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Why don't rabies infected humans act like rabies infected animals

This always puzzled me. Why don’t humans act much more aggressive or crazed like its often depicted with animals. Afaik there’s 2 types of rabies, “dumb” and “furious” so my question is more towards the 2nd type. For example, we never hear of rabies causing a human to accidentally bite another human so why is that?


My neighbor was a maintenance man at an apartment complex and was bitten while emptying mouse traps. He was infected with a virus that caused some kind of lymphatic disease that developed into viral meningitis. He wound up spending months in hospitals and rehab and has permanent brain damage and disability. It was treatable if he had gone to the Dr earlier but healthcare is expensive and hard to access so he decided to wait and see if it'd pass.


Every grocery store, cafeteria, and gas station I go to has them. I chose a link to a manufacturer's page so there won't be a sales link. A quick search will show every major grocery or convenience store chain has there own store brand prepackaged boiled eggs.


The money=morality messaging was pretty off-putting.


European colonization of America wouldn't have started yet so a majority of Americans wouldn't even be on the same continent. Most of us wouldn't even speak the same language as our ancestors. My ancestors would most likely understand English but wouldn't speak it as their primary language. That may somewhat disguise the dialect difference but would cause all sorts of other problems. They may be actively fighting a war with England or they may be in a period of uneasy peace getting ready for the next war with England.


I'm in western Appalachia. There were no human settlements here but I might run into a group of hunters. I feel like I'm pretty decent in nature. I've been hunting, hiking, and camping in this area my whole life. With no modern equipment I give myself about a week. Most likely cause of death: Snakebite or eaten by wolves.


One beside the bed, one in the kitchen, and one near the front door.

For oven fires turn off the oven and shut the door. An oven is a fire box, it will contain the blaze. The oven probably isn't completely airtight but it should be close enough that the fire will use up the oxygen and extinguish itself quickly (the vent will pull hot air out but not let cooler air back in). Let it sit for a while and cool after you can't see flames anymore to make sure the fire doesn't reignite when you open the door and let fresh air in. Fire can damage the elements and seals so the oven needs serviced before being used again but so long as the fire was only inside the oven it should be repairable.

Make sure your fire extinguisher has the right rating for the place it is stored. For the oven grease fire, and most kitchen fires, a class K extinguisher would have been most appropriate because it is designed to put out cooking oil fires with minimal splashing.


She's described as an empath rather than a telepath but she does display telepathic abilities. I think she's just a weak telepath by betazoid standards and that's why they highlight her abilities as an empath. In Encounter at Farpoint Troi is able to communicate mind to mind with Riker suggesting that with some time and emotional connection at will or continuous mind reading is a possibility for her.


Cigarettes aren't the best treatment for anything and the potential benefits never outweigh the harm but cigarette smoking treats some types of ulcers, colitis, and a few other lower GI issues. It may also prevent or reduce the severity of Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's dementia, endometrium cancer, uterine fibrosis, and endometriosis. It also negatively correlates with DVT and may make you more likely to survive if you have a heart attack.


If you use all new it's still about half Stamets, I don't think there would be any meme communities here without Stamets posts.

Who have logs of how users vote?

Besides it’s a very important question for our privacy, I suspect some of my comments getting downvoted at set periods of time from other accounts. I don’t understand how the fediverse work and what I’m asking is who has vote logs? Who I can ask, if a bot, like on reddit, got dedicated to downvote every post from one user....


You can see down votes on Kbin. The reduces are down votes.


The health info they collect through this program should be covered by HIPAA.


The state destroyed evidence when the police deleted their body cam footage. Don't fight for minimum sentencing, fight for a federal civil rights investigation, for a legal nonprofit to launch a civil rights lawsuit on his behalf, and for the misdemeanor convictions to be vacated.


Except for Dalmer. They found his 14yo victim naked with a hole drilled into his head wondering outside of Dalmer's apartment and didn't even find it suspicious enough to keep them from helping Dalmer get the kid back into his apartment despite Dalmer having been convicted of sexually abusing the victim's 13yo brother and being in parole for that crime.


That would have been the correct word to use.


The were fired about 2 months after the incident when Dalmer was caught after another of his victims escaped. That was in 91, they were reinstated with backpay in 94. One didn't go back to the Milwaukee PD because he was employed by another police agency, the other went on to become president of the Milwaukee Police Union and retired in 2017. They both continue to say they did nothing wrong and that there was no reason to be suspicious. The naked bleeding kid was unable to respond to any of their questions, the neighbors that found the kid and called the police disputed Dalmer's story, the decomposing corpse of another victim was in Dalmer's bedroom when the police returned the kid to Dalmer's door, and the officers made homophobic and racist comments in regards to the incident, the victim was Laotian, but apparently it was unfair to judge them while having the benefit of hindsight.


weekly mass shootings in the US.

We average more than 1 per day and have for a few years now.


It's not positive or what the shooters intended but I think Columbine had a significant cultural impact.


Also, it's the same people who trust teachers with guns in the classroom that think teachers can't be trusted with books in the classroom.


Beer doesn't have a high enough alcohol content to kill most infections, you need about 50% alcohol (100proof) for an effective disinfectant. The fermentation process will kill most infections because the yeast you intentionally put in out competes other things that find their way into your brew. Most infections that commonly occur (wild yeast, mold, and bacterial infections are possible) are not dangerous, a few are beneficial like the bacteria that works with the yeast to make kombucha, or lactobacillus for sours and most fermented foods, or penicillium mold. If your brew becomes infected the most likely result is that it will taste and smell bad and maybe cause some gastrointestinal upset but not be particularly dangerous. For homemade alcohol distilling is where it really gets dangerous. Every fermentation will create some methanol but a healthy fermentation will produce very little and it will mostly get cleaned up during aging. A bad fermentation, either caused by infection or bad yeast, will produce more and in beer the levels will cause an unpleasant taste and smell but not hit toxic levels. When you distill a beer with higher levels, it gets retained and concentrated along with the ethanol and can cause serious illness.


I think it probably has to do with the overlap between the Midwest and the rust belt.


There's a decent amount of industry there, I think that is likely caused by the overlap between the Rust Belt and the Midwest.


Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan are east of the Mississippi. We couldn't reliably cross the Appalachian Mountains until shortly before the American Revolution. Expeditions before Daniel Boone forged the Wilderness Road had to go around so the most direct route between NY and where Chicago is now went about halfway down Alabama. The Appalachians were the original western frontier and the Midwest was the Northwest Territories. As the country expanded westward and new territories were established and the Northwest Territories gained statehood they became the Midwest.

Can_you_change_your_username, (edited )

That map for the Mason-Dixon Line is not correct. The original line was at that latitude but it ended at modern day West Virginia. It was the line of demarcation between Pennsylvania, Virginia, Delaware and Maryland. It was used in congressional debate during and after the the Missouri Compromise to refer to the line of division between slave states and free states which lead to an unofficial expansion. Since the 1820s it has been understood to move directly north from it's original endpoint until it hits the Ohio River then to follow the river west to the Mississippi River then to travel along the eastern, northern and western borders of Missouri. It ends on the 36°30' parallel and extends straight west through the Louisiana Purchase. The 36°30' line was applicable in the territories but not among the states. The Mason Dixon was the line of separation among the states.

America's nonreligious are a growing, diverse phenomenon. They really don't like organized religion (

Mike Dulak grew up Catholic in Southern California, but by his teen years, he began skipping Mass and driving straight to the shore to play guitar, watch the waves and enjoy the beauty of the morning. “And it felt more spiritual than any time I set foot in a church,” he recalled....


I don't hate some older religious music.


You don't spend enough time in the more disturbing sections of internet porn.


I kinda waver on reasonableness for cases like this but I generally think using a weapon against an unarmed aggressor is reasonable when there is a significant size disparity or a disability or something like that. In this case the "prankster" was significantly larger and had a group of friends with him so I don't think it's out of the question that the use of a gun for defense is reasonable in this situation.


And the guy being pranked tried to move away while the prankster continued to advance on him.


It's a pretty enormous amount of money now. I was thinking that a gold coin was 1oz which would have been an insane amount of money but some research has told me that guilder can refer to several different coins that are between .08oz and .11oz of gold mixed with other precious metals. Ignoring the other precious metals and assuming the lowest gold content 1457.5 guilders is a bit over 116 oz of gold. Gold is approx. $1900/oz so in gold alone that is over $220,000.


The version of the tyranny of the majority that he's warning against is already solved in the American system. The ward against it is the Senate. Every state has exactly 2 votes in the Senate and no legislation can be passed and enacted into law without passing a vote in the Senate.

‘Call of Duty’ Doesn’t Just Depict Bad History—It’s Pro-War Propaganda (

I just started playing COD Black Ops Cold War because I got it through my PlayStation Plus subscription and wanted to try it out. I’ve previously played some others like Modern Warfare (1 and 2) and WWII. While it always felt a bit over the top and propaganda-ish, I really liked it for the blockbuster feeling and just turning...


French colonization of Vietnam was what the VCP were fighting against at the beginning of the war. The Soviet Union and China got involved to help kick France and Britain out and US involvement came when it was clear France and Britain had lost the war. But other than that and the coalition troops I guess Europe wasn't involved in the Vietnam War.

Is there a way to convert radiation from atomic decay into energy directly, the same way we do sunlight with a solar cell? (

Couldn’t we have a lead box lined with these radiation to electricity converters with a small amount of radioactive material in the center, and have an energy generating device that would last for thousands or even millions of years? Imagine putting the sun in a box lined with solar cells, but on a much smaller scale....


The recycling process that France currently uses recovers about 96% of the radioactive material remaining in nuclear waste and produces new fuel rods usable in conventional reactors. Spent fuel rods from conventional reactors can also be used in other types of reactors. For whatever reason, we in the US just shove all of our nuclear waste in old mines like it's still 1950 but technology has continued to develop and places that are more invested in nuclear energy have much better ways of dealing with the waste.

Former Florida surgeon general rebukes DeSantis administration’s claims on COVID vaccines (

The former Florida surgeon general is rebuking claims by the DeSantis administration that updated COVID-19 vaccines have “not been proven to be safe or effective” and that the shots should not be recommended for individuals under the age of 65....


Also, how strongly do you believe it and how does it affect your actions. I believe that the military could conclusively prove that the UFO stuff is terrestrial in origin but don't because it would expose national secrets either in military technology development or intelligence gathering abilities (it's experimental aircraft but might not all be ours). I recognize that I don't have good evidence for that belief and that it's a conspiracy theory and I'm not out here trying to hack government servers or attacking politicians it prove it.

Can_you_change_your_username, is another one. It's actually quite a bit older than fandom but I'm still going to count it.


Arena was 94, uesp was 95, and daggerfall was 96. It was originally fansite that followed development news for daggerfall.


Five inmates likely escaped from the Alcatraz Island prison and were never found. The first likely successful escape was Theodore Cole and Ralph Roe in 1937.

The second likely escape was Clarence Anglin, John Anglin, and Frank Morris in 1962.


You probably don't want to regularly use drag style makeup but there are good beginner tutorials for drag makeup that can help with techniques for feminizing a more masculine face. You should be able to tone down the colors and effects and get to a daily look that you like using the same techniques.


Taking extremists and adding religious zeal tends to end poorly.


No, they are small and, from the front, almost completely covered. If you for some reason have to stop a car charging at you and you don't have a high enough caliber rifle to kill the engine then the driver is your only real option. The better options are to not get in front of the car in the first place or to move expeditiously out of the car's path. Even if you get the diver to stop accelerating that doesn't stop the car, it's momentum will continue to carry it towards you so shooting the driver isn't a way to save yourself but it is your best chance of stopping the car.

Favorite uses for cucumbers (

Just inherited a bunch of cucumbers from a friend’s garden. I love them just on their own with some salt, and have made many a salad using them. I’m curious what kinds of fun things you all may use them for. Even if you feel like it’s basic please share as I will be eating cucumbers for the next several days straight lol....


Cucumber is good for meatless sandwiches. The classic English tea sandwich is cucumber and cream cheese. I like cucumber, hummus, onion, and tomato on seeded whole wheat. It gives a sandwich that relies on a spread for it's primary filling flavor some thickness and crunch.


Fevers are your body fighting the infection so unless it gets too high you should just let it do it's thing. Keeping the fever will shorten the duration of a mild or moderate illness. If your fever gets up to 102-103f or ~39c take medicine to reduce it, if it hits 105f or 40c then you are in danger of cooking you brain and should go to the ER. Stay well hydrated, getting some electrolytes is a good idea if you are sweating more than usual or vomiting. Eat regularly, your body is using extra calories to fight the infection so even if you activity level is lower you need the same or a little more calories than normal. The more balanced your diet the better. Have something to do. Don't just focus on the illness and lay around getting bored, do some light housework, engage is a light hobby, catch up on some TV or movies, replay an old favorite video game. Anything to keep your mind engaged and to make the time pass faster.


comment being spread across the crossposts instead of having all of the discussion and reactions happening in the same place.

I find this to be more positive than negative. The tone of the entire comment section tends to be set by the first few comments meaning every post has a high risk of becoming it's own tiny echo chamber. Spreading comments across multiple communities makes it more likely that the discussion will explore different aspects of the topic and that different opinions on the topic will be explored.


Adding to this, there is no requirement that hospitals ensure that you are safe when they release you from their care so sometimes people who can't pay for care and have dementia, uncontrolled or poorly controlled mental health issues, or are otherwise vulnerable get left at the nearest bus stop. It even makes the news sometimes because someone got dropped off only wearing a hospital gown at night in winter.

Edit to add link to an example:


Sometimes you're doing something like using your exercise bike, cooking, or doing housework and want something on just for the noise but don't want to put any real effort into finding something since you aren't paying much attention to it. Turning on a channel that does old shows or documentaries or whatever is perfect for that. I use Roku so I don't pay for a subscription.


How many os for the lemmy version of woooosh?

Do dentists get attacked by their patients?

Went in for a crown the other day. The dentist got called away to a different patient midway through. Anesthesia started wearing off. Dentist took her time with the other patient. I was fairly tensed up by the time she got back. I was doing my best to balance being polite with limiting how much the pain affected me. The longer...


Dentists have a few alternatives to Novocaine that they can use, I know lidocaine is safe for dental applications and lasts a little longer than Novocaine for most people. If she's resistant to Novocaine but not other pain blockers she's used it's probably worth asking about trying something else.

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