This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


I think they actually did put in fine print saying they could remove about a dozen different kinds of things, including insulting specific people. So this is an example of general restrictions on content creation in /place rather than specific anti-protest action. But it’s still an example of Reddit sucking. If they don’t want free expression, they shouldn’t market this as an opportunity for free expression.


I like that this is being covered in The Independent, which, afaik, is not a tech-specific publication. Sure, they’re being prim about the phrasing of the protest message, but they’re presenting the motivation behind it in a relatively sympathetic way.


Seconded. This particular kind of BS is often fact-resistant, even if the person is rational about other things.


Yep! I think it’s also a great example of how well a simple message can propagate. The whole emotional force of about six weeks of emotional drama has boiled down into eight letters, repeated by… what would you say, thousands?… of individuals.


I knew there was something else I should be adding to my box of cake mix! Turns out it was “fuckspez”!


I liked the Mashables title: “Reddit is trying to make nice with its moderators. They aren’t having it.”


Yes, I think content warnings make it easier to have difficult conversations, not harder. People who don’t want to discuss something are not magically going to become open to those discussions because you spring the topic on them without warning. Content warnings save time, and give people a chance to brace themselves before going into what is usually a big fight.


Yeah, I am not sure if this is actually news. I got the impression from what Android Authority dug up that this new thing was going to be regular USD. It looks like they’re going to be asking for bank account information and tax forms for anyone who wants to become eligible for payouts, and I don’t know if they would be doing that for crypto…?

Do y'all pretend not to notice when the DM fudges something to keep your character alive?

Sometimes I can tell when my current DM fudges a roll to miss an attack or reduce damage. He has a tell in the specific way he pauses and breathes before announcing the roll, then tries to hurry to the next turn, which only seems to happen when someone is in a life-or-death scenario, but “luckily” survives....


If they want to pretend they’re not doing it, sure, I’ll pretend I don’t see it. If I think they’re fudging the dice too much, and it bothers me, I might bring it up with them privately, or I might suggest a group discussion, or I might just leave.

In general, I try to evaluate a GM as the whole package, rather than just the individual choices they make. If I like their campaigns, there’s no point in picking on individual decisions (beyond obligatory mild grumbling, of course, lol). Sometimes, they’re going to get results using techniques I wouldn’t choose, which is fine. If I don’t like their campaigns, there’s still no point in picking on individual decisions. I would rather drop out as soon as I realize something isn’t working out than stick around, lose my temper, and say something I will regret.

Noki, to trippinthroughtime German avatar

Me, an intellectual, judging people for making the same mistake I recently learned to stop making


I feel personally attacked.


Why? I mean, technologically, why couldn’t a more standard payment platform work, and then just pass around those payments among instances? PayPal is not crypto, but you can use it almost anywhere online.


The real business model here is to win the race to the bottom, and stream re-enactments on Twitch.


…is it bad that as a trans man who knows nothing about electrical connectors, I still find this rant relatable? You’d think there would be some kind of terminology for getting your equipment to play with your other equipment, but no, and don’t even get me started on what happens when it has to interface with organic systems…


I think the most useful reconception is not to take “insertion” out of fields where it’s a useful, literal description, and instead, take it out of the realm of gender and sexuality, where it limits imagination. It’s 2023, and no one has to do things exactly like their parents did [at least once]. Unless they want to, in which case, great, but human bodies are extremely versatile.

…semi-relatedly, the issue with the kind of equipment I’m talking about is only partly terminology. It’s a category of similar items made by a variety of companies in different sizes and configurations, so standard terminology would not create standardization unless a lot of companies agreed to do it. It’s something where measurements often help, but there are also some more… innovative… designs where measurement is not applicable in the same way, and would be confusing.


Oof, soon this is going to be a dad joke primarily because only dads are going to remember why it’s a pun.

Disquietude of Maidens (

A group of four female athletes are in various states of repose after completing a relay event at the Olympics. Three are looking toward the upper right at something offscreen; the woman on the left has anxious tears in her eyes. The fourth young woman is facing the woman on the left who is crying and comforting her. All are...


Yeah, no /s, this would be a good use of AI.


They certainly do if the tree is an Ent.


Same. It might take a minute to curate for the specific news you want, but there are plenty of communities providing substantive news at least daily.


That’s not strictly true, now. I found a good fountain pen community, and a few for knitting and embroidery, among other analog interests. Not everything is here, but the non-tech stuff is starting to trickle in.


There’s a difference between “incapable of understanding” and “doesn’t have enough background information to understand.” Are there people who can’t understand certain tech concepts? Absolutely. But there are a lot more people who just miss the first rung on the ladder, and can’t make it to the top. They can understand when they get the explanation from the ground up, but until then, they’re stuck.

I see it happen a lot when tech people try to explain something that is brand new to the listener, because when you are already able to understand something at a high level, you forget to mention the first several rungs. It’s usually a great explanation, it’s just not an explanation the person on the ground can use.

…also, I don’t think it’s failure to understand login when every instance asks for a separate login if you don’t navigate there through your own instance. It’s a misunderstanding that results from experiencing the fediverse without understanding how it works, not a failure to grasp an abstract concept.


Megoosa is the best (or, more likely, worst, lol). Geese are scary af when I run into them in the park, because they are way taller and louder than expected, and they strut right up to me like, “Hey, I know you’ve got bread. Hand it over, or we will peck off all your minor appendages.”

I think the rush to recreate communities is a bad idea. (

If you recall reddits growth many of their communities evolved as offshoots of a single generic community. This made it easier for people to see discussions they normally would not get involved in, and once the posts in a similar category reached critical mass it moved to a sub Reddit....


This is definitely a thing. I don’t like making a comment or post that has already been made 80 times, and I’m used to that being the case. Once I get used to the fact that I might be the first one to post something (and possibly the only one who wants to, lol), I will probably get used to posting regularly.


This might actually be a good time to invite people from Reddit, while the new unpopular decisions are still fresh in people’s minds…


Tough crowd, I guess. :-(. But you did have a couple people join, which is a couple people more than would have joined before. That’s not zero.

We’re all used to these massive platforms with 9-digit numbers of users, but there’s no need to be that big for everyone to have a good experience. I doubt anyone on Reddit regularly interacted with more than a tiny fraction of the total userbase, even if they hung out in the big subs.


That’s definitely a case where absolute numbers matter, yeah. I miss the shared-experience subs most, too, though there’s a surprising amount of stuff here already. You might try posting about narcolepsy in some of the broader health [or whatever category you’d put it in] communities, and see who’s there. That’s the kind of thing people might not expect to find at all at this point.

But I think a lot of people are talking about hobby communities, which can be made active by either a large number of people who post rarely, or a smaller number who post frequently, without having to change the overall content very much (I think a lot of people who share any projects could share more projects than they do). The number of people required for “critical mass “ in a forum is a lot lower than people think, and also, a lot more affected by who the people are, and the climate of the community. It’s something I (and I’m sure many others) remember from before massive platforms existed, but apparently it is not obvious to people who didn’t see it. Different experiences, different internet, but I think the essential desire for community is the same, and small communities can flourish in the same way.


Yeah, at first I was like, “well, they probably have a separate receiving email, which is not that weird…” but on a paper letter?! Send them back an ad for fire insurance or something. (Not shredded paper, that can damage post office sorting equipment).


Yeesh, this just gets worse and worse. :-(. I have zero respect for a company that can’t even make it easy for you to pay them. It doesn’t even benefit them to make it hard to pay. It’s just a failure.


I think all the companies in that field are equally shitty, it’s just a matter of what your (least) favorite kind of shittiness is, and/or who has the monopoly in your area.


I expect them to move chat functionality to the official app. Facebook made a similar move many years ago, and I think they did get increased access to users’ phones that way. Reddit might find it a harder sell, given that they have a totally different role in people’s lives, and (much as I hate to imply anything nice about Facebook), a much less usable app.


And, unless your Playstation is broken, less fun.

…wait, scratch, that, even if your Playstation is broken, he’s less fun.


Possibly. Apparently there are some possible issues with interconnection between instance admins that would give Threads information your local instance has about you. I understand that there are ways to change the code so that doesn’t happen, but as of right now, there’s more risk of data transfer than just posts/comments.

…Wayyyyy less than if you actually install their app, of course. But there’s room for improvement.


Wait, are there people who aren’t advertisers who do prefer Threads over Mastodon or Lemmy? Most of the reviews I have seen are bad, and the good ones seem to be from people who haven’t tried the fediverse, though I couldn’t swear to that.


Confirmed, unless they have done it in the past few days, not yet. TechCrunch quoted the head of Instagram as saying that they haven’t implemented ActivityPub yet. There was no specific reason why not, and no timeline for adding that functionality. I think we have at least a few months, since there are a lot of other missing features that should be higher on the to-do list.


If you have a smart light bulb or thermostat you control through your phone, they probably know when you went to bed last night, and approximately what your electric bill was last month–unless you get electric bills by email, in which case they might know exactly what your electric bill was last month.


No, they’ll start raising rates for people with weight loss apps on their phone, or refusing coverage for people who made too many phone calls to an oncologist, or got a lot of texts from their pharmacy saying “X prescription is ready.” Companies collecting medical data is very, very scary for a lot of people.


I personally wouldn’t trust the website, either. It might be possible to block all the direct trackers, but they can learn a lot about you by what you do on the service, from who you follow to how long you spend on the site. If you have an account, you’re paying for it in data.

…if you’re okay with paying in data, that’s your business, not mine, but don’t assume blocking trackers is full protection.


At first I didn’t see that the glowing eyes were actually dandelions, and when I did, it somehow became more menacing. Those things have supernatural powers. They can survive anything.


Wow, this looked okay in the thumbnail, but the more I zoom in, the more wtf it gets. It reminds me a little bit of those pictures of webs spun by spiders who had been given psychoactive substances.


Ooh, that would be fun! Now I’m just wondering if I have anything in my stash that would work. I think the closest I have to lace weight right now is embroidery floss, which would be a mess, but that might be a plus for Halloween purposes.


“I was sure my new bustle would make my butt look bigger than Amelia’s, but she showed up to the first ball this season with the biggest lobster tail I’ve ever seen! Her train was a solid three feet behind her, and all the men in the room were staring!

Probably they just wanted to see her bump into something (she hit a gentleman’s knee once, but I think that was on purpose, may she rot in Hell), but still. I had to sit out half the dances, and it was the most humiliating experience of my life.”


In case you haven’t seen it elsewhere yet, I think the main source is this AndroidAuthority article:…

It’s a leak rather than an announcement (I saw someone mention an announcement earlier, but couldn’t find it), but IMO it is made more likely by Reddit’s hints in the post about getting rid of gold, and it’s also similar to something that has been done in a few crypto subs for a while.


Very thorough! I like your framework of needing to provide an incentive to join the pirates rather than the navy. That’s exactly the kind of organizing principle I find useful with world building.

Fresh vegetables have vitamin C, too, so you could give them credit for that. If the actual party gets scurvy, and you want to make it a plot point, I recommend you make their most recent battle wounds reopen. That’s a real potential symptom of scurvy, and is likely to confuse them. Technically, it wouldn’t be the first symptom, iirc, but it’s easy to communicate in the context of a campaign, and scarier than bleeding gums, though I think the root cause is the same. (Something about connective tissue breaking down).

I mean, depending how vicious you want to be, lol, I am the kind of person who weaponizes realism in fiction or games. I think a little unexpected horror helps people focus on the story.


I agree with you about harassment issues, and the importance of controlling the transfer of admin-level data between instances, but for your last scenario, doesn’t blocking only apply to users who are logged in? Assuming your hypothetical tankies and Nazis were actually posting as well as blocking, it would be easy to find them just by logging out, and there are a lot of ways to get them banned or otherwise counteract their activities that don’t require someone to interact directly with them while logged in. The case you’re describing is not the kind of situation where the most important action is to argue with them. Arguing with extremists usually just validates their delusions, and encourages them to keep doing what they’re doing.


I agree that a lot of information can be inferred from vote history, that’s not what I meant. I’m sorry if I came across as trying to minimize the risk there.

What I meant is that exponentially more information of the type you describe can be inferred from post history, particularly for those of us who use this space to connect with other members of marginalized groups we belong to. Voting history is a minor risk to me when just the fact that I have replied with “I have also had this experience” to a certain post or posted a meme in a certain group could cause serious trouble for me in my offline life. I don’t understand the use case where someone would become concerned about privacy because they found out their vote history could be accessed by unknown parties if they weren’t already concerned about privacy because their posts and comments are visible to anyone and everyone.

I guess the tl;dr is that I just don’t understand how the hyper focus on the risks associated with voting history is consistent with an assessment of personal risk in a broader sense. I am conscious of taking a huge risk by being on the fediverse, and I decided it was worth it. The stakes were high enough to begin with that I just assumed that the only source of privacy I had would come from anonymity, not the technology, which might be why I am confused by some of the responses I am seeing.


Thanks for the tip, I’ll check it out! The issue isn’t my local instance, though, it’s that clearly marked safe spaces always attract people who want to make those spaces unsafe. It’s kind of a “Trolls? Must be Wednesday” kind of thing for me, after a lot of years online, but it never stops hurting. The only thing downvoting does to trolls is allow non-trolls to communicate to one another that the space is still supposed to be safe, which offers a little comfort, but it doesn’t actually make the space safe. Banning the trolls is much more effective.


Very cool. I think you can see by my display name that I like showing pronouns, lol. I remember when putting pronouns on a name tag was like waving a trans flag. It wasn’t very long ago. And I also appreciate the heads-up on politics. I’m far left enough that I usually feel comfortable with the level of disagreement I have with communists and anarchists, but the feeling is not always mutual, so it depends on specifics. I will take a look at the communities when I have a little time to go in depth.

Anyway, I think we’re a bit off topic, except that issues with bigotry etc are part of why figuring out how to manage vote history is important.


I agree that social interactions are good! I just learned forum etiquette at a time when the default state of any forum was everyone socializing all the time, and no topical discussion. Even communities with fewer than 20 people had to make rules about staying on-topic in topical threads, and the rules were made by and for the community, not by corporations or algorithms. Coming from that background, I feel like it’s rude to OP if I don’t stay on the topic they chose. I suppose it’s a different internet, now.

Favorite warm weather binders/chest reduction hacks?

I’ve tried a bunch of binders over the years, and my current favorite is a gc2b tank binder, but it’s a little clammy in hot weather. I’ve mostly been getting by with cotton sports bras at a band size two inches smaller than my actual size, with a square-cut, loose overshirt to disguise the lumpiness. That’s good enough...


I love those! I wear them open over a black T-shirt (for camouflage) most of the summer, partly for silhouette, partly because I like having my torso covered in giant flowers etc (my signature everyday style is best summarized as “dad jokes,” lol). And it definitely helps, but I find I sometimes get “ma’am”ed by people who only see me from the side in those, because I just have too much of a balcony going on for a shirt to drape on.

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