though, what does it mean to be The ship of Theseus?


It is not a “completely new engine”. That’s an insane statement. The renderer is mostly new, but the way it handles entities is pretty much the same. An engine is a large collection of tools. Some of those tools being changed out doesn’t mean you have a whole new toolbox.


And the creators of The Creation Engine 2 said the same thing, but we don’t believe them around here do we…

I doubt they said that it’s totally new. Give me a source for that. I believe the renderer is mostly new, but there’s still many components that inherit from the existing tech stack.


Your camp: “At its core Source2 is still just Quake1!!!”

Find where I said this. I’ll wait. I said it’s not Quake, and the Creation Engine is equally not GameBryo. They both contain heritage from their past. I’ve only pointed out that’s the people saying “the Creation Engine is GameBryo” also tend to say Source, Unreal, etc. aren’t what they used to be. You can’t have it both ways. Source 2 still has components of Quake, so either it isn’t Quake (which it isn’t) and CE isn’t GameBryo, or it is Quake and upgrading an engine can never fundamentally change things.

I’m not a part of any camp. Please stop trying to throw everyone into a box so you can argue against outrageous claims. Your strawman is recognized and not appreciated.


Didn’t even read my comment I assume. You stopped when I called you out for making up something I said, and then you say I’m the one using “aggressive language” and baiting you. Sure buddy.


Arena is one of the most open world of TES games. You can go anywhere in Tamriel. That said, it’s fairly limited with what it can do, but it’s so much more open than later games. Daggerfall is similar, except it got limited to one region.


Yeah, that one and Redguard are not open world.


I’ve played it. It’s pretty good. It improves many systems from 1 while keeping the same core game. It’s missing a few things the DLCs for 1 added, like more pedestrian options (and biking in general) and things like that, but it’s generally better. Some people have said the performance is bad, but it was good enough for me, and I’m not using a particularly modern system. YMMV.


There is one that clicks every ad it sees. Adnauseam.


True, but in Linux is pretty trivial to change the ownership (or just use “sudo” if that’s sufficient. Windows it takes longer to do these things.


Imagine thinking eating spoiled milk from a cow isn’t weird, but the mold part is. There are quite a few cases where mold is good. It’s not like blue cheese is the exception.

Cethin, (edited )

Chromosome pairs are not the determination for sex at birth. That’s a thing we tell children because it’s easier to understand. There are intersex people with different sets of chromosomes than that, and also with the chromosomes but the “wrong” sex. What determines sex is hormones during development. It’s associated with chromosome pairs, but that isn’t deterministic. This is why the conversation is so hard, because hormones determine everything, and we have the ability to control hormones now.

Also, sexual differentiation for physical ability only really happens during puberty. Before then, male and female children are identically capable. Considering that, where do puberty blockers or other hormone treatment land when used before puberty in this conversation? Also, where does long term hormone treatment land?

This whole thing has been overblown and not properly understood because some people have an agenda to turn people against trans people, and it’s an easy target. Sadly, sex doesn’t work based on their child level understanding of it, and the people pushing it have no incentive to expand anyone’s understanding, and likely not their own either.

Edit: I also want to add that hormone testing isn’t a great idea either. The captain of the Zambia soccer team was disqualified because her testosterone levels were too high naturally, despite being born female and birth and not doing anything to change things. It turns out that everyone has testosterone and estrogen to varying levels, and physical ability changes drastically from person to person regardless of hormones as well. This topic is so much more difficult than the simple solutions some people propose.


The number of times I’ve used assembly in games is weirdly high. I always enjoy applying it. It’s more interesting than modern high level languages that handle everything for you. That said, I don’t know where it’s really professionally relevant anymore really.


The same thing can be said about most conspiracy theories. People want to believe in aliens because then we aren’t alone and they feel more comfortable, for example. The biggest issue I have is it leads them to do things that are un-helpful for the rest of humanity.


Yep. Debt is an investment to increase taxable value later to make up for it. It’s also mostly owned by Americans, so the money paying for debt is going back into the economy, which is then creating more taxable value. As long as debt is used to make more money later, it isn’t bad. People understand this on a personal level (taking on debt to open a business can be a good decision, for example), but they been mislead by some people that for a nation it’s bad. They say this for a reason though, and it isn’t because they actually think debt is bad.


Probably true, but we all know what we’re talking about here…


Yeah, that’s what I meant by “wrong” in that. Their genitalia doesn’t match expectation based on chromosomes.


A not insignificant number of guests are usually dressed like regular modern day people. Ren faires are for everyone, and most people don’t own period costumes. It’s usually encouraged for guests to dress up, but it absolutely is not required.


It sounds like it’s basically the same. My understanding is this type of thing actually started in the US and was exported to Europe, ironically enough. But yeah, many (most) guests are not in costume. I don’t see how some guests in Trek costumes would harm anything.


But they aren’t pedophiles! They’re ephebophiles, which it totally matters to argue about the differences!


No, Catholicism dogma says it literally changes into it through transubstantiation. That’s what the church teaches. You can not believe that part if you like, like I do, I just go slightly further and not have belief in any of it.

In a thread about making fun of the beliefs of a catholic, it’s wrong to make fun of the beliefs of catholics? What is the difference between making fun of the silly belief that this person can’t use a tool named after alchemy and making fun of their belief in their own form of spellcraft? If you weren’t in a thread literally making fun of the beliefs of a religious person, you might have some ground to stand on. As it is though, why are you in this thread at all if you are bothered by it?

Cethin, (edited )

Where does it say otherwise? It very clearly says over and over that the substance becomes the body and blood of christ. It also says the appearance and outward characteristics stay the same, but the substance literally changes somehow in an undetectable way.

Also, I’m not writting a damn paper. I don’t need academic sources to post something online. Wikipedia is the best resource to share information with people. That’s the whole point. Here’s another. Meanwhile you are here with no sources at all. Say what you will about Wikipedia, but it’s a better source than your ass. If you want more or different information then you can search for it yourself. Those should give you all the search terms you need and I hope you can figure it out.


There aren’t evidence that unicorns don’t exist but there is certain probability that they don’t exist. If so far no one spoted them then a) they are super rare (they would need better luck than Dream) or b) they don’t exist

If I believed in unicorns I would probably just say they’re magical so they can avoid detection. Problem solved. There’s no way to collect evidence for them, but they can’t be disproven.

There are certain aspects of the world that skew the probability for the existence of God. Prophets, teachings and miracles of Christ, possessions, various apparitions, time before big bang. These things slightly skew the probability of existance of God but certainly they don’t provide definite answer.

These do not really skew the probability for any god in particular. Every god has the same claims, and there are thousands, if not far more, of them, and they’re usually mutually exclusive. Using probability, if they’re all equally probably, the probability you were born to parents who believe the correct one is effectively zero.

Now there’s Pascal’s Wager to deal with, that is you’re better off believing because the finite things you give up in this life weighed against the infinite reward if he’s real. However, again, every god has equal claim to this wager, and they’re mutually exclusive. You will give up something measurable and there are effectively infinite petitioners, so the wager is hardly even worth discussing. It’s just apologetics.

Cethin, (edited )

Then you are changing the nature of unicorns.

Sure, as is my right. This is what happens with religion constantly. For example, Pope Benedict XVI believes in evolution and the big bang. These remove the domain of God from creating all creatures, the earth, etc. Sure, it still leaves room for God to start it all off, but it is changing a fundamental aspect of creation. It’s the god of the gaps.

There are 20 major religions

There are currently 20 major religions. There have been many more through human history. The vast majority don’t exist anymore. Two of those, Islam and Christianity (plus Judaism), believe in the same god. Abrahamic religion all comes from previous religions though. You can compare the stories in the Bible to stories of other beliefs in the region and they match, though some aspect vary. Religion evolves. (Which I’d argue is evidence that it isn’t correct. If it were correct it’d never change.)

The prevalent existence of spirituality in Ethnic Tribes is an argument for spiritual element in humans. I will assume that we are in agreement on that point.

I agree it’s an argument for humans to believe in something spiritual, but not that it’s accurate. We don’t need to explain lightning with something in the sky fighting or anything anymore. We don’t need to explain mountains with gods having risen from them or anything anymore. Spirituality in humans is evidence of humans wanting an explanation for things, regardless of their knowledge of how it actually came to be, and nothing more.

It also gave me personally some benefit to my mental well being.

That’s good. For me it was only a negative influence. It didn’t make me feel better and only told me what to do. I don’t agree with many morals the Bible teaches (and neither do most Christians), and I’d rather have morals that treat people well regardless of what they or I believe. I don’t need religion to constrain my behavior, and it would prevent me from doing things I want to do and cause me to do things I don’t want to do.

If it’s a positive for you then fine, though I’d argue there’s probably some other religions that have better effects. When I was poking at religious beliefs when I was a teenager I really liked Buddhism. It’s a much more relaxing religion and makes much fewer claims and demands. That’s how I became an atheist though is I learned about other religions and noticed they all have equally valid claims, so I just don’t believe any.


Yes, the essence of it changes, but it’s somehow undetectable. It becomes his body and blood, but you can tell using your senses. Yeah, it doesn’t really make sense and language doesn’t seem to work well to describe it, because it’s insane. That’s the dogma of the Catholic church though. It also isn’t the most crazy thing you’re expected to believe. If this is an issue for anyone, they probably shouldn’t believe in the religion at all.


I’m not the one overanalyzing. I’m just taking their word for it.

[“Something happened at that last meal that Jesus celebrated with his disciples, something that had never happened before: Ordinary bread and wine were transformed into the body and blood of Jesus, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. I’m sure the disciples didn’t fully understand what had just happened, nor what would happen when they went on to celebrate “Last Suppers” with the early Christian community.

Yet they believed and had faith in the Lord’s words, even though they didn’t fully understand them.

For Catholics today, not much has changed. We believe that at every Mass, bread and wine become Jesus — his body, blood, soul and divinity — even though we can’t fully understand how it happens. The miracle of the Eucharist is a mystery, something that human reason and intelligence can never fully grasp.”](…/how-can-i-explain-transubstantia…)

“In the previous chapter the apostle wrote, “The blessing-cup that we bless is a communion with the blood of Christ, and the bread that we break is communion with the body of Christ” (1 Cor. 11:16). His words are clear. The only possible meaning is that the bread and wine at the consecration become Christ’s actual body and blood. Evidently Paul believed that the words Christ had said at the Last Supper, “This is my Body,” meant that really and physically the bread is his body. In fact Christ was not merely saying that the bread was his body; he was decreeing that it should be so and that it is so.”

“The Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation states that the bread and wine, at the moment of consecration during Holy Mass, actually become the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The change, however, is not detectable by the senses. This has led some Christians to question whether it is true. In order to understand what the doctrine of transubstantiation teaches, and why so many arguments against it are misleading, we need to understand the philosophy behind the doctrine.”

I know it’s easier to just say it’s a metaphor or whatever, but this is what the dogma of the church is. You don’t need to agree with it, but that doesn’t change it. Most Christians don’t believe this, but the Catholic church does. However, whenever anyone does anything that appears stupid, it’s easier to just say “you didn’t get it, it was a joke” or whatever. “Trump didn’t actually tell people to drink bleach, it was a joke.” Its a more convenient thing to think instead of having believed in something that has such rediculous beliefs.


I’m not pointing out something that can be debunked. I’m pointing out that it’s crazy spellcasting stuff. The dogma is that it becomes that thing, just that it’s undetectable to us. It’s untestable, so obviously I’m not claiming anything about debunking. I’m saying it’s crazy. If a modern person outside of a religion said those things we’d institutionalized them.


What? You can’t just say things and make it the case. It absolutely follows. It’s literally the whole point of what I was discussing. Talking about debunkers was the non-sequitur. It did not follow from discussing how crazy the claim is to talk about other people trying to debunk totally unrelated things.

You’re just saying names of logical fallacies seemingly without any understanding of what they mean and when they apply, hoping others will fall for it. There wasn’t a strawman before, and I didn’t make a non-sequitur statement.


No, they believe it fundamentally changes into the body and blood. It’s a nonsense meanining of the language from a measurable reasonable view of the universe, but they mean it does become that thing, but it’s undetectable so it can’t be tested. I don’t know what you’re arguing about. You either misunderstand what I’m saying, what they’re saying (which I’ve barely said anything, just copied what they say), or you’re just arguing for the sake of it.

The believe it actually becomes his body and blood. It literally becomes that, undetectably. It’s in a sense that is unmeasurable and undetectable, so that it can’t be debunked and can’t really be questioned beyond questioning the pretext of it happening. They do believe it literally is the body and blood of christ though. There’s no strawman there. I could construct one if I wanted to, but it’s totally unnecessary, because the real thing is absurd enough. It’s not my fault that the mystical language doesn’t gel with a realistic, scientific, physical understanding of our language.

I was responding to what you said about debunkers earlier, so it was not an non-sequitur. It was directly responding to your comment, although bringing that up was a non-sequitur. It had no relevance.

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