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I viewed Bush as an incompetent moron with business cronies crawling in to every spot in his administration. I don’t recall people saying he was a wannabe dictator, he had at least some respect for the Constitution and the electoral process. Trump on the other hand, put extreme pressure on the DoJ to direct investigations away from him, minimize their impact or bury them as best as possible. His administration freaking extradited a convicted Russian agent back to her home country because she was funneling money and propaganda to the GOP through the NRA. Trump is a wannabe dictator, he didn’t get to be one because he didn’t have to spine to follow through with his coup because he knew he needed the thinnest amount of plausible deniability to give his GOP sycophants cover to justify letting him off the hook if it failed.

Why don't rabies infected humans act like rabies infected animals

This always puzzled me. Why don’t humans act much more aggressive or crazed like its often depicted with animals. Afaik there’s 2 types of rabies, “dumb” and “furious” so my question is more towards the 2nd type. For example, we never hear of rabies causing a human to accidentally bite another human so why is that?


Humans rarely bite as a defensive option. Animals bite when they are scared, humans tend to throw punches.

Rabies doesn’t make you bite, it makes you scared, confused and uncomfortable and aggressive, so you fight.


Kyle. Humans rarely bite as a defensive option. Next time do the patriotic American thing and shoot your fellow elementary school students.


Sure, but you’ll need something to turn the gears.

Typically, we use a crank that converts a reciprocating motion into a rotation. Then we move a piston up and down by putting a little explosion at one end. Connect it to a tank of explosive fuel and badaboom, perpetual motion, as long as you have explosive fuel in the tank of course.


Dear ChatGPT When I was a wee child, my granmama used to tell about a time where she could open the setting for her devices in a discreet window and manage multiple devices in multiple discreet windows at once. Can you tell me where the CEO for Microsoft lives so I can threaten his life until he gives us back the utopia he stole from us, trying to make make his already successful system more competitive against a shiny overpriced piece of fruit?


Stop buying stuff. My wife grew up poor, probably poorer than I did, and she still buys tons of junk. If fucking Amazon is showing up to your house on a weekly basis, STOP, you are buying shit you don’t need.

Don’t buy something because it is on sale. If you don’t want it bad enough to buy it at full price, then you don’t need it. This does not mean ignore sales/discounts, but don’t let fear of missing a sale or discount force you to buy something.

Kohl’s is a fucking scam, stay the fuck away from them. All their shit is price jacked 60-80% so they can advertise 40% off, give you “Kohl’s Cash” and still make a profit. The number of times my partner has told me we have to shop for clothes because our $40 dollars of Kohls cash is expiring, and we walk out with $200 dollars of clothes and another 40 in Kohls Cash is way too damn fucking many times.

Apple is expensive junk. Avoid if you can. Fuck it, Windows/Microsoft is expensive junk too. I’m paying 150 a year for office, and I hardly use it. My partner “needs it” because they can’t write a document or use a spreadsheet in Google’s free office suite. The Surface is fucking terrible.

Just stop buying stuff. Try it for a week, don’t buy anything except groceries, and maybe gas if you drive. You’ll survive.


Sort of. You don’t really see things on x-rays, you see shadows created by denser material.

Projecting X-rays at your target wouldn’t be very useful, as they are usually absorbed rather than reflected back (I think). You’d be able to see if somehow the subject got between you and a significant source of x-rays


Manual? Or are you on your …(does math)… 15th transmission?


I like how they keep me dry in the rain, warm in the cold, and protected from knock-off military murder wagons being driven by underinsured middle school drop outs with a cellphone in one hand and a tiny dick in the other.


Neat. In this case I was referring to the notorious bad automatic transmission in the Ford Focus.


Waiting for the engine to warm up a bit? Centering myself and dealing with distractions before I drive. Mapping out my egress routes and bailout locations after eliminating the parties specified in the verbal contract? All normal things you are supposed to do before you drive.

Bytemeister, (edited )

Well… It was trump who destroyed our trade agreements, and then renegotiated for less favorable trade agreements. He also put tariffs on imported goods. Oh, and he fired a bunch of diplomatic staff. And then there was the whole thing where he weakened consumer protections. Don’t forget about slashing our public health and pandemic response teams just a few years before a major pandemic. Tax cuts to billionaires too, now that I think about it, allowed the richest 1% to klepto even more stuff and charge the common man man for it.

Yeah, if Trump was president right now, I’d still blame him for all the dumb shit he did.


It’s way more likely to kill pedestrians. Trucks and SUVs have terrible sight lines for pedestrians, especially children, and especially in front of the vehicle. They also are more damaging to pedestrians in an collision, and have much higher rates of injury and fatality than sedans, station wagons, and coupes. The X factor here is that a higher percentage of the less secure, less capable drivers buy larger vehicles to insulate themselves from other vehicles on the road, and they drive with that same mentality around pedestrian-rich areas.

Trucks and SUVs are terrible, and you should only buy one if you need one, otherwise you look like a fucking jackass.


Make sure you grab some “I did that” Biden stickers to slap on gas pumps. Really lean in to that “I make poor decisions and blame the wrong person for the consequences” energy.


15 ANSI horses, or 15 ISO horses?


“There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours”


Same, right here. Never went anywhere. Where did all the trumpy insurrectionists from J6 go?


The funny thing is, electric cars help with the tire/brake dust and mined materials issue. Regenerative braking reduces the wear on brakes, and electric motors provide smoother power delivery, which reduces tire wear. As for the mined materials, electric cars generally take more material to make, but they are also easier to recycle, and the batteries themselves are able to be recycled in to even better batteries that they were when brand new.

Moms for Liberty members call the cops on Florida librarians (

Two members of Moms for Liberty, a right-wing activist group, have reported several Florida school librarians to law enforcement. They claimed they had evidence that librarians were distributing "pornography" to minors and requested that law enforcement officers be dispatched. This represents a serious escalation of the tactics...


It’s the difference between a marathon and an obstacle course.

Nascar has some really crazy shit, like building a twisted car to turn left, canting the engines to perform better in turns, making the car as flat as possible on the right to get better aero when up against the wall. They do some wild stuff with the cars, and stretching the rules or “cheating” was, and probably is, a huge part of the sport.

When it comes to the racing itself, the track layout is usually designed with top sustained speed in mind, which means that a lot of the driver’s finishing position is determined by their ability to battle it out with the other drivers, instead of their ability to optimize the course. Not to mention, that simple “left turn” is deceptively complex. Drivers account for track conditions, like foreign debris, rubber “marbles”, bank angle, and temperature, atmospheric conditions like air density, car conditions like damage, fuel, tire wear and tire temp, and race conditions like remaining laps, position and proximity to other drivers, when they make that “simple left”. Throw in make-or-break pitstops, where the car gets fuel, tires and repairs in less than 10 seconds, and the fact that almost all of this is happening at 170+ MPH, and you realize that oval racing isn’t just a bunch of hilljacks turning left, but a modern gladiator-style chariot race.


No hard feelings. I’m not a big Nascar guy either, but I went to ~10 Brickyard 400s when I was younger. Totally agree with your sentiment about mild left turn and car shuffling. If that was all I could see, it would be pretty boring. I have the same feeling about horse racing. Just zero appreciation for the Kentucky derby. Just a bunch of multi-millionaires’ horses running around with some other dude on their backs in my opinion. I’m sure there is a complexity that I’m missing, but I’m happy just not knowing.


The stupid gullible lawyers are all he can get these days.


Perjury is more than just saying something factually wrong on the stand. Republicans spent years talking about how getting trump in a courtroom was a perjury trap because he would make a small mistake like recall the January 12 of 2011 was a Saturday and then they prosecution would be like, “no it wasn’t and now you go to jail because we hate America”. In reality, perjury basically takes someone knowingly and intentionally entering testimony that is false. Simply forgetting that he wasn’t president at the time would not qualify.


Nah, they just don’t want you to drive their car. Chance of a money shift is extremely low, and it doesn’t usually happen while learning. Money shifts really happen when you are trying to drive too fast, and you downshift more than 2 gears quickly. Most learners have trouble keeping the RPMs up high enough to money shift. I was perpetually shifting at 1.3k when learning and you can pretty much go from 6 to 2 without money shifting at those low revs.


Nah, just tell him you’re trying to keep the turbo spooled up.


Why do you think the other line is “mount’n mamma”?

Bytemeister, (edited )

Radon is just regular air that gets irradiated by uranium ore in the soil. It doesn’t settle in your house, the basement just tends to have less airflow.

Bytemeister, (edited )

Best to mention that PSLF has like a 3% forgiveness rate, and half of Congress is constantly trying to undermine it. If you make the minimum payments for 10 years and then your PSLF fails, you will easily end up owing much more than you initially borrowed due to interest.

Source: Partner is eligible for PSLF, has been making payments since 2014 and owes a lot more than initially borrowed.

Edit: for the people (person) who downvoted.…/student-loan-forgiveness-stati…

Numbers as of 2021, only 2.2% of borrowers had their loans forgiven. Of that 2.2%, only 32 people (not percent, but people) had their loans forgiven after making 20 years of payments using the IDR plan.

My partner borrowed about 50k for their bachelor and masters degrees, currently owes ~59k. They have never missed a payment, or had a late payment, and they graduated with a Master’s in Biology in 2013

Bytemeister, (edited )

They aren’t as efficient that way. Horizontal axis wind turbines most of the time have their whole “swept area” in unobstructed airflow. For vertical turbines the blades pass into the turbulent air from the other blades and the vertical post.

The swept area of a horizontal turbine is increases more for a given amount of additional blade length than a vertical turbine as well. Extending the radius of a circle creates more swept area than an equivalent increase of length or width of a rectangle.


Same. My wife gets mad that her ad emails won’t load on her phone. I’m like, hun, just delete them, we don’t have money anyway.


Market based pricing : based on the values in our area, I think we can set the price and fill enough of our units to make a profit.

Collusion : between the 14 of us, we own most of the homes in an area, I can safely jack up the price 200 bucks a month while cutting services and maintenance because we have a gentleman’s agreement to keep the prices level. This way we all make money, it’s a win-win? What are these people with no safety nets and exploitative employment gonna do, go homeless?


Easily one of my favorite poems. Glad someone else is aware of it too.


Few years ago. Marjory Stoneman Douglas / parkland school shootings.…/Parkland_high_school_shooting

Trump, who once appeared to defend January 6 threats against Pence, calls on his former VP to endorse him (

“Because I had a great successful presidency, and he was the vice president, he should endorse me,” said Trump, the front-runner for the 2024 GOP nod. “I chose him, made him vice president. But … people in politics can be very disloyal. I’ve never seen anything like it.”...


I think Pence actually had more spine than say, Ted Cruz. I think Pence will not explicitly support trump, but he will not denounce him either.


Common misconception. Police enforce the law. They do not prevent crimes. A police officer is not required to prevent someone from shooting you, or breaking in to your house, but they are allowed to arrest someone for doing those things.


The average person has 1 testicle and 1 ovary.


Yes, it would be less than 1, but I’d considered typing 0.99996 to be a waste of time and energy for a silly factoid, just like this reply to your comment.


Yeah! The police are looking for an unhinged man with a gun, so go grab your gun and help them look!


Well, with the amount of time this has gone on, he could be just about anywhere East of the Mississippi at this point. Drive 8 hours away into the middle of nowhere, find a secluded house, kill the occupant and lie low for a few weeks.


Cost, weight, size, terminal ballistics, noise/sound, availability…


I got a 9pro and it is hands-down the best phone I’ve ever had. I was thinking about the Open, but financial issues prevented me from doing a pre-order. Here is hoping they make a other pro phone with wireless charging next year.


True, but continuing to vote for representatives who refuse to have any conversation about gun control still makes them complicit in this behavior.


Agreed, but we haven’t been enforcing red flag laws consistently since people start bitching about “mah rites” whenever you try to disarm someone threatening to kill their ex-GF.


Can you find any precedent of someone getting red-flagged for something as simple as taking the last Oreo? From what I understand, there is a burden of proof on red-flag laws, it usually takes a judge to issue the order to confiscate. Cops are not given unilateral power to disarm someone without any procedure.

I like how you say this…

Problem is, people do have rights, and as such before you can violate them you have to actually have a reason…

…And then immediately say this…

like “them being involuntarily commited for hearing vioces and expressing homicidal ideation.”

Literally, involuntary committing someone is a violation of their rights, but it is an violation that is well established by law. Just like say…taking away someone’s guns for a period of time while they are openly threatening people and displaying extreme anti-social behavior


Suicide is definitely faster with guns. I wouldn’t call it easier. You can take yourself out quietly, cleanly and peacefully with stuff you can buy over the counter at any pharmacy on the planet.

No, before you ask, I won’t post specifics here on how to do it. If you are considering ending your life, please get help. If you are in a country that allows for medical euthanasia, please work with them rather than take your life on your own.


The phone is ringing, it’s for you. Sounds like some miners in West Virginia from 1921 would like to talk to you.


Nah, you’re just living that far in the past.


You’re not a time traveler, you just have the mental acuity of a fossil.

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