@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar


@[email protected]

Scientist, Drummer, Dog Owner person.

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@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Elden Ring. Been on a souls like kick, so decided to do another playthrough. Haven’t played in over a year I don’t think so it’s time!

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Okay but FR wtf is usenet. I’ve never known, and I’m old enough to be able to say that I should

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

I’m sure plenty of people would understand it, but I’m struggling with a project at work where I’ve got an operator giving me bad data, and the project appears unsafe and I need to decide and convince my management if we’re going to object to it or not.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Have an electrician come map your outlets. They find the connections in the breaker panel, then they trace them out to figure out where they go and what they do. Your contractor may be right, but as someone that bought a house that’s over 100 years old, it’s just as likely that the switch goes nowhere/isn’t live, or powers something you’d NEVER think of, or powers something that you can’t even see because someone put a drywall facade over it or some other weirdness!

We discovered that we had a LIVE outlet, under our living room floor. For some reason, at some point someone decided that needed an outlet literally in the middle of the living room floor (coffee table lame is my guess). The previous owner/flipper put feaux-hardwood laminate down in the whole house and instead of deactivating it, they just put the flooring right over the top of it and its live 100 year old cloth wrapped wires, leaving us a lovely little fire hazard! That outlet was controlled by, you guessed it, the mystery switch on the wall next to the front door that didn’t seem to do anything.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Thanks! Yeah I figured I would ask in each of the communities in looking for content in vs mass asking in a larger forum. Thanks for the recs, I added several! Krebs, techspot, anandtech seem great!

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Newsblur right now. I don’t want ads, and I like the f-droid disabled the intrusive options from the playstore.

Any other reader recs? Not married to it by any means, I like it well enough. I don’t like that I can’t browse by folder or by everything without a premium subscription though. $99/year is extreme for my uses, wish there was a more palatable option for intermediate users. Still, it’s easy enough to jump between topics.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Thanks, I’m downloading it now!

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

I want to listen to people who will still be around in a decade

Bands stay around when they have support. If you want bands to last, listen to them and see them play.

Lorna Shore, August Burns Red, Bad Omens, Bury Tomorrow, In Flames

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Seek therapy.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

“I’m kinda horny”

“Should we bone tonight?”

“When do you wanna have sex”

“Hold on let me brush my teeth”

These area a few of our regulars!

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Return all that shit, sell your keyboard, and buy one with USB instead.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

I have no fucking idea what anyone in this thread is talking about. The iPhone has and has always had rounded corners. Fucking everyone phone has round corners. The only phones I can even think of that didn’t have rounded corners were a Windows phone from like a decade ago and the LG V30 that nobody bought.

What are they talking about anyone know?

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Oh I see. Okay then yes this is unpopular - people got sick of rounded backs because you can’t use them flat, they wobble.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Well that’s why I shouldn’t comment while trying to go to sleep then, isn’t it?

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Same. The meme overload on the /all/ sort can be kind of obnoxious but it’s so easy to block communities that it’s a minor nuisance.

About electric vehicle. If you add the maintenance cost for battery, how does it fair compare to gasoline vehicle? On cost we have to pay.

I heard someone said that, at the end EV will cost you almost the same as gasoline vehicle, if you have to change the expensive battery every so often. Can someone please give me more info on this? Thank you so much.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

You should really change your wipers more. The blades crack and become ineffective with age even if unused. Maybe not every year but every couple years!

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Recognized that it was part of what makes me successful and learned to control it a little. For example, when I struggled with getting things done on time, I learned to set deadlines for myself and stuck to them. I realized that I work better when I know I’m a little up against the clock, so I kind of built that in for myself. The hard part is the not moving the deadline. You can’t view it as moveable or it doesn’t work.

I also ask myself “how long is it going to take” and most things if the answer is less than five minutes, I just try to force myself to do it and get it out of the way.

For other recurring things I do them on a schedule. So like, every weekend there are things around the house I need to do. It doesn’t matter when I do them but I have to get them done the day I say I will. That’s the deal Iake myself and it helps.

Those are some of my personal hacks. They don’t work for everyone but they work for me.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Have you tried having better luck?

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

That’s the “you gotta take these before I wake up covered in bbq sauce and shame” friend. They’re rare but always a delight

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

I’ve just started the show, and I feel like from the outset they made it clear that a LOT of the show is creative fiction to fill in the gaps. I feel like a lot of people forget just how short the original trilogy is. F, F&E and SF, collectively, are like an 8 hour read! I don’t love everything the show has done (and some of the acting is atrocious) but I love how they chose what boils down to allusions in the books and focused whole episodes on what that would’ve looked like in real time.

I also really like how they are not afraid to completely abandon cliff hangers for several episodes at a time, while still keeping you invested in what’s happening. Asimov dwas notorious for that and did it SEVERAL times on the trilogy. Oh you wanna know what happens? Well I’ll tell you eventually, but first, here’s forty pages introducing brand new characters on a completely different planet…300 years in the future. Bitch.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Its kind of fucked either way. They’re too short but a lot happens because each book is broken into thirds that are separated by huge time gaps, and inside those thirds there are also time gaps. A movie, even a long one, would be incredibly disjointed and the pacing would feel bizarre.

I imagine it’s probably why nobody has made it a series or movie before even though it’s such a beloved sci Fi series. You’d have to take a lot of creative liberties with it, which is for better or worse, what they’re doing.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

I’m in my late 30s, and I’ve been around the block so I’ll share mine. In terms of worst time being broken up with, that was my last ex prior to my wife, and she did a number on me. It was entirely my fault and all of the red flags were there and I ignored them and she’s a huge cautionary tale that I won’t go into because honestly I don’t like thinking about her. I didn’t really get a say in the breaking up, and looking back I’m so very glad it happened but it still crushed me emotionally for a long time.

The second, and really the harder of the two, was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It was my longest relationship (4 years) up until my now wife (married 3 years, together 7). I met her in my early twenties. When we both graduated our programs, we’d only been together a little over a year and didn’t plan on staying together. She wasnt sure where she’d do her master’s, I wasn’t sure where I’d be working. As luck would have it though, we both ended up in the same place, and stayed together another three years. The last six months or so of that relationship I realized how completely miserable I was with everything but her. I loved her, I still do to this day and always will, but I hated my job. I hated where I lived. I hated being so far from my family and friends. And it got to a point where I needed to tell her and figure out how to move forward. So after a long work trip I spent 5 days with her and told her how I felt and she understood but she loved it where we were and wanted to stay for her PhD, which would be after another year of her current program…six more years. She was happy where she was and she could see I wasn’t happy and we talked and thought up scenario after scenario before we came to accept that we needed different things…it fuckin hurt man. We knew it couldn’t keep working without someone resenting the other and we realized life was taking us different places. We broke up 2 days in, I spent the rest of the time with her and there were many tears and lots of pain and lots of last moments together that we savored.

It hurt so badly because nobody did anything wrong. We didn’t stop loving each other, we didn’t stop caring, nobody cheated, we didn’t grow apart so much as life pulled us in different directions. That’s probably what hurt the most, is how much I/we didn’t want to end it, but how we both realized we had to. Life happens and that’s okay, but it hurts sometimes. I am happily married now, and she is too and we’re good friends now. My wife is my best friend and I can’t imagine being with anyone else. I am happy for her and her husband is great and I can see how happy she is. I am not upset with how either of our lives turned out, but I also know there will always be some regret there.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

You thought this was …Ceti alpha six

It was at that exact moment Kahn realized he was about to fuck all kinda shit up.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Well good thing for me I surrounded her with fire barrels and blasted her across the room before her corpse burned to a crisp!

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Yes it is. What exactly is the strike costing the economy? Actors and writers opting to forego their own wages in the interest of the collectively not being robbed by the members of the 1% and the mega corporations they run are not stealing money from people. The only thing the strike is doing is lowering the profit margins and short term value of the companies that only got said value by hoarding the wealth generated from the IP and likenesses of the people on strike.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Stop talking to people about it? Nobody has ever offered me car advice unsolicited, whether you are doing it consciously or not, you are introducing the topic into conversation and they are providing their 2 cents. At that point it isn’t unsolicited, you have broached a topic where everybody has personal experiences and opinions. Expecting people not to provide their input is unrealistic. So if you want to avoid that, keep the car topic to yourself and don’t mention it.

Also, idk where you live, but you do not need to haggle at the dealership or with anybody these days. All manufacturers have their trim prices and options available on their website, can ping inventory, and quote delivery timelines to your local dealership if not available in your area. You can buy your car start to finish online, and in many cases have it delivered straight to your house. Most dealers have a completely online sales division now. There are also tons of apps and services that can check inventory, options, and prices without ever speaking to a sales person.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Your link doesn’t go anywhere for me. Is it on my end or is the link bad?

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Interesting it works now. Before I just got a bad gateway error or something

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar
  1. it is a very interesting drink and is a delicious one at that, but…
  2. …it does not taste like coffee. So if a coffee drink seems not up your alley that’s okay. It’s more of a much more floral Manhattan.
@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Okay I want you to take a step back and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Go to Woonsocket and see a movie at the drive in!

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Also wasn’t there a famous video of BMW showing how to mechanically perform every task on their all electric sports car? From car doors to hood releases to way more niche things 99.9999% of people will never use or even know exists?

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Why, my friend? Stand up! Move about!

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

That’s fair. Probably not helpful at the moment but i got a sit or stand desk awhile back and it’s terrific. Sometimes I don’t use it enough but recently I saw a video that anything you enjoy sitting you can usually enjoy standing. Like my controller is wireless I can stand instead of sit ony couch. I can eat dinner aty kitchen counter instead of sitting every night. I can have a drink with friends while standing, etc. Even without a standing desk that’s probably true for you as well. If you put on movie or a game stand to watch some of it. It feels weird at first but I stand probably 2/3 of my day now. Try it out!

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

That does sound like a big concern. In that case, feel free to add nervous pacing to your standing routine. I do not recommend standing in the pool currently, maybe wait on that one for a bit!

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Whoever packaged these is an idiot.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Solid attempt, but you’ve already demonstrated that you have no idea how to properly stuff a box.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar


$2 to cut a sandwich in half: The outrageous rip-offs targeting tourists in Italy (www.cnn.com)

An Italian holiday may be a priceless experience for those who have enjoyed all this country has to offer. But the summer of 2023 will go down as one of the priciest in history after a slew of price gouging scandals at cafes and restaurants that have affected foreign tourists and Italians alike.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

I’m in Cancun and my hotel charges $35 for sunscreen. Extortion happens in tourist spots, everywhere, always.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

You seem like one of those people that talks just to hear themselves talk.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

As I said, I agree completely. But the teacher was hired into that environment and knowingly signed a puritanesque ethics clause and broke it. That’s why the case was upheld ultimately.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

I read the article and summarized it. You should try it, you’d sound like less of an asshole. You disagree, that’s wonderful. Nobody is interested in your rant about it.

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

This is not a legal passage.

The entire article is about how it was upheld in court so…

@BrainisfineIthink@lemmy.one avatar

Because you sound like an idiot that didn’t read the article and is knee jerk reacting and going on a soap box rant. You disagreeing with the outcome of something is not the same as it being illegal. Also fuck yourself, I’m an atheist. Learn to differentiate fact and opinion jackass.

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