@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar


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@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Alias 2 and I still have it packed away in a box.

Is it just me, or has the BS with OpenAI shown that nobody in the AI space actually cares about "safeguarding AGI?"

Money wins, every time. They’re not concerned with accidentally destroying humanity with an out-of-control and dangerous AI who has decided “humans are the problem.” (I mean, that’s a little sci-fi anyway, an AGI couldn’t “infect” the entire internet as it currently exists.)...

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

How could an intelligence that requires massive amounts of CPU, RAM, and database storage even concievably able to leave the confines of its own computing environment?

Why would it need to leave its own environment in order to impact the world? How about an AGI taking over the remote fly system for an F-35, B-21, or NGAD in order to go all Skynet? It doesn’t have to execute itself on the onboard system of the plane, it simply has to have control of the remote control system. Penetration of and fuckery with the systems that run major stock exchanges present the same problem. It doesn’t need to execute itself on those platforms, merely exert control over them.

The concern here isn’t about an AGI taking over systems in order to execute itself, it’s about AGI taking control of systems away from humans in much the same way that traditional Black Hat hackers would but at a much faster speed and with potentially far less concern for any human cost.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

This argument would hold more weight if you were referring to the entire drone fleet.

Sure, and we’re maybe 5 years away from that.

An AGI doing what you’re talking about doing would mean all secure facilities in the world would have just tossed their security practices out the window to begin with and having internet connections inside secure facilities.

Nearly all of the normal spy activities that can induce someone to action are available to an AGI; Bribery, Compromise, and Relationship. There’s also people who would willingly help because their goals aligned or because they believe things would be better with an AGI in charge.

…but like, reasonable people do, and so security still exists.

Sure, and that security gets penetrated and an AGI can do it in the same way its done now only faster and with no controls on its behavior.

You also need to drop the assumption that the AGI or its targets will be American.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Conservation of Energy only applies in a closed system. If the rod is built on the Moon and then placed in Earth orbit it’s quite possible to be net positive energy relative to Earth’s gravity field.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

It helps but doesn’t fix it, not even on my Roku Soundbars.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

but also investing in actual speakers instead of a soundbar or the tv’s speakers.

NO God Dammit, just NO. It’s completely unreasonable to expect a full multi speaker 5.1 or better surround system on every fucking TV so people can comfortably hear the dialogue! There’s absolutely no reason that a quality soundbar can’t provide a decent audio experience. NONE.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

it’s the consequences of the unhomed’s poor choices and absolutely nothing else.

Classical Liberal / Libertarian here and this is wrong. Life can be massively unfair / unkind and it’s not unusual for people, even ones who make solid choices, to end up in bad situations.

What so many of my Libertarian fellows seem to miss is that we’re allowed to have empathy. Do I want the Government taking my money to redistribute it? Absolutely not but that does not excuse us from acting on our own. In fact I’d argue we have MORE of an obligation for individual action to help those less fortunate.

Come at me.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

It’s not that they want to ban it from drinking water, they want to ban it COMPLETELY.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

In this country, apparently anything that’s not explicitly illegal or banned is fair game.

Correct and this is how it should be. We also need to react more quickly to things that should be banned.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

The captalists are still on rddit

Not all of us.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

For fucks sake, that shit was passed and then either expired or was repealed TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO.

This level of “Whataboutism” shouldn’t even be possible.

Tlaib's defense of Palestinian chant prompts Jewish Democrats to call for retraction (www.detroitnews.com)

U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s defense of a phrase used by Palestinians in connection with the war between Israel and Hamas is drawing condemnation from critics, including two prominent fellow Democrats — Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

“From the River to the Sea!” comes from the same mindset as “Blood and Soil”. They’re both abhorrent and neither should be used.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

The Teen Titans nor The Incredibles were targeted at children. TT was mid to late teens and TI was absolutely for adults.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Women weren’t allowed to have a bank account in the USA until 1974.

You know that isn’t true, right?

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Your friend is a poor mechanic and I’d be wary of any advice they give you.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

there is no use case where a pickup truck is better than something like a kei truck

I like the mini-trucks like the Kei, they are practical and useful for light loads around town. What they don’t do is heavy loads and / or long distances.

So here’s a “use case” where my full sized American pickup truck is required. Several times in the last 6 months I’ve pulled a triple axle trailer weighing 12,000lbs (5,440 kilograms) a distance of 200 miles (320 kilometers) at an elevation of 6,000 feet (1,828 meters) ). Assuming the weight didn’t collapse the rear axle or buckle the frame on a Kei then trying to actually pull the weight would certainly destroy the transmission and / or engine.

If you want to discuss “cargo space” then ALL pickups, including the Kei, suck. Holding cargo internally is what van bodies are for, not pickup bodies. This why city based tradesman the world over drive chassis with van bodies.

So called “Off Road” is a whole different can of worms, nearly no one really does it (even if they think they do) and I’d submit that NO mass produced pickup is truly suited for it as real Off Roading is done with vehicles specialized for the terrain they are working in.

Mini-trucks are great at what they’re meant for but they aren’t meant for everything.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Hamas has guns, how is that helping them against Isreal’s bombs?

Which has exactly what to do with an American Civil War? You know, where an American in America could make sure the pilot flying the bomber never got to work? Or make sure that the convoy with the fuel never reached that air base? Start making bombing runs on American Cities and you’ll find out real quick how impactful a regular citizen with an AR-15 can be.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

I’ve heard it said that guns have more rights than women.

Only by people so amazingly ignorant that it causes the premature death of brain cells in people standing within earshot of them.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Wyoming, Colorado, and Montana are Rocky Mountain West, not the MidWest. Good grief.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

I was born in Nebraska and lived there until my early 20s when I moved to Wyoming and I’ve been here for 30 years. I’m very familiar with both areas. The “Great Plains” stops somewhere in the western panhandle of Nebraska. The pine forests up around Chadron (NW corner) have nearly nothing in common with the Cottonwood infested prairie down around Lincoln (SE corner). If you want to stick along I-80, which makes the discussion easier, there’s a solid argument that the “Great Plains” ends somewhere West of North Platte and East of Sidney.

Let’s start with water, the average annual precipitation in Lincoln is right at 30" but as you go West it keeps decreasing and by the time you reach Sydney it’s down to 15", a reduction of 50!

The drastic reduction in precipitation is mirrored by a change in the soil as somewhere around there the soil changes from the rich dark farmland of the East to the tan sand hills of the West. Following the water and soil change the plant life itself becomes notably different; its not only less dense it also has far less of the native prairie grasses in it. The change in plant life also makes the animal life different; for example there are no Antelope on the Eastern side but as you go West they start appearing. Deer and Elk are also different with White Tails disappearing as you move West but Mule Deer and Elk starting to appear. Nebraska has not Native Moose population that I’m aware of but by they can be found even in South Eastern Wyoming.

I’ve stomped around Colorado and Montana a fair bit too over the last 30 years and it’s no different there. The Border Area of Colorado and Kansas is vastly different than the area around Lawrence, Kansas or Manhattan on the East Side. It’s the same with the Eastern Border of Montana up against the Dakota’s; there’s notable and large differences between that area and everything East of North Platte, Nebraska.

The Great Plains as embodied by Iowa, Eastern Nebraska, and Eastern Kansas are separate and distinct from the High Plains of Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Southwest Colorado would be Durango / Montrose which is on west side of the Rockies! You think that’s part of the Great Plains area?

Even SE Colorado such as Pueblo and Lamar are very distinct from towns and cities east of North Platte, Nebraska.

Culturally Eastern Nebraska is heavily Germanic / Western European Immigrant. Hell up into the 2000s there were still lots of little churches with at least one weekly service conducted in German. You won’t find that in Pueblo.

I’m struggling to understand all of these cultural similarities that some of you see. Yes they’re all Americans but everything from the type of soil they live on to their ancestry and immigration patterns is WILDLY different between Lincoln and Pueblo.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Impossible to know for sure but pre-war the estimate was about 14,000 total with about 5,000 of them being “active”. The other 9,000 of them were in storage. If all of the number are accurate that means that Ukraine has destroyed Russia’s entire pre-war active tank inventory and the only reason that Russia has tanks on the battlefield now is because they are pulling from their Soviet Era stockpiles. How many of those even CAN be made to operate is anybody’s guess but I’d be surprised if they could get more than 2/3rds, or roughly 6,000 units, field ready.

I think it’s reasonable to say that the UA has destroyed around half of the total number of tanks that Russia is capable of fielding.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

There are only two sides in this conflict; bad guys and victims. There are no Good Guys and no one has the moral high ground.

Buelldozer, (edited )
@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

That’s a bummer. I’m a serious Capitalist but I kinda liked the Tankies and Pinks, they brought a fresh perspective and occasionally produced damn good memes.

The good news is that since I moved to another instance I’ll still get their stuff, kinda stinks for those of you homed on lemmy.world though.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

I used to moderate several subs with over 2M subscribers and while being a Digital Janitor can take a lot of time and effort at the end of the day its just volunteer labor and with Reddit in particular it’s volunteer labor to help a commercial entity.

Society would be better off if these kinds of mods would use the time to volunteer at a soup kitchen or something.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

What happens next is that the Ethics Committee recommends removing him from the HoR and when THAT is voted on…well…he’s not going to fair any better than McCarthy did.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

29 Billion represents roughly 20% of their annual Gross Profit. That’s a serious chunk of change, even for them.

Buelldozer, (edited )
@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Even worse, the shooter wasn’t a “cop” he was a “Constable” and the distinction is important. A Constable isn’t allowed to carry a gun nor are they allowed to physically evict a tenant. They’re allowed to serve the paperwork, which he’d already done 4 days prior, and that’s it. That’s as far as their authority goes.

This guy was genuinely out looking for a situation where he could shoot someone and after he shot Magnus he tried to do it AGAIN not a month later.


@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

“Stretching its ability to support Ukraine”…for now.

The problem isn’t that we can’t do both because we certainly can, the problem is that we’re running out of money to do it UNDER CURRENT APPROPRIATIONS BILLS.

Congress will eventually return to session and more appropriations bills will pass; the only questions are how much and how quickly it will be done.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

I was in Walmart yesterday and they had kids holiday clothes on the racks just down the aisle from the Halloween costumes. WTF?!

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

I’d like those “essential oil vaporizer” machines fucking banned. Turn that stinky shit OFF Karen…no one wants to smell your “Eucalyptus and Menthol” fighting it out with Patricia’s “Orange and Coconut” and Jenny’s “Lilacs and Lavender”.

It’s a terrorist attack on everyone’s nostrils!

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

That crime should be punishable by caning.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Incoming interest rate hike from The Fed.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Yep. If there’s one things that the Libertarians have correct it’s going after The Federal Reserve System.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

They are doing the same with Windows that they did with Office. Win12 will come as either one time purchase or subscription based but over the course of 10 years they’ll push harder and harder on getting people into the subscription version. Once it has enough uptake, and it will get there, they will then start pushing the “Why run it on local hardware when you can put it in our cloud and access it from anywhere?”.

They’re already doing the Virtual Desktop thing in both M365 and Azure now so it’ll be a pretty easy transition when comes.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

You’ll go to Walmart and buy a WinBook that connects you to your Windows 365 Cloud PC. If your WinBook dies you toss it in the trash and go buy another one, sign into it with your MSA and pick up right where you left off. If you want to game on it then you buy the “Ultra” edition to do game streaming or you buy an XBox.

The first one is doable today since Microsoft already offers VDs in both M365 for SMB use and “roll your own” VDI in Azure for Large and Enterprise customers. The Second one, streaming gaming, is nearly ready and it creeps a little bit closer all the time.

Subscription based Windows is not only coming but will probably become a very normal use case in the next 10 years.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

So yeah, there is almost zero chance of consumer grade windows requiring a subscription.

Microsoft already has more than 50,000,000 consumers (not businesses) on Office 365 personal or family plans. It’s a small step from there to adding Microsoft 365 Cloud PC to it. With a marketing push people will gladly buy cheap WinBooks to connect in. You can do it NOW if you wanted too, all of the low cost hardware already exists as do the Windows VDs, it’s just not being packaged for and marketed directly to consumers yet.

I strongly suspect that Windows 12 will come with two licensing models “Install on your own hardware” and “License for Virtual Desktop”. Over time Microsoft will push ever harder to get people to go for the second one. They did it exactly like this with Office and it worked quite well.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Yup, Chromebooks are already cheap and pretty intuitive, I think this will bump their sales a lot.

Won’t matter to Microsoft at all. You’ll use your Chromebook to connect your Windows 365 Cloud PC . They’ll add it to the Microsoft Family Plan, same one that has MS Office in it, for free when its introduced and then slowly raise the price as people get embedded into it.

Gaming? You’ll buy the WinBook Ultra that can handle streaming gaming or buy an Xbox.

Welcome to the future, it’ll be here in 10 years or less.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

It’s going to be more because the younger generations don’t think they need desktop operating systems

We’re already there. The Millennials, and every Generation after them, by and large don’t give two shits about the Operating System, they’re used to working in an App Driven ecosystem…just like your kid.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

They haven’t even gotten Office to subscription-only yet

Getting closer every day. Having a M365 subscription for Office is now the normal way that SMB and larger businesses work with it and at home Microsoft’s “Family Plan” that includes Office has been doing nothing but growing since they introduced it. Last I checked they were over 50 Million subscribers.

Windows as an OS will eventually be going subscription. You’ll pay the licensing to unlock features like the Windows “S” mode model or you’ll pay the licensing in order to access a Windows 365 Cloud PC that’s part of your family plan.

Most home users will have hardware similar to a Chromebook. “PC” gaming will be done via streaming or you’ll just buy an Xbox.

Welcome to the future.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

MS Office has long been replaced with Google Docs.

No it hasn’t. My Son is currently in Engineering School here in the States and MSO is a requirement. My Niece is working on her BSN at a different College and MSO is a requirement.

Then you graduate and find out that nearly every business is also using MSO and you’ll be interacting with it daily at work. So when you get home and need to type something up…well…there’s a reason that Microsoft has 50 Million subscribers to it’s MS Family Plan.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

It’ll be a legal battle where MS will claim Google’s closed ecosystem as a monopoly and force them to carry the “MS Cloud PC App” in the Play Store. Or you’ll just go buy a “WinBook” made by HP, Dell, Lenovo, etc…

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

So what you are saying is that MS is still incentivizing universities with cheap copies and licenses so that companies will use MS Office?

What I’m saying is that despite anyone’s thoughts or feelings MSO is in no way shape or form dead. It is the standard that all other Office Applications and Suites are judged against. None of us have to like it but its not going anywhere. Windows itself will die before MSO does.

That doesn’t mean that you, as a consumer…

As someone who installed Slackware 3.1 from floppy disk in 1996 I’m a veteran of the OS and Application Holy Wars. The fact is our wishes don’t matter, most businesses will make the easy purchase, most users will follow along with that at home and the easy purchase is Microsoft.

Microsoft has already shown success at getting Home Users to sign up for Microsoft Family in order to get MSO. So while us olds may remember the “better” GUIs of previous versions of Office, which were hated in their day too, there’s now over a decade of users who are used to the Ribbon. When they fire up Open or Libre all they think is “Ewww, this looks old!” You may as well tell them to install WordPerfect 7.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

JFC if that’s accurate then Russia has lost a LUDICROUS amount of Men and Material. For example losing 4770 tanks, the United States “only” has about 5,000 active tanks which means that Ukraine has destroyed a literal global superpowers worth of heavy armor.

I just…w0t???

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Wait, what? You must be joking. I’m a Chinese Shill? Huh, guess I’ll have to cancel my Patreon to China Uncensored…

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

I didn’t say anything about “Constantly letting them grab whatever territory they want.” I said that we already directly interdict occasionally but it’s very confrontational and doing it too often starts a game of tit-for-tat that will become very difficult to stop.

It’s better to support the Philippines and others with material and technology and let THEM do it…which is primarily how the United States is handling the problem. We don’t need to rush in and flop our enormous Naval Cock on the table every time the Chinese Coast Guard does something stupid.

Empower the locals to handle the small stuff. It slows or prevents escalation and builds trust, trust we may really need if things go pear shaped.

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