@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar


@[email protected]

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Alright, I'm gonna "take one for the team" -- what is with the "downvote-happy" users lately?

Title. “lmao internet points” and all, but what is the point of participating in a community that sees assumptions and other commonly non-harmful commentaries/posts as “bad” this easily? Do folks in here are really that needy of self-validation, even if it means seeking such from something completely insignificant like...

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I had to give you a kiwi up vote for that one - well done

If you had a one-way ticket to Jan 1, 1999 that departs on Jan 1, 2024, and you are allowed to bring whatever fits into a backpack with you, what would you bring to use to take over the world, and how would you use it? (kbin.social)

Assume that the future can change based on your actions, so any historical information that you bring along with you from the intervening 25 years may quickly drift out of the new realities history....

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

Not a bottle of Vodka and Champagne, I mixed both of those to excess the last time around - never again

You must pick a point in human history before the 1950s to be spend the rest of your life in. What era and place would you choose?

You would still have the same age, gender, personality, skin color, etc. and you would be able to speak at least one local language and would know basic information of the era and place. Your family, social standing, and such would be randomly picked.

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

As I’m from NZ atm I would choose here about 800 years ago as well - 800 years ago is about when the first Maori arrived - give or take a few

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

um, dont look at my instance domain name…

Person: What’s your email address?

Me: Firstname @ Lastname . nz

Person: [email protected]?

Me: no, didn’t you listen?

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I also have ben.dover@buggerme.<cc tld>

Bugger Me is a very common phrase down under

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I don’t think Communist.party is owned by anyone yet


@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

Mandrake 7 was my first distro as well i think, early 2000…

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I don’t use deodorant or antiperspirant, and have not for years (decades even). I have asked and no-one has said I smell bad - although I’m not a heavy sweater. If I have worked out/done heavy exercise then I’ll generally shower if I can, but even if I don’t it’s not a rank smell, just a ‘musk’ ( I have asked). I’ve worked with a guy that did use antiperspirant/deodorant and by half way through the day he was rank…

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

Just to add, I have 2 young kids, They would tell me if I generally smell. They will sometimes comment if I’ve been out mowing the lawns / clearing scrub / cutting up loads of firewood.

BlueEther, (edited )
@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

All sorts:

  • Cat & Dog in SE Asia
  • Horse, Donkey, Zebra, Crocodile, Sheep’s brain in Europe
  • Kangaroo, Emu, Ostrich, Possom, Rabbit, Cricket, Goat, Huhu grub, almost all offal? etc in New Zealand
  • Something I have no idea what it was in Russia


  • Moose and reindeer in Northern Europe
  • Lots of seafood at home in NZ, both raw and cooked
@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I forgot that I have had both of these in Northern Europe, mostly as they don’t seem that exotic when you grow up eating ‘wild meat’

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

As the other poster said it may have been pork offal, It was from a street vender in one of the large markets

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I’m a white heterosexual guy, Grew up in New Zealand through the 80’s and 90’s - long hair on guys was not uncommon even in small town NZ, and I rocked full head of hair 1/2 way down my back…

I moved to northern England in 2000, I think I heard all the fag/gay/poofter… terms thrown at me, more often than not with vitriol.

Ps I finally cut it all off last year after having long hair for around 35 years

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

Wasn’t quite Geordie land, I was based in Darlo / Middlesbrough area. Probably not too different.

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

Ferryhill For the first 6 months I was staying in Eppleby, well done if you can place that dot on the map. I must say that a village that small felt very closed off and it wasn’t until moving into Darlo that I felt that I meet ‘real’ people.

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

Not done it at 3am but have dd’d to the wrong disk late in the evening, possibly after a few vinos

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I cut my teeth on Mandrake 7.0.

There are many names on that list that I have tried over the years, but use Debian and openSUSE normally

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar
@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

It looks like you broke the interwebs my mate

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

looks like 128 deep from here, and that number feels very familiar some how. I just cant place where Ive seen it before…

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar
@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

const MAX_COMMENT_DEPTH_LIMIT: usize = 100;

I Guess that is the answer

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

If in doubt look at the code:

const MAX_COMMENT_DEPTH_LIMIT: usize = 100;

I Guess that is the answer

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

The Au and NZ experience with guns and pop culture vs the US is vastly different.

NZ is up there with gun ownership (in the top 20 per capita), but we have a very different culture around them, they are a hunting tool and not a misogynistic tool here. There was a bit of backlash with our last tightening of our laws - but to be frank, I got my licence after the law change with little difficulty, and who needs a semi auto AR style rifle other that those that can apply for for the appropriate licence?

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I hear you, I have 5 rifles about the same distance, locked in a safe. The bolts and ammo are both in seperate lock boxes and not stored with the firearms; the keys to all are not store with any normal keys.

I think Australia has about 15-20 firearms pr 100 people and New Zealand about 25-30 (depending on where you get the stats from), compare that to the US where it’s above 150.

The whole culture around firearms is screwed there - you have senators posing for Christmas card photos with the whole family posing with a small arsenal of military firearms, or a guy guys caught on camera (clearly carrying side arms) saying “I feel threatened”, in a power pose/alpha-male stance, while advancing on some other guy in a mall.

From here, on the outside, the whole US feels quite fucked; and it’s not just gun violence…

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I feel sorry that your home (town) feels so unsafe, I don’t know how you (as a people/country) get somewhere back to ‘normal’

At what age and how do you tell children about the truth of Christmas?

I’m writing this as someone who has mostly lived in the US and Canada. Personally, I find the whole “lying to children about Christmas” thing just a bit weird (no judgment on those who enjoy this aspect of the holiday). But because it’s completely normalized in our culture, this is something many people have to deal...

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

We have 2 kids, and never said that Santa was real and that some of our friends believed that it was the ‘birth’ of a scarred person to them - we talked about solstice etc. The second of our kids had an unwavering belief in Sant until about a month a go - then she accused us of lying to her that Sant was real - some battles you just cant win

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I have a couple of servers (all 2.5" drives) and a disk shelf (for the much easer to get large volume 3.5" drives) attached to one of them with an external sas PCIe card. I could push that to 300+TB if I had the cash

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

Thank you, but really not my cup of tea; especially with my 6 y/o daughter beside me

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

If you have access to the backend then this may do it (would need building out to make usefull), it is only local reads I think:

lemmy=# select count(*) as read ,post_id from post_read group by post_id order by read desc;``read | post_id``------±--------`` 6 | 8910`` 4 | 6262`` 3 | 7774`` 3 | 4072

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

Do I make a website pretending I’ve been doing this for years, then send out an email being like “Y consulting is now accepting new clients who use software X, check out some of our most popular custom reports, then fill out this form to get a quote for one of your own!” to just every person in the industry and hope someone actually reads the email?

As a site manager for a smallish international, pleas don’t email me with “I am X, and can help you with Y”. You will be thoroughly ignored.

I good website or blog with good info and a services available would be of more value to build a reputation, as @fubarx mentioned

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I process insect vomit for a day job

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I would suggest to auto seed anything until 2x or more, then if then if it is still seeding well keep it going… any torrent that uas under 10 hoasts in the swarm I’ll keep seeding, like forever. My top 10 seeds (all with under 10 in the swarm) are all over a ratio of 50 and one is in the 100’s

Keep the hard to find stuff alive

Introducing Bitmagnet: A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier and torrent search engine with web UI, GraphQL API and Servarr stack integration (bitmagnet.io)

I’m excited to announce the first alpha preview of this project that I’ve been working on for the past 4 months. I’m initially posting about this in a few small communities, and hoping to get some input from early adopters and beta testers....

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

seems to work well

just one question, is it expected to have 10,000 out of 12,000 as unknown?

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I’m not a bot, and I cant be bothered to post a summary

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

Ok I succumb to the summary illness: (in broken english via chatGPT (just for the fun))

In Spain, October start this year very hot. The weather guys say it’s hottest ever. Almost 40% of weather machines show more than 32 degrees Celsius (that’s like 90 Fahrenheit).

Our autumn, usually nice and cool, no good this year. Summer had four super-hot times in 24 days. They say humans make world warmer, you know?

On October 1st, it was like summer here! Way hotter than normal, 7 to 14 degrees more. They broke like 100 records for heat. Two cities in the south, Badajoz and Montoro, hottest ever in October with 38 C. Before it was 37.5 C in Marbella in 2014. Even in Madrid’s Retiro Park, the old weather machine tied the record from 1930, 30 C.

The climate guy from AEMET said it’s because of climate change. He thinks future summers will be even hotter and last longer into our usually nice rainy autumn. Not good, huh?

What is the attraction to kids?

There has been a ton of CSAM and CP arrests in the US lately, especially from cops and teachers, along with at least one female teacher seducing boys as young as 12. I cannot understand the attraction to kids. Even teens. Do these people think they are having a relationship, or it is somehow okay to take away another human...

GhostCowboy76, to trees
@GhostCowboy76@mastodon.social avatar

@trees I asked AI to explain cannabis strains to me like I was five. And then this happened…

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar
@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I had the same issue on an IBM m4 (with out bifurcation), I have tried with Clover and had limited success. What I’m doing at the moment is I have proxmox installed to a single nvme and the same iso installed to a thumb drive.

I then, on first boot, remapped the boot pool to point to the nvme drive. Down side is I have to update the kernel on both the thumdrive and nvme drive if I need to update the kernel version

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

a ssd sata drive in a cd-drive caddy converter is a good way to get a boot drive as well

BlueEther, (edited )
@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

I cant remember what the issue was sorry

If you go down the route of booting off a usb key to chain load proxmox there will be no real ware to the usb as it’s only used for booting.

On thye first boot it proxmox will complain that there are two zvol with the same name, and you just rename the one on the USB to ***_USB or the like and then continue the boot - I think I did a post on reddit or proxmox forum on how to do this

Edit, found it reddit.com/…/using_clover_to_boot_of_my_nvme_driv…

I have a M4 that I did this for:

Install proxmox to NVME as ZFS

Install proxmox to USB as ZFS

On first boot change the USB ZFS rootfs to a new name (this is from the top of my head but is backed up by thegeekdiary.com):

<span style="color:#323232;">zpool import // find the ID of the NVME pool
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">zpool import -f NNNNNNNNNNNN
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">zpool import rootfs rootfsusb
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">zpool export rootfsusb
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">reboot
@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

the command zpool import will list all the pools and IDs

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

TrueNAS Docs would disagree with you

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

No, I’m not ready for this one: KC7ROYwDs2lwWwnSz1Ds

@BlueEther@no.lastname.nz avatar

This looks good, untill you try and figure out the fingers civitai.com/images/1967206?modelVersionId=138176&…

and the toes here… civitai.com/images/1967203?modelVersionId=138176&…

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