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I mean, it can be argued that games depreciating their value overtime is not a natural phenomenon set in stone, but rather a way to squeeze more sales out of the product once it stops being the latest, hypest thing, and everyone who really wanted it already has it.

If you accept that, then it is not hard to accept the opposite: a game that starts not being the hypest thing, and thus needs to start at a low price because nobody really wants it; but then becomes the hypest thing due to some unforeseen factor (in this case, getting a movie based on the game), and thus appreciates in value because people now really want it.

From that perspective, I honestly don't see an issue with it, it's just staying consistent with the rules that give us lower priced sales in the first place, this is just the rare situation in which it works the other way around.


Ah so glad to see someone else mention The 100, it was one of my guilty pleasure shows. When it is bad it is bad , but when it is good it is as good as anything else out there. It also has some of my favourite end of season cliffhangers of all time.

If you do check it out make sure to get off at the end of season 5 because that's the best ending you are gonna get.


For me getting the full Murphy journey is not worth the metric ton of diarrhea that seasons 6 and 7 dump on season 5's beautiful, emotional ending; but it is a matter of personal preference I feel.

BTDubs while there are fellow cultured The 100 fans prowling around, if you are looking to scratch that The 100 itch, I'll quickly recommend Yellowjackets as that show is the closest thing to The 100 at the moment imo.


I've always strongly believed that so I'm happy that someone else mentioned it


I found Going Under through Pineapple and it was fantastic, definitely worth checking out every now and then


Well I am sure glad that they decided to do this instead of a simple additional online mode for TLOU2 -_-


Oh jeez, basically admitting utter defeat with Pharaoh. That should have been the pricepoint from the beginning, putting it at full price was incredibly tone-deaf considering the status of the franchise at the time. But it's too late at this point.

I'm curious about that change in DLC plans. It can point to either them stopping support for the game in the near future and giving up on it, or it can be the total opposite, them taking a "it needs all the help it can get" approach and releasing stuff for free to try to improve its perception.

One plan that we’ve always had since the early stages of development on PHARAOH is to expand the size of our campaign map as a free update, and to introduce even more factions and cultures to the game.

Also this should've been better messaged, or the release should have been delayed until a bit more of that was ready. One of the major things that killed the game was its reduced scope and the narrative that it was basically a Saga title in all but name. You can't just release a 30 dollar game at 60 dollars because you have internal super secret intentions that it will eventually grow into being that 60 dollar game. Hopefully they learned that lesson for the future.


Bored with driving your car with a wheel and pedals? Change the default handling device in your vehicle


Livestreaming becoming commonplace was a big part of it. Why would a brand go through the expense of setting up a presentation and booth in E3 when they can name the where, when and how, in a much more controlled fashion, for much cheaper, to reach more eyes directly.
The primary purpose of E3 for them was as a marketing space so when a more convenient form of doing it appeared, it was done.


It probably simplifies several parts of the development and release workflow immensely to stagger the releases like this, and since it has never affected the sales of the PC version negatively then why not do it I guess


I will throw poop at the homes of their enemies if they revive Valkyria Chronicles and give Valkyria Chronicles 3 a proper localization


I spend as much as I did on console, the difference is that more projects get a share of the pie.

IMO it's healthier for the industry if my 120 eurobucks, instead of going to just one or two AAA, go something like 40 to an AAA, 30 to another, 20 to a high profile sure thing indie, 10 for a risky experimental indie puchase, 15 for an old but deserving back catalog title, and 5 for someone's crude low budget personal project. The lower prices across the board allow that.


The fact that this is even news at all confirms, yet again, that the memory of the general audience of the videogame industry only goes back to the last 6 to 8 months, if that.


Hm yeah you are right, I shouldn't deride the public for hoping this time it would be different. That was too harsh on my part.


This guy's a madman, his REEngine VR Plugin is fantastic, doing the first half of RE2 Remake in VR was like a childhood dream come true (and it has improved significantly since then)... But this is just next level. UE5 plugin, he might as well call it "half-of-AA-and-AAA-games-in-the-market" plugin. Can't wait to see where this goes.


I would love an ideal CV remake, but I fear that it would end up as a "be careful what you wish for" situation. I just don't see them going all out for CV, it just doesn't have the name appeal of mainline titles, so I think the most probable outcome would be an extremely limited game like RE3 remake. I would love if they proved me wrong however


Oh Outbreak would 100% end up bastardized at least to a degree. It's a cash cow waiting for them to realize its milking potential, and if it ever got remade it would be done with that as the first priority and with making a good game second. That's definitely a case for a remake that in an ideal world would be bananas but in the real world... Yeah most probably not.
With that said, I do have to admit that if the game was good enough to balance the cash-grabiness I would still dabble in it. Outbreak has never really had any games that fully compared to it in like two decades and the withdrawal is real.


Lord of the Rings Conquest without the stupid magic, without the stupid fire effects and with combat that doesn't suck.

Also Lord of the Rings Total War but you can argue that it sort of exists through mods


Every school-aged generation had at least one stupid thing that was the trendy, cool thing to be into, usually with with some collectible aspect designed to make your parents regret having kids. Collectible stickers and trading cards, pogs, spinning tops, Pokemon, tabletop minis... Game publishers have just lucked out that this time, it's their games and their skins.
Can't blame them for milking it dry, because just like the other trends, it's very probable that, at some point, this too will probably die.

BudgieMania, (edited )

My fear is over what it will take with it when it goes.

A lot of companies are so reliant on their current cash cow that... who knows how badly they would get hit to be honest. Like, does Epic have anything very successful going on besides Fortnite? The Epic Store was a clear attempt at creating a safety net in the event Fortnite dried out but that store hasn't caught on as much as it needed to. Well they have Unreal and the whole stack of game development related platforms, but it would still be a big hit.

But who knows, what comes next may be compatible with the video game industry in a way that it can profit from it.

If I had to guess, what comes next is either an insane evolution of Roblox-esque metaverse user community spaces (fortnite is already heading there after all) or a revolution of short form media that allows user generation, consumption and participation in a manner that we can't currently fathom.
So either "Roblox 3.0" or "TikTok 2.0 meets those-twitch-AI-shows-that-went-viral-for-a-minute 2.0".

But I'm probably waaayyyyy off the mark. But whatever it is, it will be setup around the idea that you are only cool if you have X and X costs stupid amounts of money.


Oh indies will always always be there, even if the mainstream part of the industry collapsed on itself. Thank god for that because the independent and AA markets are more and more the only places in which you can find experiences that are substantial either at gameplay or narrative levels.

The Game Awards' Security Is Getting Beefed Up This Year (www.gamespot.com)

After incidents involving unauthorized people appearing on stage to disrupt proceedings at Geoff Keighley-produced shows, The Game Awards will see its security tightened up for this year’s event. Keighley, the host and producer of The Game Awards, was asked in a Twitch Q&A livestream if there would be any increased security...

BudgieMania, (edited )

The fact that it wasn't beefed up after the first incident and someone else managed to sneak into the stage the next year was extremely amateur hour. Geoff was lucky that they were just memers trying to become famous, it could've been all kinds of dangerous lunatics, like a guy with a knife or someone trying to ask Miyazaki for easy modes.

BudgieMania, (edited )

Well. That is it. Nothing tops this in the "never say never in wrestling" scale. I thought we had peaked that in the past with other events but now we have definitely peaked.

Nick Gage could appear on the next Smackdown and set Roman on fire and I would be like, sure, checks out. Ibushi could be surprised added to the main event of WrestleMania with zero context, win the title, and I wouldn't be even phased. Just, why not at this point.

As always, I'm deeply grateful to real life wrestling industry for making my Total Extreme Wrestling saves seem believable in comparison.


I'm in for whatever they do next , they did a great job with Plague Tale Requiem and it showed a lot of progress over the first one in several areas.


Oh if you liked the first one you would most probably enjoy the second. It makes the first one feel like a prototype of the concept in many ways. Its current price in the Steam sale is like ~25$ which I think is very fair for its quality.


Until I get my Legend Of Dragoon remake, there aren't too many, no. After that ya'll can do what you want

BudgieMania, (edited )

I'm not surprised about this. The game was developed entirely around what it would have rather than around what the player would do and you can tell.

I can imagine the initial pitch meetings, with everyone going "whoaaa it will have hundreds of solar systems and biomes whoaaah" and no one going "ok, but what does the player do in them". A few other guys enthusiastically saying "There will be spaceship building and you will get a crew and explore with it" and not a soul in the room thinking of "ok, but how will we make space travel work within our current systems and technology? Can we make it substantial?". And this way of thinking probably permeated every second of development for the first few years.

The game is chockful of vestigial systems that they had obviously intended to be more significant and in depth, but ultimately decided not to develop further, yet still maintained in the game in a manner that only harms the game. The fuel "system", the contraband "system"... So many examples of stuff that doesn't add anything to the game, yet was still maintained because man-hours and money went into it I guess, and because the "and it will have that and that" mentality tool a priority over player experience, player agency, and actual game design.

If I can circlejerk for a bit, this is one of the reasons why Baldurs Gate 3's release and success is so timely. How many areas, how many biomes, how many systems, how many quests and how many square kilometers does that game have versus Starfield? 30 times less? 50 times less? Yet it had an overwhelmingly positive reception where Starfield didn't because its elements put player experience first. Yes it has less quests, but most are super modular and super reactive and not afraid to let you solve them in janky or silly ways that go out of the suggested solutions; yes it has fewer areas smaller in size, but you are constantly coming across stuff to do. Etc etc etc.

I'm really hoping that that contrast changes design philosophies just a tad in the future. Start with how a normal hour for your player looks like. Confirm that your technology can deliver your vision before committing to it, experience be damned. Don't reach for the stars, because contrary to what they say, it won't at least get you the moon, it will just leave you stranded in the middle of bumfucknowhere in space.

And, as we saw in Starfield, that means you get yet another annoying load cutscene.


You got the analogy backwards, it’s “Aim for the moon. If you miss, you’ll end up among the stars.”

waitwaitwait I swear to you on the grave of my budgies that I have always seen it the other way around

I'm worried now. What other things do I have a warped understanding of? Has my life been a lie until now?! Is Starfield actually secretly a great game?!


This type of discourse only works in a world in which there isn't a subset of players for whom playing the game is their professional career (or at the very least, they are pursuing that end). Variance may have made sense when the ratios of experience, skill and time played per day between top level and beginner were like 3x, 4x, 5x... but nowadays, in most games with some degree of competitive element, those ratios are in the 100x.


Yeah, I think we are at the point where if it has a PS5 version, it's releasing on PC sooner rather than later

Has Windows startup repair or a troubleshooter ever fixed your issue even once?

Yeah, basically that. I’m back at work in Windows land on a Monday morning, and pondering what sadist at Microsoft included these features. It’s not hyperbole to say that the startup repair, and the troubleshooters in settings, have never fixed an issue I’ve encountered with Windows. Not even once. Is this typical?...


Well, this is very specific, but the Windows 3D Builder repair tool is probably the best error fixer for 3D printing I have encountered, so at least they got that one right... I couldn't believe it when I saw it actually worked as intended lol


Hey, it's technically an auto-fix troubleshooter thingie included with the OS made by Microsoft!


That's disappointing but health comes first and second, hope that he recovers from whatever he's caught


In my eyes, part of the reason for this is that they forgot a key element of penetrating a market... you need a potential customer base that is actually displeased with the current available solutions and is actually looking for an alternative. And, by and large, the current storefronts had done a good enough work of pleasing their customer base that, when the Epic Store rolled out, few people were actively looking for a switch, to the point that no bonuses or goodies or exclusives that Epic offered could outweight the friction of moving from a platform that was perfectly serviceable, please and thank you.

The whole thing was just mistimed. They should have waited to see if Steam committed some sort of fuck up. They should have waited for some type of negative sentiment. I don't know. I know that developers did feel displeased with some of the conditions on Steam, but Epic could only do so much to win them over with 88%'s and paid guarantees and what have you, when they couldn't offer them the most important thing: a paying customer base.


I wish they would elaborate, it sounds like "I kited this troll into town and the guards killed him".

right? I'm confused too, it doesn't sound like anything that's not been a thing forever.

I'm like, bro, that's nothing, in Two Worlds you can get the starting village to complete the game for you


aaah ok, it's more from the perspective of evolution from the previous entry, ok, that makes sense thanks

Bethesda Game Studios: We've been hard at work on @StarfieldGame updates and will be putting our next one into Steam Beta next week. (twitter.com)

This update will feature Nvidia DLSS support with frame generation, display and HDR controls for supported systems, and other optimizations and improvements. You’ll be able to opt-in to try it via the Steam Beta options. We’d love your feedback before it goes live for all PC and Xbox players after that....


unfortunately many of the problems I have with Starfield are at a concept level or with the way many of the systems are implemented so there's not much that they can do with updates and patches to regain my interest.


goddammit even the silliest memes become real, I'm done with this reality


Reject the idea of an absolute GOTY, normalize a Mt. Rushmore style "Best of the Year" selection.

Games can be great in so many different ways, many of which are somewhat exclusive with each other, that I've never understood the concept of saying that one was absolutely better than the rest.


They won't let you, the fuckers. I bet they're pro GOTY


My go-to response whenever someone asks me what my favourite X are is "In no specific order..." followed by like 25 names


Then why are people buying it!?

The latest Total War has been one of the worst performing ones from user activity perspective in its first few weeks, which is one of the main metrics that is relied on to estimate units moved on Steam. So it can be argued that people, at this point, are not buying it.

BudgieMania, (edited )

There's been a lethal combo of the latest Total War title (Pharaoh) being perceived as very underwhelming, the title before that (Warhammer 3) having significant issues that haven't been fixed at the pace that the community demands, and a steep increase in pricing for the most recent additional downloadable content for the series, and all the factors that you already mentioned.

So because of those issues, negative sentiment in Steam forums of the series has reached stratospheric levels (and in case you don't know, Steam forum users are not the most diplomatic people to begin with) so this prompted moderators of the company to instate more restrictive moderation against negative posts and discussions. This has, of course, spun into its own controversy as it is perceived that they are trying to censor negative criticism to cover the most recent issues in the series.


Well it wasn't exactly like that, but I think I know what you are referring to.

After the launch of the latest DLC for Warhammer 3, that had a significantly worse value-per-content-offered than the DLC that had been launched previously, Creative Assembly issued an statement to explain the new pricing model in response to the negative reception. In that statement, amongst other things, they said:

There’s no good time to increase prices, and we have not taken this step lightly. However, this is the business reality of supporting WARHAMMER III and ensuring we’re able to offer the years of extra content that are currently planned.

That said, we do need to challenge ourselves to ensure that this cost still offers good value. Ultimately, that’s up to each of you to decide and we’ll keep trying to balance that. Of course, we want more people to play, we want to continue to deliver content you’re excited to see, and we want to do that for as long as we can.


To wrap up, I can’t stress enough how much the team and I want the best for the game, and to provide you with fun and memorable experiences. Changing the content formula, and making other improvements behind the scenes, is designed to help us to do exactly that. We’ll keep assessing and iterating as we stay on this path.

Which the community interpreted as "keep buying the DLC despite the pricing changes or we will stop patching and supporting the game".

Which, well, I guess it is implying that, but I don't see it so much as a threat rather than them being (maybe excessively) open about the reality of the current situation, which is SEGA tightening the belt after the Hyenas fiasco and intending to pull the plug on any project that doesn't make financial sense (and, as it always is with public companies, financial sense doesn't mean profitable, it means a ratio of performance per cost of a fuckton).

BudgieMania, (edited )

The "Boom, this is over. No matter how much time is left. It's just over" is a very important part I think. Thankfully it doesn't happen as often nowadays, but it used to be that if a worker got hurt, guys were expected to get to the finish and hit it to put an end to the match, which has always been a ridiculous concept. I'm reminded of Orton breaking his collarbone in a match... and still getting up to get to the appropriate finish of Triple H hitting him with the sledgehammer... that kind of thing has happened countless times. You probably came up with like three examples while you were reading this. That has to stop.

Wrestling needs to get more comfortable with the idea that we all know that these are performers performing an act and there is nothing to protect anymore, and just like how if a theater performer broke their leg during a play, they wouldn't be expected to quickly hit their remaining lines before going to the back, a wrestling performer shouldn't be expected to hit a finish to protect kayfabe if an injury happens. The industry needs to normalize that an actual injury is a possible finish to any type of match and to have backup plans if such a thing happens.


2019/2020 was a poor year from a price/longevity perspective, yeah. All of us who got a GPU around those days didn't necessarily get the best deal. I'm satisfied with what I got out of my 3060Ti but I feel that many wouldn't be.

I don't mention 2021 because, well, you know, it's not like you could even find one so


Yeah, it looks like these days it's more of a way for a developer to state that they intend to make changes in more drastic and sudden ways than what you would expect from a normal release (and also a way to benefit from the exposure of two launch events I guess). It's just that some of these types of releases in the past were launched more as a way to test the waters for concepts that were abandoned when they didn't find early success so I'm still a bit weary from those days.

A more cynical person would argue that the quality of most high-production releases at this point qualify as "early-access" anyway. But I'm definitely not that jaded, no sir.

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