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I suspect Elon Musk is acting as an agent for China, and China supports Russia.

But no matter the reason, Elon Musk is not acting in the interests of USA or the West or democracy.


For us using metric who are not used to freedom units:

1000 square ft = 93 m2 (92,9 m2 to be exact)

So I guess you can divide by 10 to get a rough estimate in m2 that is 7% off.

Buffalox, (edited )

in Denmark

Yes I figured as much from the “for 3 years ago”, which is totally Danglish, “3 years ago” is enough.

Sorry, I just found it funny, that I figured a Dane wrote that from the first 3 words.😀

And yes professionals are really expensive, USD 100k to replace an entire roof doesn’t even sound expensive, if it includes materials, it’s sounds dirt cheap.

Edit I just checked prices, and apparently you can get a new roof for a 100m2 house approximately 1000 ft2, for about USD 10000.


Freedon units are absolutely awesome to confuse the enemy, problem is it confuses your friends too.😋

Buffalox, (edited )

I think I specified USD = US dollar, but that is cheap, our neighbor got an offer of USD 160000 for a house of about 180m2. That was with ceramic tiles, but afaik it’s not that much cheaper even if you chose cheaper materials, I think the cheapest was about USD 120000.


I have been misinformed, I looked up prices and you can get a new roof for a 100m2 house approximately 1000 ft2, for about USD 10000.


Yes, The offer my neighbor got must include rebuilding the construction or something.

You can get a new roof for a 100m2 house approximately 1000 ft2, for about USD 10000.


I have a 55" IPS TV with absolutely zero smart functions, and we use it as a dummy monitor, Audio is not even connected, all is hooked up to a Linux computer that serves all the content. Zero bullshit, Zero advertising and we have full control of everything, and it was dirt cheap.


We use a tiny wireless keyboard with a track pad, it’s bigger than a remote, and we still have remote for Amplifier and to turn on the TV, but it works very well for us. Some phones have IR, so we could have just the keyboard, but we have went back to using the remotes.

Buffalox, (edited )

Motorola is basically just stock Android with an app to control special Motorola features like the Karate LED.

One Plus is without bloatware too, but they have their own OS, which some like some don’t.

The current lineup looks very sweet IMO. Nord 3 Lite is crazy value, Nord 3 is a very well rounded 85% flagship at half the price. One Plus 11 takes the final step IMO to flagship performance but 25-33% cheaper.

Of course the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is a tad better than the One Plus 11, but that’s also twice the price.

I’m currently looking for an excuse to buy Either the Nord 3 or the One Plus 11. Although my current phone (Motorola) works great. 😋

Buffalox, (edited )

Edit- Android 14 is still in beta so that’s a very poor example.

It’s also possible your phone is simply defect, do you have confirmation others have similar problems?

Is that an official update from One Plus? Because that’s more than 3 years old model, and usually they only give 2-3 updates, meaning it should end with Android 12 or 13.

Edit: It can’t be official since the phone is 3+ years old, and Android 14 is in beta.


Mostly DEFAULT Android, which is true.

Default is also sometimes called vanilla. Both meaning without changes from the original.

UK: The Russian military intends to recruit 420,000 contract personnel by the end of 2023 - but for a price (lemmy.ca)

The Russian military intends to recruit 420,000 contract personnel by the end of 2023. On 3 September 2023, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dimitry Medvedev stated that so far 280,000 personnel had been recruited. These numbers cannot be independently verified. Russia’s conscription continues to have negative effects...


We have heard of these workforce shortages many times since already a couple of months into the war.

The Russian economy is kind if overheating due to huge public investments in the war effort.

At the same time Russia is losing workers because people are fleeing Russia and continued conscription to the military.

The difference is they now say the shortage is 42% whatever that means? But it sounds very high if true.

Ironically the Russian economy is in a recession at the same time it’s overheating. Meaning that when the card-house collapses, it will probably collapse hard. This will probably happen when the war chest Putin built is empty, and they’ve used more than half already.

If reports such as these are correct, I doubt Russia can keep this up for another year.


The Russians are massively misinformed, still I find it hard to feel sorry for them. I think they want the propaganda to be true, so they choose to believe it.

There was no overhanging threat from NATO, they were not under attack anywhere, they 100% exclusively themselves chose to start this war. And the ridiculous laws and regulations around not making any criticism of Putin, the war or the military, should tell everybody something isn’t right.

I also saw an influencer claim this was the hardest time for Russia ever, because they don’t have any friends. There are many things that should show the Russians that this is wrong, yet most of them continue to support Putin! And the calls for using nukes on London and Ukraine and cheering all sorts of atrocities is sickening.

Russia will need an awakening like Germany had after WW2, but I suspect they’ll never get it, because Russia will not be conquered, and they will continue to play victim, despite having zero basis for it. To me it seems Russia will be lost to extremism for many decades, even after this is over.

Buffalox, (edited )

IDK Lemmy.world is at 132k users now, it was way below 100k when I started 3 months ago, and has been steadily climbing since.

There are servers that allow new users, but have no real users, just massive amounts of bots.

You can look here: (warning very slow server)


Try to sort the servers by Total users, Lemmy.world is on top, but the next 7 try to look at the row of numbers, you will see servers with many “total users” have almost zero activity posts and comments, compared to the number of claimed Total users.

I’m guessing those users are all fake. Why people generate fake users IDK, but there is clearly attempts to sabotage the Lemmy network.

Trying to penetrate the noise, and figure out more real numbers, I’m sure Lemmy remains quite healthy and is growing in real numbers, if you filter servers that are actively and properly maintained.


According to a report published by popular research companies,

Yeah I smell bullshit. I suspect it’s going pretty badly for the thing formerly known as Twitter, but this article doesn’t show anything, but merely makes a bunch of claims. There is no documented data, and no sources stated.


I agree completely that it shouldn’t be, but Twitter and Facebook/Meta are considered tech companies.

Yes Meta has some tech today, but they were considered a tech company from the beginning, merely for being on the Internet!!!

IMO That’s like considering a baker a tech company, because they have a cash register with buttons. But that’s the world we live in.


You have already applied as much reason as the entire article, and also given as much hard data and sources. In fact, reading your comment is probably worth more than the article.


And NO this is NOT sarcasm!

Buffalox, (edited )

Thanks way better article.

the app’s downloads fell by almost 30% compared with the preceding two months,

Very different from losing 30% of users the OP headline claims.


Wait a minute, I’m not a historian from the 2100s.

That would be 22nd century. We are in 21st century now.


OK the way you wrote it, made it look like you didn’t know. If you had written 22nd century instead of 2100s, it might have been clearer.

But it’s all a bit fuzzy, who are “abuses by wealthy platform owners just a century prior,”

What are those platforms in the early 1900s?


Putin is a narcissist. More accurately a psychopath sociopath and a narcissist.

Macho is more a kind of masculine pride. Although somewhat stupid, not nearly as bad as what Putin is.

Buffalox, (edited )

F stands for Flaffenfeit, and is a deprecated measurement system the world doesn’t use anymore, except some backwards parts of the world. 110F is equal to about 2.85 feet or 7.13 ounces if I remember correctly. For sure It’s a very clever system invented by an ancient master jokester, where nothing relates to anything in any sensible way.


Metric: 1 calorie heats 1 gram of water 1 C°, 1 gram is equal to 1cm³. Water boils at 100 C° and freezes at zero.

Imperial: 1 calorie heats 1 something by ?? F equal to ???, and 0F and 100F are completely irrelevant to everyday life and tasks.


Also remember to eat something salty. Drinking a lot of water, drains the body salts, and lacking salt can be very bad too.

If you drink 2 liters of water quickly, it can be lethal because it pushes your salt levels out of whack.


Ah yes, if you use the Freedom Units revised version the feet and ounces are smaller. I think those were measured after a new president to make him look more impressive on paper.

Sorry to use the older scale, my mistake.


Any usefulness of Fahrenheit is purely accidental, how is water freezing at 32F useful? I’ll grant that the finer resolution can be seen as a positive, I don’t see how Fahrenheit is better for human comfort, my personal optimal comfort zone is 22-24C°, and I have no need for decimals for that. 73F is pretty close to 23C, I don’t see much difference regarding comfort in either.

The huge problem with Fahrenheit, is that it is impractical in many situations, it has basically no merit to justify its existence, and only a minority of countries continue to use it.

Of course Americans can do whatever they want, but they are looking stupider for each year they keep using “Freedom Units”.

Of course Americans switch to metric for mostly anything scientific, for example NASA use Metric.

Buffalox, (edited )

How is using F a better tool for pool temperaturs? I have never heard of a European having problems with that using Celsius.


Yes because dividing the scale equally, is the biggest challenge of making a thermometer. Who came up with that lame argument?

Oh I forgot, maybe using freedom units it is. 🤣🤣🤣


Sorry, but freedom Units are just too hilarious to not make fun of.


All that may be true, but doesn’t account for the way metric allows for easy calculations between energy, weight, distance and temperature.

Freedom units are not even consistent within one system, weights are all over the place, with ounces pounds stones, length is just as bad, with inches, feet and miles. Where none of it makes any sense.

Metric is quite simply a way superior system to freedom units, that work as well as if it was made completely random. No actually it’s probably worth, because NOTHING works in freedom units, if they were random, there might actually have been a case or two where they did by accident.


I’m just pointing it out, in a way I hope people get. Metric is way superior and allows for easy calculations between energy, weight, distance and temperature.

Freedom units are not even consistent within one system, weights are all over the place, with ounces pounds stones, length is just as bad, with inches, feet and miles. There is not even some kind of internal consistency.

What I guess I wish for a start, is that articles stop using Imperial exclusively. Then over time transition away from Imperial will be easier.

I’m sorry if some people choose to be offended, there is no way any individual person is responsible for this, so it is quite illogical to be offended about it.


Ah yes, except it’s made more complicated than it has to be. The thing is to get salt. Sodium is a basic element not a salt. Also you don’t have to drink it, usually it’s easier and cheaper to find in foods.


Ah yes, it’s the easy life, because Freedom units are making fun of themselves, just being what they are.

Buffalox, (edited )

Once in a while, probably because it’s easy, I think if I was using imperial I wouldn’t because it’s impossible without tools.


No now that I think about it, I do it all the time in the kitchen, where volume to weight is extremely common when I cook, because often things are measured in volume, but I prefer to use the weight.

½ a liter water or milk or almost any fluid without extra dish-washing? Easy you just put it on the weight, select tara, and pour 500 grams. Voila you just saved both kitchen space and extra work. because 1g = 1ml with water and most fluids.

I guess if you are used to Freedom units, this may sound like science fiction, but this has been reality in many countries for a long time already.


OK so maybe it had an advantage centuries ago, how is that relevant today?

Buffalox, (edited )

Yes, or low weight or both. Fact of the matter is, it happened.

Buffalox, (edited )

Weight to volume is extremely common when I cook, because often things are measured in volume, but I prefer to use the weight.

½ a liter water or milk or almost any fluid without extra dish-washing? Easy you just put it on the weight, select tara, and pour 500 grams. Voila you just saved both kitchen space and extra work. because 1g = 1ml with water and most fluids.

It’s equally easy if the number given isn’t in liter, ml or milliliter of course converts directly to grams, and dl or deciliter = 100 g. 1 liter of course being 1000 ml and in water 1000 g or 1 kg. It’s consistent all the way through.

I guess if you are used to Freedom units, this may sound like science fiction, but this has been reality in many countries for a long time already.


OK, I can see it may have been practical at the time.


False equivalence. gravity is not man made.


Haha nice try.😋


True, but Kelvin is based on Celsius, only difference is that zero is moved from freezing water to absolute zero. Celsius however is more practical for everyday life.


OK Imperial is not something I’m used to use, but according to Wikipedia, a pint is 569.6 ml and a pound is 0.4535 kg.

So you’d be off by 116,1 g or a whopping 25%!


That would ruin many great recipes.


Why? As I see it, it’s quite practical for air too, epecially when considering humidity.


How should I know which you use, AFAIK freedom units are American.


When you’re right you’re right.😋


Denmark has a very close-minded and ignorant culture.

Denmark is generally pretty progressive, and we were among the first countries to allow same sex partnerships to be registered equal to marriage. We are a very open society, where you may believe and have what political or sexual orientation you want. That’s the exact opposite of close minded.

Danes still blindly worship and defend ridiculous socialism

Denmark does not defend socialism. Socialism is about workers taking control of production. Denmark is capitalist and we have democracy, we are what you may call a caring capitalist state, and that is what we defend.

money-wasting policies in the name of environmentalism or the likes. I have no idea what you mean. In the 70’s we began to invest like many other countries in alternative energy, mainly wind-turbines, today wind-turbines are one of the cheapest energy sources that exist. Generally Denmark spend money pretty sensibly, in part because several political parties need to agree.

People that have opinions that differ from the norm are labeled as “weird”

I can’t speak to your personal experience, but yes sometimes people don’t understand things outside the norm, but it seems to me you are the one to be judgemental here.


The most immediate, and annoying character trait I noticed was the habitual need Danes have to tell other people how wonderful Denmark is,

Yeah Britts do exactly the same, so 👉👈 lol

Danish people are by nature in awe of authority

This is simply not true. For instance US intelligence complain about our lack of it, together with lack of strong ideology which makes hiring agents in Denmark harder.


IMO this can be roughly translated to it’s hard to find truly fanatic Danes. The “loose living” part is also contrary to your original claim that we are intolerant.

The food variety and quality was nothing like as good as in the UK.

Oh my god, 🤣🤣🤣 that’s just insane coming from a Brit. Yes you can get decent food in UK, but that’s all from foreign kitchens. You can keep your Marmite. For Christ sake man???

The public infrastructure was inadequate, and oh so slow.

My god, what is this clown on?? Denmark has one of the most developed infrastructures of the world, We have 4 independent forms of public transportation. We have world class public IT, where almost everything to do with public services can be done online. What is he babbling about?

Monopoly was the name of the game in business. No competition whatsoever. Danish produce and Danish produce only was the rule of things.

Name just 1 example where that’s the case. Denmark is a capitalist country like the rest of Europe. Almost all kinds of produce can be had as either danish or foreign, in UK they may have higher overweight of foreign produce, because the country isn’t able to feed itself like Denmark can. But the foreign options are clearly here if you want them. Incidentally UK used to be the greatest importer of Danish produce for decades by far. But the declining UK economy may have changed that.

The sheer cost of living in the place was/is at least 2-3 times that of the UK,

Another lie, yes it’s more expensive, but not nearly as much as claimed, and by the stats the higher wages more than compensates, so we have the equivalent of USD 10000 better purchasing power on an average wage. This guy is just completely lost.

everyone was asking me so proudly if I felt lucky to be living in Denmark.

That sounds weird, I’ve never heard that from any of my foreign friends. I’ve never heard it anywhere else for that matter. It would be more normal to ask whether he likes it here. Maybe if he plans staying, those I’ve heard. I generally just say I hope they like it here. Then they don’t have to answer, but can if they feel like. I think most people in most countries want foreigners to like their country.

Then there is the much vaunted Danish Medical System. Again according to Danes the best in the world.

Yeah that’s shit, and yes quality is declining steadily and has for years. In fact not unlike the UK unfortunately. I still think ours is a bit better, there have been horrendous stories from UK after COVID.

costs of prescription medicine and Dental care, even on the back of this public health service are out of control.

Yes medicine is expensive to start up, the public contribution increases if you need medicine over longer periods of time. This system sucks, and the politicians lied about it, when they made it. Dental care is even worse, it’s insanely expensive, many people go to Sweden, Germany or Poland to have their teeth done. So yes on these 2 points we can definitely do better. There have been some slight improvements for young people after school where they have free dentist. I guess it’s for the young, because it 's cheap, but of course they say it’s to give them a good start. This is certainly micro steps, where nothing has been done for 30 years.

and was appalled and shocked at the levels of Marxist/Feminist views being foisted on the young people.

Oh boy 😜 they must be pretty bad at it, because I don’t see that Marxist feminist society he seems to be so scared of. My guess is he’s a conservative religious nut, that believes he will benefit once the conservatives have given everything to the 1%

The history of their country prior to the end of WWII is just not taught at all,

This is taught in public school, but not in a nationalistic way they often do in other more authoritarian countries.

Almost all the teachers were female (of a sort)

Yeah I’m beginning to see where this is going. It’s probably true most teachers are women, so what? Most nurses are too.

Almost every lecture I attended was weighted heavily towards a European future, and very few were not heavily biased in that direction.

Yeah, I think public opinion is pro EU in UK too now. After Brexit one of our strongest anti EU parties have actually changed their policies, and now want Denmark to stay. Brexit was mostly in the interest of the Russians, who were a strong influence in the Brexit election, but the British government very conveniently refused to even investigate it. It’s funny how NOT cooperating with your neighbors fail to yield any benefits?

OK I think I’ll stop here, the guy is clearly not very smart, and basically wrong about 90% of what he is saying.

He complains that Danes claim Denmark is one of the best countries to live in. By most measurements it is, and by most measurements Denmark beats UK. But anyone is of course free to prefer whatever country they want. If you are happy about and prefer the country you live in that’s great.


Denmark is consistently better than UK in all 5 stats!!!


On life expectancy UK does slightly better, the 30th best country in the world and Denmark at . Not a huge difference though.


GDP nominal Denmark #9 with USD 68,827 in the world, UK with USD 46,371, that’s USD 22,456 more for Denmark per capita in spending value.


Average wage USD Denmark 64,127 UK 53,985 That’s 10k extra in USD purchasing power for the Danes!!

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