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The loan is used to pay the school. The debt is to some other party. Unless schools have been getting into the student loan racket, too.


Carpet cleaner: You know about the baby owl?

Resident: No, but I’m glad you found it instead of me. Clean that, too.

Carpet cleaner: Ok, I put it out the back door.

Resident: Now everyone gets a merry Christmas!

Baby owl: Dies


I’d love to help you with your question, but I have no idea.


While I agree that it is good to learn to do math without a calculator, it’s not necessarily the case that the teachers who said “you won’t have a calculator with you all the time” didn’t think that was the exact reason. Also, there’s nothing wrong with just stating the real reason if that’s what they really believed.


In the university physics classes I took, if the final answer was 47/69, then that was acceptable because the goal was to show you knew how to get there, and the actual value didn’t really matter.

Also, when the final value does matter, each time you round a number (which you often do when it’s a division you want a calculator for), you’re adding error to the final answer. So avoiding using a calculator as much as possible will increase the accuracy of the final answer when there’s many steps.

That said, they didn’t disallow calculators and didn’t want to see long division or multiplication steps.


Personally, I don’t really consider what we’ve got to be really VR yet. IMO that won’t come until we have interfaces that take direct nerve input and override our sensory inputs. And given how our economy runs, I don’t think I’ll trust any company that develops that, as much as I really want it.

Though I also wonder if our brains can handle switching between that and reality. After playing hours of Horizon VR, I noticed having the feeling a few times that my hands weren’t real because I got used to thinking that when I looked at my fake hands in the game.


IMO memorizing those multiplication tables was one of the most useful things they taught in elementary school. They are teaching tricks now that separated the kids who were good at math from the ones who weren’t (since the ones who were good could figure out a lot of these tricks on their own to get through the grind of pages of questions quicker), but knowing my multiplication tables was and still is an essential part of doing quick math in my head.


My point was that even at university level where the maths are theoretically the hardest they’ve been up to that point, calculators aren’t something that are heavily leaned on.


I’m not sure about other animals, but humans can induce lactation without pregnancy.


If the meme quota is not met, we might see crisis #4 start.


Yeah, I picture them like Goku and Vegeta. If you’re not fighting at 100% with the intent to kill your opponent, you’re insulting them gravely.


Goku and Vegeta don’t actually go all out and kill their opponents very often either. They like to tell their opponents to go all out while holding back as much as possible themselves because they don’t respect their opponents unless they make them go all out. Pretty much every single character in that multiverse is like that. But it does sound badass, even if it’s a subtle insult to their opponent.


The thing I hated the most about covid was how businesses reduced hours. It was stupid when it happened because it meant people were more likely to come in contact during the fewer hours the stores were still open. It was stupid in hindsight because the stated reason was so they could be closed to sanitize when a) covid doesn’t last that long on surfaces anyways, and b) it’s airborne and wasn’t really transmitted on surfaces in most cases.

In the end, it’s just harder to function as someone who often starts their “morning routine” in the afternoon. Especially being in a location where for some reason everything closes like mid-afternoon Sundays.


I’ve had something really similar. They were coming from my right side, turning left (so back the way I was coming from) and I was already in the intersection waiting for the path to clear. A few cars going straight just went through but then the ambulance waited for a period that was long enough I wondered if they were waiting for me to clear out of their path. It wasn’t a near collision but I got the honk siren when I actually did get in their path.

Or another time I got confused pulling up to a red light because the car ahead of me ran the red as it changed but I didn’t see the change, just the red that he ran. No one else was going and I thought “oh shit, the light isn’t working and they are waiting for me to go” and turned left right as the intersection started going.

Thinking about it outside the moment, I know that people would be honking or waving if they were waiting on me. Also that even if someone is waiting on me, it doesn’t mean it’s time to panic accelerate. It’s not the end of the world if you annoy someone. Which is how both of those ended up turning out, I just annoyed some people, no accidents, tickets, or road rage, hopefully I’ve learned from those (haven’t been in that situation since, so who knows at this point), but there’s no point in dwelling on them.


I’ve got a fossil of a shell, no idea how old. And a penny from 1913 that was almost 100 years old when I found it and has since gotten older.


I don’t get your first joke, but your second one is hilarious! Is the phone real and very phone or is it fake and not phone at all?


If OP had super powers, your life might be in danger right now for debating the incorrect position or way or whatever.


My current phone is holding up the best out of any phone I’ve owned. With most of them, I’ve been ready for the upgrade after the contract was up on the last one. The last one I went for a little while, but was kinda in the market at no rush right away.

With this one, the only reason I’m thinking of a new phone is so I can root it and install an OS that isn’t so tied to Google. It still performs well and the battery is fine. No cracks on the screen, all buttons work, even the stupid bixby button.

Longevity compared to dumb phones that dominated the 20th century, ok, it’s probably not going to last like those ones. But compared to the early smart phones of the 00s? Way better.


Self-descriptive comment.


Which do you hate more, this thread or your spouse?


10:30? More like whatever time it is in that frame plus however long it takes to walk to the car and say “good luck with your crazy father, but I’m out”.


And you make contact and they turn out to be entirely reasonable and someone you’d prefer to spend time with over any of the main family?

Personally, no, but I’ve seen it a lot browsing the drama subs on that old site.


It stops them from automatically playing in most cases (though there is a bit of an arms race there just like with ad blockers), but it doesn’t stop the video container from floating. And some sites start the video when you click to close the floater, then you have to scroll back up to shut up the video, and some interpret scrolling up to video as “oh I want it to float again”, so you need to close it a second time.


I don’t know if any exist. They are technically possible, but it would just be another arms race because a blocker would need to use names or patterns to detect those floating boxes, but there’s infinite different ways they can be named or implemented.


Semirhage from the Wheel of Time. She was a torture specialist who would use the one power and her knowledge as a top healer of the body and mind to use both pain and pleasure to turn her victims to the dark or send them to attack their loved ones. She was effective enough that they tended to either succeed or fail because they were found out, rather than the person deciding against it once they were free. Even those who had turned and were restored using age of Legends mind restoration techniques lived in constant fear of ever being in her hands again. They had to take special precautions to prevent prisoners from committing suicide after finding out they were being put in her charge. She was a sadist who would cause unnecessary levels of pain during her healing even before the bore was drilled and joined the dark because she was caught and offered the choice of oath rod vs violence or being severed from the source.

Though some of the other Forsaken give her a run for her money.

Graendal with her mind slaves that she would use for pleasure or just furniture.

Sammael who, when told that he was giving his prisoners of war half the food they needed to survive, immediately ordered half to be executed (and generally just fed them to the trollocs even when they had enough food).

Aginor who joined the shadow because they wouldn’t let him do the experimentation on animals and people that he wanted to. He then created the trollocs and other shadowspawn and took 10k people per day for experiments and fodder from the start of the war power to the end of it, potentially doubling that number in the last 5 years of it.

Moghedian who ran evil schools that had children at first informing on their loved ones and later carrying out their executions themselves. During the breaking of the world, these children caused chaos that seemed like they were racing against male channellers going mad to break the world.

Balthamel established breeding camps for humans to be fed to trollocs. He also had a temper that almost got him oath rodded before the war of power.

Plus just general genocide, terror, manipulation, war, and oppression by all 13 of them. These ones stand out a bit more in their cruelty. Ishamael ultimately didn’t want to be reborn anymore, Lanfear was obsessed with Lews Therin, Asmodean wanted to live forever and be a well known composer. Demandred, Be’lal, and Rhavin were jealous of Lews Therin’s success. Mesaana wanted to be a researcher. They all did evil shit and didn’t care about the people they hurt, but the ones in paragraphs above seemed to do it as the ends, rather than a means to an end.

Buddahriffic, (edited )

Oh yeah, extra tidbit about Semirhage: she discovered that 13 channellers and 13 myddraal could be used to turn a channeller without torture required. But she preferred the torture way.

Buddahriffic, (edited )

A little too Raph.


It’s UK spelling. Colour instead of color, etc.


Corruptible assumes they weren’t started for that purpose in the first place.

I wish there was a way to know what the mix of true believers and opportunists involved in each of the religions’ founding. Like the story of Constantine includes elements of both (he wanted a way to increase the unity across the Empire because it was getting hard to convince Iberian Romans to take up arms for wars in the middle East, but there’s also a story that he dreamed about having a cross on this shield leading to winning a battle). That wasn’t the founding of Christianity, but it is the reason Europe adopted it.

Or looking at the old testament, it seems to be a combination of general living advice/laws, events based on actual historic things (like David and Solomon were probably real), and stuff likely made up after the fact (like Genesis). I’d say the ones who made up Genesis weren’t likely true believers (of what they were writing), but it’s hard to say if they believed in the rest of it and just wanted to fill the gaps in good faith, or enjoyed the clerical power and filled in those blanks because not filling them in would have threatened that power. Or some combination of the two.


Still is for me. I want to see Jordan’s story and world, not this other one loosely based on his.


Not sure how the laws work in the UK for informing people about potential problems, but you might be doing someone else a solid if you forward the inspection report to the current owner and their agent with clear documentation proving you did even if you just plan on walking away at this point (which I would also suggest because even all the things the inspection found might only be scratching the surface).

Where I am, if you aren’t aware of a problem (and aren’t completely negligent to be unaware), you aren’t guilty of fraud for not declaring it. But if you do know about it and neglect to inform a buyer…


The whole field is riddled with conflicts of interest. Everyone other than the buyer (and maybe their lawyer?) has an interest in a sale going through for as much money as possible, including the buyer’s agent. They should be flat fee rather than % of total price commission, or even better paid over time based on how satisfied the buyer is (though admittedly this might put too much power in the buyer’s hands because it’s also abusable).

Insurance might be able to help here, actually. Have a policy that covers everything that isn’t made clear before purchase. Then the insurance company sends an inspector and draws up a policy where they list everything they find as not covered, but any other surprise repairs or issues they will cover. Then it’s not up to the seller to declare or hide anything, they can just try to get the best price without any conflict of interest and one of the parties has a vested interest in informing the buyer about everything possible.


Yeah, you probably won’t be able to get your money back but you can screw them out of being able to avoid declaring those issues your inspection found. Just pass the inspection on in a way that can be proven, then follow up by sending the same inspection to that address if a sale does happen along with information that you sent it to the sellers and your contact info.


I see this as an example of either how little some people making decisions in tech companies know about what people want or about how different the things I want are from the majority of people.


Yeah, there’s a kinda cheeky tone to :p and ;p that none of the graphical ones I’ve seen have captured. :S is another one, where I see it as half smile, half frown/sad. Like “this is amusing but also horrible” or “putting on a smile despite everything being awful”. Any of the smileys on my phone that have more than one curve for the mouth look either crazy or sick.


I’ve had to re-disable auto correct options multiple times in outlook. I’m perfectly fine capitalizing my own letters because sometimes I type code snippets in emails and don’t want those being treated as if they are sentences that need grammar and spelling corrections. I don’t need your fucking angled quotes either.

Red or green underlines to say you think there’s a problem are ok. Changing what I’m typing without me telling you to is not.

StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS (www.pcgamer.com)

While Blizzard is very much focussed on its big money-makers like its various Warcraft games, from WoW to Hearthstone to Warcraft Rumble, as well as Diablo and the much-maligned Overwatch 2, he’s still open to StarCraft making a comeback. That said, RTS fans shouldn’t get their hopes up. While the series might return, that...


Not to mention that, to some, seeing you ride that mount or that pet following you tells them that you’re a sucker who pre-ordered the game.


Except after inflation, that $3 is only worth $3.


Though I’d say that this is completely on brand. Goes and does something without understanding exactly what they are doing, causing damage to others who had even less of an idea of what’s going on.

And a chance someone actually knew exactly what they were doing and did it to deliberately fuck over the attendees.


Is that a sales floor with the demo toilets hooked up to water or an open concept public bathroom?


Yeah, I’m wondering why Google got targeted first for this when Apple locks down their ecosystem a lot more. Not to defend Google, I would cheer a decision to break them up.


Some words are poorly designed and IMO that’s one of them. Sure, you can just make up words and give them whatever meaning you want, but it won’t work so well if the word itself causes a bias of assumption towards another meaning, especially if it’s the opposite of what you want it to mean.

Just like inflammable. “In” used in that context usually means “not”. Whoever decided that it should mean “very” in this one case was IMO a bigger idiot than anyone who assumed it’s opposite meaning afterwards. Either that or an asshole if it was deliberate.


Yeah like normal frog pills but different colours. Weird to spell it with that silent r, though.


Pranks involving permanent damage aren’t gold. Unless OP did something to deserve this, fuck that room mate.


Supermodels are why I don’t really buy the whole “the media decides what’s attractive”, because it’s been trying to say that that’s the peak of attractiveness all my life but I’ve never bought it.


Solution: every 17th drone is a decoy carrying a paint bomb to mark anyone who robs it or were just standing around not trying to defend it or defending it effectively enough. Then the Amazon corporate police can swoop in and deal with anyone with paint on them.


Or are they bribing politicians so that their competition isn’t allowed and framing the conversation to entirely avoid the question about whether their shit should be allowed.


It’ll end up just being an extension of the “don’t tell someone randomly that you have fantasies about them”. You keep your AI masturbation habits between you, the AI, and the tech companies and government agencies spying on your masturbation habits.

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