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STEAM KEYS TO GIVE AWAY! (everything gone)

Hey folks! I’ve got some steam keys from humble-bundle of games I already own. Disco Elysium is one of 'em and one of the best games I’ve ever played. First come first serve! Tin Can and Disco Elysium are region locked. Sorry to my friends living in Turkey but you can’t play it....


Oh, haven’t realized that the links were in your post…

Hello, I’m going to be getting a new computer soon and have thought about linux. Questions inside

With the new computer and the newer Microsoft Windows updates they have really jam packed their OS with bloat and spyware. That being said I have no idea what I’m doing with Linux, need help with where to start.? What are some general tips? I understand there’s a lot of prebuilt Linux distributions or something what are some...


Linux Mint is great for beginners. Have you ever installed windows? Installing Linux Mint is as easy as that. The day to day use is not much different compared to windows. Don’t be afraid to try it out, you can always go back to windows if it does not work out for you


Linux has it, KDE offers night light by default.


Was ist das für ein Titel? Dachte immer Zeitungsartikel sollten im Präsens verfasst werden, wenn aktuelle Dinge besprochen werden. Müsste also

Bundesjustizminister Marco Buschmann (FDP) weist Bedenken wegen eines möglichen Missbrauchs des geplanten Selbstbestimmungsgesetzes zurück



Habe ich mal so gelernt, ja. Allerdings hab ich auch kein Journalismus studiert.

Hinter dem Link heißt es jetzt:

Buschmann verteidigt Selbstbestimmungsgesetz

Was hier als Überschrift in der Rich Preview gezeigt wird, ist der erste Satz aus dem Artikel. Finde den etwas problematisch tbh, weil er bis zum letzten Wort eine andere Bedeutung hat.


Aber grundsätzliche Regelungen zum Kindswohl existieren ja, und da liegt es eindeutig im Ermessen zuständiger Stellen (Jugendamt, Gerichte, Kinderärzte), was eine Gefährdung des Kindswohles ist. Braucht es da eine Sonderregelung?


Gibt ja bei jungen Kindern regelmäßig verpflichtende Arztbesuche (U-Untersuchungen), und wenn KinderärztInnen bei diesen Hinweise auf Kindeswohlgefährdung begegnen, dann sind die angehalten das Jugendamt zu informieren afaik. Bei Schuleintritt ist dann sogar noch eine amtsärztliche Untersuchung Pflicht und danach sind LehrerInnen und andere Betreuende (Soz-Päd etc) an den Schulen da, um dort einen eventuellen Missbrauch dieser Freiheit festzustellen.

Eltern werden auch weitreichende Freiheiten in der Erziehung eingeräumt und es gibt viele Formen des psychischen Missbrauchs, die nicht ausfrücklich verboten sind und vorkommen. Meiner Vermutung nach häufiger vorkommen werden als Eltern, die aus was für Gründen auch immer dem “falschen” Geschlecht zuordnen.

Ich selbst als Elternteil würde jedenfalls viel darüber nachdenken und ärztlichen bzw. psychologischen Rat suchen, wenn eines meiner Kinder darauf bestehen würde, das eingetragene Geschlecht zu ändern.


Kann mir auch vorstellen, dass es Verrückte gibt, die wirklich sowas machen würden, glaube aber auch, dass deren Kinder leider auch ohne dieses Gesetz schon leiden :^(


Wow, sowas habe ich schon länger vermisst. Danke für’s Teilen!


Ich habe schon öfters überlegt mit der Bahm in den Urlaub zu fahren, trotz der leider viel zu hohen Preise. Herauszufinden, wohin ich/ wir direkt kommen würde(n) war immer eine Qual, weil ich dazu nirgends was gefunden hab. Bei jedem Flughafen kannste ganz schnell herausfinden, wohin die Flüge von dort gehen, aber bei Bahnhöfen war das irgendwie schwierig. Hab da dann immer entnervt aufgegeben und dann wurde es doch Auto oder Flugzeug.


Der deutsche Winter kann schon kalt werden. “Sehr hart” würde ich nicht sagen. Kommt aber auch darauf an, was deine Vorerfahrungen mit Winter sind.

Eine Schneehose (Jacke für die Beine) tragen hier die wenigsten. Würde eher ein paar lange Unterhosen für richtig kalte Tage kaufen, das ist wahrscheinlich billiger.

Handschuhe (und eine Mütze, falls deine Jacke keibe gefütterte Kaputze hat) würde ich schon kaufen, wenn du viel draußen unterwegs sein wirst.


Tölpel - a clumsy person

Hohle Fritte - hollow french fry/chip


Oh nice, a new word. Thanks, kind stranger!


Kann ja verstehen, wenn Menschen angepisst sind, aber bitte nicht einfach irgendwelche Zahlen aus dem Arsch ziehen und damit die eigene, subjektive Wahrnehmung als objektive Wahrheit darstellen.


Weil, du bist doch die Person, die OPs subjektive Empfindung als objektive Wahrheit darstellen möchte?

Nein. Der Post hat mehrere ganz eindeutige Aussagen


Aber wenn erstmal der ganze Mist draufgedruckt ist, wofür soll mensch es noch verwenden? Zeitung ist wenigstens groß und eignet sich um z.b. Fische einzupacken.


Peertube is Federation.

Vimeo and Dailymotion are at least not Google.


No offense, but I don’t like this. Not having Karma is one of the main advantages lemmy has. Karma sucks.

Open source and privacy respecting website builders?

I am trying to build a small website. I don’t know how to write HTML or JavaScript or CSS. I always hear sponsorships about SquareSpace from content creators such as TheLinuxExperiment. I understand that a website is public information but I want a builder that does not come with any unnecessary trackers, I.E. a noninvasive...


Hugo is quite nice and has lots of themes


Nothing stops them! except shitty wages that are not enough to pay your absurdly high bills for housing, utility and shitty food plus competition which does not treat their eorkers fair and is therefore much more profitable and can easily destroy your worker-friendly cooperative, which they totally will do because CAPITALISM


except our bad two party system.

Well, and the corporate owned media with a hypercapitalist agenda, all the lobby organisations, the lack of proper public education for centuries, red-blue-whitewashed historytelling, the oppression of the black minority, a deeply flawed election system, the imprisonment crisis, and related the opiod crisis, gerrymandering, not enough unions, the fucked up healthcare situation itself…


.ml domains were “free” until recently, so many used them for their small scale projects. I did as well.


Luckily, I live in Europe. I got free healthcare, free education, have okay workers rights and not so much rising facism than you gals and guys overseas.


What logic?


Well, i haven’t nearly payed as much taxes as I received stuff for free from the community. I am from a lower class family, low income, psychological illness, etc. I got free healthcare my whole life, including about two month hospital time in total, 52 session of behavioral psychotherapy, all the vaccines, all the checkups, some MRT-scans, a fair amount of medication (some with a small fee). Then, i got free primary and secondary education. Then, I got 5 years at university for about 3000€ (but i got a ticket with which i could take any public transportation, which is good here). Additionally, because I’m from a poor family, the community payed me for studying. I got around 700€ a month, 350 as a gift, 350 as a 0% loan. Yes 0%. And then I had kids. While I was studying. My partner was also studying and getting free money because poor parents, and because we had small kids we got an extra 800€ every months just because we were students with small children. And 200€ for each child. Have i mentioned that I got 200€ for just being a my parents children from 18 til i was done with university? A few months on unemployment also.

So until now I’ve only payed back a fraction of what the community gave me in taxes. Regarding that these taxes also pay police, roads, parts of the punlic transportation, cultural stuff, and all the other shit a good country does. Only a fraction. Soon, i will have to start paying back the 0% student loan. But now I’m earning loads of money (in fact, we earn loads of money), our children can live free of financial fear in a fairly sizeable house in a nice neighbourhood woth lots of diverse and friendly people. When they want to go to university, they’re parents aren’t poor though, so we’ll have to support them (we’re even legally obliged, which is a good thing)

Probably i will pay back all the community did for me since I have to pay a fair amount of taxes. But what they leave me is enough for a luxorious lifestyle or a buying a house. Maybe even both.

We do have our problems here and there. But compared to the dystopia you have going on, I’m really really happy to not have to fuck with that.


Your former president is Donald Trump. That is objectivly already a dystopia.

And don’t get me started on all the other shit.


He surely impacted the lives of those who died January 6. Or the woman who was shot in Calofornia yesterday over a pride flag. Your country is at the tipping point. Look at DeSantis in Florida talking Propaganda like Goebbels, allowing PragerU-videos in schools, preparing the hunt on trans-people. Look how Trumps prosecutors are attacked by Senators. Look how straightforward democracy and law enforcement ist labeled as “radically left”. Look how they’re calling to imprison Biden. This is serious 1932 Germany like shit.


Iirc AntiMicroX can do this.


I found two other things that might do the trick:

this looks like highly sophisticated gamepad emulation. IDK if you can map mouse and keys to your virtual gamepads easily, but the readme suggest that you definitly can. Looks like some work though.

this one is a fairly simple python script. I don’t know if you’re into programming, if it works you only need to change it so it registers mouse input and map that to the virtual controllers stick


a minimal, configurable (file based for git) tiling window manager

I like i3, it ticks all your boxes. Made my own config in 2020 and it still works. Keep in mind that you have to design your whole desktop enviroment when you go the window manager route. bspwm might be an option as well

terminal based package management as easy as brew (maybe Nix?)

Every linux distro has it, I’m an Arch person, many people like Archs package manager pacman, so you could go with EndevourOS or if you’re adventorous with vsnilla Arch.

as much terminal emulator based as possible (i honestly mostly only need a browser and the terminal, most other apps have a TUI that i can use with the keyboard, see the above requirement)

Well, what kind of software you’ll run is up to you. Linux has all the TUI stuff. If you haven’t already, check out vim, emacs and nnn. Don’t forget to customize your shell (and choose it first, i would recommend zsh or fish).

**General advice:**Look into r/unixporn, most posts there have dotfiles, look for something you like an try it (with a fresh user that you can delete afterwarda maybe?)

Server administration and other stuff via XMPP (

On my flight home yesterday a free, but limited, wifi option was available that allowed only for messaging (WhatsApp, Messenger, and I think the Google and Apple ones were specifically mentioned), but not web browsing. I checked and, sure enough, I couldn’t get web browsing to work, but WhatsApp and Messenger worked fine. I...


You can basically connect any local port to any remote port normal or reversed. Reversed is -R, normal with -L. In this setting, correct me if im worng, you want to connect the open port on the airplane to one already prepared on a vps which allows you to do what you want e.g. proxy websites.


So in eutope unlimited plans are totally normal except for mobile. I pay 40€ for 250 Mbit with no data caps.


You can’t have a chatbot that gives good answers without having a chatbot that gives liberal answers.


Linux has gotten to that point, in OpenSuse you can do almost everything with a gui (you can’t do everything without a console in Windows and Mac either).


I had to drop down to the terminal just to get my Xbox controllers to work properly

So you’re trying to connect a device to your PC which is literally made by Linux’ biggest opponent in the OS market who does not provide drivers for other platforms so that the driver has to be reverse engineered and then complain that this is a bit hacky?

I also had to drop to the terminal to see what video card driver I had installed and to install the actual one I wanted.

Package management (including gfx drivers) can be done in YaST with GUI.

Device Manager can tell you everything about any device you have connected and allow you to update, uninstall, and rollback device drivers. I know no GUI on Linux has that.

Luckily, linux drivers are provided as kernel modules and there should be no need to update, uninstall or rollback device drivers besides when the manufacturers don’t comply to open standards.

Despite all that, terminal is incredibly useful and can get tasks done orders of magnitude faster than the best GUI ever could.


Especially when PlayStation controllers work just fine on Windows.

Ps-controllers also work great on Linux! Have to running in Batocera, absolutely no problem plug&play (well, connect and play).

Xbox controllers are the most common controller used.

Are they? I doubt that. I don’t know how good or bad they work on Linux, but PS, Steam-Controller, noname-Controllers from AliExpress, Logitech… all working without cli. So maybe Microsoft is the problem here?

But tell me, how do you know what driver is currently being used? (or even what one to install, which Windows will tell you, some distros will tell you what graphics card drivers to install but nothing else.)

Windows will tell you? If you have a dedicated gpu and want to actually use it you have to go to the website of the chipset vendor, search for the driver, look for the doenload, download it, open the downloaded file, allow changes to the system, click next an obscene amount of times while unchecking all the bloat that is bundled with the driver, wait, click again, and then you’re good to go. Maybe you are asked to log into your geforce experience account, and then you’re good to go. Having some program always running in the background, collecting data, hugging ressources. On Linux you have the choice to install the proprietary or the open source driver. And it just works (at least for AMD since 2019 for me)

Clearly, drivers need to be updated or even rolled back. There have been updates to the open-source drivers.

In Linux most drivers are kernel modules and you generally don’t interact with them at all. Everything just works. Exceptions are gfx cards and shitty wireless chipsets. Maybe FFB driving wheels. Besides that, every driver update is tested and happens automatically when your package manager installs updates (which can be done via GUI).

No driver is perfect so they do break things and need to get reverted.

That is just objectively wrong. Simple drivers for simple devices can be implemented perfectly and so can more complicated ones, which they sometimes even are. Tell me which driver you had to “revert”. Was it for a NVIDIA GPU?

I just want to have my computer work so I can get back to writing code, playing games, and watching shows. Anything that gets in the way is not really worth the time.

Same here, so i prefer one line in the terminal over opening a window, navigating with the mouse, searching in lists, clicking all these buttons, navigsting through a file picker… not worth my time (see, it is about speed!)


Instead of doubting, just look it up:…/valve-pc-controller-usage-stat…

Many noname controller disguise themselves as x360 and the main way to get any controller working when a x360 is required is x360ce which disguises any controller as x360. You can even use your keyboard as x360. Plus this is 5 years old plus this is steam only.

Are any of those attempting wireless connections via a 2.4 GHz dongle? Really that’s the only reason you need a driver in the first place. All controllers are otherwise compatible with xinput.

The steam controller has it’s own dongle, with a driver in the kernel, which modern xbox controller could have.

Nah, mate, you don’t got to do anything but hit the windows update button. Proprietary versions ship with Windows which will automatically update with Windows. Windows will also tell you directly in device manager, as I’ve said.

Haven’t used windows 11 yet but in 10 i had to manually install gfx drivers

Okay, now I am talking to a wall. Like seriously, you’ve never had a driver you needed to specifically update? I am surprised. I’ve had to revert AMD and Nvidia drivers. I also just recently had to uninstall xow and install xone.

As I repeatedly said, most drivers are already in the kernel. I have a non-class compliant, 15 yo usb audio interface which is EOL according to the manufacturer and for which the latest 64-bit driver vor windows is for windows 7. It has a driver in the linux kernel and it works. Mainboard soundchip? Driver in the kernel! Network adapter? Driver in the kernel! Firewire pci card? Driver in the kernel! Good wifi/bt chipset? Driver in the kernel! 99% of your hardware require no install of a driver. NVIDIAs driver used to be spotty, but I heard it is better now. With AMD i personally never had any problem. Only drivers I had to manually install in like ever have been for shitty realtek wifi chips and a ffb-wheel (which would have worked but without ffb).

I don’t care, my opinion differs. Linux is supposed to be the OS of choice and customization.

And you’re free to go the slow and time consuming way with gui. Just accept that because of choice and customisation not every fringe detail about your pc will be avaible in a gui unless you choose your custom solution for displaying them.


Because she will expierence sexual abuse there.


And which piece of consumer hardware offers more computing power (relevant for minecraft server) for the same amount of electrical power than a rpi4?


Yeah, thin clients are the way to go, but tgey will draw more than 5-7 Watt under load.


My Futro S740 with an J4105 CPU consumes up to 14 Watts according to this article. It is faster than a rpi 4b plus i bought it refurbished for 40€. I think a system with an I5 6500t will need even more power under load.

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