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@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I legitimately saw someone, prior to even pre-release, say the game was going to suck because the sky wouldn't be pretty like it was in Skyrims, because it hAs CoNsTeLlAtIoNs...

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

As a previous cashier, best way to do it is to take your middle finger and swipe down across the center. Like a vertical slap on the bag's face. About the middle of the bag, pull your arm back towards you. It will usually separate the outside wall of the bag from the stack, and when you pull towards you, the bag will "stick" to your finger and then open at the top.

I hated moving slowly as a cashier, cause lines made me mad. So I had to find the quickest way to do everything, and that method works great (for me) until about the last 4 bags.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I literally spent 5 hours and 600k credits making a ship. Thank God I liked it, cause I had 9k credits left afterwards...I still need to fuck with the layout of the rooms, cause it's kinda maze-y, but it's easy enough.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I'm like 90% sure the faction quesltines don't intermingle with the main story. I think they push you towards some similar places, but I went through first playthrough beating Ryujin and leaving the Freestar and Crimson Fleet stuff partially done, and I didn't even talk to UC Vanguard. Current playthrough, I've not touched main story and completed Freestar, Crimson Fleet, and UC Vanguard and haven't noticed any interference.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

If only you could like....ask? But I guess that's the crux of the issue.

Do people you meet introduce themselves to you as Mrs/Ms X? Maybe if you work exclusively in/around schools...

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Welp. Lol and I normally catch those too. The good ones are the ones that usually getcha

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Looking at my iPhone 11 Pro work gave me and it's silent switch on the side. Lol

Definitely out already.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I was severely disappointed that selling ships is so bad money wise, but I guess it makes sense as it would be pretty unbalanced.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

When you land on a planets or moons surface, listen for another ship to land or checktthe map markers on your scanner for ship landing site. Usually it's ecliptic or spacers, and you just clear them out and fly the ship off planet.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I swapped from a 3 to a 5 pro and same. I got it specifically for fitness stuff, and aside from issues with HR monitoring on my hairy arms, no issues.

It's not my favorite option, but I got it on sale for like $400 while similar specced Garmin and other options push $7-800.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Seems pretty subjective, I have finished the main quest in precisely one Fallout game, Fallout 3, and it took me years to do so. Not because I was lost in the map or side quests or anything, it just never grabbed me. Fallout 4 was the same, same with New Vegas (the one I probably played the least).

Maybe I'm just at a far end of the curve tho lol

Justin Roiland used his ‘Rick and Morty’ fame to pursue young fans, text messages show (www.nbcnews.com)

In the years following the 2013 debut of Adult Swim’s cartoon phenomenon “Rick and Morty,” its star and co-creator Justin Roiland became a titan of the animation and video game industry and a rock star of youth counterculture. His artistic style and caricatures became ubiquitous in cannabis culture, and his career expanded...

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Lmao age of consent laws don't mean it isn't statutory rape.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Statutory rape at best, and pedophilia/rape or SA at worst.

He lives in California. You're citing wiki articles about age of consent laws in other states when the only states law that matters is where he resides and where the assaults allegedly took place. Allegations seem to mostly or all take place in California. Showing the age of consent and statutory rape laws of Ohio mean nothing in CA.

In CA, age of consent is 18. Some of the women and people were 16. So he is a pedophile.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I think you're missing the double negative I used. Lol I'm saying that even if someone is above the age of consent, statutory rape is still an applicable charge.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Any number of reasons. Trials of a public figure will forever brand you as "that person who was raped by X". Not to mention the incredible imbalance in legal resources of a regular person vs Justin Roiland.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Take it up with Virginia; age of consent there is 15. Intercourse with a minor above 15 as an adult can still give you statutory rape charges, as referenced here: "The age of consent for intercourse is 15 years old in Virginia; however, there are other sex acts that set the age at 18. These acts include cunnilingus, fellatio, and anal intercourse, which means that minors cannot legally consent to certain sexual activity. Additionally, if you are an adult and have sex with a person under 18 years of age, you may be prosecuted for statutory rape. Statutory rape is generally charged as a Class 4 Felony, but the exact charge and penalties will depend on all the factors and ages involved."

Pulled from https://www.roanokecriminalattorney.com/how-does-virginia-define-consent/

It isn't always the case, generally age of consent precludes it, but not always. Age of consent isn't a get out of jail free card. Additionally, it doesn't specify about relations between people in positions of power.

It's all moot anyway, Roiland lives in CA, and he was inviting a 17 year old to his house in Los Angeles. Age of consent there is 18. Did he assault her? No, but what 36 year old man is inviting a 17 year old to his house? Multiple other reports of girls at 18, still in high school, also receiving advances from him.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I don't think that tracks; I've always been under the impression that age of consent was just when you could consent to sexual activity. It didn't account for age differences, power dynamics, or other factors that push it towards statutory rape. It was "at this age, they are able to consent to activity", and then you would have the limiting factors of age difference, power imbalance, family, etc applied through other statutes.

I very well could be wrong or just applying knowledge of my own local area to places that don't operate that way, so I'll bow out on that. I do know that age of consent isn't just a blanket shield against statutory rape in some locales or situations, though. The "statutory" part of statutory rape isn't limited to only age of consent.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

There is further conversation with another user below this, but that isn't the case in some places, namely Virginia.

Additionally, statutory rape isn't just bound to age of consent. There are myriad other statutes it can apply through, namely family, age difference, and positions of power over minors above the age of consent.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Apparently I'm going to be a bit of a dissenting opinion, but I think they're interesting as an option. The appeal of "as-stock-as-possible" Android on a mid-high range phone is where I land in what I want. It's why I had a 1+ 5T and now a 1+ 8Pro, but continued software and OS issues with their version of Android and just continued price climbing and parity with the shitty OPPO OS they are using has me searching elsewhere.

I left Samsung with the...Galaxy S3? I think? And have had no will to return to their bullshit. I had an LG Nexus 5x that bricked itself, which isn't a glowing review of the brand in my eyes. Pixel is the next closest competitor, but I don't care for camera power, so it's large selling point is way down on my priority list. Nothing is as good an option as any for what I am usually looking for, tho I may wait for this cycle to complete and see what Phone 3 looks like.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Lol tell this to people who are upset that every planet doesn't have a thriving colony in it. The "empty planets" are frustrating to them.

Not that you or they are wrong, it just highlights that matters of opinion on things like this are a spectrum, and sometimes you end up on the far end. I like that I can land on a planet and have something besides just rocks, but also that's it's procedurally generated so that it isn't the same every time. It's false replayability, sure, but if I like playing the game, it doesn't matter to me that the layouts are the same.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

This also ignores that shouting at someone in no way infringes on their ability to speak. It's just something they don't like to happen. Ironically, much like women going to abortion clinics and getting shouted down and harassed, simply based on their religious belief that abortion is wrong. But whew, let's not apply logic to their beliefs...

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

It's only 1.5k/hr more, so short term gains are marginal. But over the course of the skill, you can expect to save roughly 30 hours.

(This is literally all made up, but you have so many extra toes, just try it out) ((Also ignore that they added a tired mechanic so you can't AFK mine it anymore, that'll get reverted. You wanna be ready for when it comes back, detach that sucker))

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

One of the hidden elements of travel is the scanner; if you travel within a system and can "target" the location via quest marker or the like, you can just travel to it from the pilot seat and land at the location, no menu needed.

I think there are other caveats, but the number of "different" ways travel can occur makes it hard for me to keep the details straight. It may just be within system, you may be able to grav jump. You may need to have a quest marker there so it "displays" the planet surface location, or you may be able to select from a few "local" options. I just can't remember what the restrictions are to that method off the top of my head lol

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I mean, I get where you're coming from. But this didn't start with Starfield, and Sony has a great track record of even more restrictive platforming than Xbox does. Microsoft games are now usually accompanied by some kind of PC access.

Not an excuse, but expecting Microsoft to extend an olive branch of non-exclusivity to Sony when they have historically been incredibly averse to it themselves is not really a realistic expectation.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I thought so! There are a lot of little quirks with travel. Usually I get scanned by the Feds landing at New Atlantis, other times I don't. Sometimes I can jump straight to surface other times I need to go from orbit. Just little things I haven't paid attention to so I can't say definitively what the criteria is. But, jumping from the scanner is a way nicer way to do it. I just got in the ha it of traveling from the quest menu because I can go from planet surface -> new system -> planet surface with one action (usually).

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I get it on load in to cities, specifically Akila. On console too, which seemed decently well insulated to the GPU bugs. It's for maybe two seconds. Compared to other games I play, two seconds of frame drops from 30 fps to 21 fps is negligible so I don't really care. I'm just sprinting to a quest marker anyway, I'm not missing anything.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I've been pretty insulated from bugs so far, so I may just be lucky. On console; I've had one crash and maybe 4-5 instances of freezing for like ~5 seconds, then resuming without issue. Only "bug" I'd say is once Andreja went stealth, then her head stayed stealth but the rest of her didn't. Dismissing and reacquiring her as a follower fixed it; no restart or anything.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

That's tough. Hopefully that gets resolved for you soon

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I think you can get right up to it without triggering some events, tho as soon as it pops up on your quest log, cease all progress.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Without flat-out telling me "Go to X place and do Y", what are the better options? Am I just getting bad ship spawns or is it something to do with selling unregistered ships to a location I may have not yet found? Or is it just me needing to go full space pirate and embrace bad decisions?

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Bet, I've largely avoided the terminals cause I'm usually doing faction quests. I'll keep this in mind.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

If it's just a glorified tech demo, then it doesn't seem like it's able to be compared to a released and completed game? Unless the designation of tech demo means something I'm not aware of.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I only know of it from memes about it's development, but I would agree from what I know. Scope creep seems to be a thing there. Ambitions are great, until they get in the way of every other aspect of the game lol

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

It probably just gives your ship a square hit box to target and they aim for center of that. Why Ls would work, as well as donut ships.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I think that's what some people are missing with the world gen. Landing on some random planet in a random system probably shouldn't yield some uniquely woven tapestry of civilizations that were once there, or a story about a family persevering through harsh climates and conditions only to have a random encounter with the Ecliptics and be wiped out. It's a random planet in a vast universe.

There is stuff to find and stories to be made, but you're pulling a ball out of a bag full of balls and hoping that it's made of gold. Bethesda quest lines traditionally have unfolded with exploration because they were pretty limited in area with which to work. Skyrim is 60km x 60km, backfill from there, spread things out as needed. It can't really work like that with Starfield.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Let's live like a community.

Unless you're gay or trans or non-religious. While you're doing community activities with me, I'm going to spend every other waking moment trying to get your human rights taken away.

But when I have time, we'll schedule some of those community things.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

They have a tiered system where important NPCs can't die until conditions are satisfied, wonder if the condition to die was satisfied but dialog still got delivered?

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I would have agreed 4 years ago, but idk about now. They've been increasingly "Oppo-fied" and I'm having more issues with my 8 Pro now on A14 than I did on A11. Camera apps not working, different keyboard issues, constant Bluetooth disconnects, apps opening and then insta-closing. It's frustrating AF.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I was wrong, it's A13

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Yup, and it has some level of replayability that previous titles didn't have.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

To counter the "it's buggier than it let's on" (which, how does a game imply that it isn't buggy), I'm about 60 hours in and have had precisely 0 bugs. NPC running into someone talking? Yup. Weird physics things? Yup. I wouldn't call those bugs though; that's just part of having the dialog occur in an active world. If I stopped in a busy street and talked to someone and wasn't a foot away, people would walk through the convo. Physics engines are also just going to be limited in how they solve problems with clipping, etc.

I got roped in by the story and have been throughly enjoying the gameplay. I hated the gunplay in Fallout 4. These style BSW games have never been my thing, I trended much more towards Oblivion and Skyrim, so before even getting into this, I was searching and asking others how the shooting worked, how similar was it to Fallout 4 but in space, so I haven't been hype-beasting this game. I hadn't even seen the trailer for it, still haven't. Just heard good things from friends, grabbed it, and have been putting in time like I haven't with a game in a few years.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

I wonder if some bugs are platform dependent. I've been on Series X, no issues that I can remember. There have been a few times looking for quest items, but I spammed them into inventory and didn't notice. I thought I had one with an invincible NPC, but he died in a low grav setting and just got stuck standing up.

What are you getting, just out of curiosity?

Has there been any word on the addition of Bethesda.net mod support on console?

Console editions of both Skyrim and Fallout 4 has mod support through Bethesda.net. To me it doesn’t make any sense that Starfield would not get any, though I figured it would be added after the official release date not early access. I imagine the systems could still be in the process of being set up, but has there been any...

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Starfield console is getting mods a la Skyrim Collectors Edition. No date, but it's been announced prior to release.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Are you looking for an answer to a question, or are you looking for a debate?

At any rate, reducing the utility of an item to what it's "lowest performance" should be to lower it's ability to harm for non-intended uses is asinine. Who sets the limits? Does a knife need to be razor sharp? I can cut a lot of things with a dull knife and some time. It would pose less danger to you if all knives I had access to were purposefully dull. To prevent me from procuring an overly sharp knife, make the material strong enough to cut foods, but brittle enough to not be one overly sharp. Knives, after all, we're made to stab, cut, and dissect a wide arrange of materials, flesh included. This specific design poses limitless danger to you, and needs to be considered when manufacturing these tools.

Guns are not majorly sold specifically to kill people, in the grand scheme of things. Hunting is probably the largest vector of volume gun sales in the US. How do you design a weapon that can be useful for hunting, but ineffective at killing a human? They all possess the innate ability to do so, but so does even the smallest pocket knife or kitchen knife.

I'm also a big gun control advocate, so I'm not defending anything I like. The failings of US gun control are squarely on the idea that everyone should possess a gun until they prove they shouldnt; it's reactive policy. Active gun control would limit who can possess a gun from the start to those that will only use it for "appropriate" reasons.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I added a ship upgrade and never even got it beyond halfway full. Granted I don't pick up everything, and I usually sold spare armor/weapons each town visit out of habit, but exotic materials and resources I always grabbed, and ended up with like 1100 mass out of 2600 on my ship.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

You can modify your ships without having any of the shipbuilding stuff I think. You are limited, but you can add cargo space with some penalty to range and mass to help ease it that. Additionally, storage via outpost is cheap. It's like 3 iron, 2 aluminum, 2 adaptive frames for 250 mass resource storage. Build a couple of those at an outpost and you're set. If you do a....I don't remember the name, but a storage link between your ship and containers, you can transfer straight from ship to container without taking it out of cargo. Just mass dump things into storage and be cleared out.

Alternatively, if you have a lot of credits, Shieldbreaker, a class B ship at New Atlantis, is a wonderful ship. Like 2300 mass stock, and you can add more if needed with minimal penalty.

@CMLVI@kbin.social avatar

It takes 4 minutes to craft like 30 storage containers and the piece to move stuff off your ship easily.

Every single Bethesda game since at least Daggerfall has had carry weight. This isn't a new concept within Bethesda games. If you are hoarding crafting materials, why not...use them to craft things so you can hoard more?

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