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I'm thinking he could replace Robert Downey Jr for Tropic Thunder 2.


The big problem with IQ is that it's horribly misapplied. It's a predictor for how you will do in education. That is all it was designed to do and all it has ever been validated for. It does that ok, not great but well enough to be statistically significant. It has some reasonable use in identifying extreme outliers (the roughly 5% of people more than 2 standard deviations from the mean) which is useful for getting the roughly 2.5% of people more than 2 standard deviations below the mean the additional resources and care they need. There are no other valid community uses for IQ and for the vast majority of people it's a meaningless number. It unfortunately found a place in pop culture and in business and government recruitment when realistically it's use should have always been limited to research and selective clinical/educational applications (identifying people that need extra resources). Mass testing is undisputably a waste of resources because of how little useful information it generates and the high risk of misuse of basically meaningless results of the 95% that are within the normal range.

Study Finds 79% of Americans Believe Marijuana is As Safe or Safer Than Tobacco (

“More than one-third of participants felt that daily smoking of cannabis was safer than tobacco, and their views increasingly favored safety of cannabis vs tobacco over time (1742 participants [36.7%] in 2017 vs 2107 participants [44.3%] in 2021; P < .001)”


It's not so much the contradictory expectations that bother me, it's how success and failure are framed in modern society. The messaging is that for cis white men success should be externalized and failure should be internalized while for everyone not cis white and male it's the opposite. The messaging is that the system is built for the benefit of cis white men so when they succeed it's because the system pushed them to success and when they fail they do so in spite of the system pushing them to succeed so their failures are do to some particular flaw within themselves. The system is built for the benefit of cis white men so when someone who isn't cis white and male succeeds they do so despite the system pushing them to fail so the success is because of some special strength within themselves and when they fail it's because the system pushed them to failure.

There is truth to the premise that the system is built for the benefit of cis white men but the system doesn't push cis white men to succeed, especially not poor and working class men. It does give cis white men advantages but it does so primarily by creating additional barriers for people who aren't cis white and male. Your parents economic status is the most reliable indicator for success.

Two LGBTQ films were slapped with R and NC-17 ratings. Critics say queer sex scenes are treated differently (

When adapting the 2019 LGBTQ romantic novel Red, White & Royal Blue for the screen, Matthew Lopez was careful to circumvent an R-rating. The film has a handful of sex scenes that stop short of full-frontal nudity — there’s some bare butts and, naturally, shirtless men....


Films can be resubmitted, the South Park movie was submitted 6 times before the rating was dropped from NC-17 to R.


Vita Malt or Malta Goya might be worth a try. They are malted soft drinks flavored with barley and hops. A South American or African grocery should have them or similar brands if you can't find them at your regular grocery. They will probably be in the international section.


I've never seen a tornado throw a cow through a house. I have seen the aftermath of a tornado trying to climb a mountain and digging a trench down to the base rock. If a tornado can dig out a couple hundred ton of shale and sandstone in a few minutes I don't imagine it'd have too much trouble with a cow.


I generally agree with you but cats probably aren't the best example to use here. They evolved as desert animals with very limited access to water. Because of that their bodies are extremely efficient at using water, which is why their pee is so concentrated and smelly, and they have a very low thirst drive. Cats do regularly drink without being thirsty.


I'd go with something safe for the gift like a non food gift or, because nearly all religious food restrictions are related to animal products, a vegan safe gift. Then I would ask them to a dinner/game night. When you invite them you can say that you were a little nervous about asking because you don't know much about halal and set up a day where you can cook together. Gives you a chance to learn a little more about them and build the friendship.

How do I go about writing aquatic humans as an allegory (or w/e the right word is) for Indigenous people?

I’m considering writing the merfolk in my story as a sort of metaphor for indigenous peoples, as well as other sea-dwelling or otherwise aquatic humans. Is this inherently problematic in and of itself, or is there a way to write this that works and is respectful to actual indigenous folks? If it’s inherently disrespectful, I...


You are correct. Namor was one of the original 3 main title Marvel Superheroes along with Captain America and the android Human Torch (different from the Fantastic 4 Human Torch) and first appeared in 1939. After X-Men became popular he was retconed into being a mutant and has sometimes been called the first mutant because he was created first despite the in universe timeline having him be younger than Xavier and Magneto. When Apocalypse was created as a functionally immortal mutant from Ancient Egypt he took on the in universe title of the world's first mutant but the Submariner still occasionally gets the title out of universe.

This is an old topic from Reddit, sorry about that, but I think the community would benefit from separating porn and other types of nsfw by adding the nsfl tag. (

I've seen several posts lately of people complaining about porn showing up in their feeds and the posters say that they don't want to block all nsfw posts because they follow other things, like news from the war in Ukraine, that gets tagged nsfw because of graphic imagery. I think they have a reasonable complaint and that the...

/kbin logotype

No, porn would stay nsfw, non porn nsfw would move to the nsfl tag.


It would have us labeling porn differently than most of the rest of the internet. That's not necessarily a bad thing and using something like porn would make the difference obvious. I was trying to stay closer to conventional usage.


I addressed that at the end of my post for how I was thinking about it. I was using nsfl as a catchall for non porn nsfw because I didn't want to add lots of new tags, just have a porn and a not porn one. If porn moves to a new tag and everything else stays nsfw I wouldn't use nsfl, I'd go with akai's suggestion and just make the new tag be "porn" or something similar.


If you look at the link RheingoldRiver gave in his comment it looks like they are planning something like that.


HOA aren't governmental organizations, they are contractual organizations which makes it more complicated than something like a municipal government. They are private entities more akin to a nonprofit corporations than a government. It will really depend on the language of the law. If it actually guarantees the right to grow a garden then it should override HOA rules, if it just restricts lower levels of government from banning gardens then it is unlikely to affect HOA rules.


Green Lanterns are space paladins. They aren't magical themselves but are selected by, dedicated to, and empowered by godlike being that predate the current multiverse.


I lost about 300lbs over a couple of years with walking being my primary form of exercise. I started with a couch to 10k program and for most of the time I was losing weight I was walking about 8 miles a day on sidewalks and paved walking paths. I had been wearing sketchers walking shoes for a while and they are very comfortable and good for light walking but would only last about 3 months while I was morbidly obese and walking that much. I went to a walking store and asked for recommendations and left with a pair of Saucony that I wore daily for almost a year. I've stuck with Saucony and since I weigh a lot less and have switched to an exercise bike for my primary cardio exercise my current pair is about 2 years old and still going strong. They have a much stiffer sole than the sketchers, new balance, or Nike that I have had in the past. I do still use Sketchers for hiking boots.


Can we define a small town? The ones in his video have populations of around 150k which I would argue isn't a small town. That's a little over the combined population of seven counties were I live or about 165% of the combined population of all 11 "major cities" in the Eastern Kentucky Coalfields. I say anything much over 10k in population doesn't qualify as a small town.


Op has posted threads in the confidently_incorrect magazine so you should be able to get to it through op's post history. I'm on kbin and the links posted here don't always work for me so I've found communities that way a few times.

Looking for r/menslib equivalent, like mensrights without the toxicity (

Greetings, Kbinners (and anyone else from the 'verse who might be reading this). Back on the platform most of us migrated from, there was/is a subreddit called r/menslib, which was like r/mensrights minus the misogyny and shitting on marginalized groups and minorities. Those of you who subbed will remember it was a great place...


Safe spaces are places where you can ask questions and get useful answers without being attacked. When the problem is social norms and social pressure it can be hard for people to learn about the problem or even why it's a problem because the people fighting for change so often get shouted down or drowned out by the larger society. Too often safe spaces do devolve into places where people can go to listen to each other complain or share justice fantasies but they should be, and the good ones are, welcome centers for new people and counseling/advice centers for members facing a problem they don't know how to deal with.

Johnny Cash Is a Hero to Americans on the Left and Right. But His Music Took a Side. (

In July and August of 1961, Johnny Cash recorded a batch of songs that became the basis for Blood, Sweat and Tears, a record many regard as merely a concept album about working people. But Blood, Sweat and Tears is a concept album about race in America, about the violent enforcement of racial hierarchies in America. It is the...


Willie Nelson is probably the best example of the fusion of country and western. When he first went to Nashville they were blending but still marketed as two separate genres. He failed as a traditional country singer in Nashville but had a very successful career as a songwriter and wrote many of the hit country songs of the 50s and 60s. It wasn't until he retired and moved back to Austin that he became successful as a singer. He discovered alternative country artists like Merle Haggard and started writing for and performing with them. He used his connections to recruit some other popular country artists like Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings and to get deals with record labels and that was the birth of Outlaw County which was the first popular country and western crossover genre.

The origins of country music was Appalachian folk music. The earliest albums were literally just families sitting on their front porches singing with one or two of them playing instruments. It's origins are the stories of the lived experience of an impoverished people frequently experiencing exploitation for lumber and coal. When Willie started collaborating with Snoop he pointed out that county, and especially outlaw county, and gangster rap originated from similar places and used a lot of the same themes.


Have you listened to any Loretta? If not start with Fist City and High on a Mountain Top.

When did Facebook decide it was ok to demand a scan of your driver's license? (

I haven't been on Facebook in something over a decade and received an email today saying that there was a request to reset my Facebook password. I decided to long into the account to delete it but the only option Facebook gave me to confirm my identity was to upload a scan of a photo ID. What insanity is that? I'm obviously not...


I'm willing to answer security questions or give them a code they send me through a text or email. I understand the need for identity verification but there are less invasive ways to do that.


Also Russia has no experience advantage in dealing with their winter vs. Ukraine. Russian winter was an issue for France and Germany in large part because they didn't understand what they were dealing with. It's Ukraine's home turf. They know what winter means for them and are prepared for it.


It's a false equivalency. Sexuality and sexual identity are innate characteristics not learned beliefs or behaviors. Sexuality and sexual identity cannot be changed ideas can.


Europe is just small, 1000 miles is a little more than a third of the way between New York and Los Angeles, about an eighth of the way between New Delhi and Beijing, about a tenth of the way between Tripoli and Johannesburg, about a seventh of the way between Caracas and Buenos Aires, a bit less than half of the way between Perth and Brisbane, and about half the way between Casey Research Station and Halley Research Station in Antarctica.


Everyone can see votes. On the bottom of a comment or post beside boost is more, you hit more and a menu opens, you hit activity on that menu and you see all interactions with that comment or post with usernames attached.


Is it actually illegal to do that for personal use? You can't sale a patented invention without permission from the patent owner but if I go into my workshop and make an exact replica of the newest and greatest anti squirrel wooden bird feeder to hang in my yard have I done anything illegal?


What's the point of making robots if they aren't going to take over human jobs? Sure the economy and society in general will have to make some major adaptations but at the minimum we want to eventually have robots doing all of the most dangerous jobs right?


Up front warning: This is the ultimate low budget b movie campy horror film. It was written and shot in a seven days on the sets of another movie. It is not scary and is by no objective means a good movie. If you like campy low budget slashers it's a must watch.

Sorority House Massacre 2. Five college women spend the night in their new sorority house, the old Hokstedter place, and make the mistake of using a Ouija board. It has a great twist revealing an unlikely hero and the last line of the movie is my favorite line in all of cinema.

Least favorite: Sorority House Massacre. Maybe the worst example of a low budget slasher flick ever made. This movie is so bad that the sequel used clips from a different movie, Slumber Party Massacre, for it's flashbacks and backstory. While intended to be scary campy low budget slashers flicks tend to be so ridiculously badly written and acted that they become parodies of themselves and present as humorous movies. Sorority House Massacre isn't interesting enough to reach this important self parody status and winds up being neither scary nor funny.


Tucker and Dale vs Evil is a great movie! Very good choice. I've never seen Trailer Park of Terror, based on your other recommendations I'm going to have to give it a watch.


And now we have a name for the mascot. It's the Early Bird.


Hit the boost button twice. The second tap will reduce boosts.


His own knowledge, skills, abilities, and time are almost certainly worth more than he is receiving in donations. Dudes a skilled programmer/developer and is putting serious work into this. If he was putting his time and effort into freelance work instead he'd be building a heck of a nest egg.


The Congress has never consistently functioned well, I'm not entirely convinced it's designed to. For the current mess, both in Congress and American politics in general, probably the most influential source is Newt Gingrich's electioneering policy of attacking wedges and saying anything you have to to get headlines without regards to the truthfulness of your statements. That's what reshaped the Republican party to be particularly welcoming to extremists, popularized science denial, and led to the modern wave of Christian Nationalism.


I can't be the only one who was still using old.reddit desktop site even on my phone and tablet.


It's also a potential accessibility issue. Fear of being watched or tracked is a symptom of a variety of mental health issues as well as a common consequence of being a victim of abuse or other types of violence. Something I want from a Reddit replacement, and the thing that made Reddit the only acceptable social media for me several years ago, is the ability to maximize anonymity. The server is going store and be able to trace every interaction and I'm okish with that because it's the trade off for not having to be on 4chan and having some semblance of civilization but the less I can control what information is publicly viewable the less I'm going to be willing to interact with the platform.

What was the subreddit that represented to you the best example of downspiral of quality? To me it was /r/dataisbeautiful (

At first it was all about presenting data in an original looking way. In the end it was about pushing political ideas in your throat using a plain bar graph. It was not about sharing something interesting you found but about taking advantage of a captive audience.


Change the css so that hitting the up arrow downvotes and hitting the down button up votes. The users could use the voting buttons as usual but the unpopular posts and comments would be pushed to the top.


An Oxyclean soak is the most common way I see homebrewers recommend for removing labels from bottles. Definitely a good choice if being food safe matters.


I hadn't thought about that, are they killing RES? Killing RES is the same as killing old reddit.


No true crime and no tiddies? Is there even anything on that search engine?


According to investigators she injected herself with a massive dose of a fast acting drug then threw the injector away, did something with her shoes (no explanation as to what, she was barefoot and her feet were clean so must have been wearing some if she walked there herself and her shoes were not found at the scene), and then tied herself up in a painful and awkward position in the seconds it would take for the drug to affect her movements and render her unconscious.

Those investigators were working hard to deny that she had been being stalked for years while they had blamed and accused her. They didn't even notice when they passed the point of incredulity.

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