wiki-user: car

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I really should have mentioned that this isn’t a conventional bento box. It’s a DIY filer unit to cut down on some of the ABS and ASA nasties that come with printing.…/272525-bentobox-v20-carbon-filte…


I have an enclosed CoreXY printer. There’s a lot of variety in filament affordability, so I’m working my way through the (cheap) stuff on Amazon, slowly but surely. The 3DF branded ABS used here looks nice but was wound like hot trash. I ordered three rolls and I think I need to return two of them.

Any particular brands you’ve run that have been consistently good? I’m eventually going to try the good stuff like Polymaker, but I can get two rolls of play material for the price of one nice roll.


I’d think the skull is unusable without any processing anyways. Coffee is slightly acidic and bones will dissolve over time. Plus, bones are porous not unlike terra cotta pots. You’d need to glaze the interior or something after you seal the major holes


What’s that? All I see is *******

StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS (

While Blizzard is very much focussed on its big money-makers like its various Warcraft games, from WoW to Hearthstone to Warcraft Rumble, as well as Diablo and the much-maligned Overwatch 2, he’s still open to StarCraft making a comeback. That said, RTS fans shouldn’t get their hopes up. While the series might return, that...


I’d love for Blizzard to pursue a genuine passion project. Ask the Microsoft overlords for a few years to put out something not beholden to sales expectations or profit. They can devote a small team to make something that they want to while the rest of the company continues on with its soulless corporate entertainment fabricator to fund the creative projects. You need creative projects to keep the workforce engaged.

If nothing else, Activision Blizzard was seen as a greedy, profit-driven machine which continually pushed out semi-entertaining products with en emphasis on FOMO micro-transactions and monetization schemes. Blizzard is a shell of what it once was.

Let them get back to their roots. Let them focus on engagement and fun.


The usurper delivered us from the evil that was cable or nothing.

You either die a hero or live long enough to become the enemy. The cycle must repeat


And even if we could provide the training algorithm a perfectly diverse dataset, who gets to decide what that means? You could probably poll a million anthropologists from across the world and observe trends, but no certain consensus. What if polling anthropologists in underdeveloped nations skews in a different direction than what we consider rich countries? How about if a country was a colonizer in the past or has participated in a violent revolution?

How do we decide who qualifies as an anthropologist? Is a doctorate required, or is a college degree with numerous publications sufficient?

I don’t think we’ll ever see a perfectly neutral solution to this problem. At best, we can come equipped with knowledge that these tools may come with some biases, like when you analyze texts from the past. You make the best with what you have and strive to improve


I remember being excited for Blizzard game expansions. They were so full of content


While I agree that the individuals in the administration who touched the issue and failed to act should be at the very least fired for negligence resulting in serious bodily harm, I don’t think they did anything criminal. They made some poor decisions and a woman was hurt under their purview - they did not cause the woman to be shot.


Do you have any examples of this? I can’t think of any cases where somebody was found guilty in a criminal court for failing to act on a report of a firearm being present.


Both posts I was replying to refer to criminal acts

AI Camera's took over one small American Town. Now they are everywhere. (

Spread across four computer monitors arranged in a grid, a blue and green interface shows the location of more than 50 different surveillance cameras. Ordinarily, these cameras and others like them might be disparate, their feeds only available to their respective owners: a business, a government building, a resident and their...


I’d imagine you need to point the software to a camera you own. In this case, cities would add list of the networked cameras they use to the software suite and let it do its thing.

I doubt this program is just scouring the net for unsecured cameras, but who really knows. IP geolocation is getting worse and worse by the year, so that’s an unreliable feature.


Kind of a “takes one to know one” situation here


In the video the EW truck doesn’t seem like it has the antennas deployed. Video quality makes it hard to tell. Could have just been parked.

It could also just be sheer incompetence.

Car, (edited )

I want to say they missed the mark with Shadow, but it indirectly brought us this kind of treasure. It’s like the grandfather of modern cringe


The article is 8 sentences. Doesn’t seem like a great source


Relevant bits of the story with some sections cut out:

“But in an email to this newspaper, National Defence stated “the word ‘alleged’ is standard practice to reference cases subject to investigation. It is not intended to diminish anyone’s agency or experiences.”

Adams pointed out that police and CFMWS records clearly undercut Bourgon’s claim the attack was only an allegation. In addition, Adams noted the National Defence statement was not correct since there was no ongoing investigation into her case.

However, Canadian military police did create a “shadow file” on Jan. 3, 2023, with details of the incident. (A shadow file is a Canadian Forces document about an issue the military has an interest in, but not direct control over.) Those details and that report do not dispute Adams’ version of events, and police termed the incident a sexual assault.”

Seems like nobody really investigated the instance outside of creating a report.


Packs of feral dogs seems like an unintentional gameplay feature, like nuke-happy Ghandi in Civ. They should really lean into it and offer some sort of science-based feral dog MMO


Massive TLDR:

“Eventually, it was reported that the sprouted plants had died, that the potatoes failed to sprout, and that the fruit flies failed to hatch. The total run time for the experiment was nine days instead of the planned 100.”


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  • Car,

    I’m cackling and it’s all your fault


    Aren’t they usually around 6% total commission, split between the selling and purchasing agent? Unless you bought a house that’s north of a million, that’s a bit much.


    Yeah. We aren’t those kids’ parents so we don’t really know what they wanted, but I doubt they wanted to dress up as that over something that kids have fun with.

    Biden did give them boxes of cigarettes though, which is nice.


    Thankfully it seems that encoding ads into the video stream is still too expensive for them to implement.

    I’m assuming that asking CDNs to combine individualized ads with content and push the unique streams to hosts does not scale well.


    This seems simple for one stream, but scale that up to how many unique streams that Youtube is servicing at any given second. 10k?

    Google doesn’t own all of the hardware involved in this video serving process. They push videos to their local CDNs, which then push the videos to the end users. If we’re configuring streams on the fly with advertisements, we need to push the ads to the CDNs pushing out the content. They may already be collocated, but they may not. We need to factor in additional processing which costs time and money.

    I can see this becoming an extremely ugly problem when you’re working with a decentralized service model like Youtube. Nothing is ever easy since they don’t own everything.


    Lucky! My grocery store only sells 5 different eye drop products.


    I’ve seen this but nobody actually likes the older versions either. Vista being an outlier, of course


    Can you post the image? I’m genuinely curious now, but I’m getting nothing shocking from google image search


    I appreciate you doing the dirty work.

    Who knew the Spyro community could compete with MLP and Sonic for… creative fanservice


    There’s no world police, so unless other countries dispute China’s claims and back them up with some sort of weight, the region is theirs by default.


    We must remember that Russia and China do not differentiate between peace and war

    The hostile intentions and actions of our adversaries show that they consider themselves to be at war with the West

    I don’t think that words have consistent meanings coming from this guy. If their adversaries (China) show that they consider themselves to be at war, then they also consider themselves to be at peace?


    They are incompatible thoughts. Peacetime posturing and wartime posturing involve completely different priorities and lines of effort for governments.

    Wartime governments need to prioritize their war efforts. Peacetime governments do not - while there may be some light overlap for creation and maintenance of a self defense military force, individual liberties are not restricted, economic efforts are not diverted to replenish critical resources, and industrial outputs are not shifted to materiel production. Posturing for war places extreme stress on a nations ability to participate in global commerce and academia.


    Ark: Survival Ascended includes all previously released paid DLC and new content of its own, including additional store content, new DLC, seasonal events…

    Car, (edited )

    I don’t think an RTL-SDR is going to help you with any sort of privacy outside of maybe validating that your devices aren’t emitting typical RF while they off. You aren’t realistically going to become an electronic warfare master with some shitty home equipment and no formal training.

    Best route is to start combing through security conference presentations for anything relevant to your lifestyle.

    A lot of the cutting edge information gathering stuff isn’t exactly practical for widespread use. I guess somebody living a floor above you could capture your wireless traffic, but you’re not interesting enough for them to dedicate high sensitivity antennas and bespoke equipment to phreak your keyboard strokes and break out fucking differential power analysis techniques on your home.

    Practice good data and security hygiene, stay off social media when possible, and don’t use IOT devices. If anybody wants to get at you, and I mean really wants to get at you, there’s nothing you’re going to be able to do about it besides giving up all electronics.


    You should try this. I guarantee that it’s nowhere near as easy as you’re thinking.

    There’s a huge difference between proof of concept activities and useful, fruitful information gathering and analysis.

    If you’re going to be downloading programs and running scripts without doing the work to understand how these tools were built and how to modify them to suit your use cases, then you aren’t actually going to get anything useful out of them.


    I came off as pretty aggressive, so I apologize. I’ve been interested in this field for a while and I am still an amateur in most aspects. This isn’t really an area that’s intuitive or easy to pick up for most people.

    You’ve come out of the gate swinging. It’s technically possible for people to do the things you’re exploring… but the same people who are publishing these techniques and concepts are professionals. They may not have formal education in computer science, but they have the experience.

    Spend time going over things like DEFCON presentations. Sharpen your coding skills. Vacuum up free courseware from sources like MIT.

    You can probably pick up “normal” RF with a cheap SDR antenna setup, but then what? You are stuck with some waves and no idea what to do with them. Are you picking up intentional Bluetooth? How would you recognize Bluetooth that’s frequency hopping? Looking at RF waveforms for modern communications is absolutely ugly and tedious.

    There’s so much to learn. You need to pick one topic and dig in. All of these things have much more depth than we can explain over lemmy.


    Best place to start is by vacuuming up some open courseware from MIT on the topics you’re interested in. RF fundamentals, basic wireless communications, maybe some basics of network security and fundamentals of computer security or cryptology.

    You need a knowledge base in order to know what to look for when you run into problems, else you just kind of waste a lot of time.

    Then, familiarize yourself with wireshark. Start the program and visit a few http websites to see what information your computer is transmitting and how it’s formatted. Your goal is to ultimately snoop on this information and modify it. You need to know how to change a character in the middle of a packet to deliver an effect. If none of that makes sense…

    Learning an SDR is honestly a bit of a pain. You can get a $30 antenna on Amazon that covers the ~1-6 GHz range and that will enable a lot of what you want to do. Try to pick up on old router that supports the WEP protocol. It’s old and deprecated with lots of information on how to break it.

    Combine the SDR with your computer and wireshark to visit a webpage with HTTP. You’re almost certainly going to run into problems manually isolating and cleaning up the WiFi signal on your SDR into something that’s useful, but you probably have enough to start you off on your journey. If you can capture the WiFi traffic and convert it from an analog waveform into a digital bitstream, then you can finally begin doing useful things. Of course… you need to decrypt the bitstream and account for errors.

    Good luck


    It’s best to purchase an old router which doesn’t support new protocols to learn with. It should only be used for your testing - not meant for normal use. WEP will be several orders of magnitude easier to crack than WPA2 or WPA3. Tools can help you break certain implementations of encryption regardless of how many bits of entropy that are being used - often by addressing weaknesses in the algorithms or cryptologic pathways vice brute forcing. That’s often the kind of thing demonstrated in conferences and featured in research papers.

    As far as everything else is concerned, you’ll get there if you stick with it. I’ll echo what others have said in this thread; there are some serious diminishing returns for attaining absolute security, all of which can be bypassed by attacking you.


    Honeypots have gotten really weird lately. Anti-honeypot (along with anti-VM and anti-debugging) techniques and methods are more common than ever. I think something like 80% of all APT-level malware from the past 5 years use these techniques


    It would be great if Sony would commit to its own creative endeavors.

    The PSVR suite has some great potential, but outside of like… 3? first party games, it doesn’t have anything that you can’t find elsewhere. And for the titles that are available on other platforms, they tend to be updated more frequently or are otherwise more feature rich elsewhere. There’s a lot of power behind the platform, but almost nothing to use it for.

    PSVR 2 is not compatible with PSVR1 from the PS4, so all of your accessories and games don’t carry over.

    The newly updated Meta Quest 3 can run standalone or linked up to a computer. I don’t expect Sony to ever open up compatibility outside of its ecosystem, but history has shown that Sony is fine with abandoning ideas that don’t immediately print money.


    I share your thoughts. Feels like for better or worse, this generation has exceedingly few true console exclusives. The Xbox ecosystem offers more sales in my corner of the world plus the option for gamepass if you’re so inclined, so it seems like a better value.

    I finally picked up a PS5 on sale for a family holiday gift. I originally wanted to grab one for VR, but the longer I hold off, the more I’m seeing that it’s simply not a competitive package for that gaming space. I don’t have a gaming computer, so I’m limited to a few options, but for what my kids are interested in, a Quest 3 just offers more.

    It’s kind of dumb. I want to spend my money on VR, but I don’t want to waste it. It’s a bit of a catch-22 where the ecosystem needs supporters now to grow, but people like myself don’t want to support it because it hasn’t grown (to meet the competition’s offerings, anyways)


    I feel like Stellaris is a measurably different game than release. I bought the game on steam like 10 years ago and while it looks largely the same, the mechanics have seemingly had complete makeovers or renovations every few years. As far as I can tell most of the modified mechanics have been introduced to the base game as well, so those without DLC aren’t completely left out.

    The game used to be some weird rock-paper-scissors game of either wormholes, gateways, and jump drives with corvette death columns. There was an optimal way to play and everything else was a handicap


    I like their DLC policies.

    The base game gets updated over a period of what, 10 years? Core gameplay mechanics which don’t work well or at least don’t make the developers happy are tweaked or revamped all the time. I only really play Stellaris, but the changes to the game throughout the years have kept things interesting.

    The alternative is… not updating things which they don’t like? Perhaps that means mods never break, but then we’re shifting the onus of fixing the game to a third party, who can decide to quit whenever they want and let their (closed source) code deprecate. I’ve seen that kind of thing in Civ and I wasn’t a fan.

    I guess with a studio that has demonstrated a pattern of long-term support for their games, this is what we get.


    The classic latin sewerslut

    Army private who fled to North Korea charged with desertion, held by US military, officials tell AP (

    An Army private who fled to North Korea before being returned home to the United States last month has been detained by the U.S. military, two officials said Thursday night, and is facing charges including desertion and possessing sexual images of a child.


    Yep. I don’t remember seeing that bit when he originally fled. Something about assaulting some South Koreans and facing punishment.

    This makes trying to flee make a little more sense

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