
@[email protected]


This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Every time we get a wave of fresh influx, it seems to bring a fair number of upset people here. I’m not particularly surprised, they’re coming from a less-pleasant environment just in general.

People do seem to settle down a little bit after they get some time to unwind from that all, though.


I don’t block Instances. I just espouse classic American liberal ideas around freedom and equality and let them ban me.


Ruud is generally pro-Threads federation. We have a lot of time to change his mind though. I think he knows his stance is outnumbered something like 5 to 1.


So, more reasonably put, we produce value. Many of us do not want our value to contribute to facebook’s success in any way.


Honestly, I’m not sure. You can make a thread in the lemmy support sub if you want, someone will probably answer pretty quick.

This comment might not get seen much, since this post is from yesterday I think.


I’m of the opinion that Lemmy’s success will depend more on the quality of product the devs at build, and less on our exposure to a large audience.


Are we now? I know the guys were the original devs, but an open source project can be devved by anyone, they just make their own branches.


… the two dots just aren’t fair, man. That’s worse than when someone puts a fleck into a photo to make you try to wipe it off your screen.

I need more angles of this.


I agree with most of this, but the parts that are odd to me sound like the results of a fairly typical sort of leftist bubble.

Gun control, for instance, is actually popular with the public at large. If the gun lobby weren’t so wealthy, this would probably be a nothing-burger, something we tackled years ago. Here’s some gallup data in some nice tables and graphs, going back years:

Similar with immigration, though, if you address a problem, you can’t campaign on it any more. Since conservatives don’t really want a whole lot to change, ever really, they generally can’t campaign on accomplishments and solutions. So, they campaign on the problems they refuse to fix instead. And occasionally coming up with some weird new one to get people riled up over. But guns are a pretty consistent one for them. Remember how Obama was going to take all their guns away?


TIK History.

Tik went from solidly researched war history to not-so-solidly researched political and religious theory. I did not appreciate it. Veritas et caritas recently raked him over the coals for it, which I am grateful for. Hopefully he returns to his area of strength, and resumes making quality history content.


hate groups were quieted to the best of our ability, slowly erasing those archaic viewpoints

We absolutely tried that. The approach failed quickly and spectacularly in the past 15ish years, and even backfired. Frankly, whether you call it shunning, cancel culture, or people exercising their rights of association, it’s not very effective in the Information Age.

I’ve personally pivoted to the much more exhausting, dogged method of dealing with them fairly, and simply taking the time to explain where and how they went wrong. This is very time consuming, but can work sometimes.


Can probably take a crack over at

Might find an aquaculture person, with the whole homesteading movement’s popularity the past couple decades.


Just so long as you approach it with a sense of balance. Imo, weed is better as an end-of-the-day unwinding kinda thing, and works well as a reward for a day of putting up with life.

If you go overboard though, its short-term memory effects can bite you in the ass a little bit. It ends up inhibiting learning, which is one of the modern world’s most critical skills. It’s not a severely dangerous thing, but does make certain important things harder than they otherwise would’ve been. Also notable that modern strains are much more effective, at both positive effects and unintended consequences.


PBS Space Time is the real heavyweight of science youtube, bit of a one-stop-shop for more advanced science questions.

Problem is you can’t jump straight in. It’s proper education, so it builds on itself in layers, and you need the previous layers to be able to work with future ones. You need at least a fluent HS level of physics and algebra to be able to run with them, and if you go there for the answer to one question, you might find yourself going back down a tree of their previous vids just to pick up that important background/foundational stuff that is necessary to see how it all fits together.

Otherwise it’s science-flavored word salad.

Nile, on the other hand, is immediately accessible. He’s doing hands-on laboratory stuff, and explaining particularly important basics as he goes. Chemistry background helps, but is not actually necessary. Love that dude, he’s great.

Also, if you like Dr Becky, check out Sabine Hossenfelder.

Also, props to SEA, who imo strikes the best balance of everyone in the space science community between accessibility and scientific accuracy. As opposed to someone like Astrum, who occasionally will be inaccurate, but is more science entertainment anyway.

Lastly, going to throw out Journey to the Microcosmos’ microscopy vids. Big and far away is cool, but small and right on top of you is kinda cool too. They’re basically nature documentaries, just … bacteria instead of lions and zebras and shit.

Candelestine, (edited )

Alright, I’ll just dump:

PBS Spacetime, for answers to roughly-university-level physics and foundational science:

The Science Asylum, for quicker, more concise answers to specific physics questions in Bill Nye style:

Sabine Hossenfelder, for science news updates:

Dr Becky, for astronomy/astrophysics news:

SEA, for more accessible astronomy/astrophysics explainers:

Scott Manley, for space exploration/engineering analysis:

NileRed for hands-on chemistry:

Journey to the Microcosmos for microscope science:

Institute of Human Anatomy for physiology, with a lean towards medicine:

Lastly, the Godfather himself, Mark Rober for mechanical/electrical engineering, and how to use ultra-fine glitter and fart spray to fight package thieves:

You changed the world, Mark.

Once you start digging through enough of these, the algorithm will pick up that you like good science stuff, and will start helping you out a little. There’s thousands of them now, professionals, working fully within their areas of demonstrated expertise. I recommend googling their full names and checking their background before trusting them yourself. This is like, off the top of my head, though, just some of my favorites for evening background audio.

There’s also whole worlds of math youtubers in-line with all the above, that are outside the scope of this question.

I’ll edit if I think of more. I probably will.

edit: I do realize several of these, such as the astrophysicists, are not experimental. I’m digging for more experiment-oriented types, but neither my memory nor my algorithm is helping.

enzoesco, to fediverse Italian

Are you curious about Mastodon? Mammoth, the Google-funded app*, could be the app that will use all of you to destroy the Fediverse

I would like to know what you think of this post published here in Italian: is it exaggerated or is there a grain of truth?


Are you curious about Mastodon? Mammoth, the Google-funded app, could be the app that will use all of you to destroy the Fediverse*

Dear friends of decentralization, welcome to the end of the world!

One of the most serious limitations of Mastodon (not to mention other obscene software, such as the cumbersome Friendica or the toy Misskey) is that... it sucks!

No it's not true, it doesn't suck, in fact it has improved the ergonomics a lot, but compared to commercial social networks it still seems to be several years behind.

At the moment only Bluesky seems to do worse, but in that case we are actually talking about a dead fetus kept artificially alive by American journalists, so it's a bit out of competition...

** Did you want to know why I titled it “funded by Google”?*

The app is definitely well made and has some interesting new features.

The updated app will introduce a number of features designed to appeal to former X users, including personalized suggestions of accounts to follow, to help you rebuild your network on Mastodon, as well as curated “smart lists” that help you find interesting conversations that take place on Mastodon.

Mammoth will also integrate with the editorial staff of Flipboard, the social magazine app for curating news on topics from across the web through accounts such as News , Tech , Culture and Science. And it is a partner with Newsmast , another curator of news and communities on Mastodon, as well as, which imports feeds from popular news websites into Mastodon. These integrations allow Mammoth 2 to create a number of other “smart lists,” including those for News, World News, Business, Tech, Environment, and Nature.

From Sarah Perez's article published December 7 on TechCrunch

In short, to use Mastodon more easily, users will give up the most important aspect offered by Mastodon: decentralization!

That's how: following other people's lists, integrating rubbish like Newsmast (one of the projects most oriented towards the Anglospheric centralization of news which is starting to have some singers even in the Italian Fediverse), everything we always wanted to avoid by migrating from Twitter to Mastodon!

I won't hide from you that seeing Mammoth become so popular in some way in the last few days is truly disheartening: a campaign of a few thousand dollars is enough to infest the entire Fediverse with the editorials of a small US company.

By the way, many of Mammoth's features had already been implemented by IceCubes . Not to mention, IceCubes has always been free and open source!

Mammoth has also become open source. But when you launch it, the first thing it does (how horrible!) is make you automatically follow their account (I got visual messages on the new features screen, but I wasn't able to stop the following on that screen) and they a very shitty icon similar to that of Threads.

Most concerning though is their SmartLists feature: send your handle to their official instance, which uses a Mastodon fork that serves the “Smart Lists” feature. One can reasonably see how this undermines decentralization…

In the photo, Hänsel and Gretel appreciating the ergonomics of the apps financed by BigTech

A final bitter consideration? It's not true that we always want to ruin the beautiful things we have. But unfortunately it is true that we always have this overwhelming desire to help anyone who wants to ruin what we have. As long as he is rich, beautiful and powerful…

cc @aral @Gargron @pluralistic @fediverse


Anyone can join the Fediverse and make stuff for it. That includes google, if they feel like it.

I do not recommend that you crusade to attempt to control who does and does not belong in the Fediverse. That probably won’t accomplish anything except increasing your own blood pressure and making a lot of people block you.


Just wanted to chime in here to say RIP Evernote. You served well.


Was kinda hoping we could use that all for the rebuilding effort that’ll probably take years, but yeah, I guess winning first is probably more important.


20 per cent of adults were “overwhelmed by anxiety”

This concerns me. To be struck down by anxiety in the first place, you have to give a fuck. Frankly, avoiding anxiety, even when you deserve it, is a big part of why not giving a fuck is so popular.

Anyways though, they’re people that care, just being bludgeoned by their information environment. Into paralysis, eventually, if it gets bad enough.


Yeah, this is one of the worst. It can do this tag team thing with “wait, did I actually remember to turn my alarm on this time…?” too. Horribly effective duo.


Alright, before I pick up another week long ban for something, can someone please tell me where this pinned post is that has the rules on it? I can’t follow them if I don’t know what they are, and I see no pinned posts in this sub.


So, this community just operates on the Instance rules? I don’t think that’s accurate. We need a rule that says “no sympathy for Russian soldiers” for instance. That is not an Instance rule, but is one for just this community specifically.


Take a look at the modlog… Lot of banning of pro-western, pro-Ukrainian voices just because they felt bad from watching some mid-tier gore clips.

They should at least have been given a chance to know that was a bannable offense. I didn’t know, and I’ve been here actively for months.


Exactly. Let’s get a clear set of our own rules up for the community, so people understand what is and isn’t acceptable. As this community and Lemmy overall grows larger, this becomes more useful.


I had an old Amazon Fire tablet, one of the cheapest models. Thing was basically useless, even after I extracted it from Amazon’s environment.

But, it was perfectly functional for reading, and was an excellent size for comics of any sort in particular. Was also good for video. Just don’t expect it to do literally anything else. Except shop from Amazon I suppose, which is not very helpful.


I get a few takeaways from this, one of these being that progress, people foresee (or think they foresee), will turn out to be a merely forward thing, where we can only get better at inventing, which means better tech, which means the ability to improve how we destroy, and another being that nation states, themselves having been a can of worms on their own when tribes contemplated no longer being tribes, will be targeting other nation-states, but that tribes, being nomadic and not as technologically in-tune, would have less incentive to be struck down by a nuke, as would city-states to a lesser degree due to the second thing and/or the fact that everyone existing in the form of city-states might make people more careful.

This … is all one sentence. It’s … beautiful.


Damn straight.


Eh, I was, and I am undisturbed. I honestly find it incredibly hard to believe that any 40+ year old netizen could find any meme format actually disturbing.


That is true, I likely would. But I would know that internet meme formats are cross-platform and freedom of expression dominates the internet as a whole over other priorities. So, I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it, and it wouldn’t be a great idea to try.


No, just have enough life experience to know when using it makes any sense.


Othered from what? Liberal democracy and freedom of speech? Good luck.


Easier to enjoy them when people aren’t trying to shut others down by pretending to get “offended” so easily, and tossing around casual insults when challenged.


“truths” belong in holy books. They should stay there.


Yep, done that one before for sure.


I mean, yah… When Steam puts damn near every game in existence on sale like 4 times a year like clockwork, they know damn well they’re setting up a habit/tradition in their consumer base that they can use to control the broader industry.

They’re big enough to survive with sheer volume on smaller margins for most of their revenues, and occasionally getting full ticket price from someone impatient or using their parents money.

Any upstart competitors will have a much harder time of it.


Yeah, I’ve done that before. I usually just drink a big glass of water though, that usually works.


Yeeeah okay, allergies are a different story. I’m more thinking of a wake-up-in-the-morning type of stuffy nose, maybe from a mild cold or something.

I find I’m often a little bit dehydrated, which makes it a little harder to blow my nose.


Becomes slightly more intuitive when you remember there’s an asteroid belt in the middle that maybe would’ve grabbed up enough stuff to form into a planet if Jupiter wasn’t messing with it the whole time.


It’s a skill like any other, so it’s going to differ depending on you. But, B. It feels like being a wizard or demigod of some sort.

It always reminded me of those stories (like, D&D/myth type stuff) where a godling of some sort is fairly vulnerable most of the time, until they get onto their own home plane, where they become fully omnipotent again. Kinda a “you don’t want to fuck with me here” sort of thing.

Probably colored by the fact I had my first one as a child, and used it to stop a nightmare in progress, which was very memorable.

Candelestine, (edited )

Yeah, you never can guarantee initiating a lucid moment, it happens to you. You can cultivate the tendency, but that’s it.

But once you start remembering it and consciously thinking about it, it starts to become a little more accessible to your sleeping mind. I think this is what makes dream journals so effective for developing the skill in the first place.

But yeah, that happening and simply not remembering in the split second you have to do so would kinda suck. Though I would be slightly tempted, personally, to process the experience a little bit now that I’m awake, and then go like “fine. let’s dance bitch.” and go back to sleep. Because all I need is to become lucid at any point, and I can summon her to be dealt with.

I had a lot of practice focusing on and thinking about dreams in general though.

edit: Considering this a little further, when I said “dealt with” that struck an unfortunate tone that I didn’t fully intend. It’s useful imo to remember that she is a figment of your imagination, and she wouldn’t be there if there wasn’t a reason for it. So, my “dealt with” isn’t like levitating her into the sky to slowly disintegrate her from the toes up or something. I would probably get started by simply asking that slice of my own mind, what does she want? Why is she here?

Likely sentence would be banishment on pain of destruction, but it would depend on what she said.

World carbon dioxide emissions increase again, driven by China, India and aviation (

The world in 2023 increased its annual emissions by 398 million metric tons, but it was in three places: China, India and the skies. China’s fossil fuel emissions went up 458 million metric tons from last year, India’s went up 233 million metric tons and aviation emissions increased 145 million metric tons....


Something about this categorization scheme of country, country, industry kinda irritates me. I understand aviation is a touch harder to pin down to this or that country, but not impossible or anything.


Yes, if a large meteor landed on it, it would probably be destroyed.


Are you asking why Lemmy has a lean towards political activism? Why the political activism is so heavily focused on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? Or why they’ve chosen the side that they have within that conflict?

All three are completely different questions, and all of them are complicated and also pretty much impossible to answer with any real confidence. But they’re interesting.

Anyways, which is the biggest thrust of your question?


Apolitical communities formed of people that are otherwise more politically active sorts may see a little more politics than normal, during particularly emotional times.

It’s more about the people than the community.


Right. I was just saying that communities that are completely, 100% unrelated to politics, may begin to see more politics, during particularly emotional times.

So, in a community completely unrelated to politics, people can still talk about politics unless it is against the rules. So, during times when people are sad, angry or otherwise upset, it kinda just creeps in?

Make sure that if you really want to stay away from it, you look for communities where political discussion is specifically a ban-able offense. Those will usually have a lot less fighting and arguments.

As for why there is so much of this on Lemmy specifically, it’s because we are probably more politically active than most of the rest of the internet.


No problem. That would start to bleed into the second of the questions I proposed earlier, and frankly, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is just special. Like, unique in many ways. So it dominates when it’s around, that’s the same every time it fires back up. There’s a lot of storied history, rooted in things everyone has studied and at least vaguely understands.

And this particular flare-up is particularly huge. Lots of big explosions, lots of footage, lots of carnage.

How did Lemmy World become the default instance?

World was already the biggest by far when I first started lurking back in July, and it’s just getting more dominant. Before, there was quite some diversity in the distribution of generic communities, but nowadays the vast majority of posts that reach the top are from over there....


It’s also worth noting that human beings are not 100% rational creatures, always thoroughly collecting data and making careful decisions about what will get them the best results. Instead they’re just a little bit lazier than that.

Theoretically laziness is a biological adaptation that improves survivability for part of the population during times of famine.


Since nobody mentioned it, I will. It has a cool, short and easy to remember name.

Curb appeal and convenience are extremely powerful drivers of human behavior. Moreso than time-consuming, complex, rational processing in a world of nearly infinite options.

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